{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Spec.OutputFormat (tests) where import Data.DateTime (fromGregorian) import Data.Default import Data.Maybe (isJust) import qualified Data.Text as T import Hakyll.Convert.Common (DistilledPost (..)) import Hakyll.Convert.OutputFormat import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "OutputFormat" [ validOutputFormatTests, formatPathTests ] validOutputFormatTests :: TestTree validOutputFormatTests = testGroup "`validOutputFormat`" [ falseOnEmptyFormat, synchronyWithFormatPath ] where falseOnEmptyFormat = testCase "returns False if format string is empty" (validOutputFormat "" @?= False) synchronyWithFormatPath = testProperty "returns False if `formatPath` returns `Nothing`, otherwise True" ( \format -> let format' = T.pack format result = validOutputFormat format' formatPathResult = isJust (formatPath format' def) in not (null format) ==> (result && formatPathResult) || (not result && not formatPathResult) ) formatPathTests :: TestTree formatPathTests = testGroup "`formatPath`" [ noChange, lowercaseO, lowercaseS, lowercaseY, uppercaseY, lowercaseM, lowercaseD, uppercaseH, uppercaseM, uppercaseS, complexExamples, abortsProcessingOnUnknownFormat ] where noChange = let input = "Hello, world!/2020-09-03-test.markdown" in testCase "does not change text that has no percent signs in it" (formatPath input def @?= Just input) lowercaseO = testGroup "%o is replaced by the original filepath" [ testCase "works with HTTP schema" (formatPath "%o" (def {dpUri = "http://example.com/post.html"}) @?= Just "post"), testCase "works with HTTPS schema" (formatPath "%o" (def {dpUri = "https://example.com/post.html"}) @?= Just "post"), testCase "trailing slashes are removed" (formatPath "%o" (def {dpUri = "https://example.com/2020-09-03-hello////"}) @?= Just "2020-09-03-hello"), testCase "file extension is removed" (formatPath "%o" (def {dpUri = "https://example.com/first-post.html"}) @?= Just "first-post"), testCase "all file extensions are removed" (formatPath "%o" (def {dpUri = "https://example.com/first-post.aspx.gz"}) @?= Just "first-post") ] lowercaseS = testCase "%s is replaced by the original slug" (formatPath "%s" (def {dpUri = "https://example.com/today-is-my-birthday.php"}) @?= Just "today-is-my-birthday") lowercaseY = testCase "%y is replaced by the two-digit publication year" (formatPath "%y" (def {dpDate = fromGregorian 1917 01 01 0 0 0}) @?= Just "17") uppercaseY = testCase "%Y is replaced by the four-digit publication year" (formatPath "%Y" (def {dpDate = fromGregorian 1917 1 1 0 0 0}) @?= Just "1917") lowercaseM = testCase "%m is replaced by the two-digit publication month" (formatPath "%m" (def {dpDate = fromGregorian 2011 3 1 2 3 4}) @?= Just "03") lowercaseD = testCase "%d is replaced by the two-digit publication day" (formatPath "%d" (def {dpDate = fromGregorian 2013 1 31 0 0 0}) @?= Just "31") uppercaseH = testCase "%H is replaced by the two-digit publication hour, 00 to 23" (formatPath "%H" (def {dpDate = fromGregorian 2014 1 1 23 0 0}) @?= Just "23") uppercaseM = testCase "%M is replaced by the two-digit publication minute" (formatPath "%M" (def {dpDate = fromGregorian 2015 1 2 3 59 0}) @?= Just "59") uppercaseS = testCase "%S is replaced by the two-digit publication second" (formatPath "%S" (def {dpDate = fromGregorian 2016 1 2 3 4 0}) @?= Just "00") complexExamples = testGroup "format string can contain multiple formats" [ helper "%H:%M:%S" "18:30:02", helper "old/%Y/%m/%d-%H%M%S-%s.html" "old/2003/12/13-183002-hello-world.html", helper "/posts/%y-%m-%d-%H%M%S-%s/" "/posts/03-12-13-183002-hello-world/", helper "/migrated/%o" "/migrated/~joe/hello-world", helper "99.9%% true/%o" "99.9% true/~joe/hello-world" ] where post = DistilledPost { dpUri = "https://example.com/~joe/hello-world.php", dpBody = "", dpTitle = Nothing, dpTags = [], dpCategories = [], dpDate = fromGregorian 2003 12 13 18 30 2 } helper format expected = testCase format (formatPath (T.pack format) post @?= Just expected) abortsProcessingOnUnknownFormat = testGroup "returns Nothing upon encountering an unsupported format" [ testCase "unknown format %x" (formatPath "%H%M%S-%x.html" def @?= Nothing), testCase "no format specifier after percent sign" (formatPath "%H%M%" def @?= Nothing) ]