{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, FunctionalDependencies, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses, RecordWildCards, Rank2Types, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {- | This module provides a simple session implementation which stores session data on the client as a cookie value. The cookie values are stored in an encrypted cookie to make it more difficult for users to tamper with the values. However, this does not prevent replay attacks, and should not be seen as a substitute for using HTTPS. Additionally, the cryptography libraries used to encrypt the cookie have never been audited. Hence you are encouraged to think carefully about what data you put in the session data. Another important thing to realize is client-side sessions do not provide Isolation. Imagine if the browser makes multiple simultaneous requests, which each modify the session data. The browser will submit the same cookie for each the requests, and each request handling thread will get their own copy of the session data. The threads will then modify their local copies independently and send their modified values back to the browser, overwriting each other. The final value will be determined by which ever request is sent last, and any changes made by the other request will be entirely lost. This means that clientsessions would not be suitable for implementing a request counter, because if overlapping requests are made, the count will be off. The count will only be accurate if the requests are processed sequentially. That said, the demo code implements a request counter anyway, because it is short and sweet. Also, this caveat was forgotten when the example code was being written. If you only modify the session data for POST requests, but not GET requests you are less likely to run into situations where you are losing changes, because there are not a lot of cases where a client will be submitting multiple POST requests in parallel. Though there is no guarantee. Alternatively, you can choose to /only/ store data where it is OK if modifications are lost. For example, if the session data contains only a userid and the time of the last request they made, then there is no great loss if some of the modifications are lost, because the access times are going to all be about the same anyway. By default the client will need to submit the cookie that contains the client session data for every request (including images, and other static assets). So, storing a large amount of data in the client session will make requests slower and is not recommended. If you have assets which can be served with out examining the client session data you can use the 'sessionPath' and 'sessionDomain' parameters of 'SessionConf' to limit when the browser sends the session data cookie. The first thing you need to do is enable some extensions which can be done via a @LANGUAGE@ pragma at the top of your app: {\-\# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, TemplateHaskell #\-\} Then you will need some imports: > module Main where > > import Happstack.Server (ServerPartT, Response, simpleHTTP > , nullConf, nullDir, ok, toResponse > ) > import Happstack.Server.ClientSession > ( ClientSession(..), ClientSessionT(..) > , getDefaultKey, mkSessionConf > , liftSessionStateT, withClientSessionT > ) > import Data.Data (Data, Typeable) > import Data.Lens ((+=)) > import Data.Lens.Template (makeLens) > import Data.SafeCopy (base, deriveSafeCopy) Next you will want to create a type to hold your session data. Here we use a simple record which we will update using @data-lens-fd@. But, you could also store a, @Map Text Text@, or whatever suits your fancy as long as it can be serialized. (So no data types that include functions, existential types, etc). > data SessionData = SessionData > { _count :: Integer > } > deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable) > > -- | here we make it a lens, but that is not required > $(makeLens ''SessionData) We use the @safecopy@ library to serialize the data so we can encrypt it and store it in a cookie. @safecopy@ provides version migration, which means that we will be able to read-in old session data if we change the data type. The easiest way to create a 'SafeCopy' instance is with 'deriveSafeCopy': > $(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''SessionData) We also need to define what an 'emptySession' looks like. This will be used for creating new sessions when the client does not already have one: > instance ClientSession SessionData where > emptySession = SessionData { _count = 0 } Next we have a function