-- |
-- Module      :  Network.AWS.S3Bucket
-- Copyright   :  (c) Greg Heartsfield 2007
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Bucket interface for Amazon S3
-- API Version 2006-03-01
-- <http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/2006-03-01/>

module Network.AWS.S3Bucket (
               -- * Function Types
               createBucketIn, createBucket, createBucketWithPrefixIn,
               createBucketWithPrefix, deleteBucket, getBucketLocation,
               emptyBucket, listBuckets, listObjects, listAllObjects,
               -- * Data Types
               S3Bucket(S3Bucket, bucket_name, bucket_creation_date),
              ) where

import Network.AWS.Authentication as Auth
import Network.AWS.AWSResult
import Network.AWS.S3Object
import Network.AWS.AWSConnection
import Network.AWS.ArrowUtils

import Network.HTTP as HTTP
import Network.Stream()

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L

import Data.Char (toLower)

import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow
import qualified Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs
import Control.Arrow

import Control.Monad
import System.Random (randomIO)
import Codec.Utils
import Data.Digest.MD5
import Codec.Text.Raw

data S3Bucket = S3Bucket { bucket_name :: String,
                           bucket_creation_date :: String
                         } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Create a new bucket on S3 with the given prefix, and a random
--   suffix.  This can be used to programatically create buckets
--   without of naming conflicts.
createBucketWithPrefixIn :: AWSConnection -- ^ AWS connection information
                       -> String -- ^ Bucket name prefix
                       -> String -- ^ "US" or "EU"
                       -> IO (AWSResult String) -- ^ Server response, if
                                                --   successful, the bucket
                                                --   name is returned.
createBucketWithPrefixIn aws pre location =
    do suffix <- randomName
       let name = pre ++ "-" ++ suffix
       res <- createBucketIn aws name location
       either (\x -> case x of
                       AWSError _ _ -> createBucketWithPrefixIn aws pre location
                       otherwise -> return (Left x))
                  (\_ -> return (Right name)) res

-- | see createBucketWithPrefixIn, but hardcoded for the US
createBucketWithPrefix :: AWSConnection -- ^ AWS connection information
                       -> String -- ^ Bucket name prefix
                       -> IO (AWSResult String) -- ^ Server response, with bucket name
createBucketWithPrefix aws pre =
    createBucketWithPrefixIn aws pre "US"

randomName :: IO String
randomName =
    do rdata <- randomIO :: IO Integer
       return $ take 10 $ show $ hexdumpBy "" 999
                  (hash (toOctets (10::Integer) (abs rdata)))

-- | Create a new bucket on S3 with the given name.
createBucketIn :: AWSConnection -- ^ AWS connection information
             -> String -- ^ Proposed bucket name
             -> String -- ^ "US" or "EU"
             -> IO (AWSResult ()) -- ^ Server response
createBucketIn aws bucket location =
    let constraint = if location == "US"
                        then "" -- US == no body
                        else "<CreateBucketConfiguration><LocationConstraint>" ++ location ++ "</LocationConstraint></CreateBucketConfiguration>"
    do res <- Auth.runAction (S3Action aws bucket "" "" [] (L.pack constraint) PUT)
       -- throw away the server response, return () on success
       return (either Left (\_ -> Right ()) res)

-- | Create a new bucket on S3 with the given name.
createBucket :: AWSConnection -- ^ AWS connection information
             -> String -- ^ Proposed bucket name
             -> IO (AWSResult ()) -- ^ Server response
createBucket aws bucket =
    createBucketIn aws bucket "US"

-- | Physical location of the bucket. "US" or "EU"
getBucketLocation :: AWSConnection  -- ^ AWS connection information
                  -> String  -- ^ Bucket name
                  -> IO (AWSResult String) -- ^ Server response ("US" or "EU")
getBucketLocation aws bucket =
    do res <- Auth.runAction (S3Action aws bucket "?location" "" [] L.empty GET)
       case res of
         Left x -> return (Left x)
         Right y -> do bs <- parseBucketLocationXML (L.unpack (rspBody y))
                       return (Right bs)

parseBucketLocationXML :: String -> IO String
parseBucketLocationXML s =
    do results <- runX (readString [(a_validate,v_0)] s >>> processLocation)
       return $ case results of
                  [] -> "US"    -- not specified by S3, but they are in the US
                  x:_ -> x

processLocation :: ArrowXml a => a (Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs.NTree XNode) String
processLocation = (text <<< atTag "LocationConstraint")
                    >>> arr id

-- | Delete a bucket with the given name on S3.  The bucket must be
--   empty for deletion to succeed.
deleteBucket :: AWSConnection -- ^ AWS connection information
             -> String -- ^ Bucket name to delete
             -> IO (AWSResult ()) -- ^ Server response
deleteBucket aws bucket =
    do res <- Auth.runAction (S3Action aws bucket "" "" [] L.empty DELETE)
       return (either Left (\_ -> Right ()) res)

-- | Empty a bucket of all objects.  Iterates through all objects
--   issuing delete commands, so time is proportional to number of
--   objects in the bucket.  At this time, delete requests are free
--   from Amazon.
emptyBucket :: AWSConnection -- ^ AWS connection information
            -> String -- ^ Bucket name to empty
            -> IO (AWSResult ()) -- ^ Server response
emptyBucket aws bucket =
    do res <- listAllObjects aws bucket (ListRequest "" ""  "" 0)
       let objFromRes x = S3Object bucket (key x) "" [] L.empty
       case res of
         Left x -> return (Left x)
         Right y -> deleteObjects aws (map objFromRes y)

