{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-unused-matches #-} module MustacheTemplates where import Data.Monoid import Data.Text.Buildable (build) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TL import Records haskadesBindinghs escapeFunction ctx@(Template {modul=modul, slots=slots, signalTypes=signalTypes, signals=signals}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 1 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 1 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}\n", {-# LINE 2 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 2 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}\nmodule HaskadesBinding (haskadesRun, emit) where\n\nimport Foreign.C.Types\nimport Foreign.C.String\nimport Foreign.Ptr\nimport System.Exit (exitWith, ExitCode(ExitFailure))\nimport Control.Monad (when, ap, join)\nimport Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)\nimport Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime, utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds)\nimport qualified Data.Text as Text\nimport qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text\nimport qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LText\nimport qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LText\nimport qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString\n\nimport ", {-# LINE 18 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build modul, {-# LINE 18 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "\n\nforeign import ccall safe \"haskades_run.cpp haskades_run\"\n\tc_haskades_run ::\n\tCString -> ", {-# LINE 22 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (slots0 escapeFunction) slots, {-# LINE 23 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "\tIO CInt\n\nforeign import ccall unsafe \"start.cpp emit_CustomSignalEvent\"\n\tc_emit_CustomSignalEvent ::\n\tCInt -> ", {-# LINE 27 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (signalTypes2 escapeFunction) signalTypes, {-# LINE 28 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "\tIO ()\n\nemit :: (MonadIO m) => Signal -> m ()\n", {-# LINE 31 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (signals3 escapeFunction) signals, {-# LINE 37 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "\n-- Function pointer wrappers\n", {-# LINE 39 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (slots6 escapeFunction) slots, {-# LINE 42 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "\nhaskadesRun :: (MonadIO m) => String -> Slots -> m ()\nhaskadesRun qmlPath (Slots ", {-# LINE 44 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (slots9 escapeFunction) slots, {-# LINE 44 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build ") = liftIO $ do\n", {-# LINE 45 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (slots10 escapeFunction) slots, {-# LINE 48 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "\n\tcode <- ByteString.useAsCString (Text.encodeUtf8 $ Text.pack qmlPath) (\\qmlPath ->\n\t\t\tc_haskades_run qmlPath ", {-# LINE 50 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (slots15 escapeFunction) slots, {-# LINE 51 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "\t\t)\n\n", {-# LINE 53 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (slots16 escapeFunction) slots, {-# LINE 56 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "\n\twhen (code /= 0) (exitWith $ ExitFailure $ fromIntegral code)\n\treturn ()\n" ] where slots0 escapeFunction ctx@(Slot {name=name, monadic=monadic, args=args, hasArgs=hasArgs, crtype=crtype, crwrap=crwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 22 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "FunPtr (", {-# LINE 22 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (args1 escapeFunction) args, {-# LINE 22 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build " ", {-# LINE 22 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build crtype, {-# LINE 22 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build ") -> " ] where args1 escapeFunction ctx@(SlotArg {firstarg=firstarg, aname=aname, ctype=ctype, lowctype=lowctype, qttype=qttype, cwrap=cwrap, qtunwrap=qtunwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 22 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build ctype, {-# LINE 22 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build " -> " ] signalTypes2 escapeFunction ctx@(SignalType {csigtype=csigtype, qtsigtype=qtsigtype, qtwrapsig=qtwrapsig, lowcsigtype=lowcsigtype, sigtypename=sigtypename}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 27 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build csigtype, {-# LINE 27 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build " -> " ] signals3 escapeFunction ctx@(Signal {signame=signame, sigargs=sigargs, sigevent=sigevent, sigcwrap=sigcwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 32 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "emit (", {-# LINE 32 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build signame, {-# LINE 32 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build " ", {-# LINE 32 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (sigargs4 escapeFunction) sigargs, {-# LINE 32 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build ") = liftIO (\n\t\t", {-# LINE 33 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} if mempty /= sigcwrap then sigcwrap5 escapeFunction ctx else mempty, {-# LINE 34 