{-| Module : AWS.Lambda.Events.ApiGateway.ProxyResponse Description : Data types that represent typical lambda responses Copyright : (c) Nike, Inc., 2019 License : BSD3 Maintainer : nathan.fairhurst@nike.com, fernando.freire@nike.com Stability : stable This module enable exposes the required types for responding to API Gateway Proxy Events. Responses must return a status, body, and optionaly headers. Multiple smart contructors and helpers are provided to help encapsulated details like header case-insensitivity, multiple header copies, correct base64 encoding, and default content type. -} module AWS.Lambda.Events.ApiGateway.ProxyResponse ( ProxyResponse(..) , response , addHeader , setHeader , ProxyBody(..) , textPlain , applicationJson , genericBinary , module Network.HTTP.Types.Status ) where import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), ToJSON, encode, object, toJSON, withObject, (.:), (.:?), (.=)) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64 import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI, FoldCase, mk, original) import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI import Data.Foldable (fold) import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE import Network.HTTP.Types.Header (hContentType) import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (Status (..), accepted202, badGateway502, badRequest400, conflict409, continue100, created201, expectationFailed417, forbidden403, found302, gatewayTimeout504, gone410, httpVersionNotSupported505, imATeapot418, internalServerError500, lengthRequired411, methodNotAllowed405, movedPermanently301, multipleChoices300, networkAuthenticationRequired511, noContent204, nonAuthoritative203, notAcceptable406, notFound404, notImplemented501, notModified304, ok200, partialContent206, paymentRequired402, permanentRedirect308, preconditionFailed412, preconditionRequired428, proxyAuthenticationRequired407, requestEntityTooLarge413, requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge431, requestTimeout408, requestURITooLong414, requestedRangeNotSatisfiable416, resetContent205, seeOther303, serviceUnavailable503, status100, status101, status200, status201, status202, status203, status204, status205, status206, status300, status301, status302, status303, status304, status305, status307, status308, status400, status401, status402, status403, status404, status405, status406, status407, status408, status409, status410, status411, status412, status413, status414, status415, status416, status417, status418, status422, status426, status428, status429, status431, status500, status501, status502, status503, status504, status505, status511, switchingProtocols101, temporaryRedirect307, tooManyRequests429, unauthorized401, unprocessableEntity422, unsupportedMediaType415, upgradeRequired426, useProxy305) import GHC.Generics (Generic (..)) -- This function is available in Data.Functor as of base 4.11, but we define it -- here for compatibility. (<&>) :: Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b (<&>) x f = f <$> x infixl 1 <&> -- | Type that represents the body returned to an API Gateway when using HTTP -- Lambda Proxy integration. It is highly recommended that you do not use this -- type directly, and instead use the smart constructors exposed such as -- 'textPlain', 'applicationJson', and 'genericBinary'. These make sure that -- the base64 encodings work transparently. data ProxyBody = ProxyBody { contentType :: T.Text , serialized :: T.Text , isBase64Encoded :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) -- | A response returned to an API Gateway when using the HTTP Lambda Proxy -- integration. ContentType will be set based on the ProxyBody (recommended) -- if a value is not present in the headers field. -- -- This type can be constructed explicity or via the smart constructor -- `response`. Headers can then be added incrementally with `addHeader` or -- `setHeader`. The smart constructor pattern is recommended because it avoids -- some of the awkwardness of dealing with the multiValueHeaders field's type. -- -- @ -- {-\# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns \#-} -- {-\# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields \#-} -- {-\# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings \#-} -- -- module Main where -- -- import AWS.Lambda.Runtime (pureRuntime) -- import AWS.Lambda.Events.ApiGateway.ProxyRequest (ProxyRequest(..), NoAuthorizer) -- import AWS.Lambda.Events.ApiGateway.ProxyResponse (ProxyResponse(..), textPlain, forbidden403, ok200, response) -- -- myHandler :: ProxyRequest NoAuthorizer -> ProxyResponse -- myHandler ProxyRequest { httpMethod = \"GET\", path = "/say_hello" } = -- -- Smart Constructor and added header (recommended) -- addHeader "My-Custom-Header" "Value" $ -- response ok200 $ textPlain \"Hello\" -- myHandler _ = -- -- Explicit Construction (not recommended) -- ProxyResponse -- { status = forbidden403 -- , body = textPlain \"Forbidden\" -- , multiValueHeaders = -- fromList [(mk "My-Custom-Header", ["Other Value])] -- } -- -- main :: IO () -- main = pureRuntime myHandler -- @ data ProxyResponse = ProxyResponse { status :: Status , multiValueHeaders :: HashMap (CI T.Text) [T.Text] , body :: ProxyBody } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) toCIHashMap :: (Eq k, FoldCase k, Hashable k) => HashMap k a -> HashMap (CI k) a toCIHashMap = H.foldrWithKey (H.insert . mk) mempty -- | Smart constructor for creating a ProxyResponse from a status and a body response :: Status -> ProxyBody -> ProxyResponse response = flip ProxyResponse mempty -- | Add a header to the ProxyResponse. If there was already a value for this -- header, this one is __added__, meaning the response will include multiple -- copies of this header (valid by the HTTP spec). This does NOT replace any -- previous headers or their values. addHeader :: T.Text -> T.Text -> ProxyResponse -> ProxyResponse addHeader header value (ProxyResponse s mvh b) = ProxyResponse s (H.insertWith (<>) (mk header) [value] mvh) b -- | Set a header to the ProxyResponse. If there were any previous values for -- this header they are __all replaced__ by this new value. setHeader :: T.Text -> T.Text -> ProxyResponse -> ProxyResponse setHeader header value (ProxyResponse s mvh b) = ProxyResponse s (H.insert (mk header) [value] mvh) b -- | Smart constructor for creating a ProxyBody with an arbitrary ByteString of -- the chosen content type. Use this smart constructor to avoid invalid JSON -- representations of binary data. -- -- From here it is easy to make more specific body constructors: -- -- @ -- imageGif :: ByteString -> ProxyBody -- imageGif = genericBinary "image/gif" -- -- imageJpeg :: ByteString -> ProxyBody -- imageJpeg = genericBinary "image/jpeg" -- @ genericBinary :: T.Text -> ByteString -> ProxyBody genericBinary contentType x = ProxyBody contentType (TE.decodeUtf8 $ B64.encode x) True -- | Smart constructor for creating a simple body of text. textPlain :: T.Text -> ProxyBody textPlain x = ProxyBody "text/plain; charset=utf-8" x False -- | Smart constructor for creating a simple body of JSON. applicationJson :: ToJSON a => a -> ProxyBody applicationJson x = ProxyBody "application/json; charset=utf-8" (TL.toStrict $ TLE.decodeUtf8 $ encode x) False instance ToJSON ProxyResponse where toJSON (ProxyResponse status mvh (ProxyBody contentType body isBase64Encoded)) = let unCI = H.foldrWithKey (H.insert . original) mempty in object [ "statusCode" .= statusCode status , "multiValueHeaders" .= H.insertWith (\_ old -> old) ("Content-Type" :: T.Text) [contentType] (unCI mvh) , "body" .= body , "isBase64Encoded" .= isBase64Encoded ] -- | @since 0.4.8 instance FromJSON ProxyResponse where parseJSON = withObject "ProxyResponse" $ \v -> do headers <- v .:? "multiValueHeaders" <&> toCIHashMap . fold -- Move the "Content-Type" header into the ProxyBody. This is -- necessary to ensure round-tripping. let contentTypeHeader = CI.map TE.decodeUtf8 hContentType contentType = case H.lookup contentTypeHeader headers of Just (h:_) -> h _ -> "application/octet-stream" headers' = H.delete contentTypeHeader headers status <- v .: "statusCode" <&> toEnum proxyBody <- ProxyBody contentType <$> v .: "body" <*> v .: "isBase64Encoded" pure $ ProxyResponse status headers' proxyBody