{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Main where import Data.Hashabler import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL #if MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,10,4) import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as BSh #endif import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Text.Internal as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C import qualified Data.Primitive as P import Vectors.FNV import Vectors.SipHash import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (fromBool) import System.IO import System.Environment(getArgs) import Control.Exception(assert) import Consistency(generatedVectorsDir, checkGeneratedVectors, regenerateVectors) import System.Directory import Control.Monad import Control.Applicative import Data.List import Data.Word import Data.Int import Test.QuickCheck #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import GHC.Natural (Natural) #endif import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafeDupablePerformIO) import Prelude import Data.Bits(xor) main :: IO () main = do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering args <- getArgs case args of ("regenerate":these) -> do dirExists <- doesDirectoryExist generatedVectorsDir unless (dirExists && (not $ null generatedVectorsDir)) $ error "We can't find generated vectors directory where we expect." failures <- checkGeneratedVectors unless (null failures) $ do putStrLn "Current implementation does not match existing test vectors. Are you sure you want to re-generate them? [y/n]: " yn <- getChar if yn == 'y' then putStrLn "Ok, regenerating. NOTE: YOU MUST BUMP MAJOR VERSION NUMBER!" else error "Exiting without regenerating test vectors." regenerateVectors (if null these then Nothing else Just these) _ -> testsMain testsMain :: IO () testsMain = do checkMiscUnitTests checkHashableInstances checkVectors checkSiphashSanity -- TODO better. Just bootstrap test vectors mixConstructorFNV32 :: Word8 -> Word32 -> Word32 mixConstructorFNV32 b h32 = (h32 `xor` fromIntegral (0xFF - b)) * fnvPrime32 mixConstructorFNV64 :: Word8 -> Word64 -> Word64 mixConstructorFNV64 b h64 = (h64 `xor` fromIntegral (0xFF - b)) * fnvPrime64 checkVectors :: IO () checkVectors = do test "Checking FNV spec vectors" $ do -- Check test vectors from the official FNV spec/implementation: let fnvInputsHashed32 = map (hashWord32 . hashFNV32 . C.pack) fnvIn -- Our instances perform a final 'mixConstructor' on hashes of array -- types (see notes on "Defining principled Hashable instances") so -- we'll need to do this to our test vectors before comparing: fnv1a32OutMassaged = map (mixConstructorFNV32 0) fnv1a32Out unless (fnvInputsHashed32 == fnv1a32OutMassaged) $ error "fnvInputsHashed32 /= fnv1a32OutMassaged" -- And for 64-bit version: let fnvInputsHashed64 = map (hashWord64 . hashFNV64 . C.pack) fnvIn fnv1a64OutMassaged = map (mixConstructorFNV64 0) fnv1a64Out unless (fnvInputsHashed64 == fnv1a64OutMassaged) $ error "fnvInputsHashed64 /= fnv1a64OutMassaged" test "Checking SipHash spec vectors" $ do let outs64 = map (siphash64 siphashKey) siphashInputs outs128 = map (siphash128 siphashKey) siphashInputs unless (length outs64 > 0 && length outs128 > 0) $ error "tests invalid" unless (outs64 == map Hash64 siphashVectors64) $ error $ "Some Siphash64 vectors failed: "++(show outs64) unless (outs128 == map (uncurry Hash128) siphashVectors128) $ error $ "Some Siphash128 vectors failed: "++(show outs128) test "Checking generated vectors for all hash functions" $ do failures <- checkGeneratedVectors unless (null failures) $ print failures >> error "Got some failures in checkGeneratedVectors!" -- check all codepaths in siphash 'hash' instance, and make sure we're not -- dropping any input bytes in some way. Sufficient to check siphash64 