{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module UnitTests.Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig (tests) where #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Data.Monoid import Control.Applicative #endif import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.List import Distribution.Package import Distribution.PackageDescription hiding (Flag) import Distribution.Compiler import Distribution.Version import Distribution.ParseUtils import Distribution.Simple.Compiler import Distribution.Simple.Setup import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs import qualified Distribution.Compat.ReadP as Parse import Distribution.Simple.Utils import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db import Distribution.Client.Types import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Types import Distribution.Client.BuildReports.Types import Distribution.Client.Targets import Distribution.Utils.NubList import Network.URI import Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig import Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig.Legacy import UnitTests.Distribution.Client.ArbitraryInstances import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck tests :: [TestTree] tests = [ testGroup "ProjectConfig <-> LegacyProjectConfig round trip" $ [ testProperty "packages" prop_roundtrip_legacytypes_packages , testProperty "buildonly" prop_roundtrip_legacytypes_buildonly , testProperty "specific" prop_roundtrip_legacytypes_specific ] ++ -- a couple tests seem to trigger a RTS fault in ghc-7.6 and older -- unclear why as of yet concat [ [ testProperty "shared" prop_roundtrip_legacytypes_shared , testProperty "local" prop_roundtrip_legacytypes_local , testProperty "all" prop_roundtrip_legacytypes_all ] | not usingGhc76orOlder ] , testGroup "individual parser tests" [ testProperty "package location" prop_parsePackageLocationTokenQ ] , testGroup "ProjectConfig printing/parsing round trip" [ testProperty "packages" prop_roundtrip_printparse_packages , testProperty "buildonly" prop_roundtrip_printparse_buildonly , testProperty "shared" prop_roundtrip_printparse_shared , testProperty "local" prop_roundtrip_printparse_local , testProperty "specific" prop_roundtrip_printparse_specific , testProperty "all" prop_roundtrip_printparse_all ] ] where usingGhc76orOlder = case buildCompilerId of CompilerId GHC v -> v < Version [7,7] [] _ -> False ------------------------------------------------ -- Round trip: conversion to/from legacy types -- roundtrip :: Eq a => (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> a -> Bool roundtrip f f_inv x = (f_inv . f) x == x roundtrip_legacytypes :: ProjectConfig -> Bool roundtrip_legacytypes = roundtrip convertToLegacyProjectConfig convertLegacyProjectConfig prop_roundtrip_legacytypes_all :: ProjectConfig -> Bool prop_roundtrip_legacytypes_all = roundtrip_legacytypes prop_roundtrip_legacytypes_packages :: ProjectConfig -> Bool prop_roundtrip_legacytypes_packages config = roundtrip_legacytypes config { projectConfigBuildOnly = mempty, projectConfigShared = mempty, projectConfigLocalPackages = mempty, projectConfigSpecificPackage = mempty } prop_roundtrip_legacytypes_buildonly :: ProjectConfigBuildOnly -> Bool prop_roundtrip_legacytypes_buildonly config = roundtrip_legacytypes mempty { projectConfigBuildOnly = config } prop_roundtrip_legacytypes_shared :: ProjectConfigShared -> Bool prop_roundtrip_legacytypes_shared config = roundtrip_legacytypes mempty { projectConfigShared = config } prop_roundtrip_legacytypes_local :: PackageConfig -> Bool prop_roundtrip_legacytypes_local config = roundtrip_legacytypes mempty { projectConfigLocalPackages = config } prop_roundtrip_legacytypes_specific :: Map PackageName PackageConfig -> Bool prop_roundtrip_legacytypes_specific config = roundtrip_legacytypes mempty { projectConfigSpecificPackage = config } -------------------------------------------- -- Round trip: printing and parsing config -- roundtrip_printparse :: ProjectConfig -> Bool roundtrip_printparse config = case (fmap convertLegacyProjectConfig . parseLegacyProjectConfig . showLegacyProjectConfig . convertToLegacyProjectConfig) config of ParseOk _ x -> x == config _ -> False prop_roundtrip_printparse_all :: ProjectConfig -> Bool prop_roundtrip_printparse_all config = roundtrip_printparse