which reads a client-specific page counter and returns the number of times the page has been reloaded. In this function we use, 'liftSessionStateT' to lift the '+=' lens function into 'ClientSessionT' to increment and return the value stored in the client session. Alternatively, we could have used the 'getSession' and 'putSession' functions from 'MonadClientSession'. Those functions do not require the use of 'liftSessionStateT'. > routes :: ClientSessionT SessionData (ServerPartT IO) Response > routes = > do nullDir > c <- liftSessionStateT $ count += 1 > ok $ toResponse $ "you have viewed this page " ++ (show c) ++ " time(s)." Finally, we unwrap the 'ClientSessionT' monad transformer using 'withClientSessionT'. The 'SessionConf' type requires an encryption key. You can generate the key using 'getDefaultKey' uses a default filename. Alternatively, you can specific the name you want to use explicitly using 'getKey'. The key will be created automatically if it does not already exist. If you change the key, all existing client sessions will be invalidated. > main :: IO () > main = > do key <- getDefaultKey > let sessionConf = mkSessionConf key > simpleHTTP nullConf $ withClientSessionT sessionConf $ routes In a real application you might want to use a @newtype@ wrapper around 'ClientSessionT' to keep your type signatures sane. An alternative version of this demo which does that can be found here: -} module Happstack.Server.ClientSession ( -- * Happstack.Server.ClientSession ClientSession(..) , SessionStatus(..) , MonadClientSession(getSession, putSession, expireSession) , SessionConf(..) , mkSessionConf , ClientSessionT(..) , mapClientSessionT , runClientSessionT , withClientSessionT , SessionStateT , mapSessionStateT , liftSessionStateT -- * Exported from @Web.ClientSession@ , Key , getKey , getDefaultKey , randomKey ) where import Control.Applicative (Applicative, Alternative, optional) import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..), liftM) import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase) import Control.Monad.Cont (MonadCont, ContT) import Control.Monad.Error (MonadError, ErrorT, Error) import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix) import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader(ask, local), ReaderT(..), mapReaderT) import Control.Monad.State (MonadState(get,put), StateT(..), mapStateT) import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadWriter(tell, listen, pass), WriterT(..)) import Control.Monad.RWS (MonadRWS, RWST) import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO(liftIO), MonadTrans(lift)) import Control.Monad.Trans.Control ( MonadTransControl(..) , MonadBaseControl(..) , ComposeSt, defaultLiftBaseWith, defaultRestoreM ) import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack, unpack) import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) import Data.SafeCopy (SafeCopy(getCopy, putCopy), contain, safeGet, safePut) import Data.Serialize (runGet, runPut) import Happstack.Server ( HasRqData, FilterMonad, WebMonad, ServerMonad, Happstack, Response , CookieLife(Session), Cookie(secure,cookiePath, cookieDomain, httpOnly) , lookCookieValue, addCookie, mkCookie, expireCookie ) import Web.ClientSession (Key, getKey, getDefaultKey, randomKey, decrypt, encryptIO) import qualified Data.Serialize as S instance SafeCopy Key where getCopy = contain $ S.get putCopy = contain . S.put ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- class ClientSession ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Your session type must have an instance for this class. class SafeCopy st => ClientSession st where -- | An empty session, i.e. what you get when there is no existing -- session stored. emptySession :: st ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- SessionConf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Configuration for the session cookie for passing to 'runClientSessionT' or 'withClientSessionT'. data SessionConf = SessionConf { sessionCookieName :: String -- ^ Name of the cookie to hold your session data. , sessionCookieLife :: CookieLife -- ^ Lifetime of that cookie. , sessionKey :: Key -- ^ Encryption key, usually from one of 'getKey', 'getDefaultKey' and 'randomKey'. , sessionDomain :: String -- ^ cookie domain , sessionPath :: String -- ^ cookie path , sessionSecure :: Bool -- ^ Only use a session over secure transports. , sessionHttpOnly :: Bool -- ^ Only use session over HTTP (to prevent it from being stolen via cross-site scripting) } -- | Create a 'SessionConf' using defaults for everything except -- 'sessionKey'. You can use record