# hakyll-dir-list [Hakyll](https://jaspervdj.be/hakyll/) extension which supports the creation of hierarchical menus from source files in a directory structure. Adittionally single page web sites can created by using flattened page id's instead of urls. ## Build the library * `stack build` ## Usage The exported `dirListField` function is similar to the Hakyll [`listField`](https://jaspervdj.be/hakyll/reference/Hakyll-Web-Template-Context.html#v:listField) template function but creates additional context information which can be used in the template to create a hierarchical menu. ### Context usable inside the template * `$begin-tags$` injects `
  • ` and `` tags * `$full-page-id$` is the hyphen seperated path of the page * use configuration to get level dependant structuring tags ### Metainformation in the source files For each subdirectory which should be processed one source file with the same base name should exist which can contain meta information: * `pages/a.md` top page for directory a * `pages/a/foo.md` page foo within a The following meta information can be given * `page-id` part of the generated id, if not given the base name of the file * `page-order` give an ordering key for sorting in the current directory level, if not given the `page-id` will be used ## Example See the example for an illustration of usage.