{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstrainedClassMethods #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-} module Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.GraphQuery ( GraphQuery (..) , GetRequest (..) , PutRequest (..) , mergeGraphs ) where import Control.Lens (over, (^.)) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Map.Strict (fromList, mapKeys, mapWithKey, toList, union, (!)) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Text as T (Text, intercalate, null, pack) import Database.Bolt (BoltActionT, Record, query) import Database.Bolt.Extras (BoltId, GetBoltId (..)) import Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.AbstractGraph (Graph (..), NodeName, emptyGraph, relationName, relations, vertices) import Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Class (Extractable (..), Requestable (..), Returnable (..)) import Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Get (NodeGetter, NodeResult, RelGetter, RelResult, requestGetters) import Database.Bolt.Extras.Graph.Internal.Put (PutNode, PutRelationship, requestPut) import NeatInterpolation (text) -- | Type family used to perform requests to the Neo4j based on graphs. -- class GraphQuery a where -- | Type of entity, describing node for request. type NodeReq a :: * -- | Type of entity, describing relationship for request. type RelReq a :: * -- | Type of node entity, which will be extracted from result. type NodeRes a :: * -- | Type of relationship entity, which will be extracted from result. type RelRes a :: * -- | How to convert requestable entities to text in the query. requestEntities :: (Requestable (NodeName, NodeReq a), Requestable ((NodeName, NodeName), RelReq a)) => [(NodeName, NodeReq a)] -> [((NodeName, NodeName), RelReq a)] -> (Text, [Text]) -- | Abstract function to form query for request. -- formQuery :: (Requestable (NodeName, NodeReq a), Requestable ((NodeName, NodeName), RelReq a), Returnable (NodeName, NodeReq a), Returnable ((NodeName, NodeName), RelReq a)) => [Text] -> Graph NodeName (NodeReq a) (RelReq a) -> Text formQuery customConds graph = [text|$completeRequest $conditionsQ WITH DISTINCT $distinctVars RETURN $completeReturn|] where vertices' = toList (graph ^. vertices) relations' = toList (graph ^. relations) distinctVars = intercalate ", " $ fmap fst vertices' ++ fmap (relationName . fst) relations' (completeRequest, reqConds) = requestEntities @a vertices' relations' conditions = reqConds ++ customConds conditionsQ = if Prelude.null conditions then "" else " WHERE " <> intercalate " AND " conditions returnVertices = return' <$> filter isReturned' vertices' returnRelations = return' <$> filter isReturned' relations' completeReturn = intercalate ", " $ Prelude.filter (not . T.null) $ returnVertices ++ returnRelations -- | Abstract function, which exctracts graph from records if nodes and relations can be extracted. -- extractGraphs :: (Extractable (NodeRes a), Extractable (RelRes a), MonadIO m) => [NodeName] -> [(NodeName, NodeName)] -> [Record] -> BoltActionT m [Graph NodeName (NodeRes a) (RelRes a)] extractGraphs verticesN relationsN records = mapM (\i -> do vertices' <- zip verticesN <$> traverse (fmap (!! i) . flip extract records ) verticesN relations' <- zip relationsN <$> traverse (fmap (!! i) . flip extract records . relationName) relationsN pure $ Graph (fromList vertices') (fromList relations')) [0 .. length records - 1] -- | For given query graph, perform query and extract results graph. -- makeRequest :: (Requestable (NodeName, NodeReq a), Requestable ((NodeName, NodeName), RelReq a), Returnable (NodeName, NodeReq a), Returnable ((NodeName, NodeName), RelReq a), Extractable (NodeRes a), Extractable (RelRes a), MonadIO m) => [Text] -> Graph NodeName (NodeReq a) (RelReq a) -> BoltActionT m [Graph NodeName (NodeRes a) (RelRes a)] makeRequest conds graph = do response <- query $ formQuery @a conds graph extractGraphs @a presentedVertices presentedRelations response where presentedVertices = fmap fst . filter isReturned' . toList $ graph ^. vertices presentedRelations = fmap fst . filter isReturned' . toList $ graph ^. relations --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GET -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Get request with graph result. -- data GetRequest = GetRequest instance GraphQuery GetRequest where type NodeReq GetRequest = NodeGetter type RelReq GetRequest = RelGetter type NodeRes GetRequest = NodeResult type RelRes GetRequest = RelResult requestEntities = requestGetters --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PUT -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Put request in Bolt format with 'BoltId's of uploaded entities as result. -- data PutRequest = PutRequest instance GraphQuery PutRequest where type NodeReq PutRequest = PutNode type RelReq PutRequest = PutRelationship type NodeRes PutRequest = BoltId type RelRes PutRequest = BoltId requestEntities = requestPut -- | Helper function to merge graphs of results, i.e. -- if you requested graph A->B->C -- and in the database there were two B entities connected to the same entity A -- and four C entities, connected to the same two entities B, -- cypher query will return four graphs, which satisfy this path, -- despite the fact that A was presented only once in the database -- and B was presented only two times in the database. -- This function will merge these four graphs in one -- and return nodes by node names with suffixes equal to their BoltId-s. -- -- For example, if there were four graphs: -- nodes: [A (boltId = 0), B (boltId = 1), C (boltId = 3)], relations: [A -> B, B -> C], -- nodes: [A (boltId = 0), B (boltId = 1), C (boltId = 4)], relations: [A -> B, B -> C], -- nodes: [A (boltId = 0), B (boltId = 2), C (boltId = 5)], relations: [A -> B, B -> C], -- nodes: [A (boltId = 0), B (boltId = 2), C (boltId = 6)], relations: [A -> B, B -> C], -- this function will merge them into new graph: -- nodes: [A0 (boltId = 0), B1 (boltId = 1), B2 (boltId = 2), -- C3 (boltId = 3), C4 (boltId = 4), C5 (boltId = 5), C6 (boltId = 6)], -- relations: [A0 -> B1, A0 -> B2, B1 -> C3, B1 -> C4, B2 -> C5, B2 -> C6]. -- mergeGraphs :: GetBoltId a => [Graph NodeName a b] -> Graph NodeName a b mergeGraphs graphs = foldl' mergeGraph emptyGraph (updateGraph <$> graphs) where updateGraph :: GetBoltId a => Graph NodeName a b -> Graph NodeName a b updateGraph graph = Graph newVertices newRelations where namesMap = (\name node -> name <> (pack . show . getBoltId $ node) ) `mapWithKey` (graph ^. vertices) newVertices = (\name -> namesMap ! name ) `mapKeys` (graph ^. vertices) newRelations = (\(startName, endName) -> (namesMap ! startName, namesMap ! endName) ) `mapKeys` (graph ^. relations) mergeGraph :: GetBoltId a => Graph NodeName a b -> Graph NodeName a b -> Graph NodeName a b mergeGraph graphToMerge initialGraph = over relations (union (graphToMerge ^. relations)) $ over vertices (union (graphToMerge ^. vertices)) initialGraph