{-# LANGUAGE CPP, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fwarn-tabs #-}
module Language.Hakaru.Parser.Parser where
import Prelude hiding (Real)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Data.Functor ((<$>), (<$))
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
import qualified Control.Monad as M
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
import Text.Parsec hiding (Empty)
import Text.Parsec.Text () -- instances only
import Text.Parsec.Indentation
import Text.Parsec.Indentation.Char
import qualified Text.Parsec.Indentation.Token as ITok
import qualified Text.Parsec.Expr as Ex
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as Tok
import Language.Hakaru.Parser.AST
ops, types, names :: [String]
ops = ["+","*","-","^", "**", ":",".", "<~","==", "=", "_", "<|>"]
types = ["->"]
names = ["def", "fn", "if", "else", "∞", "expect", "observe",
"return", "match", "integrate", "summate", "product",
"data", "import"]
type ParserStream = IndentStream (CharIndentStream Text)
type Parser = ParsecT ParserStream () Identity
type Operator a = Ex.Operator ParserStream () Identity a
type OperatorTable a = [[Operator a]]
style :: Tok.GenLanguageDef ParserStream st Identity
style = ITok.makeIndentLanguageDef $ Tok.LanguageDef
{ Tok.commentStart = ""
, Tok.commentEnd = ""
, Tok.nestedComments = True
, Tok.identStart = letter <|> char '_'
, Tok.identLetter = alphaNum <|> oneOf "_'"
, Tok.opStart = oneOf "!$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"
, Tok.opLetter = oneOf "!$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"
, Tok.caseSensitive = True
, Tok.commentLine = "#"
, Tok.reservedOpNames = ops ++ types
, Tok.reservedNames = names
comments :: Parser ()
comments = string "#"
*> manyTill anyChar newline
*> return ()
emptyLine :: Parser ()
emptyLine = newline *> return ()
lexer :: Tok.GenTokenParser ParserStream () Identity
lexer = ITok.makeTokenParser style
whiteSpace :: Parser ()
whiteSpace = Tok.whiteSpace lexer
decimal :: Parser Integer
decimal = Tok.decimal lexer
integer :: Parser Integer
integer = Tok.integer lexer
float :: Parser Rational
float = (decimal >>= fractExponent) <* whiteSpace
fractFloat :: Integer -> Parser (Either Integer Rational)
fractFloat n = fractExponent n >>= return . Right
fractExponent :: Integer -> Parser Rational
fractExponent n = do{ fract <- fraction
; expo <- option 1 exponent'
; return ((fromInteger n + fract)*expo)
do{ expo <- exponent'
; return ((fromInteger n)*expo)
fraction :: Parser Rational
fraction = do{ _ <- char '.'
; digits <- many1 digit > "fraction"
; return (foldr op 0 digits)
> "fraction"
op d f = (f + fromIntegral (digitToInt d))/10
exponent' :: Parser Rational
exponent' = do{ _ <- oneOf "eE"
; f <- sign
; e <- decimal > "exponent"
; return (power (f e))
> "exponent"
power e | e < 0 = 1.0/power(-e)
| otherwise = fromInteger (10^e)
sign = (char '-' >> return negate)
<|> (char '+' >> return id)
<|> return id
parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
parens = Tok.parens lexer . localIndentation Any
braces :: Parser a -> Parser a
braces = Tok.parens lexer . localIndentation Any
brackets :: Parser a -> Parser a
brackets = Tok.brackets lexer . localIndentation Any
commaSep :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
commaSep = Tok.commaSep lexer
semiSep :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
semiSep = Tok.semiSep lexer
semiSep1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
semiSep1 = Tok.semiSep1 lexer
identifier :: Parser Text
identifier = M.liftM Text.pack $ Tok.identifier lexer
reserved :: String -> Parser ()
reserved = Tok.reserved lexer
reservedOp :: String -> Parser ()
reservedOp = Tok.reservedOp lexer
symbol :: Text -> Parser Text
symbol = M.liftM Text.pack . Tok.symbol lexer . Text.unpack
app1 :: Text -> AST' Text -> AST' Text
app1 s x@(WithMeta _ m) = WithMeta (Var s `App` x) m
app1 s x = Var s `App` x
app2 :: Text -> AST' Text -> AST' Text -> AST' Text
app2 s x y = Var s `App` x `App` y
-- | Smart constructor for divide
divide :: AST' Text -> AST' Text -> AST' Text
divide (ULiteral x') (ULiteral y') = ULiteral (go x' y')
where go :: Literal' -> Literal' -> Literal'
go (Nat x) (Nat y) = Prob (x % y)
go x y = Real (litToRat x / litToRat y)
litToRat :: Literal' -> Rational
litToRat (Nat x) = toRational x
litToRat (Int x) = toRational x
litToRat (Prob x) = toRational x
litToRat (Real x) = toRational x
divide x y = NaryOp Prod [x, app1 "recip" y]
binop :: Text -> AST' Text -> AST' Text -> AST' Text
binop s x y
| s == "+" = NaryOp Sum [x, y]
| s == "-" = NaryOp Sum [x, app1 "negate" y]
| s == "*" = NaryOp Prod [x, y]
| s == "/" = x `divide` y
| s == "<" = app2 "less" x y
| s == ">" = app2 "less" y x
| s == "==" = app2 "equal" x y
| s == "<=" = NaryOp Or [ app2 "less" x y
, app2 "equal" x y]
| s == ">=" = NaryOp Or [ app2 "less" y x
, app2 "equal" x y]
| s == "&&" = NaryOp And [x, y]
| s == "<|>" = Msum [x, y]
| otherwise = app2 s x y
binary :: String -> Ex.Assoc -> Operator (AST' Text)
binary s = Ex.Infix (binop (Text.pack s) <$ reservedOp s)
prefix :: String -> (a -> a) -> Operator a
prefix s f = Ex.Prefix (f <$ reservedOp s)
postfix :: Parser (a -> a) -> Operator a
postfix p = Ex.Postfix . chainl1 p . return $ flip (.)
