{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-} import Test.HUnit import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Data.Has import Data.Has.Engine main = defaultMain [ testGroup "Typical Usage" test_typical_usage , testGroup "Corner Cases" test_corner_cases , testGroup "Labelled Values" test_labelled_values ] eq test_name expected actual = testCase test_name $ assertEqual test_name expected actual newtype P = P Int deriving (Eq,Show) newtype Q = Q Int deriving (Eq,Show) newtype R = R Int deriving (Eq,Show) pqr :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Field P :&: Field Q :&: Field R pqr p q r = field (P p) & field (Q q) & field (R r) test_typical_usage = [ eq "Project by Type" (Q 2) (prj (pqr 1 2 3)) , eq "Inject by Type" (pqr 1 10 3) (inj (Q 10) (pqr 1 2 3)) , eq "Project by Another Type" (P 1) (prj (pqr 1 2 3)) , eq "Inject by Another Type" (pqr 99 2 3) (inj (P 99) (pqr 1 2 3)) , eq "Update by a Type" (pqr (-1) 2 3) (upd (\(P n) -> P (negate n)) (pqr 1 2 3)) , eq "Build data by inj by inj" (pqr 1 2 3) (inj (P 1) . inj (R 3) . inj (Q 2) $ undefined) , let intBool = field (1::Int) & field True in eq "prj selects a value from record with type inference" (2::Int) (if prj intBool then prj intBool + 1 else -1) ] data L = L; data M = M; data N = N test_corner_cases = [ testGroup "If there are same types in a type list" [ eq "left-most data wins in injection" (L .> 'a' & L .> 'b' & L .> 'c') (injl L 'a' (L .> 'x' & L .> 'b' & L .> 'c')) , eq "left-most data wins in projection also" 'a' (prjl L (L .> 'a' & L .> 'b' & L .> 'c')) , eq "even they are nested complexly" 'a' (prjl L ((L .> 'a' & L .> 'b') & (L .> 'c' & L .> 'd' & L .> 'e') & L .> 'f')) , eq "even the type does not occur outer-most" 'c' (prjl L (M .> 'a' & (N .> 'b' & (L .> 'c' & M .> 'd') & L .> 'e'))) ] ] data X = X; data Y = Y; data Z = Z; type instance TypeOf X = String type instance TypeOf Y = String type instance TypeOf Z = String type C = FieldOf X :&: FieldOf Y :&: FieldOf Z mkC :: String -> String -> String -> C mkC x y z = fieldOf x & fieldOf y & fieldOf z test_labelled_values = [ eq "inject a value by a label" (mkC "foo" "bar" "baz") (X ^= "foo" $ mkC "boo" "bar" "baz") , eq "project a value by a label" "bar" (Y ^. mkC "boo" "bar" "baz") , eq "update a value by a label" (X .> "foofoo" & Y .> "bar" & Z .> "baz") (X ^: (++"foo") $ mkC "foo" "bar" "baz") ]