, GADTs
           , KindSignatures
           , DataKinds
           , Rank2Types
           , ScopedTypeVariables
           , MultiParamTypeClasses
           , FlexibleContexts
           , FlexibleInstances

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fwarn-tabs #-}
--                                                    2016.04.24
-- |
-- Module      :  Language.Hakaru.Evaluation.ExpectMonad
-- Copyright   :  Copyright (c) 2016 the Hakaru team
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  wren@community.haskell.org
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  GHC-only
module Language.Hakaru.Evaluation.ExpectMonad
    ( pureEvaluate
    -- * The expectation-evaluation monad
    -- ** List-based version
    , ListContext(..), ExpectAns, Expect(..), runExpect
    , residualizeExpectListContext
    -- ** TODO: IntMap-based version
    -- * ...
    , emit
    , emit_
    ) where

import           Prelude              hiding (id, (.))
import           Control.Category     (Category(..))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import           Data.Functor         ((<$>))
import           Control.Applicative  (Applicative(..))
import qualified Data.Foldable        as F

import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.IClasses (Some2(..))
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.ABT      (ABT(..), caseVarSyn, subst, maxNextFreeOrBind)
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.Variable (memberVarSet)
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.AST      hiding (Expect)
import Language.Hakaru.Evaluation.Types
import Language.Hakaru.Evaluation.Lazy (TermEvaluator, evaluate, defaultCaseEvaluator)
import Language.Hakaru.Evaluation.PEvalMonad (ListContext(..))

-- The rest of these are just for the emit code, which isn't currently exported.
import Data.Text                       (Text)
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.Variable (Variable())
import Language.Hakaru.Types.DataKind
import Language.Hakaru.Types.Sing      (Sing)
import Debug.Trace                     (trace)

type ExpectAns abt = ListContext abt 'ExpectP -> abt '[] 'HProb

newtype Expect abt x =
    Expect { unExpect :: (x -> ExpectAns abt) -> ExpectAns abt }

    :: forall abt
    .  (ABT Term abt)
    => abt '[] 'HProb
    -> ListContext abt 'ExpectP
    -> abt '[] 'HProb
residualizeExpectListContext e0 =
    foldl step e0 . statements
    -- TODO: make paremetric in the purity, so we can combine 'residualizeListContext' with this function.
    step :: abt '[] 'HProb -> Statement abt 'ExpectP -> abt '[] 'HProb
    step e s =
        case s of
        SLet x body _
            -- BUG: this trick for dropping unused let-bindings doesn't seem to work anymore... (cf., 'Tests.Expect.test4')
            | not (x `memberVarSet` freeVars e) -> e
            -- TODO: if used exactly once in @e@, then inline.
            | otherwise ->
                case getLazyVariable body of
                Just y  -> subst x (var y) e
                Nothing ->
                    case getLazyLiteral body of
                    Just v  -> subst x (syn $ Literal_ v) e
                    Nothing ->
                        syn (Let_ :$ fromLazy body :* bind x e :* End)
        SStuff0    f _ -> f e
        SStuff1 _x f _ -> f e

pureEvaluate :: (ABT Term abt) => TermEvaluator abt (Expect abt)
pureEvaluate = evaluate (brokenInvariant "perform") defaultCaseEvaluator

brokenInvariant :: String -> a
brokenInvariant loc = error (loc ++ ": Expect's invariant broken")

-- | Run a computation in the 'Expect' monad, residualizing out all
-- the statements in the final evaluation context. The second
-- argument should include all the terms altered by the 'Eval'
-- expression; this is necessary to ensure proper hygiene; for
-- example(s):
-- > runExpect (pureEvaluate e) [Some2 e]
-- We use 'Some2' on the inputs because it doesn't matter what their
-- type or locally-bound variables are, so we want to allow @f@ to
-- contain terms with different indices.
    :: forall abt f a
    .  (ABT Term abt, F.Foldable f)
    => Expect abt (abt '[] a)
    -> abt '[a] 'HProb
    -> f (Some2 abt)
    -> abt '[] 'HProb
runExpect (Expect m) f es =
    m c0 h0
    i0   = nextFreeOrBind f `max` maxNextFreeOrBind es
    h0   = ListContext i0 []
    c0 e =
        residualizeExpectListContext $
        caseVarSyn e
            (\x -> caseBind f $ \y f' -> subst y (var x) f')
            (\_ -> syn (Let_ :$ e :* f :* End))
        -- TODO: make this smarter still, to drop the let-binding entirely if it's not used in @f@.

instance Functor (Expect abt) where
    fmap f (Expect m) = Expect $ \c -> m (c . f)

instance Applicative (Expect abt) where
    pure x                  = Expect $ \c -> c x
    Expect mf <*> Expect mx = Expect $ \c -> mf $ \f -> mx $ \x -> c (f x)

instance Monad (Expect abt) where
    return         = pure
    Expect m >>= k = Expect $ \c -> m $ \x -> unExpect (k x) c

instance (ABT Term abt) => EvaluationMonad abt (Expect abt) 'ExpectP where
    freshNat =
        Expect $ \c (ListContext i ss) ->
            c i (ListContext (i+1) ss)

    unsafePush s =
        Expect $ \c (ListContext i ss) ->
            c () (ListContext i (s:ss))

    -- N.B., the use of 'reverse' is necessary so that the order
    -- of pushing matches that of 'pushes'
    unsafePushes ss =
        Expect $ \c (ListContext i ss') ->
            c () (ListContext i (reverse ss ++ ss'))

    select x p = loop []
        -- TODO: use a DList to avoid reversing inside 'unsafePushes'
        loop ss = do
            ms <- unsafePop
            case ms of
                Nothing -> do
                    unsafePushes ss
                    return Nothing
                Just s  ->
                    -- Alas, @p@ will have to recheck 'isBoundBy'
                    -- in order to grab the 'Refl' proof we erased;
                    -- but there's nothing to be done for it.
                    case x `isBoundBy` s >> p s of
                    Nothing -> loop (s:ss)
                    Just mr -> do
                        r <- mr
                        unsafePushes ss
                        return (Just r)

-- TODO: make paremetric in the purity
-- | Not exported because we only need it for defining 'select' on 'Expect'.
unsafePop :: Expect abt (Maybe (Statement abt 'ExpectP))
unsafePop =
    Expect $ \c h@(ListContext i ss) ->
        case ss of
        []    -> c Nothing  h
        s:ss' -> c (Just s) (ListContext i ss')

    :: (ABT Term abt)
    => Text
    -> Sing a
    -> (abt '[a] 'HProb -> abt '[] 'HProb)
    -> Expect abt (Variable a)
emit hint typ f = do
    x <- freshVar hint typ
    Expect $ \c h -> (f . bind x) $ c x h

    :: (ABT Term abt)
    => (abt '[] 'HProb -> abt '[] 'HProb)
    -> Expect abt ()
emit_ f = Expect $ \c h -> f $ c () h

----------------------------------------------------------- fin.