update syntax to override individual -- fields. -- -- > main = do key <- getDefaultKey -- > let sessConf = (mkSessionConf key) { sessionCookieLife = oneWeek } -- > simpleHTTP nullConf $ withClientSessionT sessConf handlers -- > where -- > oneWeek = MaxAge $ 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 -- > handlers = msum [...] -- -- 'mkSessionConf' is currently defined as: -- -- > mkSessionConf :: Key -> SessionConf -- > mkSessionConf key = SessionConf -- > { sessionCookieName = "Happstack.ClientSession" -- > , sessionCookieLife = Session -- > , sessionKey = key -- > , sessionDomain = "" -- > , sessionPath = "/" -- > , sessionSecure = False -- > , sessionHttpOnly = True -- > } -- -- see also: 'getKey', 'getDefaultKey' mkSessionConf :: Key -> SessionConf mkSessionConf key = SessionConf { sessionCookieName = "Happstack.ClientSession" , sessionCookieLife = Session , sessionKey = key , sessionDomain = "" , sessionPath = "/" , sessionSecure = False , sessionHttpOnly = True } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- SessionStateT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Wrapper around the sessionData which tracks it state so we can -- avoid decoding or encoding/sending the cookie when not required data SessionStatus sessionData = Unread | NoChange sessionData | Modified sessionData | Expired deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'SessionStateT' is like 'StateT', except it records if 'put' was ever called newtype SessionStateT s m a = SessionStateT { unSessionStateT :: StateT (SessionStatus s) m a } deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadPlus, MonadBase b, MonadIO, MonadFix, MonadError e, MonadCont , MonadTrans, HasRqData, FilterMonad r, WebMonad r, ServerMonad) instance Happstack m => Happstack (SessionStateT sessionData m) instance (MonadPlus m) => Monoid (SessionStateT sessionData m a) where mempty = mzero mappend = mplus instance (Monad m, ClientSession sessionData) => MonadState sessionData (SessionStateT sessionData m) where get = SessionStateT $ do sd <- get case sd of (NoChange sd') -> return sd' (Modified sd') -> return sd' _ -> return emptySession put a = SessionStateT $ put (Modified a) instance MonadTransControl (SessionStateT s) where newtype StT (SessionStateT s) a = StSessionStateT { unStSessionStateT :: StT (StateT (SessionStatus s)) a } liftWith f = SessionStateT $ liftWith $ \runStateT' -> f $ liftM StSessionStateT . runStateT' . unSessionStateT restoreT = SessionStateT . restoreT . liftM unStSessionStateT instance MonadBaseControl b m => MonadBaseControl b (SessionStateT s m) where newtype StM (SessionStateT s m) a = StMSessionStateT { unStMSessionStateT :: ComposeSt (SessionStateT s) m a } liftBaseWith = defaultLiftBaseWith StMSessionStateT restoreM = defaultRestoreM unStMSessionStateT -- | run 'SessionStateT' and get the result, plus the final @SessionStatus sessionData@ runSessionStateT :: SessionStateT sessionData m a -> SessionStatus sessionData -> m (a, SessionStatus sessionData) runSessionStateT = runStateT . unSessionStateT -- | Transform the inner monad. (similar to 'mapStateT') -- -- The @forall s.@ is to prevent you from modifying the session state. -- -- In theory we want this function to have the type: -- -- > mapSessionStateT :: (m a -> n b) -> SessionStateT s m a -> SessionStateT s n b -- -- But that can not be done, so this is the next best thing. -- mapSessionStateT :: (forall s. m (a, s) -> n (b, s)) -> SessionStateT sessionData m a -> SessionStateT sessionData n b mapSessionStateT f (SessionStateT m) = SessionStateT $ mapStateT f m -- | similar to 'mapStateT'. This version allows modification of the session data mapSessionStateT_ :: (m (a, SessionStatus s) -> n (b, SessionStatus s)) -> SessionStateT s m a -> SessionStateT s n b mapSessionStateT_ f (SessionStateT m) = SessionStateT $ mapStateT f m ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ClientSessionT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | 'ClientSessionT' provides an environment in which we can access and update the client-side session state -- -- The inner monad needs to provide an instance of 'Happstack' so that -- the cookie value can be read and set. According 'ClientSessionT' -- must appear outside 'ServerPartT' not inside it. newtype ClientSessionT sessionData m a = ClientSessionT { unClientSessionT :: ReaderT SessionConf (SessionStateT sessionData m) a } deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadBase b, MonadPlus, MonadIO, MonadFix, MonadError e, MonadCont , HasRqData, FilterMonad r, WebMonad r, ServerMonad) -- | run the 'ClientSessionT' monad and