{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} module Database.Bolt.Extras.DSL.Typed.Types where import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Database.Bolt as B import GHC.Generics (Rep) import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, Symbol) import qualified Database.Bolt.Extras.DSL as UT import Database.Bolt.Extras.DSL.Typed.Families {- $setup >>> :set -XDeriveGeneric >>> :set -XTypeApplications >>> :set -XOverloadedLabels >>> :load Database.Bolt.Extras.DSL.Typed.Instances >>> import Data.Text (unpack) >>> import GHC.Generics (Generic) >>> import Database.Bolt.Extras (toCypher) >>> toCypherN = putStrLn . unpack . toCypher . nodeSelector -} -- | Class for Selectors that know type of their labels. This class is kind-polymorphic, -- so that instances may select a specific collection of labels they support. -- -- __NOTE__: Due to the way GHC orders type variables for class methods, it's more convenient -- to use 'lbl' and 'prop' synonyms defined below, and 'withLabel' and 'withProp' methods -- should be considered an implementation detail. class SelectorLike (a :: k -> Type) where -- | This constraint checks that current collection of types supports adding one more. type CanAddType (types :: k) :: Constraint -- | This type family implements adding a new type (of label) to the collection. -- -- Injectivity annotation is required to make type inference possible. type AddType (types :: k) (typ :: Type) = (result :: k) | result -> types typ -- | This constraint checks that field with this name has correct type in the collection -- of labels. type HasField (types :: k) (field :: Symbol) (typ :: Type) :: Constraint -- | This constraint checks that field with this name exists in the collection, with any type. type HasField' (types :: k) (field :: Symbol) :: Constraint -- | Set an identifier — Cypher variable name. withIdentifier :: Text -> a types -> a types -- | Add a new label, if possible. withLabel :: CanAddType types => KnownSymbol (GetTypeName (Rep typ)) => a types -> a (AddType types typ) -- | Add a property with value, checking that such property exists. withProp :: HasField types field typ => B.IsValue typ => (SymbolS field, typ) -> a types -> a types -- | Add a property as named parameter (@$foo@). Only checks that given property exists, -- no matter its type. withParam :: HasField' types field => (SymbolS field, Text) -> a types -> a types -- | Synonym for 'withLabel' with label type variable as first one, enabling @lbl \@Foo@ type -- application syntax. lbl :: forall (typ :: Type) k (types :: k) (a :: k -> Type) . SelectorLike a => CanAddType types => KnownSymbol (GetTypeName (Rep typ)) => a types -> a (AddType types typ) lbl = withLabel -- | Shorter synonym for 'withProp'. -- -- Properties of type @Maybe a@ are treated as properties of type @a@, since there is no difference -- between the two in Cypher. -- -- >>> data Foo = Foo { foo :: Int, bar :: Maybe String } deriving Generic -- >>> toCypherN $ defN .& lbl @Foo .& prop (#foo =: 42) -- (:Foo{foo:42}) -- >>> toCypherN $ defN .& lbl @Foo .& prop (#bar =: "hello") -- (:Foo{bar:"hello"}) prop :: forall (field :: Symbol) (a :: k -> Type) (types :: k) (typ :: Type) . SelectorLike a => HasField types field typ => B.IsValue typ => (SymbolS field, typ) -- ^ Field name along with its value. This pair should be constructed with '=:'. -> a types -> a types prop = withProp -- | A variant of 'prop' that accepts values in @Maybe@. If given @Nothing@, does nothing. -- -- This works both for properties with @Maybe@ and without. -- -- >>> data Foo = Foo { foo :: Int, bar :: Maybe String } deriving Generic -- >>> toCypherN $ defN .