module Language.Hakaru.Syntax.Value where
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.IClasses
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.Datum
import Language.Hakaru.Types.HClasses
import Language.Hakaru.Types.DataKind
import Language.Hakaru.Types.Coercion
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Number.LogFloat as LF
import Data.Number.Nat
import qualified System.Random.MWC as MWC
data Value :: Hakaru -> * where
VNat :: !Nat -> Value 'HNat
VInt :: !Int -> Value 'HInt
VProb :: !LF.LogFloat -> Value 'HProb
VReal :: !Double -> Value 'HReal
VDatum :: !(Datum Value (HData' t)) -> Value (HData' t)
VLam :: (Value a -> Value b) -> Value (a ':-> b)
VMeasure :: (Value 'HProb ->
MWC.GenIO ->
IO (Maybe (Value a, Value 'HProb))
) -> Value ('HMeasure a)
VArray :: !(V.Vector (Value a)) -> Value ('HArray a)
instance Eq1 Value where
eq1 (VNat a) (VNat b) = a == b
eq1 (VInt a) (VInt b) = a == b
eq1 (VProb a) (VProb b) = a == b
eq1 (VReal a) (VReal b) = a == b
eq1 _ _ = False
instance Eq (Value a) where
(==) = eq1
instance Show1 Value where
showsPrec1 p (VNat v) = showsPrec p v
showsPrec1 p (VInt v) = showsPrec p v
showsPrec1 p (VProb v) = showsPrec p v
showsPrec1 p (VReal v) = showsPrec p v
showsPrec1 p (VDatum d) = showsPrec1 p d
showsPrec1 _ (VLam _) = showString "<function>"
showsPrec1 _ (VMeasure _) = showString "<measure>"
showsPrec1 p (VArray e) = showsPrec p e
instance Show (Value a) where
showsPrec = showsPrec1
show = show1
instance Coerce Value where
coerceTo CNil v = v
coerceTo (CCons c cs) v = coerceTo cs (primCoerceTo c v)
coerceFrom CNil v = v
coerceFrom (CCons c cs) v = primCoerceFrom c (coerceFrom cs v)
instance PrimCoerce Value where
primCoerceTo c l =
case (c,l) of
(Signed HRing_Int, VNat a) -> VInt $ fromNat a
(Signed HRing_Real, VProb a) -> VReal $ LF.fromLogFloat a
(Continuous HContinuous_Prob, VNat a) ->
VProb $ LF.logFloat (fromIntegral (fromNat a) :: Double)
(Continuous HContinuous_Real, VInt a) -> VReal $ fromIntegral a
_ -> error "no a defined primitive coercion"
primCoerceFrom c l =
case (c,l) of
(Signed HRing_Int, VInt a) -> VNat $ unsafeNat a
(Signed HRing_Real, VReal a) -> VProb $ LF.logFloat a
(Continuous HContinuous_Prob, VProb a) ->
VNat $ unsafeNat $ floor (LF.fromLogFloat a :: Double)
(Continuous HContinuous_Real, VReal a) -> VInt $ floor a
_ -> error "no a defined primitive coercion"
lam2 :: Value (a ':-> b ':-> c) -> (Value a -> Value b -> Value c)
lam2 (VLam f1) v1 =
case f1 v1 of
VLam f2 -> f2
_ -> error "lam2: the impossible happened"
:: (HDiscrete a)
-> Value a
-> Value a
-> [Value a]
enumFromUntilValue _ (VNat lo) (VNat hi) = map VNat (init (enumFromTo lo hi))
enumFromUntilValue _ (VInt lo) (VInt hi) = map VInt (init (enumFromTo lo hi))