get the result plus the final @SessionStatus sessionData@ -- -- This function does /not/ automatically update the cookie if the -- session has been modified. It is up to you to do that. You probably -- want to use 'withClientSessionT' instead. -- -- see also: 'withClientSessionT', 'mkSessionConf' runClientSessionT :: ClientSessionT sessionData m a -> SessionConf -> m (a, SessionStatus sessionData) runClientSessionT cs sc = runSessionStateT (runReaderT (unClientSessionT cs) sc) Unread instance Happstack m => Happstack (ClientSessionT sessionData m) instance (MonadPlus m) => Monoid (ClientSessionT sessionData m a) where mempty = mzero mappend = mplus instance MonadTrans (ClientSessionT sessionData) where lift = ClientSessionT . lift . lift instance MonadTransControl (ClientSessionT s) where newtype StT (ClientSessionT s) a = StClientSessionT { unStClientSessionT :: StT (SessionStateT s) (StT (ReaderT SessionConf) a) } liftWith f = ClientSessionT $ liftWith $ \runSessionStateT' -> liftWith $ \runReaderT' -> f $ liftM StClientSessionT . runReaderT' . runSessionStateT' . unClientSessionT restoreT = ClientSessionT . restoreT . restoreT . liftM unStClientSessionT instance MonadBaseControl b m => MonadBaseControl b (ClientSessionT s m) where newtype StM (ClientSessionT s m) a = StMClientSessionT { unStMClientSessionT :: ComposeSt (ClientSessionT s) m a } liftBaseWith = defaultLiftBaseWith StMClientSessionT restoreM = defaultRestoreM unStMClientSessionT -- | transform the inner monad, but leave the session data alone. mapClientSessionT :: (forall s. m (a, s) -> n (b, s)) -> ClientSessionT sessionData m a -> ClientSessionT sessionData n b mapClientSessionT f (ClientSessionT m) = ClientSessionT $ mapReaderT (mapSessionStateT f) m -- | transform the inner monad mapClientSessionT_ :: (m (a, SessionStatus sessionData) -> n (b, SessionStatus sessionData)) -> ClientSessionT sessionData m a -> ClientSessionT sessionData n b mapClientSessionT_ f (ClientSessionT m) = ClientSessionT $ mapReaderT (mapSessionStateT_ f) m instance (MonadReader r m) => MonadReader r (ClientSessionT sessionData m) where ask = lift ask local = mapClientSessionT_ . local instance (MonadWriter w m) => MonadWriter w (ClientSessionT sessionData m) where tell = lift . tell listen = mapClientSessionT listen' where listen' :: m (a, s) -> m ((a, w), s) listen' m = do ((a, s), w') <- listen m return ((a, w'), s) pass = mapClientSessionT pass' where pass' :: m ((a, w -> w), s) -> m (a, s) pass' m = do ((a, f), st) <- m a' <- pass $ return (a, f) return (a', st) instance (MonadState s m) => MonadState s (ClientSessionT sessionData m) where get = lift get put a = lift (put a) instance (MonadRWS r w s m) => MonadRWS r w s (ClientSessionT sessionData m) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Internals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Fetch the 'SessionConf' askSessionConf :: (Monad m) => ClientSessionT sessionData m SessionConf askSessionConf = ClientSessionT ask -- | Fetch the 'SessionConf' and apply a function to it asksSessionConf :: (Monad m) => (SessionConf -> a) -> ClientSessionT sessionData m a asksSessionConf f = do sc <- askSessionConf return (f sc) -- | Fetch the current value of the state within the monad. getSessionStatus :: (Monad m) => ClientSessionT sessionData m (SessionStatus sessionData) getSessionStatus = ClientSessionT $ ReaderT $ \_ -> SessionStateT get -- | @'put' s@ sets the state within the monad to @s@. putSessionStatus :: Monad m => SessionStatus sessionData -> ClientSessionT sessionData m () putSessionStatus sd = ClientSessionT $ ReaderT $ \_ -> SessionStateT $ put sd -- | create a new session by calling 'emptySession' newSession :: (Monad m, ClientSession st) => m st newSession = return emptySession -- | decode the encypted cookie string decode :: (Monad m, ClientSession sessionData) => String -> ClientSessionT sessionData m sessionData decode v = do key <- asksSessionConf sessionKey maybe newSession (either (const newSession) return . runGet safeGet) . decrypt key $ pack v -- | get the session cookie and decrypt it. If no cookie is found, return a new 'emptySession'. getValue :: (Functor m, Monad m, MonadPlus m, HasRqData m, ClientSession sessionData) => ClientSessionT sessionData m sessionData getValue = do name <- asksSessionConf sessionCookieName value <- optional $ lookCookieValue name maybe newSession decode value -- | get the @sessionData@ getSessionCST :: (Functor m, MonadPlus m, HasRqData m, ClientSession sessionData) => ClientSessionT sessionData m sessionData getSessionCST = do sd <- getSessionStatus case sd of Unread -> do a <- getValue