config { projectConfigBuildOnly = hackProjectConfigBuildOnly (projectConfigBuildOnly config), projectConfigShared = hackProjectConfigShared (projectConfigShared config) } prop_roundtrip_printparse_packages :: [PackageLocationString] -> [PackageLocationString] -> [SourceRepo] -> [Dependency] -> Bool prop_roundtrip_printparse_packages pkglocstrs1 pkglocstrs2 repos named = roundtrip_printparse mempty { projectPackages = map getPackageLocationString pkglocstrs1, projectPackagesOptional = map getPackageLocationString pkglocstrs2, projectPackagesRepo = repos, projectPackagesNamed = named } prop_roundtrip_printparse_buildonly :: ProjectConfigBuildOnly -> Bool prop_roundtrip_printparse_buildonly config = roundtrip_printparse mempty { projectConfigBuildOnly = hackProjectConfigBuildOnly config } hackProjectConfigBuildOnly :: ProjectConfigBuildOnly -> ProjectConfigBuildOnly hackProjectConfigBuildOnly config = config { -- These two fields are only command line transitory things, not -- something to be recorded persistently in a config file projectConfigOnlyDeps = mempty, projectConfigDryRun = mempty } prop_roundtrip_printparse_shared :: ProjectConfigShared -> Bool prop_roundtrip_printparse_shared config = roundtrip_printparse mempty { projectConfigShared = hackProjectConfigShared config } hackProjectConfigShared :: ProjectConfigShared -> ProjectConfigShared hackProjectConfigShared config = config { projectConfigConstraints = --TODO: [required eventually] parse ambiguity in constraint -- "pkgname -any" as either any version or disabled flag "any". let ambiguous ((UserConstraintFlags _pkg flags), _) = (not . null) [ () | (FlagName name, False) <- flags , "any" `isPrefixOf` name ] ambiguous _ = False in filter (not . ambiguous) (projectConfigConstraints config) } prop_roundtrip_printparse_local :: PackageConfig -> Bool prop_roundtrip_printparse_local config = roundtrip_printparse mempty { projectConfigLocalPackages = config } prop_roundtrip_printparse_specific :: Map PackageName (NonMEmpty PackageConfig) -> Bool prop_roundtrip_printparse_specific config = roundtrip_printparse mempty { projectConfigSpecificPackage = fmap getNonMEmpty config } ---------------------------- -- Individual Parser tests -- prop_parsePackageLocationTokenQ :: PackageLocationString -> Bool prop_parsePackageLocationTokenQ (PackageLocationString str) = case [ x | (x,"") <- Parse.readP_to_S parsePackageLocationTokenQ (renderPackageLocationToken str) ] of [str'] -> str' == str _ -> False ------------------------ -- Arbitrary instances -- instance Arbitrary ProjectConfig where arbitrary = ProjectConfig <$> (map getPackageLocationString <$> arbitrary) <*> (map getPackageLocationString <$> arbitrary) <*> shortListOf 3 arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> (fmap getNonMEmpty . Map.fromList <$> shortListOf 3 arbitrary) -- package entries with no content are equivalent to -- the entry not existing at all, so exclude empty shrink (ProjectConfig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) = [ ProjectConfig x0' x1' x2' x3' x4' x5' x6' (fmap getNonMEmpty x7') | ((x0', x1', x2', x3'), (x4', x5', x6', x7')) <- shrink ((x0, x1, x2, x3), (x4, x5, x6, fmap NonMEmpty x7)) ] newtype PackageLocationString = PackageLocationString { getPackageLocationString :: String } deriving Show instance Arbitrary PackageLocationString where arbitrary = PackageLocationString <$> oneof [ show . getNonEmpty <$> (arbitrary :: Gen (NonEmptyList String)) , arbitraryGlobLikeStr , show <$> (arbitrary :: Gen URI) ] arbitraryGlobLikeStr :: Gen String arbitraryGlobLikeStr = outerTerm where outerTerm = concat <$> shortListOf1 4 (frequency [ (2, token) , (1, braces <$> innerTerm) ]) innerTerm = intercalate "," <$> shortListOf1 3 (frequency [ (3, token) , (1, braces <$> innerTerm) ]) token = shortListOf1 4 (elements (['#'..'