Haskell implementation of various hash functions. ## Available Hash functions ### Native Haskell Implementations * SipHash * SipHash-2-4 * SipHash-1-3 * SipHash-4-8 * SipHash-c-d (c rounds per block and d finalization rounds) * FNV1 (64 bit, 32 bit, and host word size) * FNV1a (64 bit, 32 bit, and host word size) ## Linked from OpenSSL The following hash functions are available with the package is build with `-f+with-openssl`, which is the default. A version of OpenSSL of at least version 1.1 must be available on the system at a location for Cabal/GHC can find it. * SHA2 * SHA2-224 * SHA2-256 * SHA2-384 * SHA2-512 * SHA2-512_224 (SHA512 truncated to 224 bits) * SHA2-512_256 (SHA512 truncated to 256 bits) * SHA3 * SHA3_224 * SHA3_256 * SHA3_384 * SHA3_512 * SHAKE-128 * SHAKE-256 * BLAKE2 * BLAKE2s256 * BLAKE2b512 * KECCAK-256 (cf. comment in [Data.Hash.Keccak](https://github.com/larskuhtz/hs-hashes/blob/main/src/Data/Hash/Keccak.hs))