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "\t\t(c_emit_CustomSignalEvent ", {-# LINE 34 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build sigevent, {-# LINE 34 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build ")\n\t)\n" ] where sigargs4 escapeFunction ctx@(SignalArg {sigargfirst=sigargfirst, siganame=siganame, qtsigargtype=qtsigargtype, sigargsigtypename=sigargsigtypename}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 32 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build siganame, {-# LINE 32 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build " " ] sigcwrap5 escapeFunction ctx@(Signal {signame=signame, sigargs=sigargs, sigevent=sigevent, sigcwrap=sigcwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 33 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "(", {-# LINE 33 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build sigcwrap, {-# LINE 33 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build ")" ] slots6 escapeFunction ctx@(Slot {name=name, monadic=monadic, args=args, hasArgs=hasArgs, crtype=crtype, crwrap=crwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 40 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "foreign import ccall \"wrapper\" wrap_", {-# LINE 40 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build name, {-# LINE 40 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build " :: (", {-# LINE 40 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (args7 escapeFunction) args, {-# LINE 40 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build " ", {-# LINE 40 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build crtype, {-# LINE 40 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build ") -> IO (FunPtr (", {-# LINE 40 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (args8 escapeFunction) args, {-# LINE 40 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build " ", {-# LINE 40 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build crtype, {-# LINE 40 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "))\n" ] where args7 escapeFunction ctx@(SlotArg {firstarg=firstarg, aname=aname, ctype=ctype, lowctype=lowctype, qttype=qttype, cwrap=cwrap, qtunwrap=qtunwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 40 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build ctype, {-# LINE 40 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build " -> " ] args8 escapeFunction ctx@(SlotArg {firstarg=firstarg, aname=aname, ctype=ctype, lowctype=lowctype, qttype=qttype, cwrap=cwrap, qtunwrap=qtunwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 40 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build ctype, {-# LINE 40 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build " -> " ] slots9 escapeFunction ctx@(Slot {name=name, monadic=monadic, args=args, hasArgs=hasArgs, crtype=crtype, crwrap=crwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 44 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build name, {-# LINE 44 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build " " ] slots10 escapeFunction ctx@(Slot {name=name, monadic=monadic, args=args, hasArgs=hasArgs, crtype=crtype, crwrap=crwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "\t", {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build name, {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "Ptr <- wrap_", {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build name, {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build " (", {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} if mempty /= (Any hasArgs) then hasArgs11 escapeFunction ctx else mempty, {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (args12 escapeFunction) args, {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} if mempty /= (Any hasArgs) then hasArgs13 escapeFunction ctx else mempty, {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "(join ((return ", {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build monadic, {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build ") ", {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (args14 escapeFunction) args, {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build ")) >>= ", {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build crwrap, {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build ")\n" ] where hasArgs11 escapeFunction ctx@(Slot {name=name, monadic=monadic, args=args, hasArgs=hasArgs, crtype=crtype, crwrap=crwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "\\" ] args12 escapeFunction ctx@(SlotArg {firstarg=firstarg, aname=aname, ctype=ctype, lowctype=lowctype, qttype=qttype, cwrap=cwrap, qtunwrap=qtunwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build aname, {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build " " ] hasArgs13 escapeFunction ctx@(Slot {name=name, monadic=monadic, args=args, hasArgs=hasArgs, crtype=crtype, crwrap=crwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "-> " ] args14 escapeFunction ctx@(SlotArg {firstarg=firstarg, aname=aname, ctype=ctype, lowctype=lowctype, qttype=qttype, cwrap=cwrap, qtunwrap=qtunwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build " `ap` ", {-# LINE 46 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build cwrap ] slots15 escapeFunction ctx@(Slot {name=name, monadic=monadic, args=args, hasArgs=hasArgs, crtype=crtype, crwrap=crwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 50 