table :: OperatorTable (AST' Text)
table =
[ [ postfix array_index ]
, [ prefix "+" id ]
, [ binary "^" Ex.AssocRight
, binary "**" Ex.AssocRight]
, [ binary "*" Ex.AssocLeft
, binary "/" Ex.AssocLeft]
, [ binary "+" Ex.AssocLeft
, binary "-" Ex.AssocLeft
, prefix "-" (app1 "negate")]
-- TODO: add "<=", ">=", "/="
-- TODO: do you *really* mean AssocLeft? Shouldn't they be non-assoc?
, [ postfix ann_expr ]
, [ binary "<|>" Ex.AssocRight]
, [ binary "<" Ex.AssocLeft
, binary ">" Ex.AssocLeft
, binary "<=" Ex.AssocLeft
, binary ">=" Ex.AssocLeft
, binary "==" Ex.AssocLeft]
, [ binary "&&" Ex.AssocLeft]]
unit_ :: Parser (AST' a)
unit_ = Unit <$ symbol "()"
empty_ :: Parser (AST' a)
empty_ = Empty <$ symbol "[]"
int :: Parser (AST' a)
int = do
n <- integer
return $
if n < 0
then ULiteral $ Int n
else ULiteral $ Nat n
floating :: Parser (AST' a)
floating = do
sign <- option '+' (oneOf "+-")
n <- float
return $
case sign of
'-' -> ULiteral $ Real (negate n)
'+' -> ULiteral $ Prob n
_ -> error "floating: the impossible happened"
inf_ :: Parser (AST' Text)
inf_ = reserved "∞" *> return Infinity'
var :: Parser (AST' Text)
var = Var <$> identifier
pairs :: Parser (AST' Text)
pairs = foldr1 Pair <$> parens (commaSep expr)
type_var :: Parser TypeAST'
type_var = TypeVar <$> identifier
type_app :: Parser TypeAST'
type_app = TypeApp <$> identifier <*> parens (commaSep type_expr)
type_fun :: Parser TypeAST'
type_fun =
( try type_app
<|> try type_var
<|> parens type_fun)
(TypeFun <$ reservedOp "->")
type_expr :: Parser TypeAST'
type_expr = try type_fun
<|> try type_app
<|> try type_var
<|> parens type_expr
ann_expr :: Parser (AST' Text -> AST' Text)
ann_expr = reservedOp "." *> (flip Ann <$> type_expr)
pdat_expr :: Parser (PDatum Text)
pdat_expr = DV <$> identifier <*> parens (commaSep pat_expr)
pat_expr :: Parser (Pattern' Text)
pat_expr = try (PData' <$> pdat_expr)
<|> (PData' <$> (DV "pair" <$> parens (commaSep pat_expr)))
<|> (PWild' <$ reservedOp "_")
<|> (PVar' <$> identifier)
-- | Blocks are indicated by colons, and must be indented.
blockOfMany :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
blockOfMany p = do
reservedOp ":"
localIndentation Gt (many $ absoluteIndentation p)
-- | Semiblocks are like blocks, but indentation is optional. Also,
-- there are only 'expr' semiblocks.
semiblockExpr :: Parser (AST' Text)
semiblockExpr = reservedOp ":" *> localIndentation Ge expr
-- | Pseudoblocks seem like semiblocks, but actually they aren't
-- indented.
-- TODO: do we actually want this in our grammar, or did we really
-- mean to use 'semiblockExpr' instead?
