{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, ExistentialQuantification, GADTs, KindSignatures, OverloadedStrings #-} module Parser (parseCards) where import Control.Arrow import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.List (dropWhileEnd) import Data.Void import Text.Megaparsec import Text.Megaparsec.Char import Text.Wrap import Data.Text (pack, unpack) import Types import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE type Parser = Parsec Void String uncurry3 f (a, b, c) = f a b c parseCards :: String -> Either String [Card] parseCards s = case parse pCards "failed when parsing cards" s of Left parseErrorBundle -> Left $ errorBundlePretty (parseErrorBundle :: ParseErrorBundle String Void) Right msgOrCards -> left wrap (sequence msgOrCards) where wrap = unlines . map unpack . wrapTextToLines (WrapSettings {preserveIndentation=False, breakLongWords=True}) 40 . pack pCards :: Parser [Either String Card] pCards = (pCard `sepEndBy1` seperator) <* eof pCard :: Parser (Either String Card) pCard = try pMultChoice <|> Right . uncurry MultipleAnswer <$> try pMultAnswer <|> try pReorder <|> Right . uncurry OpenQuestion <$> try pOpen <|> Right . uncurry Definition <$> pDef pHeader = do many eol char '#' spaceChar many (noneOf ['\n', '\r']) pMultChoice = do header <- pHeader many eol choices <- pChoice `sepBy1` lookAhead (try choicePrefix) msgOrResult <- makeMultipleChoice choices case msgOrResult of Left errMsg -> do pos <- getSourcePos return . Left $ sourcePosPretty pos <> "\n" <> errMsg Right (correct, incorrects) -> return . Right $ MultipleChoice header correct incorrects pChoice = do kind <- oneOf ['*','-'] spaceChar text <- manyTill anySingle $ lookAhead (try (try choicePrefix <|> seperator <|> eof')) return (kind, text) choicePrefix = string "- " <|> string "* " pMultAnswer = do header <- pHeader many eol options <- pOption `sepBy1` lookAhead (try (char '[')) return (header, NE.fromList options) pOption = do char '[' kind <- oneOf ['*','x',' '] string "] " text <- manyTill anySingle $ lookAhead (try (seperator <|> string "[" <|> eof')) return $ makeOption kind (dropWhileEnd isSpace' text) pReorder = do header <- pHeader many eol elements <- pReorderElement `sepBy1` lookAhead (try pReorderPrefix) let numbers = map fst elements if all (`elem` numbers) [1..length numbers] then return . Right $ Reorder header (NE.fromList elements) else do pos <- getSourcePos return . Left $ sourcePosPretty pos <> "\n" <> "A reordering question should have numbers starting from 1 and increase from there without skipping any numbers, but this is not the case:\n" <> unlines (map show numbers) pReorderElement = do int <- pReorderPrefix text <- manyTill anySingle $ lookAhead (try (try seperator <|> try pReorderPrefix <|> eof')) return (read int, dropWhileEnd isSpace' text) pReorderPrefix = do int <- some digitChar string ". " return int pOpen = do header <- pHeader many eol (pre, gap) <- pGap sentence <- pSentence return (header, P pre gap sentence) pSentence = try pPerforated <|> pNormal pPerforated = do (pre, gap) <- pGap Perforated pre gap <$> pSentence chars = try escaped <|> anySingle escaped = char '\\' >> char '_' pGap = do pre <- manyTill chars $ lookAhead (try (string "_" <|> seperator)) char '_' gaps <- manyTill (noneOf ['_','|']) (lookAhead (try gappedSpecialChars)) `sepBy1` string "|" char '_' return (pre, NE.fromList gaps) gappedSpecialChars = seperator <|> string "|" <|> string "_" pNormal = do text <- manyTill (noneOf ['_']) $ lookAhead $ try $ seperator <|> eof' return (Normal (dropWhileEnd isSpace' text)) pDef = do header <- pHeader many eol descr <- manyTill chars $ lookAhead $ try $ seperator <|> eof' return (header, dropWhileEnd isSpace' descr) eof' = eof >> return [] "end of file" seperator = do sep <- string "---" many eol return sep makeMultipleChoice :: [(Char, String)] -> Parser (Either String (CorrectOption, [IncorrectOption])) makeMultipleChoice options = makeMultipleChoice' [] [] 0 options where -- makeMultipleChoice' [] _ _ [] = Left ("multiple choice had no correct answer: \n" ++ showPretty options) makeMultipleChoice' :: [CorrectOption] -> [IncorrectOption] -> Int -> [(Char, String)] -> Parser (Either String (CorrectOption, [IncorrectOption])) makeMultipleChoice' [] _ _ [] = fail "woops" makeMultipleChoice' [c] ics _ [] = return $ Right (c, reverse ics) makeMultipleChoice' _ _ _ [] = return $ Left ("multiple choice had multiple correct answers: \n" ++ showPretty options) makeMultipleChoice' cs ics i (('-', text) : opts) = makeMultipleChoice' cs (IncorrectOption (dropWhileEnd isSpace' text) : ics) (i+1) opts makeMultipleChoice' cs ics i (('*', text) : opts) = makeMultipleChoice' (CorrectOption i (dropWhileEnd isSpace' text) : cs) ics (i+1) opts makeMultipleChoice' _ _ _ _ = return $ Left "impossible" showPretty :: [(Char, String)] -> String showPretty = foldr ((<>) . showOne) "" showOne (c, s) = [c] <> " " <> s makeOption :: Char -> String -> Option makeOption kind text | kind `elem` ['*','x'] = Option Correct text | otherwise = Option Incorrect text isSpace' :: Char -> Bool isSpace' '\r' = True isSpace' a = isSpace a