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build name, {-# LINE 50 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "Ptr " ] slots16 escapeFunction ctx@(Slot {name=name, monadic=monadic, args=args, hasArgs=hasArgs, crtype=crtype, crwrap=crwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 54 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "\tfreeHaskellFunPtr ", {-# LINE 54 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build name, {-# LINE 54 "HaskadesBinding.hs.mustache" #-} build "Ptr\n" ] haskades_runcpp escapeFunction ctx@(Template {modul=modul, slots=slots, signalTypes=signalTypes, signals=signals}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 1 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "#include \n#include \n#include \n#include \n#include \n#include \n\n#ifdef USE_NOTIFICATIONS\n#include \n#include \n#endif\n\nQEvent::Type customSignalEventType;\n", {-# LINE 14 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (signals0 escapeFunction) signals, {-# LINE 17 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\nclass CustomSignalEvent : public QEvent ", {-# LINE 18 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 18 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\n\npublic:\n\tCustomSignalEvent(int signalEvent", {-# LINE 21 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (signalTypes1 escapeFunction) signalTypes, {-# LINE 21 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ") : QEvent(customSignalEventType) ", {-# LINE 21 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 21 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\n\t\tthis->signalEvent = signalEvent;\n", {-# LINE 23 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (signalTypes2 escapeFunction) signalTypes, {-# LINE 26 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\t}\n\n\tint signalEvent;\n", {-# LINE 29 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (signalTypes3 escapeFunction) signalTypes, {-# LINE 32 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "};\n\nclass AppWrapper: public QObject ", {-# LINE 34 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 34 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\nQ_OBJECT\n\npublic:\n\t// This is our constructor that sets up the recipe.\n\tAppWrapper(QString qml_path", {-# LINE 39 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (slots4 escapeFunction) slots, {-# LINE 39 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ") :\n\tqmlPath(qml_path)", {-# LINE 40 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (slots7 escapeFunction) slots, {-# LINE 42 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\t", {-# LINE 42 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 42 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\n#ifdef USE_NOTIFICATIONS\nqmlRegisterType(\"bb.platform\", 1, 0, \"Notification\");\nqmlRegisterType(\"bb.platform\", 1, 0, \"NotificationDialog\");\n#endif\n\t}\n\n\tvirtual void ready() ", {-# LINE 49 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 49 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\n\t\t// Obtain a QMLDocument and load it into the qml variable, using build patterns.\n\t\tbb::cascades::QmlDocument *qml = bb::cascades::QmlDocument::create(this->qmlPath);\n\n\t\t// If the QML document is valid, we process it.\n\t\tif(!qml->hasErrors()) ", {-# LINE 54 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 54 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\n\t\t\tqml->setContextProperty(\"app\", this);\n\n\t\t\t// Create the application root from QMLDocument\n\t\t\tbb::cascades::AbstractPane *appPage = qml->createRootObject();\n\n\t\t\tif (appPage) ", {-# LINE 60 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 60 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\n\t\t\t\t// Set the main scene for the application to the Page.\n\t\t\t\tbb::cascades::Application::instance()->setScene(appPage);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else ", {-# LINE 64 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 64 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\n\t\t\tqCritical() << qml->errors();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tvirtual bool event(QEvent *e) ", {-# LINE 69 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 69 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\n\t\tif(e->type() == customSignalEventType) ", {-# LINE 70 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 70 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\n\t\t\tCustomSignalEvent *ev = (CustomSignalEvent*)e;\n\t\t\tswitch(ev->signalEvent) ", {-# LINE 72 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 72 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\n", {-# LINE 73 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (signals8 escapeFunction) signals, {-# LINE 79 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t} else ", {-# LINE 81 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 81 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\n\t\t\treturn QObject::event(e);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\npublic slots:\n", {-# LINE 87 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (slots11 escapeFunction) slots, {-# LINE 92 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\nsignals:\n", {-# LINE 94 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (signals16 escapeFunction) signals, {-# LINE 97 