module Hadolint.Rule.DL3013Spec (spec) where import Data.Default import Helpers import Test.Hspec spec :: SpecWith () spec = do let ?config = def describe "DL3013 - Pin versions in pip." $ do it "pip2 version not pinned" $ do ruleCatches "DL3013" "RUN pip2 install MySQL_python" onBuildRuleCatches "DL3013" "RUN pip2 install MySQL_python" it "pip3 version not pinned" $ do ruleCatches "DL3013" "RUN pip3 install MySQL_python" onBuildRuleCatches "DL3013" "RUN pip2 install MySQL_python" it "pip3 version pinned" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip3 install MySQL_python==1.2.2" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip3 install MySQL_python==1.2.2" it "pip3 install from local package" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip3 install mypkg.whl" ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip3 install mypkg.tar.gz" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip3 install mypkg.whl" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip3 install mypkg.tar.gz" it "pip install requirements" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install -r requirements.txt" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install -r requirements.txt" it "pip install requirements with long flag" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install --requirement requirements.txt" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install --requirement requirements.txt" it "pip install use" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install ." onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install ." it "pip version not pinned" $ do ruleCatches "DL3013" "RUN pip install MySQL_python" onBuildRuleCatches "DL3013" "RUN pip install MySQL_python" it "pip version pinned" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install MySQL_python==1.2.2" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install MySQL_python==1.2.2" it "pip version pinned with ~= operator" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install MySQL_python~=1.2.2" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install MySQL_python~=1.2.2" it "pip version pinned with === operator" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install MySQL_python===1.2.2" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install MySQL_python===1.2.2" it "pip version pinned with flag --ignore-installed" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install --ignore-installed MySQL_python==1.2.2" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install --ignore-installed MySQL_python==1.2.2" it "pip version pinned with flag --build" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip3 install --build /opt/yamllint yamllint==1.20.0" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip3 install --build /opt/yamllint yamllint==1.20.0" it "pip version pinned with flag --prefix" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip3 install --prefix /opt/yamllint yamllint==1.20.0" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip3 install --prefix /opt/yamllint yamllint==1.20.0" it "pip version pinned with flag --root" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip3 install --root /opt/yamllint yamllint==1.20.0" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip3 install --root /opt/yamllint yamllint==1.20.0" it "pip version pinned with flag --target" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip3 install --target /opt/yamllint yamllint==1.20.0" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip3 install --target /opt/yamllint yamllint==1.20.0" it "pip version pinned with flag --trusted-host" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip3 install --trusted-host host example==1.2.2" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip3 install --trusted-host host example==1.2.2" it "pip version pinned with python -m" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN python -m pip install example==1.2.2" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN python -m pip install example==1.2.2" it "pip version not pinned with python -m" $ do ruleCatches "DL3013" "RUN python -m pip install example" onBuildRuleCatches "DL3013" "RUN python -m pip install --index-url url example" it "pip install git" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install git+" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install git+" it "pip install unversioned git" $ do ruleCatches "DL3013" "RUN pip install git+" onBuildRuleCatches "DL3013" "RUN pip install git+" it "pip install upper bound" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install 'alabaster>=0.7'" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install 'alabaster>=0.7'" it "pip install lower bound" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install 'alabaster<0.7'" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install 'alabaster<0.7'" it "pip install excluded version" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install 'alabaster!=0.7'" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install 'alabaster!=0.7'" it "pip install user directory" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install MySQL_python==1.2.2 --user" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install MySQL_python==1.2.2 --user" it "pip install no pip version check" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install MySQL_python==1.2.2 --disable-pip-version-check" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install MySQL_python==1.2.2 --disable-pip-version-check" it "pip install --index-url" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install --index-url foobar==1.0.0" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install --index-url foobar==1.0.0" it "pip install index-url with -i flag" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install --index-url foobar==1.0.0" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install --index-url foobar==1.0.0" it "pip install --index-url with --extra-index-url" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install --index-url --extra-index-url foobar==1.0.0" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install --index-url --extra-index-url foobar==1.0.0" it "pip install no cache dir" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install MySQL_python==1.2.2 --no-cache-dir" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install MySQL_python==1.2.2 --no-cache-dir" it "pip install constraints file - long version argument" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install pykafka --constraint" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install pykafka --constraint" it "pip install constraints file - short version argument" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install pykafka -c" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install pykafka -c" it "pip install --index-url with --extra-index-url with basic auth" $ do ruleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install --index-url --extra-index-url foobar==1.0.0" onBuildRuleCatchesNot "DL3013" "RUN pip install --index-url --extra-index-url foobar==1.0.0"