{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} module Spec.Wordpress (tests) where import Data.DateTime (fromGregorian) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.XML.Types as XML import Hakyll.Convert.Common (DistilledPost (..)) import Hakyll.Convert.Wordpress import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit import qualified Text.RSS.Syntax as RSS deriving instance Eq DistilledPost deriving instance Show DistilledPost tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Wordpress.distill" [ extractsPostUri, extractsPostBody, combinesMultipleContentTags, extractsPostTitle, canSkipComments, canExtractComments, usesTheFirstCommentAuthorTag, turnsIncorrectDatesIntoEpochStart, parsesDates, extractsPostTags, extractsPostCategories ] extractsPostUri :: TestTree extractsPostUri = testGroup "extracts post's item link" [ testCase (T.unpack uri) (dpUri (distill False (createInput uri)) @?= uri) | uri <- [ "https://example.com/testing-post-uris", "http://www.example.com/~joe/posts.atom" ] ] where createInput uri = (RSS.nullItem "First post") { RSS.rssItemLink = Just uri } contentTag :: XML.Name contentTag = XML.Name { XML.nameLocalName = "encoded", XML.nameNamespace = Just "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/", XML.namePrefix = Just "content" } namedElement :: XML.Name -> [XML.Node] -> XML.Element namedElement name nodes = XML.Element { XML.elementName = name, XML.elementAttributes = [], XML.elementNodes = nodes } extractsPostBody :: TestTree extractsPostBody = testGroup "extracts post's body" [ testCase (T.unpack body) (dpBody (distill False (createInput body)) @?= T.append body "\n") | body <- [ "

Today was a snowy day, and I decided to...

", "

My opinion on current affairs

So you see, I...

" ] ] where createInput body = (RSS.nullItem "Test post") { RSS.rssItemOther = [ namedElement contentTag [XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText body] ] } combinesMultipleContentTags :: TestTree combinesMultipleContentTags = testCase "combines multiple content:encoded tags into the post body" (dpBody (distill False input) @?= T.unlines [body1, body2]) where body1 = "


" body2 = "

Hope you like my blog

" input = (RSS.nullItem "Just testing") { RSS.rssItemOther = [ createElement body1, createElement body2 ] } createElement body = namedElement contentTag [XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText body] extractsPostTitle :: TestTree extractsPostTitle = testGroup "extracts post's title" [ testCase (T.unpack title) (dpTitle (distill False (RSS.nullItem title)) @?= Just title) | title <- [ "First post", "You won't believe what happened to me today", "Trying out things…" ] ] commentTag :: XML.Name commentTag = XML.Name { XML.nameLocalName = "comment", XML.nameNamespace = Just "http://wordpress.org/export/1.2/", XML.namePrefix = Just "wp" } commentContentTag :: XML.Name commentContentTag = XML.Name { XML.nameLocalName = "comment_content", XML.nameNamespace = Just "http://wordpress.org/export/1.2/", XML.namePrefix = Just "wp" } commentDateTag :: XML.Name commentDateTag = XML.Name { XML.nameLocalName = "comment_date", XML.nameNamespace = Just "http://wordpress.org/export/1.2/", XML.namePrefix = Just "wp" } commentAuthorTag :: XML.Name commentAuthorTag = XML.Name { XML.nameLocalName = "comment_author", XML.nameNamespace = Just "http://wordpress.org/export/1.2/", XML.namePrefix = Just "wp" } canSkipComments :: TestTree canSkipComments = testCase "does not extract comments if first argument is False" (dpBody (distill False input) @?= "

Hello, world!

\n") where input = (RSS.nullItem "Testing...") { RSS.rssItemOther = [ namedElement contentTag [XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText "

Hello, world!

"], namedElement commentTag [ XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText "

I'd like to point out that...

" ] ] } canExtractComments :: TestTree canExtractComments = testGroup "extracts comments if first argument is True" [ noDateNoAuthor, dateNoAuthor, noDateAuthor, dateAuthor ] where createInput comment = (RSS.nullItem "Testing...") { RSS.rssItemOther = [ namedElement contentTag [XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText "

Is this thing on?

"], comment ] } noDateNoAuthor = testCase "comments with no \"published\" date and no author" (dpBody (distill True (createInput noDateNoAuthorComment)) @?= expectedNoDateNoAuthor) noDateNoAuthorComment = namedElement commentTag [ XML.NodeElement $ namedElement commentContentTag [XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText "


"] ] expectedNoDateNoAuthor = "

Is this thing on?

\n\n\n\ \


\n\ \
\n\ \

On unknown date, unknown author wrote:

\n\ \
\n\ \


\n\ \
\n\ \
" dateNoAuthor = testCase "comments with a \"published\" date but no author" (dpBody (distill True (createInput dateNoAuthorComment)) @?= expectedDateNoAuthor) dateNoAuthorComment = namedElement commentTag [ XML.NodeElement $ namedElement commentContentTag [XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText "


"], XML.NodeElement $ namedElement commentDateTag [XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText "2017-09-02 21:28:46"] ] expectedDateNoAuthor = "

Is this thing on?

