----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : PackageDescriptionTests -- Copyright : Isaac Jones 2003-2005 -- -- Maintainer : Isaac Jones -- Stability : alpha -- Portability : portable -- -- Package description and parsing. {- All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Isaac Jones nor the names of other contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -} module UnitTest.Distribution.PackageDescription ( -- * Debugging hunitTests, ) where import Distribution.ParseUtils import Distribution.Package (PackageIdentifier(..), Dependency(..)) import Distribution.Version (Version(..), VersionRange(..)) import Distribution.Compiler (CompilerFlavor(..), CompilerId(..)) import Distribution.System (OS(..), buildOS, Arch(..), buildArch) import Distribution.PackageDescription import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse import Distribution.PackageDescription.Check import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.List (sortBy) import Control.Monad (liftM) import Test.HUnit (Test(..), assertBool, Assertion, assertEqual) import Distribution.License import Language.Haskell.Extension -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Testing -- ------------------------------------------------------------ compatTestPkgDesc :: String compatTestPkgDesc = unlines [ "-- Required", "Name: Cabal", "Version:", "License: LGPL", "License-File: foo", "Copyright: Free Text String", "Cabal-version: >1.1.1", "-- Optional - may be in source?", "Author: Happy Haskell Hacker", "Homepage: http://www.haskell.org/foo", "Package-url: http://www.haskell.org/foo", "Synopsis: a nice package!", "Description: a really nice package!", "Category: tools", "buildable: True", "CC-OPTIONS: -g -o", "LD-OPTIONS: -BStatic -dn", "Frameworks: foo", "Tested-with: GHC", "Stability: Free Text String", "Build-Depends: haskell-src, HUnit>=1.0.0-rain", "Other-Modules: Distribution.Package, Distribution.Version,", " Distribution.Simple.GHCPackageConfig", "Other-files: file1, file2", "Extra-Tmp-Files: file1, file2", "C-Sources: not/even/rain.c, such/small/hands", "HS-Source-Dirs: src, src2", "Exposed-Modules: Distribution.Void, Foo.Bar", "Extensions: OverlappingInstances, TypeSynonymInstances", "Extra-Libraries: libfoo, bar, bang", "Extra-Lib-Dirs: \"/usr/local/libs\"", "Include-Dirs: your/slightest, look/will", "Includes: /easily/unclose, /me, \"funky, path\\\\name\"", "Install-Includes: /easily/unclose, /me, \"funky, path\\\\name\"", "GHC-Options: -fTH -fglasgow-exts", "Hugs-Options: +TH", "Nhc-Options: ", "Jhc-Options: ", "", "-- Next is an executable", "Executable: somescript", "Main-is: SomeFile.hs", "Other-Modules: Foo1, Util, Main", "HS-Source-Dir: scripts", "Extensions: OverlappingInstances", "GHC-Options: ", "Hugs-Options: ", "Nhc-Options: ", "Jhc-Options: " ] compatTestPkgDescAnswer :: PackageDescription compatTestPkgDescAnswer = emptyPackageDescription { package = PackageIdentifier { pkgName = "Cabal", pkgVersion = Version {versionBranch = [0,1,1,1,1], versionTags = ["rain"]}}, license = LGPL, licenseFile = "foo", copyright = "Free Text String", author = "Happy Haskell Hacker", homepage = "http://www.haskell.org/foo", pkgUrl = "http://www.haskell.org/foo", synopsis = "a nice package!", description = "a really nice package!", category = "tools", descCabalVersion = LaterVersion (Version [1,1,1] []), buildType = Just Custom, buildDepends = [Dependency "haskell-src" AnyVersion, Dependency "HUnit" (UnionVersionRanges (ThisVersion (Version [1,0,0] ["rain"])) (LaterVersion (Version [1,0,0] ["rain"])))], testedWith = [(GHC, AnyVersion)], maintainer = "", stability = "Free Text String", extraTmpFiles = ["file1", "file2"], extraSrcFiles = ["file1", "file2"], dataFiles = [], library = Just $ Library { exposedModules = ["Distribution.Void", "Foo.Bar"], libBuildInfo = emptyBuildInfo { buildable = True, ccOptions = ["-g", "-o"], ldOptions = ["-BStatic", "-dn"], frameworks = ["foo"], cSources = ["not/even/rain.c", "such/small/hands"], hsSourceDirs = ["src", "src2"], otherModules = ["Distribution.Package", "Distribution.Version", "Distribution.Simple.GHCPackageConfig"], extensions = [OverlappingInstances, TypeSynonymInstances], extraLibs = ["libfoo", "bar", "bang"], extraLibDirs = ["/usr/local/libs"], includeDirs = ["your/slightest", "look/will"], includes = ["/easily/unclose", "/me", "funky, path\\name"], installIncludes = ["/easily/unclose", "/me", "funky, path\\name"], ghcProfOptions = [], options = [(GHC,["-fTH","-fglasgow-exts"]) ,(Hugs,["+TH"]),(NHC,[]),(JHC,[])] }}, executables = [Executable "somescript" "SomeFile.hs" (emptyBuildInfo { otherModules=["Foo1","Util","Main"], hsSourceDirs = ["scripts"], extensions = [OverlappingInstances], options = [(GHC,[]),(Hugs,[]),(NHC,[]),(JHC,[])] })] } -- Parse an old style package description. Assumes no flags etc. being used. compatParseDescription :: String -> ParseResult PackageDescription compatParseDescription descr = do gpd <- parsePackageDescription descr case finalizePackageDescription [] (Nothing :: Maybe (PackageIndex.PackageIndex PackageIdentifier)) buildOS buildArch (CompilerId GHC (Version [] [])) [] gpd of Left _ -> syntaxError (-1) "finalize failed" Right (pd,_) -> return pd hunitTests :: [Test] hunitTests = [ TestLabel "license parsers" $ TestCase $ sequence_ [ assertParseOk ("license " ++ show lVal) lVal (runP 1 "license" parseLicenseQ (show lVal)) | lVal <- [GPL,LGPL,BSD3,BSD4] ] , TestLabel "Required fields" $ TestCase $ do assertParseOk "some fields" emptyPackageDescription { package = (PackageIdentifier "foo" (Version [0,0] ["asdf"])) } (compatParseDescription "Name: foo\nVersion: 0.0-asdf") assertParseOk "more fields foo" emptyPackageDescription { package = (PackageIdentifier "foo" (Version [0,0] ["asdf"])), license = GPL } (compatParseDescription "Name: foo\nVersion:0.0-asdf\nLicense: GPL") assertParseOk "required fields for foo" emptyPackageDescription { package = (PackageIdentifier "foo" (Version [0,0] ["asdf"])), license = GPL, copyright="2004 isaac jones" } (compatParseDescription $ "Name: foo\nVersion:0.0-asdf\n" ++ "Copyright: 2004 isaac jones\nLicense: GPL") , TestCase $ assertParseOk "no library" Nothing (library `liftM` (compatParseDescription $ "Name: foo\nVersion: 1\nLicense: GPL\n" ++ "Maintainer: someone\n\nExecutable: script\n" ++ "Main-is: SomeFile.hs\n")) , TestCase $ assertParseOk "translate deprecated fields" emptyPackageDescription { extraSrcFiles = ["foo.c", "bar.ml"], library = Just $ emptyLibrary { libBuildInfo = emptyBuildInfo { hsSourceDirs = ["foo","bar"] }}} (compatParseDescription $ "hs-source-dir: foo bar\nother-files: foo.c bar.ml") , TestLabel "Package description" $ TestCase $ assertParseOk "entire package description" compatTestPkgDescAnswer (compatParseDescription compatTestPkgDesc) , TestLabel "Package description pretty" $ TestCase $ case compatParseDescription compatTestPkgDesc of ParseFailed _ -> assertBool "can't parse description" False ParseOk _ d -> case compatParseDescription $ showPackageDescription d of ParseFailed _ -> assertBool "can't parse description after pretty print!" False ParseOk _ d' -> assertBool ("parse . show . parse not identity." ++" Incorrect fields:\n" ++ (unlines $ comparePackageDescriptions d d')) (d == d') , TestLabel "Sanity checker" $ TestCase $ do let checks = checkConfiguredPackage emptyPackageDescription ers = [ s | PackageBuildImpossible s <- checks ] warns = [ s | PackageBuildWarning s <- checks ] assertEqual "Wrong number of errors" 2 (length ers) assertEqual "Wrong number of warnings" 3 (length warns) ] -- |Compare two package descriptions and see which fields aren't the same. comparePackageDescriptions :: PackageDescription -> PackageDescription -> [String] -- ^Errors comparePackageDescriptions p1 p2 = catMaybes $ myCmp package "package" : myCmp