putSessionStatus (NoChange a) return a NoChange a -> return a Modified a -> return a Expired -> newSession -- | Put a new value in the session. putSessionCST :: (Monad m, ClientSession sessionData) => sessionData -> ClientSessionT sessionData m () putSessionCST sd = putSessionStatus (Modified sd) -- | Expire the session, i.e. the cookie holding it. expireSessionCST :: Monad m => ClientSessionT st m () expireSessionCST = putSessionStatus Expired ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- MonadClientSession ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | 'MonadClientSession' provides the primary interface to get @sessionData@, put @sessionData@ or expire @sessionData@. -- -- This is a class so you can use newtype deriving to make the functions available in your custom server monad. class MonadClientSession sessionData m | m -> sessionData where getSession :: m sessionData -- ^ get the current @sessionData@ putSession :: sessionData -> m () -- ^ set the @sessionData@ expireSession :: m () -- ^ expire the session (deletes the cookie) instance (Functor m , MonadPlus m, HasRqData m, ClientSession sessionData) => (MonadClientSession sessionData (ClientSessionT sessionData m)) where getSession = getSessionCST putSession = putSessionCST expireSession = expireSessionCST instance (Monad m, MonadClientSession sessionData m) => MonadClientSession sessionData (ContT c m) where getSession = lift getSession putSession = lift . putSession expireSession = lift expireSession instance (Monad m, MonadClientSession sessionData m, Error e) => MonadClientSession sessionData (ErrorT e m) where getSession = lift getSession putSession = lift . putSession expireSession = lift expireSession instance (Monad m, MonadClientSession sessionData m) => MonadClientSession sessionData (ReaderT r m) where getSession = lift getSession putSession = lift . putSession expireSession = lift expireSession instance (Monad m, MonadClientSession sessionData m) => MonadClientSession sessionData (StateT s m) where getSession = lift getSession putSession = lift . putSession expireSession = lift expireSession instance (Monad m, MonadClientSession sessionData m, Monoid w) => MonadClientSession sessionData (WriterT w m) where getSession = lift getSession putSession = lift . putSession expireSession = lift expireSession instance (Monad m, MonadClientSession sessionData m, Monoid w) => MonadClientSession sessionData (RWST r w s m) where getSession = lift getSession putSession = lift . putSession expireSession = lift expireSession ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- liftSessionStateT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | lift a computation from the 'SessionStateT' monad -- -- The primary purpose of this function is to make it possible to use -- the 'MonadState' functions such as 'get' and 'set' to get and set -- the current session data. -- -- That makes it possible to use the 'MonadState' based functions provided by 'Data.Lens', e.g.: -- -- > do c <- liftSessionStateT $ count += 1 -- liftSessionStateT :: (Monad m, MonadTrans t, MonadClientSession sessionData (t m), Monad (t m)) => SessionStateT sessionData m a -> t m a liftSessionStateT m = do sd <- getSession (a, sd') <- lift $ runSessionStateT m (NoChange sd) case sd' of (Modified sd'') -> putSession sd'' (NoChange _ ) -> return () Unread -> error "liftSessionStateT: session data came back Unread. How did that happen?" Expired -> error "liftSessionStateT: session data came back Expired. How did that happen?" return a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- withClientSessionT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Wrapper around your handlers that use the session. -- -- This function automatically takes care of expiring or updating the -- cookie if the 'expireSession' or 'modifySession' is called. -- -- If no changes are made to the session, then the cookie will not be -- resent (because there is no need to). withClientSessionT :: (Happstack m, Functor m, Monad m, FilterMonad Response m, ClientSession sessionData) => SessionConf -> ClientSessionT sessionData m a -> m a withClientSessionT sessionConf@SessionConf{..} part = do (a, sd) <- runClientSessionT part sessionConf case sd of Modified sd' -> encode sd' Expired -> expire _ -> return () return a where encode sd = do bytes <- liftIO . encryptIO sessionKey . runPut . safePut $ sd let cookie = (mkCookie sessionCookieName $ unpack bytes) { cookieDomain = sessionDomain , cookiePath = sessionPath , secure = sessionSecure , httpOnly = sessionHttpOnly } addCookie sessionCookieLife cookie expire = expireCookie sessionCookieName