\n\n\n\ \


\n\ \
\n\ \

On 2017-09-02 21:28:46, unknown author wrote:

\n\ \
\n\ \


\n\ \
\n\ \
" noDateAuthor = testCase "comments with no \"published\" date but with an author" (dpBody (distill True (createInput commentNoDateAuthor)) @?= expectedNoDateAuthor) commentNoDateAuthor = namedElement commentTag [ XML.NodeElement $ namedElement commentContentTag [XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText "

Here's the thing: …

"], XML.NodeElement $ namedElement commentAuthorTag [XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText "Terry Jones"] ] expectedNoDateAuthor = "

Is this thing on?

\n\n\n\ \


\n\ \
\n\ \

On unknown date, Terry Jones wrote:

\n\ \
\n\ \

Here's the thing: …

\n\ \
\n\ \
" dateAuthor = testCase "comments with a \"published\" date and an author" (dpBody (distill True (createInput commentDateAuthor)) @?= expectedDateAuthor) commentDateAuthor = namedElement commentTag [ XML.NodeElement $ namedElement commentContentTag [XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText "

It sure is!

"], XML.NodeElement $ namedElement commentDateTag [XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText "2017-09-02 21:28:46"], XML.NodeElement $ namedElement commentAuthorTag [XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText "Elizabeth Keyes"] ] expectedDateAuthor = "

Is this thing on?

\n\n\n\ \


\n\ \
\n\ \

On 2017-09-02 21:28:46, Elizabeth Keyes wrote:

\n\ \
\n\ \

It sure is!

\n\ \
\n\ \
" usesTheFirstCommentAuthorTag :: TestTree usesTheFirstCommentAuthorTag = testCase "uses the first wp:comment_author tag" (dpBody (distill True input) @?= expected) where input = (RSS.nullItem "Testing...") { RSS.rssItemOther = [ namedElement contentTag [XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText "

Check this out!

"], namedElement commentTag [ XML.NodeElement $ namedElement commentContentTag [XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText "


"], XML.NodeElement $ namedElement commentAuthorTag [XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText "Alexander Batischev"], XML.NodeElement $ namedElement commentAuthorTag [XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText "John Doe"] ] ] } expected = "

Check this out!

\n\n\n\ \


\n\ \
\n\ \

On unknown date, Alexander Batischev wrote:

\n\ \
\n\ \


\n\ \
\n\ \
" turnsIncorrectDatesIntoEpochStart :: TestTree turnsIncorrectDatesIntoEpochStart = testGroup "turns incorrect \"published\" dates into Unix epoch start date" [ testCase (T.unpack date) (dpDate (distill False (createInput date)) @?= expected) | date <- [ "First of April", "2020.07.30", "2020.07.30 00:01", "2020-07-30 00:01", "2020-07-30T00:01", "2020-07-30T00:01Z", "Sun, 31st July, 2020" ] ] where createInput date = (RSS.nullItem "Testing...") { RSS.rssItemPubDate = Just date } expected = fromGregorian 1970 1 1 0 0 0 parsesDates :: TestTree parsesDates = testGroup "parses \"published\" dates" [ testCase (T.unpack dateStr) (dpDate (distill False (createInput dateStr)) @?= expected) | (dateStr, expected) <- [ ("Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT", fromGregorian 1994 11 6 8 49 37), ("Fri, 31 Jul 2020 22:21:59 EST", fromGregorian 2020 8 1 3 21 59) ] ] where createInput date = (RSS.nullItem "Testing...") { RSS.rssItemPubDate = Just date } extractsPostTags :: TestTree extractsPostTags = testCase "extracts post's tags" (dpTags (distill False input) @?= expected) where input = (RSS.nullItem "Testing tags here") { RSS.rssItemCategories = [ (RSS.newCategory "first tag") {RSS.rssCategoryDomain = Just "post_tag"}, (RSS.newCategory "a non-tag") {RSS.rssCategoryDomain = Just "wrong domain"}, (RSS.newCategory "second tag") {RSS.rssCategoryDomain = Just "post_tag"}, (RSS.newCategory "another non-tag") {RSS.rssCategoryDomain = Nothing}, (RSS.newCategory "third tag") {RSS.rssCategoryDomain = Just "post_tag"} ] } expected = ["first tag", "second tag", "third tag"] extractsPostCategories :: TestTree extractsPostCategories = testCase "extracts post's categories" (dpCategories (distill False input) @?= expected) where input = (RSS.nullItem "Testing categories here") { RSS.rssItemCategories = [ (RSS.newCategory "essays") {RSS.rssCategoryDomain = Just "category"}, (RSS.newCategory "a non-category") {RSS.rssCategoryDomain = Just "wrong domain"}, (RSS.newCategory "traveling") {RSS.rssCategoryDomain = Just "category"}, (RSS.newCategory "another non-category") {RSS.rssCategoryDomain = Nothing} ] } expected = ["essays", "traveling"]