here, as -- all share the Hash instance implementation. checkSiphashSanity :: IO () checkSiphashSanity = test "SipHash sanity" $ do -- different combinations of tuples of word* sizes -- check that altering each individual byte results in different hashes unless (length uniqueHashes > 0 && length identicalHashes > 0) $ error "checkSiphashSanity not valid" unless (nub uniqueHashes == uniqueHashes) $ do error $ "checkSiphashSanity: not all hashes unique! "++ (show (uniqueHashes \\ nub uniqueHashes)) unless (length (nub identicalHashes) == 1) $ error "checkSiphashSanity: all of these should have been identical!" where w8s = [ 0xFF, 0x01] :: [Word8] w16s = [0xFF03, 0x02FF] :: [Word16] w32s = [0xFF050607 , 0x04FF0607 , 0x0405FF07 , 0x040506FF] :: [Word32] w64s = [ 0xFF09101112131415 , 0x08FF101112131415 , 0x0809FF1112131415 , 0x080910FF12131415 , 0x08091011FF131415 , 0x0809101112FF1415 , 0x080910111213FF15 , 0x08091011121314FF ] :: [Word64] uniqueHashes = concat [ [siphash64 siphashKey (w8,w64) | w8 <- w8s, w64 <- w64s ] , [siphash64 siphashKey (w16,w64) | w16 <- w16s,w64 <- w64s ] , [siphash64 siphashKey (w16,w8,w64) | w16 <- w16s,w8 <- w8s,w64 <- w64s ] , [siphash64 siphashKey (w32,w64) | w32 <- w32s,w64 <- w64s ] , [siphash64 siphashKey (w8,w32,w64) | w8 <- w8s,w32 <- w32s,w64 <- w64s ] , [siphash64 siphashKey (w8,w32,w32) | w8 <- w8s,w32 <- w32s ] , [siphash64 siphashKey (w32,w16,w64) | w32 <- w32s,w16 <- w16s,w64 <- w64s ] , [siphash64 siphashKey (w32,w16,w32) | w32 <- w32s,w16 <- w16s ] , [siphash64 siphashKey (w8,w16,w32,w64) | w8 <- w8s,w16 <- w16s,w32 <- w32s,w64 <- w64s ] , [siphash64 siphashKey (w8,w16,w32,w32) | w8 <- w8s,w16 <- w16s,w32 <- w32s ] , [siphash64 siphashKey (w8,w16,w32,w16) | w8 <- w8s,w32 <- w32s,w16 <- w16s ] ] identicalHashes = [ siphash64 siphashKey (0x01 :: Word8, 0x02 :: Word8, 0x03 :: Word8, 0x04 :: Word8, 0x05 :: Word8, 0x06 :: Word8, 0x07 :: Word8, 0x08 :: Word8, 0xDEADBEED :: Word32) , siphash64 siphashKey (0x0102 :: Word16, 0x03 :: Word8, 0x04 :: Word8, 0x0506 :: Word16, 0x07 :: Word8, 0x08 :: Word8, 0xDEADBEED :: Word32) , siphash64 siphashKey (0x01 :: Word8, 0x02030405 :: Word32, 0x06 :: Word8, 0x07 :: Word8, 0x08 :: Word8, 0xDEADBEED :: Word32) , siphash64 siphashKey (0x01020304 :: Word32, 0x05060708 :: Word32, 0xDEADBEED :: Word32) , siphash64 siphashKey (0x0102030405060708 :: Word64, 0xDEADBEED :: Word32) ] -- Helpers for below: bytesFloat :: Float -> (Word8,Word8,Word8,Word8) {-# INLINE bytesFloat #-} bytesFloat = bytes32 . floatToWord bytesDouble :: Double -> (Word8,Word8,Word8,Word8,Word8,Word8,Word8,Word8) {-# INLINE bytesDouble #-} bytesDouble = bytes64 . doubleToWord checkMiscUnitTests :: IO () checkMiscUnitTests = do -- Basic unit tests for Float, with IEEE byte values pulled from this -- calculator: http://www.h-schmidt.net/FloatConverter/IEEE754.html test "Getting bytes from Float" $ let fl = -8.4884356e-11 flBytes = bytesFloat fl in unless (flBytes == (0xae, 0xba, 0xa9, 0xa5)) $ error $ "bytesFloat: "++(show fl)++" /= "++(show flBytes) -- http://www.binaryconvert.com/result_double.html?hexadecimal=ADBABEAA88AB7FD7 test "Getting bytes from Double" $ let dbl = -2.10068275286355115215868722646e-88 dblBytes = bytesDouble dbl in unless ( dblBytes == (0xAD, 0xBA, 0xBE, 0xAA, 0x88, 0xAB, 0x7F, 0xD7)) $ error $ "bytesDouble: "++(show dbl)++" /= "++(show dblBytes) test "Bool" $ unless (hashFNV32 (fromBool True :: Word8) == hashFNV32 True && hashFNV32 (fromBool False :: Word8) == hashFNV32 False) $ error "Bool instance not sensible" -- Misc. internals exposed for testing ---------------- test "byteSwap fallback" $ let x = _byteSwap32 0x12345678 y = _byteSwap64 0x1234567821436587 in unless (x == 0x78563412 && y == 0x8765432178563412) $ error $ "Problem with byteSwap: "++(show x)++" "++(show y) quickCheckErr 1000 checkSignByte