{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Database.Bolt.Extras.DSL.Internal.Instances () where import Control.Monad.Writer (execWriter, tell) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..)) import Data.Text (intercalate, pack) import Database.Bolt.Extras (ToCypher (..), fromInt) import GHC.OverloadedLabels (IsLabel (..)) import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, symbolVal) import NeatInterpolation (text) import Text.Printf (printf) import Database.Bolt.Extras.DSL.Internal.Types instance KnownSymbol x => IsLabel x NodeSelector where fromLabel = defaultNode & withIdentifier (pack $ symbolVal @x Proxy) instance KnownSymbol x => IsLabel x RelSelector where fromLabel = defaultRel & withIdentifier (pack $ symbolVal @x Proxy) instance SelectorLike NodeSelector where withIdentifier idx node = node { nodeIdentifier = Just idx } withLabel lbl node = node { nodeLabels = lbl : nodeLabels node } withProp prop node = node { nodeProperties = prop : nodeProperties node } withParam prop node = node { nodeParams = prop : nodeParams node } instance SelectorLike RelSelector where withIdentifier idx rel = rel { relIdentifier = Just idx } withLabel lbl rel = rel { relLabel = lbl } withProp prop rel = rel { relProperties = prop : relProperties rel } withParam prop rel = rel { relParams = prop : relParams rel } instance ToCypher NodeSelector where toCypher NodeSelector{..} = execWriter $ do tell "(" case nodeIdentifier of Just idx -> tell idx Nothing -> pure () case nodeLabels of [] -> pure () _ -> tell $ toCypher nodeLabels case nodeProperties of [] -> case nodeParams of [] -> pure () _ -> do tell "{" tell $ toCypher nodeParams tell "}" _ -> do tell "{" tell $ toCypher nodeProperties case nodeParams of [] -> pure () _ -> do tell "," tell $ toCypher nodeParams tell "}" tell ")" instance ToCypher RelSelector where toCypher RelSelector{..} = execWriter $ do tell "[" case relIdentifier of Just idx -> tell idx Nothing -> pure () case relLabel of "" -> pure () _ -> tell $ toCypher relLabel case relProperties of [] -> case relParams of [] -> pure () _ -> do tell "{" tell $ toCypher relParams tell "}" _ -> do tell "{" tell $ toCypher relProperties case relParams of [] -> pure () _ -> do tell "," tell $ toCypher relParams tell "}" tell "]" instance ToCypher PathSelector where toCypher (ps :-!: rs :!->: ns) = execWriter $ do tell $ toCypher ps tell "-" tell $ toCypher rs tell "->" tell $ toCypher ns toCypher (ps :<-!: rs :!-: ns) = execWriter $ do tell $ toCypher ps tell "<-" tell $ toCypher rs tell "-" tell $ toCypher ns toCypher (ps :-!: rs :!-: ns) = execWriter $ do tell $ toCypher ps tell "-" tell $ toCypher rs tell "-" tell $ toCypher ns toCypher (P ns) = execWriter $ tell $ toCypher ns toCypher (_ :<-!: _ :!->: _) = error "Database.Bolt.Extras.DSL: incorrect path" instance ToCypher Selector where toCypher (PS ps) = toCypher ps toCypher (TS txt) = txt instance ToCypher Selectors where toCypher = intercalate ", " . fmap toCypher instance ToCypher Cond where toCypher (ID t bId) = pack $ printf "ID(%s)=%d" t (fromInt bId) toCypher (IDs t bIds) = pack $ printf "ID(%s) in [%s]" t (intercalate ", " $ fmap (pack . show) bIds) toCypher (IN t txts) = pack $ printf "%s in [%s]" t (intercalate ", " $ fmap (\s -> [text|"$s"|]) txts) toCypher (TC txt) = txt instance ToCypher Conds where toCypher (fcp :&&: scp) = toCypher fcp <> " AND " <> toCypher scp toCypher (fcp :||: scp) = toCypher fcp <> " OR " <> toCypher scp toCypher (Not cp) = "NOT " <> toCypher cp toCypher (C cp) = toCypher cp