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\nprotected:\n\tQString qmlPath;\n", {-# LINE 100 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (slots19 escapeFunction) slots, {-# LINE 103 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "};\n\nextern \"C\" ", {-# LINE 105 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 105 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\n\nQObject *mainAppGlobal;\n\nvoid emit_CustomSignalEvent(int signalEvent", {-# LINE 109 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (signalTypes22 escapeFunction) signalTypes, {-# LINE 109 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ") ", {-# LINE 109 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 109 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\n\tQEvent *e = (QEvent *)new CustomSignalEvent(signalEvent", {-# LINE 110 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (signalTypes23 escapeFunction) signalTypes, {-# LINE 110 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ");\n\tQCoreApplication::postEvent(mainAppGlobal, e);\n}\n\nint haskades_run(char *qml_path", {-# LINE 114 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (slots24 escapeFunction) slots, {-# LINE 114 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ") ", {-# LINE 114 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 114 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\n\tint argc = 0;\n\tchar *argv[] = ", {-# LINE 116 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 116 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build " NULL };\n\t// Instantiate the main application constructor.\n\tbb::cascades::Application app(argc, argv);\n\n\t// Set up the translator.\n\tQTranslator translator;\n\tQString locale_string = QLocale().name();\n\tQString filename = QString(\"sample_%1\").arg(locale_string); // TODO\n\tif (translator.load(filename, \"app/native/qm\")) ", {-# LINE 124 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 124 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\n\t\tapp.installTranslator(&translator);\n\t}\n\n\tcustomSignalEventType = (QEvent::Type)QEvent::registerEventType();\n\n\t// Initialize our application.\n\tAppWrapper mainApp(QString::fromUtf8(qml_path)", {-# LINE 131 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (slots27 escapeFunction) slots, {-# LINE 131 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ");\n\tmainAppGlobal = (QObject*)&mainApp;\n\tmainApp.ready();\n\n\t// We complete the transaction started in the main application constructor and start the\n\t// client event loop here. When loop is exited the Application deletes the scene which\n\t// deletes all its children.\n\treturn bb::cascades::Application::exec();\n}\n\n}\n\n// Tell MOC to run on this file\n#include \"haskades_run.moc\"\n" ] where signals0 escapeFunction ctx@(Signal {signame=signame, sigargs=sigargs, sigevent=sigevent, sigcwrap=sigcwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 15 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "#define CUSTOM_SIGNAL_", {-# LINE 15 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build signame, {-# LINE 15 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build " ", {-# LINE 15 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build sigevent, {-# LINE 15 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\n" ] signalTypes1 escapeFunction ctx@(SignalType {csigtype=csigtype, qtsigtype=qtsigtype, qtwrapsig=qtwrapsig, lowcsigtype=lowcsigtype, sigtypename=sigtypename}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 21 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ", ", {-# LINE 21 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build qtsigtype, {-# LINE 21 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build " ", {-# LINE 21 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build sigtypename ] signalTypes2 escapeFunction ctx@(SignalType {csigtype=csigtype, qtsigtype=qtsigtype, qtwrapsig=qtwrapsig, lowcsigtype=lowcsigtype, sigtypename=sigtypename}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 24 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\t\tthis->", {-# LINE 24 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build sigtypename, {-# LINE 24 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build " = ", {-# LINE 24 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build sigtypename, {-# LINE 24 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ";\n" ] signalTypes3 escapeFunction ctx@(SignalType {csigtype=csigtype, qtsigtype=qtsigtype, qtwrapsig=qtwrapsig, lowcsigtype=lowcsigtype, sigtypename=sigtypename}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 30 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\t", {-# LINE 30 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build qtsigtype, {-# LINE 30 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build " ", {-# LINE 30 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build sigtypename, {-# LINE 30 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ";\n" ] slots4 escapeFunction ctx@(Slot {name=name, monadic=monadic, args=args, hasArgs=hasArgs, crtype=crtype, crwrap=crwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 39 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ", void (*_", {-# LINE 39 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build name, {-# LINE 39 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ")(", {-# LINE 39 