quickCheckErr 1000 checkIntegerFallback quickCheckErr 1000 check32BitRangeInt64 quickCheckErr 1000 check32BitRangeWord64 -- And make sure we check max and min bounds (esp minBound Int!): test "check 32-bit range Ints and Words" $ unless (check32BitRangeInt64 (Large minBound) && check32BitRangeInt64 (Large maxBound) && check32BitRangeWord64 (Large maxBound)) $ error "Problem with check32BitRange* functions" quickCheckErr 1000 checkBytes64Alternatives test "Magnitude of Int... " $ -- we're mostly just concerned with minBound let ints = [minBound, minBound+1, (-42), (-1), 0, 1, 42, maxBound ] :: [Int] intsMag = map magnitudeAsWord ints in unless (map show intsMag == map (dropWhile (=='-') . show) ints) $ error $ "problem with magnitudeAsWord: "++(show intsMag) -- Checking properties of Hashable instances by way of FNV32 hash. checkHashableInstances :: IO () checkHashableInstances = do -- small Integers should match Word32/64 (depending on size) + a mixConstructor 0: quickCheckErr 1000 $ \(Large int64) -> let magWord64 = fromIntegral $ abs (int64::Int64) :: Word64 signByte = if int64 < 0 then 1 else 0 in hashFNV32 (fromIntegral int64 :: Integer) == (Hash32 $ mixConstructorFNV32 signByte $ hashWord32 (if magWord64 > fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word32) then hashFNV32 magWord64 else hashFNV32 (fromIntegral magWord64 :: Word32)) ) -- FNV32 test vectors provide basic sanity for word/int instances. Here -- just make sure Word and Int types are equivalent. quickCheckErr 1000 $ \(Large word8)-> let int8 = fromIntegral (word8 :: Word8) :: Int8 in hashFNV32 word8 == hashFNV32 int8 quickCheckErr 1000 $ \(Large word16)-> let int16 = fromIntegral (word16 :: Word16) :: Int16 in hashFNV32 word16 == hashFNV32 int16 quickCheckErr 1000 $ \(Large word32)-> let int32 = fromIntegral (word32 :: Word32) :: Int32 in hashFNV32 word32 == hashFNV32 int32 quickCheckErr 1000 $ \(Large word64)-> let int64 = fromIntegral (word64 :: Word64) :: Int64 in hashFNV32 word64 == hashFNV32 int64 -- And for machine-dependenat Word/Int check equivalence to Int/Word32 when -- in 32-bit range, else (only relevant on 64-bit machines) to Int/Word64: quickCheckErr 1000 $ \(Large word)-> hashFNV32 (word :: Word) == (if word > fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word32) then hashFNV32 (fromIntegral word :: Int64) else hashFNV32 (fromIntegral word :: Int32)) # if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) -- Check documented 32-bit chunked, big-endian order hashing of Natural: quickCheckErr 1000 $ do let checkNat nibbles = let (nat,bytesBE) = naturalNibbles nibbles testSane = (length bytesBE) `mod` 4 == 0 in testSane && (hashFNV32 nat) == (hashFNV32 bytesBE) -- against instance [Word8] flip forAll checkNat $ do let maxWidth = 100 -- nibbles w <- growingElements [1..maxWidth] -- a random hex string, dropping any leading zeros: hx <- dropWhile (== '0') <$> (replicateM w $ elements $ ['0'..'9']++['A'..'F']) return $ if null hx then discard else hx # endif -- Check that equivalent strict and lazy ByteStrings (of varying chunk -- sizes) hash to the same: quickCheckErr 100 $ do let checkBS (bs,chunkSize) = let wd8s = take bs $ iterate (+1) 0 bsStrict = B.pack wd8s bsLazyChunked = BL.fromChunks $ map B.pack $ chunk chunkSize wd8s in (hashFNV32 bsStrict) == (hashFNV32 bsLazyChunked) flip forAll checkBS $ do let maxBytes = 1000*1000 bs <- growingElements [1..maxBytes] chunkSize <- choose (1,maxBytes+1) return (bs,chunkSize) -- ...likewise for Text quickCheckErr 100 $ do let checkBS (bs,chunkSize) = let cs = take bs $ cycle $ take 199 $ iterate succ '0' bsStrict = T.pack cs bsLazyChunked = TL.fromChunks $ map T.pack $ chunk chunkSize cs in (hashFNV32 bsStrict) == (hashFNV32 bsLazyChunked) flip forAll checkBS $ do let maxBytes = 1000*1000 bs <- growingElements [1..maxBytes] chunkSize <- choose (1,maxBytes+1) return (bs,chunkSize) # if MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,10,4) -- Check that ShortByteStrings hash like big strict ones: quickCheckErr 100 $ do let checkBS bs = let wd8s = take bs $ iterate (+1) 0 bsStrict = B.pack wd8s bsShort = BSh.pack wd8s in (hashFNV32 bsStrict) == (hashFNV32 bsShort) flip forAll checkBS $ do let maxBytes = 1000*1000 growingElements [1..maxBytes] # endif -- Check that ByteStrings hash like [Word8] quickCheckErr 100 $ do let checkBS bs = let wd8s = take bs $ iterate (+1) 0 bsStrict = B.pack wd8s in (hashFNV32 bsStrict) == (hashFNV32 wd8s) flip forAll checkBS $ do let maxBytes = 1000*1000 growingElements [1..maxBytes] -- Check that P.ByteArrays hash like [Word8] quickCheckErr 100 $ do let checkBA bs = let wd8s = take bs $ iterate (+1) 0 byteArr = packByteArray wd8s in (hashFNV32 byteArr) == (hashFNV32 wd8s) flip forAll checkBA $ do let maxBytes = 1000*1000 growingElements [1..maxBytes] -- Check that ByteStrings hash like [Word8], after some arbitrary -- equivalent transformations (we mainly want to exercise handling of the -- length and offset in the ByteString internals) quickCheckErr 100 $ do let checkBS (bs,takeVal,dropVal) = let wd8s = take bs $ iterate (+1) 0 b = B.take takeVal $ B.drop dropVal $ B.pack wd8s l = take takeVal $ drop dropVal $ wd8s in (hashFNV32 b) == (hashFNV32 l) flip forAll checkBS $ do let maxBytes = 1000*1000 bs <- growingElements [1..maxBytes] takeVal <- growingElements [1..(maxBytes*2)] dropVal <- growingElements [1..(maxBytes*2)] return (bs,takeVal,dropVal) -- Check that Text is hashed in big endian, making sure we get some -- double-size codes, by encoding as a ByteString and comparing the hashes -- of both quickCheckErr 100 $ do let checkBS largeCs = let t = T.pack $ map (toEnum . clean . getLarge) largeCs clean = (`mod` fromEnum (maxBound :: Char)) bs = T.encodeUtf16BE t in (hashFNV32 t) == (hashFNV32 bs) flip forAll checkBS $ do let maxChars = 1000 w <- growingElements [1..maxChars] -- Note: some of these characters will be in the reserved range and -- re-written in pack, but that's fine: vector w test "Test that Char instance works over reserved range" $ let reserved = ['\xD800' .. '\xDFFF'] in unless (2048 == (length $ nub $ map hashFNV32 reserved)) $ error "Collision in the reserved Unicode range for Char" -- Check that String and Text instances are identical for valid unicode -- code points: quickCheckErr 1000 $ \sDirty -> let s = map T.safe sDirty in (hashFNV32 $ T.pack s) == hashFNV32 s -- checking collisions in an ad hoc way; we especially care about our sum -- types with fixed shape. TODO improve; also this is slower than necessary quickCheckErr 100 $ checkCollisionsOf (undefined :: Bool) 4 quickCheckErr 100 $ checkCollisionsOf (undefined :: Ordering) 9 quickCheckErr 100 $ checkCollisionsOf (undefined :: Either () ()) 4 quickCheckErr 100 $ checkCollisionsOf (undefined :: Maybe ()) 4 quickCheckErr 100 $ checkCollisionsOf (undefined :: [()]) 10000 quickCheckErr 100 $ checkCollisionsOf (undefined :: TreeOfSums1) 100 quickCheckErr 100 $ checkCollisionsOf (undefined :: TreeOfSums2) 1000 quickCheckErr 100 $ checkCollisionsOf (undefined :: TreeOfSums3) 9 -- Check tuples match lists, plus a mixConstructor. quickCheckErr 100 $ forAll (vector 2 :: Gen [Word8]) $ \ l@[a,b] -> hashFNV32 l == (Hash32 $ mixConstructorFNV32 0 $ hashWord32 $ hashFNV32 (a,b)) quickCheckErr 100 $ forAll (vector 3 :: Gen [Word8]) $ \ l@[a,b,c] -> hashFNV32 l == (Hash32 $ mixConstructorFNV32 0 $ hashWord32 $ hashFNV32 (a,b,c)) quickCheckErr 100 $ forAll (vector 4 :: Gen [Word8]) $ \ l@[a,b,c,d] -> hashFNV32 l == (Hash32 $ mixConstructorFNV32 0 $ hashWord32 $ hashFNV32 (a,b,c,d)) quickCheckErr 100 $ forAll (vector 5 :: Gen [Word8]) $ \ l@[a,b,c,d,e] -> hashFNV32 l == (Hash32 $ mixConstructorFNV32 