{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-} module Raylib.Util.Camera ( getCameraForward, getCameraUp, getCameraRight, cameraMove, cameraMoveForward, cameraMoveUp, cameraMoveRight, cameraRotate, cameraYaw, cameraPitch, cameraRoll, getCameraViewMatrix, getCameraProjectionMatrix, ) where import Raylib.Types (Camera, Camera3D (..), CameraProjection (CameraOrthographic, CameraPerspective), Matrix, Vector3 (..)) import Raylib.Util.Math (Vector (..), clamp, deg2Rad, matrixLookAt, matrixOrtho, matrixPerspective, vector3Angle, vector3CrossProduct, vector3RotateByAxisAngle) -- | The camera's forward vector (normalized) getCameraForward :: Camera -> Vector3 getCameraForward cam = vectorNormalize $ camera3D'target cam |-| camera3D'position cam -- | The camera's up vector (normalized) getCameraUp :: Camera -> Vector3 getCameraUp cam = vectorNormalize $ camera3D'up cam -- | The camera's right vector (normalized) getCameraRight :: Camera -> Vector3 getCameraRight cam = vector3CrossProduct (getCameraForward cam) (getCameraUp cam) -- | Move the camera by a specific vector cameraMove :: Camera -> Vector3 -> Camera cameraMove cam dir = cam {camera3D'position = camera3D'position cam |+| dir, camera3D'target = camera3D'target cam |+| dir} -- | Move the camera in its forward direction cameraMoveForward :: Camera -> -- | Distance to move Float -> -- | Move in world plane (i.e. no vertical movement if enabled) Bool -> Camera cameraMoveForward cam distance moveInWorldPlane = cameraMove cam (forward |* distance) where forward = if moveInWorldPlane then camForward {vector3'y = 0} else camForward camForward = getCameraForward cam -- | Move the camera in its up direction cameraMoveUp :: Camera -> -- | Distance to move Float -> Camera cameraMoveUp cam distance = cameraMove cam (up |* distance) where up = getCameraUp cam -- | Move the camera in its right direction cameraMoveRight :: Camera -> -- | Distance to move Float -> -- | Move in world plane (i.e. no vertical movement if enabled) Bool -> Camera cameraMoveRight cam distance moveInWorldPlane = cameraMove cam (right |* distance) where right = if moveInWorldPlane then camRight {vector3'y = 0} else camRight camRight = getCameraRight cam -- | Rotate the camera using an axis and angle cameraRotate :: Camera -> -- | Axis of rotation Vector3 -> -- | Angle to rotate by Float -> -- | Rotate around target (if false, the camera rotates around its position) Bool -> Camera cameraRotate cam axis angle rotateAroundTarget = cam { camera3D'position = if rotateAroundTarget then target |-| viewRot else pos, camera3D'target = if rotateAroundTarget then target else pos |+| viewRot } where viewVec = target |-| pos viewRot = vector3RotateByAxisAngle viewVec axis angle pos = camera3D'position cam target = camera3D'target cam -- | Rotate the camera around its up vector. -- Yaw is "looking left and right". cameraYaw :: Camera -> -- | Angle in radians Float -> -- | Rotate around target (if false, the camera rotates around its position) Bool -> Camera cameraYaw cam angle rotateAroundTarget = cam { camera3D'position = if rotateAroundTarget then target |-| viewRot else pos, camera3D'target = if rotateAroundTarget then target else pos |+| viewRot } where viewVec = target |-| pos viewRot = vector3RotateByAxisAngle viewVec (getCameraUp cam) angle pos = camera3D'position cam target = camera3D'target cam -- | Rotate the camera around its right vector. -- Pitch is "looking up and down". cameraPitch :: Camera -> -- | Angle in radians Float -> -- | Lock view (prevents camera overrotation, aka "somersaults") Bool -> -- | Rotate around target (if false, the camera rotates around its position) Bool -> -- | Rotate the camera's up vector to match the new pitch Bool -> Camera cameraPitch cam angle lockView rotateAroundTarget rotateUp = cam { camera3D'position = if rotateAroundTarget then target |-| viewRot else pos, camera3D'target = if rotateAroundTarget then target else pos |+| viewRot, camera3D'up = if not rotateUp then up else vector3RotateByAxisAngle up right angle' } where angle' = if not lockView then angle else clamp angle maxAngleDown maxAngleUp maxAngleUp = vector3Angle up viewVec - 0.001 maxAngleDown = (-vector3Angle (additiveInverse up) viewVec) + 0.001 viewVec = target |-| pos viewRot = vector3RotateByAxisAngle viewVec right angle' pos = camera3D'position cam target = camera3D'target cam up = getCameraUp cam right = getCameraRight cam -- | Rotates the camera around its forward vector. -- Roll is "turning your head sideways to the left or right". cameraRoll :: Camera -> -- | Angle in radians Float -> Camera cameraRoll cam angle = cam { camera3D'up = vector3RotateByAxisAngle up forward angle } where forward = getCameraForward cam up = getCameraUp cam -- | View matrix from camera getCameraViewMatrix :: Camera -> Matrix getCameraViewMatrix cam = matrixLookAt (camera3D'position cam) (camera3D'target cam) (camera3D'up cam) -- | Projection matrix from camera getCameraProjectionMatrix :: Camera -> -- | Aspect ratio Float -> -- | Near clipping plane distance (recommended: 0.01) Float -> -- | Far clipping plane distance (recommended: 1000) Float -> Matrix getCameraProjectionMatrix cam aspect near far = case camera3D'projection cam of CameraPerspective -> matrixPerspective (camera3D'fovy cam * deg2Rad) aspect near far CameraOrthographic -> matrixOrtho (-right) right (-top) top near far where top = camera3D'fovy cam / 2 right = top * aspect