& lbl @Foo .& propMaybe (#foo =: Just 42) -- (:Foo{foo:42}) -- >>> toCypherN $ defN .& lbl @Foo .& propMaybe (#bar =: Nothing) -- (:Foo) propMaybe :: forall (field :: Symbol) (a :: k -> Type) (types :: k) (typ :: Type) . SelectorLike a => HasField types field typ => B.IsValue typ => (SymbolS field, Maybe typ) -> a types -> a types propMaybe (name, Just val) = withProp (name, val) propMaybe _ = id -- | Shorter synonym for 'withParam'. -- -- >>> data Foo = Foo { foo :: Int, bar :: Maybe String } deriving Generic -- >>> toCypherN $ defN .& lbl @Foo .& param (#foo =: "foo") -- (:Foo{foo:$foo}) -- >>> toCypherN $ defN .& lbl @Foo .& prop (#foo =: 42) .& param (#bar =: "bar") -- (:Foo{foo:42,bar:$bar}) -- >>> toCypherN $ defN .& lbl @Foo .& param (#baz =: "baz") -- ... -- ... There is no field "baz" in any of the records -- ... '[Foo] -- ... -- -- __NOTE__: this will add @$@ symbol to parameter name automatically. param :: forall (field :: Symbol) (a :: k -> Type) (types :: k) . SelectorLike a => HasField' types field => (SymbolS field, Text) -> a types -> a types param = withParam -- | Smart constructor for type-level tuples, to avoid writing @'("foo", Int)@ with extra tick. type (=:) (a :: k) (b :: l) = '(a, b) -- | Smart constructor for a pair of field name and its value. To be used with @OverloadedLabels@: -- -- > #uuid =: "123" (=:) :: forall (field :: Symbol) (typ :: Type). SymbolS field -> typ -> (SymbolS field, typ) (=:) = (,) -- | A wrapper around 'Database.Extras.DSL.NodeSelector' with phantom type. -- -- Node selectors remember arbitrary number of labels in a type-level list. newtype NodeSelector (typ :: [Type]) = NodeSelector { nodeSelector :: UT.NodeSelector -- ^ Convert to untyped 'UT.NodeSelector'. } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | A wrapper around 'Database.Extras.DSL.RelSelector' with phantom type. -- -- Relationship selectors remember at most one label in a type-level @Maybe@. newtype RelSelector (typ :: Maybe Type) = RelSelector { relSelector :: UT.RelSelector -- ^ Convert to untyped 'UT.RelSelector'. } deriving (Show, Eq) newtype SymbolS (s :: Symbol) = SymbolS { getSymbol :: String } deriving (Show) -- | An empty 'NodeSelector'. defN :: NodeSelector '[] defN = NodeSelector UT.defaultNode -- | An empty 'RelSelector'. defR :: RelSelector 'Nothing defR = RelSelector UT.defaultRel infixl 3 .& -- | This is the same as 'Data.Function.&', but with higher precedence, so that it binds before -- path combinators. (.&) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b a .& f = f a {-# INLINE (.&) #-} infixl 2 !->: -- | See 'UT.:!->:'. This combinator forgets type-level information from the selectors. (!->:) :: RelSelector a -> NodeSelector b -> UT.PathPart RelSelector r !->: NodeSelector n = r UT.:!->: n infixl 2 !-: -- | See 'UT.:!-:'. This combinator forgets type-level information from the selectors. (!-:) :: RelSelector a -> NodeSelector b -> UT.PathPart RelSelector r !-: NodeSelector n = r UT.:!-: n infixl 1 -: -- | See 'UT.-:'. This combinator forgets type-level information from the selectors. (-:) :: NodeSelector a -> UT.PathPart -> UT.PathSelector NodeSelector ns -: pp = UT.P ns UT.:-!: pp infixl 1 <-: -- | See 'UT.<-:'. This combinator forgets type-level information from the selectors. (<-:) :: NodeSelector a -> UT.PathPart -> UT.PathSelector NodeSelector ns <-: pp = UT.P ns UT.:<-!: pp -- | See 'UT.P'. This combinator forgets type-level information from the selectors. p :: NodeSelector a -> UT.PathSelector p (NodeSelector ns) = UT.P ns