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (args5 escapeFunction) args, {-# LINE 39 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ")" ] where args5 escapeFunction ctx@(SlotArg {firstarg=firstarg, aname=aname, ctype=ctype, lowctype=lowctype, qttype=qttype, cwrap=cwrap, qtunwrap=qtunwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 39 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} if mempty == (Any firstarg) then firstarg6 escapeFunction ctx else mempty, {-# LINE 39 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build lowctype, {-# LINE 39 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build " ", {-# LINE 39 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build aname ] where firstarg6 escapeFunction ctx@(SlotArg {firstarg=firstarg, aname=aname, ctype=ctype, lowctype=lowctype, qttype=qttype, cwrap=cwrap, qtunwrap=qtunwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 39 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ", " ] slots7 escapeFunction ctx@(Slot {name=name, monadic=monadic, args=args, hasArgs=hasArgs, crtype=crtype, crwrap=crwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 40 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ",\n\t_", {-# LINE 41 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build name, {-# LINE 41 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "(_", {-# LINE 41 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build name, {-# LINE 41 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ")" ] signals8 escapeFunction ctx@(Signal {signame=signame, sigargs=sigargs, sigevent=sigevent, sigcwrap=sigcwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 74 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\t\t\t\tcase CUSTOM_SIGNAL_", {-# LINE 74 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build signame, {-# LINE 74 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ":\n\t\t\t\t\temit ", {-# LINE 75 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build signame, {-# LINE 75 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "(", {-# LINE 75 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (sigargs9 escapeFunction) sigargs, {-# LINE 75 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ");\n\t\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n" ] where sigargs9 escapeFunction ctx@(SignalArg {sigargfirst=sigargfirst, siganame=siganame, qtsigargtype=qtsigargtype, sigargsigtypename=sigargsigtypename}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 75 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} if mempty == (Any sigargfirst) then sigargfirst10 escapeFunction ctx else mempty, {-# LINE 75 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "ev->", {-# LINE 75 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build sigargsigtypename ] where sigargfirst10 escapeFunction ctx@(SignalArg {sigargfirst=sigargfirst, siganame=siganame, qtsigargtype=qtsigargtype, sigargsigtypename=sigargsigtypename}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 75 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ", " ] slots11 escapeFunction ctx@(Slot {name=name, monadic=monadic, args=args, hasArgs=hasArgs, crtype=crtype, crwrap=crwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 88 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\tQ_INVOKABLE void ", {-# LINE 88 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build name, {-# LINE 88 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "(", {-# LINE 88 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (args12 escapeFunction) args, {-# LINE 88 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ") ", {-# LINE 88 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "{", {-# LINE 88 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\n\t\t_", {-# LINE 89 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build name, {-# LINE 89 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "(", {-# LINE 89 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (args14 escapeFunction) args, {-# LINE 89 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ");\n\t}\n" ] where args12 escapeFunction ctx@(SlotArg {firstarg=firstarg, aname=aname, ctype=ctype, lowctype=lowctype, qttype=qttype, cwrap=cwrap, qtunwrap=qtunwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 88 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} if mempty == (Any firstarg) then firstarg13 escapeFunction ctx else mempty, {-# LINE 88 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build qttype, {-# LINE 88 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build " ", {-# LINE 88 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build aname ] where firstarg13 escapeFunction ctx@(SlotArg {firstarg=firstarg, aname=aname, ctype=ctype, lowctype=lowctype, qttype=qttype, cwrap=cwrap, qtunwrap=qtunwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 88 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ", " ] args14 escapeFunction ctx@(SlotArg {firstarg=firstarg, aname=aname, ctype=ctype, lowctype=lowctype, qttype=qttype, cwrap=cwrap, qtunwrap=qtunwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 89 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} if mempty == (Any firstarg) then firstarg15 escapeFunction ctx else mempty, {-# LINE 89 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build qtunwrap ] where firstarg15 escapeFunction ctx@(SlotArg {firstarg=firstarg, aname=aname, ctype=ctype, lowctype=lowctype, qttype=qttype, cwrap=cwrap, qtunwrap=qtunwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 89 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ", " ] signals16 escapeFunction ctx@(Signal {signame=signame, sigargs=sigargs, sigevent=sigevent, sigcwrap=sigcwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 95 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\tvoid ", {-# LINE 95 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build signame, {-# LINE 95 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "(", {-# LINE 95 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (sigargs17 escapeFunction) sigargs, {-# LINE 95 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ");\n" ] where sigargs17 escapeFunction ctx@(SignalArg {sigargfirst=sigargfirst, siganame=siganame, qtsigargtype=qtsigargtype, sigargsigtypename=sigargsigtypename}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 95 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} if mempty == (Any sigargfirst) then sigargfirst18 escapeFunction ctx else mempty, {-# LINE 95 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build qtsigargtype ] where sigargfirst18 escapeFunction ctx@(SignalArg {sigargfirst=sigargfirst, siganame=siganame, qtsigargtype=qtsigargtype, sigargsigtypename=sigargsigtypename}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 95 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ", " ] slots19 escapeFunction ctx@(Slot {name=name, monadic=monadic, args=args, hasArgs=hasArgs, crtype=crtype, crwrap=crwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 101 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build "\tvoid (*_", {-# LINE 101 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build name, {-# LINE 101 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ")(", {-# LINE 101 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (args20 escapeFunction) args, {-# LINE 101 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ");\n" ] where args20 escapeFunction ctx@(SlotArg {firstarg=firstarg, aname=aname, ctype=ctype, lowctype=lowctype, qttype=qttype, cwrap=cwrap, qtunwrap=qtunwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 101 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} if mempty == (Any firstarg) then firstarg21 escapeFunction ctx else mempty, {-# LINE 101 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build lowctype, {-# LINE 101 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build " ", {-# LINE 101 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build aname ] where firstarg21 escapeFunction ctx@(SlotArg {firstarg=firstarg, aname=aname, ctype=ctype, lowctype=lowctype, qttype=qttype, cwrap=cwrap, qtunwrap=qtunwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 101 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ", " ] signalTypes22 escapeFunction ctx@(SignalType {csigtype=csigtype, qtsigtype=qtsigtype, qtwrapsig=qtwrapsig, lowcsigtype=lowcsigtype, sigtypename=sigtypename}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 109 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ", ", {-# LINE 109 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build lowcsigtype, {-# LINE 109 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build " ", {-# LINE 109 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build sigtypename ] signalTypes23 escapeFunction ctx@(SignalType {csigtype=csigtype, qtsigtype=qtsigtype, qtwrapsig=qtwrapsig, lowcsigtype=lowcsigtype, sigtypename=sigtypename}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 110 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ", ", {-# LINE 110 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build qtwrapsig ] slots24 escapeFunction ctx@(Slot {name=name, monadic=monadic, args=args, hasArgs=hasArgs, crtype=crtype, crwrap=crwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 114 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ", void (*_", {-# LINE 114 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build name, {-# LINE 114 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ")(", {-# LINE 114 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} mconcat $ map (args25 escapeFunction) args, {-# LINE 114 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ")" ] where args25 escapeFunction ctx@(SlotArg {firstarg=firstarg, aname=aname, ctype=ctype, lowctype=lowctype, qttype=qttype, cwrap=cwrap, qtunwrap=qtunwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 114 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} if mempty == (Any firstarg) then firstarg26 escapeFunction ctx else mempty, {-# LINE 114 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build lowctype, {-# LINE 114 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build " ", {-# LINE 114 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build aname ] where firstarg26 escapeFunction ctx@(SlotArg {firstarg=firstarg, aname=aname, ctype=ctype, lowctype=lowctype, qttype=qttype, cwrap=cwrap, qtunwrap=qtunwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 114 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ", " ] slots27 escapeFunction ctx@(Slot {name=name, monadic=monadic, args=args, hasArgs=hasArgs, crtype=crtype, crwrap=crwrap}) = mconcat [ {-# LINE 131 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build ", _", {-# LINE 131 "haskades_run.cpp.mustache" #-} build $ escapeFunction $ TL.unpack $ TL.toLazyText $ build name ]