0 $ hashWord32 $ hashFNV32 (a,b,c,d,e)) quickCheckErr 100 $ forAll (vector 6 :: Gen [Word8]) $ \ l@[a,b,c,d,e,f] -> hashFNV32 l == (Hash32 $ mixConstructorFNV32 0 $ hashWord32 $ hashFNV32 (a,b,c,d,e,f)) quickCheckErr 100 $ forAll (vector 7 :: Gen [Word8]) $ \ l@[a,b,c,d,e,f,g] -> hashFNV32 l == (Hash32 $ mixConstructorFNV32 0 $ hashWord32 $ hashFNV32 (a,b,c,d,e,f,g)) quickCheckErr 100 $ forAll (vector 8 :: Gen [Word8]) $ \ l@[a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h] -> hashFNV32 l == (Hash32 $ mixConstructorFNV32 0 $ hashWord32 $ hashFNV32 (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)) -- TODO more of these here; this should be fine for now though, as all the -- variable width types above check in with [a] at some point. test "Checking tuple of variable width types" $ let l = [ ([0::Word8,0], []) , ([0] , [0]) , ([],[0::Word8,0]) ] in unless ((length $ nub $ map hashFNV32 l) == 3) $ error "products of lists are unprincipled" -- For a fairly stupid check of instance sanity w/r/t collisions. Also check -- these types individually: type TreeOfSums1 = Either (Maybe (Either Bool Ordering)) (Maybe (Either Bool Ordering)) type TreeOfSums2 = Either TreeOfSums1 TreeOfSums1 type TreeOfSums3 = Either (Maybe Bool) Bool -- This may return okay collisions on large universes; we can decide whether to use it there or not checkCollisionsOf :: (Show a, Hashable a, Eq a, Arbitrary a)=> a -> Int -> Property checkCollisionsOf a n = forAll (nub <$> vector n) check where check l = let _ = a `asTypeOf` head l in length l == (length $ nub $ map hashFNV32 l) chunk :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] chunk n = assert (n>0) $ go where go [] = [] go l = let (as,bs) = splitAt n l in as : chunk n bs #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) naturalNibbles :: [Char] -> (Natural, [Word8]) naturalNibbles nibbles = (nat,bytesBE) where -- The Natural: nat = read $ "0x"++nibbles :: Natural -- The Natural's bytes in big endian, padded to 32-bits bytesBE = chunkBytes32 $ pad0s++nibbles chunkBytes32 = map (read . ("0x"++)) . chunk 2 w = length nibbles pad0s = replicate ((((w+7) `div` 8)*8) - w) '0' #endif -- MISC PROPERTIES OF INTERNALS: ----------------- checkSignByte :: Large Int -> Bool checkSignByte (Large i) = _signByte i == if i < 0 then 1 else 0 -- NOTE: if not using integer-gmp this tests nothing: checkIntegerFallback :: Large Int -> Large Int -> Bool checkIntegerFallback (Large base) (Large mul) = let baseInteger = fromIntegral base :: Integer integer = baseInteger * ((fromIntegral mul) ^ (2:: Int)) in (_hash32Integer fnvOffsetBasis32 integer ) == (FNV32 $ hashWord32 $ hashFNV32 integer) check32BitRangeInt64 :: Large Int32 -> Bool check32BitRangeInt64 (Large int32) = let int64 = fromIntegral int32 :: Int64 in _hash32_Int_64 fnvOffsetBasis32 int64 == (FNV32 $ hashWord32 $ hashFNV32 int32) check32BitRangeWord64 :: Large Word32 -> Bool check32BitRangeWord64 (Large word32) = let word64 = fromIntegral word32 :: Word64 in _hash32_Word_64 fnvOffsetBasis32 word64 == (FNV32 $ hashWord32 $ hashFNV32 word32) checkBytes64Alternatives :: Large Word64 -> Bool checkBytes64Alternatives (Large w64) = _bytes64_64 w64 == _bytes64_32 w64 -- Utilites: --------------------------------- test :: String -> IO () -> IO () test str io = do putStr $ str++"..." io putStrLn " OK" quickCheckErr :: Testable prop => Int -> prop -> IO () quickCheckErr n p = quickCheckWithResult stdArgs{ maxSuccess = n } p >>= maybeErr where maybeErr (Success _ _ _) = return () maybeErr e = error $ show e packByteArray :: [Word8] -> P.ByteArray {-# NOINLINE packByteArray #-} packByteArray byts = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do aMut <- P.newByteArray (length byts) forM_ (zip [0..] byts) $ \(ix,byt)-> P.writeByteArray aMut ix byt P.unsafeFreezeByteArray aMut