pseudoblockExpr :: Parser (AST' Text)
pseudoblockExpr = reservedOp ":" *> expr
branch_expr :: Parser (Branch' Text)
branch_expr = Branch' <$> pat_expr <*> semiblockExpr
match_expr :: Parser (AST' Text)
match_expr =
reserved "match"
*> (Case
<$> expr
<*> blockOfMany branch_expr
integrate_expr :: Parser (AST' Text)
integrate_expr =
reserved "integrate"
*> (Integrate
<$> identifier
<* symbol "from"
<*> expr
<* symbol "to"
<*> expr
<*> semiblockExpr
summate_expr :: Parser (AST' Text)
summate_expr =
reserved "summate"
*> (Summate
<$> identifier
<* symbol "from"
<*> expr
<* symbol "to"
<*> expr
<*> semiblockExpr
product_expr :: Parser (AST' Text)
product_expr =
reserved "product"
*> (Product
<$> identifier
<* symbol "from"
<*> expr
<* symbol "to"
<*> expr
<*> semiblockExpr
expect_expr :: Parser (AST' Text)
expect_expr =
reserved "expect"
*> (Expect
<$> identifier
<*> expr
<*> semiblockExpr
observe_expr :: Parser (AST' Text)
observe_expr =
reserved "observe"
*> (Observe
<$> expr
<*> expr
array_expr :: Parser (AST' Text)
array_expr =
reserved "array"
*> (Array
<$> identifier
<* symbol "of"
<*> expr
<*> semiblockExpr
array_index :: Parser (AST' Text -> AST' Text)
array_index = flip Index <$> brackets expr
array_literal :: Parser (AST' Text)
array_literal = checkEmpty <$> brackets (commaSep expr)
where checkEmpty [] = Empty
checkEmpty xs = Array "" (ULiteral . Nat . fromIntegral . length $ xs)
(go 0 xs)
go _ [] = error "the impossible happened"
go _ [x] = x
go n (x:xs) = If (Var "equal" `App` (Var "") `App` (ULiteral $ Nat n))
(go (n + 1) xs)
plate_expr :: Parser (AST' Text)
plate_expr =
reserved "plate"
*> (Plate
<$> identifier
<* symbol "of"
<*> expr
<*> semiblockExpr
chain_expr :: Parser (AST' Text)
chain_expr =
reserved "chain"
*> (Chain
<$> identifier
<*> expr
<*> expr
<*> semiblockExpr
if_expr :: Parser (AST' Text)
if_expr =
reserved "if"
*> (If
<$> localIndentation Ge expr
<*> semiblockExpr
<* reserved "else"
<*> semiblockExpr
lam_expr :: Parser (AST' Text)
lam_expr =
reserved "fn"
*> (Lam
<$> identifier
<*> type_expr
<*> semiblockExpr
bind_expr :: Parser (AST' Text)
bind_expr = Bind
<$> identifier
<* reservedOp "<~"
<*> expr
<*> expr
let_expr :: Parser (AST' Text)
let_expr = Let
<$> identifier
<* reservedOp "="
<*> expr
<*> expr
def_expr :: Parser (AST' Text)
def_expr = do
reserved "def"
name <- identifier
vars <- parens (commaSep defarg)
bodyTyp <- optionMaybe type_expr
body <- semiblockExpr
let body' = foldr (\(var', varTyp) e -> Lam var' varTyp e) body vars
typ = foldr TypeFun <$> bodyTyp <*> return (map snd vars)
Let name (maybe id (flip Ann) typ body')
<$> expr -- the \"rest\"; i.e., where the 'def' is in scope
defarg :: Parser (Text, TypeAST')
defarg = (,) <$> identifier <*> type_expr
call_expr :: Parser (AST' Text)
call_expr =
foldl App
<$> (Var <$> identifier)
<*> parens (commaSep expr)
return_expr :: Parser (AST' Text)
return_expr = do
reserved "return" <|> reserved "dirac"
Dirac <$> expr
term :: Parser (AST' Text)
term = try if_expr
<|> try return_expr
<|> try lam_expr
<|> try def_expr
<|> try match_expr
-- <|> try data_expr
<|> try integrate_expr
<|> try summate_expr
<|> try product_expr
<|> try expect_expr
<|> try observe_expr
<|> try array_expr
<|> try plate_expr
<|> try chain_expr
<|> try let_expr
<|> try bind_expr
<|> try call_expr
<|> try array_literal
<|> try floating
<|> try inf_
<|> try unit_
<|> try empty_
<|> try int
<|> try var
<|> try pairs
<|> parens expr
> "an expression"
expr :: Parser (AST' Text)
expr = withPos (Ex.buildExpressionParser table (withPos term) > "an expression")
indentConfig :: Text -> ParserStream
indentConfig =
mkIndentStream 0 infIndentation True Ge . mkCharIndentStream
parseHakaru :: Text -> Either ParseError (AST' Text)
parseHakaru =
runParser (skipMany (comments <|> emptyLine) *>
expr <* eof) () "" . indentConfig
parseHakaruWithImports :: Text -> Either ParseError (ASTWithImport' Text)
parseHakaruWithImports =
runParser (skipMany (comments <|> emptyLine) *>
exprWithImport <* eof) () "" . indentConfig
withPos :: Parser (AST' a) -> Parser (AST' a)
withPos x = do
s <- getPosition
x' <- x
e <- getPosition
return $ WithMeta x' (SourceSpan s e)
data_expr :: Parser (AST' Text)
data_expr =
reserved "data"
*> (Data
<$> identifier
<* parens (commaSep identifier) -- TODO: why throw them away?
<*> blockOfMany (try type_app <|> type_var)
import_expr :: Parser (Import Text)
import_expr =
reserved "import" *> (Import <$> identifier)
exprWithImport :: Parser (ASTWithImport' Text)
exprWithImport = ASTWithImport' <$> (many import_expr) <*> expr