name: haskades version: 0.1.1 cabal-version: >= 1.8 license: OtherLicense license-file: COPYING category: Utility copyright: © 2012 Stephen Paul Weber author: Stephen Paul Weber maintainer: Stephen Paul Weber stability: experimental tested-with: GHC == 7.0.3 synopsis: Utility to generate bindings for BlackBerry Cascades homepage: bug-reports: build-type: Simple description: Autogeneration of bindings for creating BlackBerry Cascades apps with Haskell back ends. . Run as: . > ./haskades HaskadesBinding.hs haskades_run.cpp < Types.hs . Where Types.hs is a Haskell file containing a record type declaration named 'Slots' and a sum type declaration named 'Signals' which fully specifies the communication possible between the UI layer (which you write in QML) and the Haskell backend. QML code can access these signals and slots on the 'app' context object. Haskell code can emit signals by using the 'emit' function exported from the generated HaskadesBinding. The 'emit' call is threadsafe. . Text, Lazy Text, and String all end up as QString so that QML can work with them properly, and vice-versa. UTCTime becomes QDateTime. Int, Double, and () are passed through fairly directly. Other types may have support added as there is need. extra-source-files: README executable haskades main-is: haskades.hs other-modules: Records, MustacheTemplates build-depends: base == 4.*, containers, bytestring, errors, haskell-src, text, text-format source-repository head type: git location: git://