-- | Delete a list of objects, stop as soon as an error is encountered.
deleteObjects :: AWSConnection
              -> [S3Object]
              -> IO (AWSResult ())
deleteObjects _ [] = return (Right ())
deleteObjects aws (x:xs) =
    do dr <- deleteObject aws x
       case dr of
         Left o -> return (Left o)
         Right _ -> deleteObjects aws xs

-- | Return a list of all bucket names and creation dates.  S3
--   allows a maximum of 100 buckets per user.
listBuckets :: AWSConnection -- ^ AWS connection information
           -> IO (AWSResult [S3Bucket]) -- ^ Server response
listBuckets aws =
    do res <- Auth.runAction (S3Action aws "" "" "" [] L.empty GET)
       case res of
         Left x -> return (Left x)
         Right y -> do bs <- parseBucketListXML (L.unpack (rspBody y))
                       return (Right bs)

parseBucketListXML :: String -> IO [S3Bucket]
parseBucketListXML x = runX (readString [(a_validate,v_0)] x >>> processBuckets)

processBuckets :: ArrowXml a => a (Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs.NTree XNode) S3Bucket
processBuckets = deep (isElem >>> hasName "Bucket") >>>
                 split >>> first (text <<< atTag "Name") >>>
                 second (text <<< atTag "CreationDate") >>>
                 unsplit (\x y -> S3Bucket x y)

-- | List request parameters
data ListRequest =
    ListRequest { prefix :: String,
                  marker :: String,
                  delimiter :: String,
                  max_keys :: Int

instance Show ListRequest where
    show x = "prefix=" ++ urlEncode (prefix x) ++ "&" ++
             "marker=" ++ urlEncode (marker x) ++ "&" ++
             "delimiter=" ++ urlEncode (delimiter x) ++ "&" ++
             "max-keys=" ++ show (max_keys x)

-- | Result from listing objects.
data ListResult =
    ListResult {
      key :: String, -- ^ Name of object
      last_modified :: String, -- ^ Last modification date
      etag :: String, -- ^ MD5
      size :: Integer -- ^ Bytes of object data
    } deriving (Show)

-- | Is a result set response truncated?
type IsTruncated = Bool

-- | List objects in a bucket, based on parameters from 'ListRequest'.  See
--   the Amazon S3 developer resources for in depth explanation of how
--   the fields in 'ListRequest' can be used to query for objects.
--   <http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/2006-03-01/ListingKeysRequest.html>
listObjects :: AWSConnection -- ^ AWS connection information
            -> String -- ^ Bucket name to search
            -> ListRequest -- ^ List parameters
            -> IO (AWSResult (IsTruncated, [ListResult])) -- ^ Server response
listObjects aws bucket lreq =
    do res <- Auth.runAction (S3Action aws bucket ""
                                           ('?' : show lreq) [] L.empty GET)
       case res of
         Left x -> return (Left x)
         Right y -> do let objs = L.unpack (rspBody y)
                       tr <- isListTruncated objs
                       lr <- getListResults objs
                       return (Right (tr, lr))

-- | Repeatedly query the server for all objects in a bucket, ignoring the @max_keys@ field.
listAllObjects :: AWSConnection -- ^ AWS connection information
               -> String -- ^ Bucket name to search
               -> ListRequest -- ^ List parameters
               -> IO (AWSResult [ListResult]) -- ^ Server response
listAllObjects aws bucket lp =
    do let lp_max = lp {max_keys = 1000}
       res <- listObjects aws bucket lp_max
       case res of
         Left x -> return (Left x)
         Right y -> case y of
                      (True,lr) -> do let last_result = (key . last) lr
                                      next_set <- listAllObjects aws bucket
                                                  (lp_max {marker = last_result})
                                      either (\x -> return (Left x))
                                             (\x -> return (Right (lr ++ x))) next_set
                      (False,lr) -> return (Right lr)

-- | Determine if ListBucketResult is truncated.  It would make sense
--   to combine this with the query for list results, so we didn't
--   have to parse the XML twice.
isListTruncated :: String -> IO Bool
isListTruncated s =
    do results <- runX (readString [(a_validate,v_0)] s >>> processTruncation)
       return $ case results of
                  [] -> False
                  x:_ -> x

processTruncation :: ArrowXml a => a (Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs.NTree XNode) Bool
processTruncation = (text <<< atTag "IsTruncated")
                    >>> arr (\x -> case (map toLower x) of
                                     "true" -> True
                                     "false" -> False
                                     otherwise -> False)

getListResults :: String -> IO [ListResult]
getListResults s = runX (readString [(a_validate,v_0)] s >>> processListResults)

processListResults :: ArrowXml a => a (Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs.NTree XNode) ListResult
processListResults = deep (isElem >>> hasName "Contents") >>>
                     ((text <<< atTag "Key") &&&
                      (text <<< atTag "LastModified") &&&
                      (text <<< atTag "ETag") &&&
                      (text <<< atTag "Size")) >>>
                     arr (\(a,(b,(c,d))) -> ListResult a b ((unquote . HTTP.urlDecode) c) (read d))

-- | Remove quote characters from a 'String'.
unquote :: String -> String
unquote = filter (/= '"')