{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Hans.IP4.Dhcp.Client (
  ) where

import Hans.Device.Types (Device(devMac))
import Hans.IP4.Dhcp.Codec (SubnetMask(..))
import Hans.IP4.Dhcp.Packet
import Hans.IP4.Dhcp.Options
import Hans.IP4.Packet (IP4,pattern WildcardIP4,pattern BroadcastIP4,IP4Mask(..))
import Hans.IP4.RoutingTable(Route(..),RouteType(..))
import Hans.Lens
import Hans.Socket
import Hans.Serialize (runPutPacket)
import Hans.Threads (forkNamed)
import Hans.Time (toUSeconds)
import Hans.Types (NetworkStack,networkStack,addRoute,addNameServer4)

import           Control.Concurrent (threadDelay,killThread)
import           Control.Monad (guard)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import           Data.Maybe (fromMaybe,mapMaybe)
import           Data.Serialize.Get (runGetLazy)
import           Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime)
import           System.Random (randomIO,randomRIO)
import           System.Timeout (timeout)

-- | BOOTP server port.
bootps :: SockPort
bootps  = 67

-- | BOOTP client port.
bootpc :: SockPort
bootpc  = 68

mkXid :: IO Xid
mkXid  = do w <- randomIO
            return (Xid w)

renderMessage :: Dhcp4Message -> L.ByteString
renderMessage msg = runPutPacket 236 256 L.empty (putDhcp4Message msg)

data DhcpConfig = DhcpConfig { dcInitialTimeout :: !NominalDiffTime
                               -- ^ Initial timeout

                             , dcRetries :: !Int
                               -- ^ Number of retries

                             , dcDefaultRoute :: Bool
                               -- ^ Whether or not routing information received
                               -- from the DHCP server should be used as the
                               -- default route for the network stack.

                             , dcAutoRenew :: Bool
                               -- ^ Whether or not to fork a renew thread once
                               -- configuration information has been received.

defaultDhcpConfig :: DhcpConfig
defaultDhcpConfig  = DhcpConfig { dcInitialTimeout = 4.0
                                , dcRetries        = 6
                                , dcDefaultRoute   = True
                                , dcAutoRenew      = True }

-- | Wait for a result on a socket
waitResponse :: DhcpConfig -> IO () -> IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
waitResponse DhcpConfig { .. } send recv =
  go dcRetries (toUSeconds dcInitialTimeout)
  go retries toVal =
    do send
       mb <- timeout toVal recv
       case mb of

         Just{} -> return mb

         -- adjust the timeout by two, and add some slack before trying again
         Nothing | retries > 0 ->
           do slack <- randomRIO (500,1000)
              go (retries - 1) (toVal * 2 + slack * 1000)

         _ -> return Nothing

data DhcpLease = DhcpLease { dhcpRenew :: !(IO ())
                           , dhcpAddr  :: !IP4

dhcpClient :: NetworkStack -> DhcpConfig -> Device -> IO (Maybe DhcpLease)
dhcpClient ns cfg dev =
  do sock <- newUdpSocket ns defaultSocketConfig (Just dev) WildcardIP4 (Just bootpc)
     dhcpDiscover cfg dev sock

-- | Discover a dhcp server, and request an address.
dhcpDiscover :: DhcpConfig -> Device -> UdpSocket IP4 -> IO (Maybe DhcpLease)
dhcpDiscover cfg dev sock =
  do xid  <- mkXid
     let msg = renderMessage (discoverToMessage (mkDiscover xid (devMac dev)))

     mb <- waitResponse cfg (sendto sock BroadcastIP4 bootps msg) (awaitOffer sock)
     case mb of
       Just offer -> dhcpRequest cfg dev sock offer
       Nothing    -> do sClose sock
                        return Nothing

-- | Only accept an offer.
awaitOffer :: UdpSocket IP4 -> IO Offer
awaitOffer sock = go
  go =
    do (_,_,srcPort,bytes) <- recvfrom sock

       if srcPort /= bootps
          then go
          else case runGetLazy getDhcp4Message bytes of

                 Right msg
                   | Just (Right (OfferMessage o)) <- parseDhcpMessage msg ->
                     return o

                 _ -> go

-- | Respond to an offer with a request, and configure the network stack if an
-- acknowledgement is received.
dhcpRequest :: DhcpConfig -> Device -> UdpSocket IP4 -> Offer -> IO (Maybe DhcpLease)
dhcpRequest cfg dev sock offer =
  do let req = renderMessage (requestToMessage (offerToRequest offer))
     mb <- waitResponse cfg (sendto sock BroadcastIP4 bootps req) (awaitAck sock)
     sClose sock
     case mb of

       Nothing  -> return Nothing

       Just ack ->
         do lease <- handleAck (view networkStack sock) cfg dev offer ack
            return (Just lease)

awaitAck :: UdpSocket IP4 -> IO Ack
awaitAck sock = go
  go =
    do (_,_,srcPort,bytes) <- recvfrom sock

       if srcPort /= bootps
          then go
          else case runGetLazy getDhcp4Message bytes of

                 Right msg
                   | Just (Right (AckMessage a)) <- parseDhcpMessage msg ->
                     return a

                 _ -> go

-- | Perform a DHCP Renew.
renew :: NetworkStack -> DhcpConfig -> Device -> Offer -> IO ()
renew ns cfg dev offer =
  do sock <- newUdpSocket ns defaultSocketConfig (Just dev) WildcardIP4 (Just bootpc)
     _    <- dhcpRequest cfg dev sock offer

     return ()

-- Ack Management --------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Apply the information in the Ack to the NetworkStack, and Device. Returns
-- information about the lease, as well as an IO action that can be used to
-- renew it.
handleAck :: NetworkStack -> DhcpConfig -> Device -> Offer -> Ack -> IO DhcpLease
handleAck ns cfg dev offer Ack { .. } =
  do let addr     = ackYourAddr
         mask     = fromMaybe 24 (lookupSubnet ackOptions)

     let nameServers = concat (mapMaybe getNameServers ackOptions)
     mapM_ (addNameServer4 ns) nameServers

     addRoute ns False Route
       { routeNetwork = IP4Mask addr mask
       , routeType    = Direct
       , routeDevice  = dev

     case lookupGateway ackOptions of
       Just gw | dcDefaultRoute cfg ->
         addRoute ns True Route
             { routeNetwork = IP4Mask addr 0
             , routeType    = Indirect gw
             , routeDevice  = dev

       _ -> return ()

     dhcpRenew <-
       if dcAutoRenew cfg
          then -- wait for half of the lease time, then automatically renew
               -- XXX: what happens on a 32-bit system here?
               do tid <- forkNamed "dhcpRenew" $
                         do threadDelay (fromIntegral ackLeaseTime * 500000)
                            renew ns cfg dev offer

                  return $ do killThread tid
                              renew ns cfg dev offer

          else return (renew ns cfg dev offer)

     return $! DhcpLease { dhcpAddr = addr, .. }

lookupGateway :: [Dhcp4Option] -> Maybe IP4
lookupGateway  = foldr p Nothing
  p (OptRouters rs) _ = guard (not (null rs)) >> Just (head rs)
  p _               a = a

lookupSubnet :: [Dhcp4Option] -> Maybe Int
lookupSubnet  = foldr p Nothing
  p (OptSubnetMask (SubnetMask i)) _ = Just i
  p _                              a = a

getNameServers :: Dhcp4Option -> Maybe [IP4]
getNameServers (OptNameServers addrs) = Just addrs
getNameServers _                      = Nothing