license "license" : myCmp licenseFile "licenseFile" : myCmp copyright "copyright" : myCmp maintainer "maintainer" : myCmp author "author" : myCmp stability "stability" : myCmp testedWith "testedWith" : myCmp homepage "homepage" : myCmp pkgUrl "pkgUrl" : myCmp synopsis "synopsis" : myCmp description "description" : myCmp category "category" : myCmp buildDepends "buildDepends" : myCmp library "library" : myCmp executables "executables" : myCmp descCabalVersion "cabal-version" : myCmp buildType "build-type" : [] where canon_p1 = canonOptions p1 canon_p2 = canonOptions p2 myCmp :: (Eq a, Show a) => (PackageDescription -> a) -> String -- Error message -> Maybe String -- myCmp f er = let e1 = f canon_p1 e2 = f canon_p2 in if e1 /= e2 then Just $ er ++ " Expected: " ++ show e1 ++ " Got: " ++ show e2 else Nothing canonOptions :: PackageDescription -> PackageDescription canonOptions pd = pd{ library = fmap canonLib (library pd), executables = map canonExe (executables pd) } where canonLib l = l { libBuildInfo = canonBI (libBuildInfo l) } canonExe e = e { buildInfo = canonBI (buildInfo e) } canonBI bi = bi { options = canonOptions (options bi) } canonOptions opts = sortBy (comparing fst) opts comparing f a b = f a `compare` f b -- |Assert that the 2nd value parses correctly and matches the first value assertParseOk :: (Eq val) => String -> val -> ParseResult val -> Assertion assertParseOk mes expected actual = assertBool mes (case actual of ParseOk _ v -> v == expected _ -> False) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ test_stanzas' = parsePackageDescription testFile -- ParseOk _ x -> putStrLn $ show x -- _ -> return () testFile = unlines $ [ "Name: dwim" , "Cabal-version: >= 1.7" , "" , "Description: This is a test file " , " with a description longer than two lines. " , "" , "flag Debug {" , " Description: Enable debug information" , " Default: False" , "}" , "flag build_wibble {" , "}" , "" , "library {" , " build-depends: blub" , " exposed-modules: DWIM.Main, DWIM" , " if os(win32) && flag(debug) {" , " build-depends: hunit" , " ghc-options: -DDEBUG" , " exposed-modules: DWIM.Internal" , " if !flag(debug) {" , " build-depends: impossible" , " }" , " }" , "}" , "" , "executable foo-bar {" , " Main-is: Foo.hs" , " Build-depends: blab" , "}" , "executable wobble {" , " Main-is: Wobble.hs" , " if flag(debug) {" , " Build-depends: hunit" , " }" , "}" , "executable wibble {" , " Main-is: Wibble.hs" , " hs-source-dirs: wib-stuff" , " if flag(build_wibble) {" , " Build-depends: wiblib >= 0.42" , " } else {" , " buildable: False" , " }" , "}" ] {- test_compatParsing = let ParseOk ws (p, pold) = do fs <- readFields testPkgDesc ppd <- parsePackageDescription' fs let Right (pd,_) = finalizePackageDescription [] (Just pkgs) os arch ppd pdold <- parsePackageDescription testPkgDesc return (pd, pdold) in do putStrLn $ unlines $ map show ws putStrLn "===========" putStrLn $ showPackageDescription p putStrLn "===========" putStrLn $ showPackageDescription testPkgDescAnswer putStrLn "===========" putStrLn $ showPackageDescription pold putStrLn $ show (p == pold) where pkgs = [ PackageIdentifier "haskell-src" (Version [1,0] []) , PackageIdentifier "HUnit" (Version [1,1] ["rain"]) ] os = (MkOSName "win32") arch = (MkArchName "amd64") -} test_finalizePD = case parsePackageDescription testFile of ParseFailed err -> print err ParseOk _ ppd -> do case finalizePackageDescription [(FlagName "debug",True)] (Just pkgs) os arch impl [] ppd of Right (pd,fs) -> do putStrLn $ showPackageDescription pd print fs Left missing -> putStrLn $ "missing: " ++ show missing putStrLn $ showPackageDescription $ flattenPackageDescription ppd where pkgs = PackageIndex.fromList[ PackageIdentifier "blub" (Version [1,0] []) --, PackageIdentifier "hunit" (Version [1,1] []) , PackageIdentifier "blab" (Version [0,1] []) ] os = Windows arch = X86_64 impl = CompilerId GHC (Version [6,6] [])