0.3.1 [2021-01-04] ------------------ * Downgraded testing claims that NaNs will round-trip, as 32-bit GHCs aren't fulfilling that promise. Now we merely claim that a NaN will return as a NaN. * Always provide `NFData Half` instance * Add `Binary Half` instance * Explicitly mark module as `Trustworthy` * Fix `isInfinite` * Add experimental support for GHCJS, add pure conversion functions. 0.3 --- * Fixed bound in `floatRange`. * Fixed `decodeFloat`. * Added a `Lift` instance for `Half` for `template-haskell` support. ------- * Avoid the new warnings for missing pattern synonym signatures on GHC 8 ------- * Fixed an issue with `Storable` that was causing crashing for some users. ------- * Added support for older GHCs still. `unsafeShiftR` was only added in 7.4. 0.2.2 ----- * Fixed `isInfinite`. * Added support for older GHCs. On GHC < 7.8 the pattern synonyms are disabled. 0.2.1 ----- * Removed need for `GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving` and `ScopedTypeVariables`. ------- * Fixed source repository location 0.2 --- * Renamed `toFloat` to `fromHalf` for easier unqualified use. * Added a `Read` instance. 0.1.1 ----- * Added a `CTYPE` to the Half declaration so that it can be used with `CApiFFI` as an unsigned short. 0.1 --- * Initial release