{-# LANGUAGE CPP, UndecidableInstances #-} module HAppS.Crypto.W64 where import HAppS.Crypto.DES import HAppS.Crypto.SHA1 import Data.List import Numeric(readHex) #ifdef TEST import Test.QuickCheck #endif --the first character to be encrypted is 0 1 2 3 the number that should --be ignored at the end of the string pad :: String -> String pad x = padding++x where padLength = 4 - (length x) `mod` 4 padding = (toEnum padLength) : (take (padLength-1) $ repeat 'A') unpad :: (Enum a) => [a] -> [a] unpad x = drop (fromEnum $ head x) x prop_PadUnPad :: String -> Bool prop_PadUnPad x = x==(unpad $ pad x) is4Char :: [a] -> Bool is4Char x = length x==4 quadCharToW64 :: (Num b, Enum a) => [a] -> b quadCharToW64 = fromInteger . impl . map (fromIntegral.fromEnum) where impl :: [Integer] -> Integer impl [a,b,c,d]=(a*2^24+b*2^16+c*2^8+d) impl _ = error "Argument to quadCharToW64 must be length 4" w64ToQuadChar :: (Integral a, Enum b) => a -> [b] w64ToQuadChar w64 = map (toEnum.fromIntegral) $! reverse $! take 4 $! v ++ (repeat 0) where v = w64ToQuadNum w64 w64ToQuadNum :: (Integral a) => a -> [a] w64ToQuadNum = unfoldr (\x->if x==0 then Nothing else Just (x `mod` 256,x `div` 256)) #ifdef TEST prop_quadCharW64 x = is4Char x ==> x == (w64ToQuadChar $ quadCharToW64 x) #endif --assume padded toQuadChars :: [a] -> [[a]] toQuadChars [] = [] toQuadChars (a:b:c:d:rest) = [a,b,c,d]:toQuadChars rest toQuadChars _ = error "Argument for toQuadChars must have a length that is a multiple of 4" stringToW64s :: (Num a) => String -> [a] stringToW64s x = map quadCharToW64 $ toQuadChars $ pad x w64sToString :: (Enum b) => [Integer] -> [b] w64sToString x = unpad $ concat $ map w64ToQuadChar x prop_stringW64 :: String -> Bool prop_stringW64 x = x == (w64sToString $ stringToW64s x) --des takes a 64 bit number and encrypts it with another 64 bit number --so string DES is an key string converted to a w64 and a value converted --to a list of w64s --the result is then converted from a list of w64s back to a string --the key is an sha1 hash of the string converted to a 64 bit int or -- the first 16 hex digits -- `1/3 of total key space hexToW64 :: (Num a) => String -> a hexToW64 = fromInteger . fst . head . readHex . take 16 stringToKey :: (Num a) => String -> a stringToKey = hexToW64 . sha1 des_encrypt :: String -> String -> [Enc] des_encrypt key = map (flip des_enc $ stringToKey key) . stringToW64s des_decrypt :: (Enum a) => String -> [Message] -> [a] des_decrypt key = w64sToString . map (toInteger . flip des_dec (stringToKey key)) prop_DES :: String -> String -> Bool prop_DES key val = val == (des_decrypt key $ des_encrypt key val)