~'] \\ "{,}")) braces s = "{" ++ s ++ "}" instance Arbitrary ProjectConfigBuildOnly where arbitrary = ProjectConfigBuildOnly <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> (toNubList <$> shortListOf 2 arbitrary) -- 4 <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> (fmap getShortToken <$> arbitrary) -- 8 <*> arbitrary <*> arbitraryNumJobs <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- 12 <*> (fmap getShortToken <$> arbitrary) <*> arbitrary <*> (fmap getShortToken <$> arbitrary) <*> (fmap getShortToken <$> arbitrary) -- 16 <*> (fmap getShortToken <$> arbitrary) <*> (fmap getShortToken <$> arbitrary) where arbitraryNumJobs = fmap (fmap getPositive) <$> arbitrary shrink (ProjectConfigBuildOnly x00 x01 x02 x03 x04 x05 x06 x07 x08 x09 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17) = [ ProjectConfigBuildOnly x00' x01' x02' x03' x04' x05' x06' x07' x08' (postShrink_NumJobs x09') x10' x11' x12 x13' x14 x15 x16 x17 | ((x00', x01', x02', x03', x04'), (x05', x06', x07', x08', x09'), (x10', x11', x13')) <- shrink ((x00, x01, x02, x03, x04), (x05, x06, x07, x08, preShrink_NumJobs x09), (x10, x11, x13)) ] where preShrink_NumJobs = fmap (fmap Positive) postShrink_NumJobs = fmap (fmap getPositive) instance Arbitrary ProjectConfigShared where arbitrary = ProjectConfigShared <$> (Map.fromList <$> shortListOf 10 ((,) <$> arbitraryProgramName <*> arbitraryShortToken)) <*> (Map.fromList <$> shortListOf 10 ((,) <$> arbitraryProgramName <*> listOf arbitraryShortToken)) <*> (toNubList <$> listOf arbitraryShortToken) <*> arbitrary -- 4 <*> arbitraryFlag arbitraryShortToken <*> arbitraryFlag arbitraryShortToken <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- 8 <*> (toNubList <$> listOf arbitraryShortToken) <*> arbitraryConstraints <*> arbitrary <*> shortListOf 2 arbitrary -- 12 <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- 16 <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary where arbitraryProgramName :: Gen String arbitraryProgramName = elements [ programName prog | (prog, _) <- knownPrograms (defaultProgramDb) ] arbitraryConstraints :: Gen [(UserConstraint, ConstraintSource)] arbitraryConstraints = map (\uc -> (uc, projectConfigConstraintSource)) <$> arbitrary shrink (ProjectConfigShared x00 x01 x02 x03 x04 x05 x06 x07 x08 x09 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17) = [ ProjectConfigShared (postShrink_Paths x00') (postShrink_Args x01') x02' x03' (fmap getNonEmpty x04') (fmap getNonEmpty x05') x06' x07' x08' (postShrink_Constraints x09') x10' x11' x12' x13' x14' x15' x16' x17' | ((x00', x01', x02', x03', x04'), (x05', x06', x07', x08', x09'), (x10', x11', x12', x13', x14'), (x15', x16', x17')) <- shrink ((preShrink_Paths x00, preShrink_Args x01, x02, x03, fmap NonEmpty x04), (fmap NonEmpty x05, x06, x07, x08, preShrink_Constraints x09), (x10, x11, x12, x13, x14), (x15, x16, x17)) ] where preShrink_Paths = Map.map NonEmpty . Map.mapKeys NoShrink postShrink_Paths = Map.map getNonEmpty . Map.mapKeys getNoShrink preShrink_Args = Map.map (NonEmpty . map NonEmpty) . Map.mapKeys NoShrink postShrink_Args = Map.map (map getNonEmpty . getNonEmpty) . Map.mapKeys getNoShrink preShrink_Constraints = map fst postShrink_Constraints = map (\uc -> (uc, projectConfigConstraintSource)) projectConfigConstraintSource :: ConstraintSource projectConfigConstraintSource = ConstraintSourceProjectConfig "TODO" instance Arbitrary PackageConfig where arbitrary = PackageConfig <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- 4 <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- 8 <*> shortListOf 5 arbitraryShortToken <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- 12 <*> shortListOf 5 arbitraryShortToken <*> shortListOf 5 arbitraryShortToken <*> shortListOf 5 arbitraryShortToken <*> arbitrary -- 16 <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- 20 <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- 24 <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- 28 <*> arbitraryFlag arbitraryShortToken <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- 32 <*> arbitrary <*> arbitraryFlag arbitraryShortToken <*> arbitrary <*> arbitraryFlag arbitraryShortToken -- 36 <*> arbitrary shrink (PackageConfig x00 x01 x02 x03 x04 x05 x06 x07 x08 x09 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 x26 x27 x28 x29 x30 x31 x32 x33 x34 x35 x36) = [ PackageConfig x00' x01' x02' x03' x04' x05' x06' x07' (map getNonEmpty x08') x09' x10' x11' (map getNonEmpty x12') (map getNonEmpty x13') (map getNonEmpty x14') x15' x16' x17' x18' x19' x20' x21' x22' x23' x24' x25' x26' x27' x28' x29' x30' x31' x32' (fmap getNonEmpty x33') x34' (fmap getNonEmpty x35') x36' | (((x00', x01', x02', x03', x04'), (x05', x06', x07', x08', x09'), (x10', x11', x12', x13', x14'), (x15', x16', x17', x18', x19')), ((x20', x21', x22', x23', x24'), (x25', x26', x27', x28', x29'), (x30', x31', x32', x33', x34'), (x35', x36'))) <- shrink (((x00, x01, x02, x03, x04), (x05, x06, x07, map NonEmpty x08, x09), (x10, x11, map NonEmpty x12, map NonEmpty x13, map NonEmpty x14), (x15, x16, x17, x18, x19)), ((x20, x21, x22, x23, x24), (x25, x26, x27, x28, x29), (x30, x31, x32, fmap NonEmpty x33, x34), (fmap NonEmpty x35, x36))) ] instance Arbitrary SourceRepo where arbitrary = (SourceRepo RepoThis <$> arbitrary <*> (fmap getShortToken <$> arbitrary) <*> (fmap getShortToken <$> arbitrary) <*> (fmap getShortToken <$> arbitrary) <*> (fmap getShortToken <$> arbitrary) <*> (fmap getShortToken <$> arbitrary)) `suchThat` (/= emptySourceRepo) shrink (SourceRepo _ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) = [ repo | ((x1', x2', x3'), (x4', x5', x6')) <- shrink ((x1, fmap ShortToken x2, fmap ShortToken x3), (fmap ShortToken x4, fmap ShortToken x5, fmap ShortToken x6)) , let repo = SourceRepo RepoThis x1' (fmap getShortToken x2') (fmap getShortToken x3') (fmap getShortToken x4') (fmap getShortToken x5') (fmap getShortToken x6') , repo /= emptySourceRepo ] emptySourceRepo :: SourceRepo emptySourceRepo = SourceRepo RepoThis Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing instance Arbitrary RepoType where arbitrary = elements knownRepoTypes instance Arbitrary ReportLevel where arbitrary = elements [NoReports .. DetailedReports] instance Arbitrary CompilerFlavor where arbitrary = elements knownCompilerFlavors where --TODO: [code cleanup] export knownCompilerFlavors from D.Compiler -- it's already defined there, just need it exported. knownCompilerFlavors = [GHC, GHCJS, NHC, YHC, Hugs, HBC, Helium, JHC, LHC, UHC] instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (InstallDirs a) where arbitrary = InstallDirs <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- 4 <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- 8 <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- 12 <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- 14 instance Arbitrary PackageDB where arbitrary = oneof [ pure GlobalPackageDB , pure UserPackageDB , SpecificPackageDB . getShortToken <$> arbitrary ] instance Arbitrary RemoteRepo where arbitrary = RemoteRepo <$> arbitraryShortToken `suchThat` (not . (":" `isPrefixOf`)) <*> arbitrary -- URI <*> arbitrary <*> listOf arbitraryRootKey <*> (fmap getNonNegative arbitrary) <*> pure False where arbitraryRootKey = shortListOf1 5 (oneof [ choose ('0', '9') , choose ('a', 'f') ]) instance Arbitrary UserConstraint where arbitrary = oneof [ UserConstraintVersion <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary , UserConstraintInstalled <$> arbitrary , UserConstraintSource <$> arbitrary , UserConstraintFlags <$> arbitrary <*> shortListOf1 3 arbitrary , UserConstraintStanzas <$> arbitrary <*> ((\x->[x]) <$> arbitrary) ] instance Arbitrary OptionalStanza where arbitrary = elements [minBound..maxBound] instance Arbitrary FlagName where arbitrary = FlagName <$> flagident where flagident = lowercase <$> shortListOf1 5 (elements flagChars) `suchThat` (("-" /=) . take 1) flagChars = "-_" ++ ['a'..'z'] instance Arbitrary PreSolver where arbitrary = elements [minBound..maxBound] instance Arbitrary AllowNewer where arbitrary = oneof [ pure AllowNewerNone , AllowNewerSome <$> shortListOf1 3 arbitrary , pure AllowNewerAll ] instance Arbitrary AllowNewerDep where arbitrary = oneof [ AllowNewerDep <$> arbitrary , AllowNewerDepScoped <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary ] instance Arbitrary ProfDetailLevel where arbitrary = elements [ d | (_,_,d) <- knownProfDetailLevels ] instance Arbitrary OptimisationLevel where arbitrary = elements [minBound..maxBound] instance Arbitrary DebugInfoLevel where arbitrary = elements [minBound..maxBound] instance Arbitrary URI where arbitrary = URI <$> elements ["file:", "http:", "https:"] <*> (Just <$> arbitrary) <*> (('/':) <$> arbitraryURIToken) <*> (('?':) <$> arbitraryURIToken) <*> pure "" instance Arbitrary URIAuth where arbitrary = URIAuth <$> pure "" -- no password as this does not roundtrip <*> arbitraryURIToken <*> arbitraryURIPort arbitraryURIToken :: Gen String arbitraryURIToken = shortListOf1 6 (elements (filter isUnreserved ['\0'..'\255'])) arbitraryURIPort :: Gen String arbitraryURIPort = oneof [ pure "", (':':) <$> shortListOf1 4 (choose ('0','9')) ]