/********************************************************************************************** * * rcore_desktop - Functions to manage window, graphics device and inputs * * PLATFORM: DESKTOP: GLFW * - Windows (Win32, Win64) * - Linux (X11/Wayland desktop mode) * - FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFly (X11 desktop) * - OSX/macOS (x64, arm64) * * LIMITATIONS: * - Limitation 01 * - Limitation 02 * * POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS: * - Improvement 01 * - Improvement 02 * * ADDITIONAL NOTES: * - TRACELOG() function is located in raylib [utils] module * * CONFIGURATION: * #define RCORE_PLATFORM_CUSTOM_FLAG * Custom flag for rcore on target platform -not used- * * DEPENDENCIES: * - rglfw: Manage graphic device, OpenGL context and inputs (Windows, Linux, OSX, FreeBSD...) * - gestures: Gestures system for touch-ready devices (or simulated from mouse inputs) * * * LICENSE: zlib/libpng * * Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5) and contributors * * This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event * will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial * applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you * wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment * in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. * * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented * as being the original software. * * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. * **********************************************************************************************/ #define GLFW_INCLUDE_NONE // Disable the standard OpenGL header inclusion on GLFW3 // NOTE: Already provided by rlgl implementation (on glad.h) #include "GLFW/glfw3.h" // GLFW3 library: Windows, OpenGL context and Input management // NOTE: GLFW3 already includes gl.h (OpenGL) headers // Support retrieving native window handlers #if defined(_WIN32) typedef void *PVOID; typedef PVOID HANDLE; typedef HANDLE HWND; #define GLFW_EXPOSE_NATIVE_WIN32 #define GLFW_NATIVE_INCLUDE_NONE // To avoid some symbols re-definition in windows.h #include "GLFW/glfw3native.h" #if defined(SUPPORT_WINMM_HIGHRES_TIMER) && !defined(SUPPORT_BUSY_WAIT_LOOP) // NOTE: Those functions require linking with winmm library unsigned int __stdcall timeBeginPeriod(unsigned int uPeriod); unsigned int __stdcall timeEndPeriod(unsigned int uPeriod); #endif #endif #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) #include // Required for: timespec, nanosleep(), select() - POSIX //#define GLFW_EXPOSE_NATIVE_X11 // WARNING: Exposing Xlib.h > X.h results in dup symbols for Font type //#define GLFW_EXPOSE_NATIVE_WAYLAND //#define GLFW_EXPOSE_NATIVE_MIR #include "GLFW/glfw3native.h" // Required for: glfwGetX11Window() #endif #if defined(__APPLE__) #include // Required for: usleep() //#define GLFW_EXPOSE_NATIVE_COCOA // WARNING: Fails due to type redefinition void *glfwGetCocoaWindow(GLFWwindow* handle); #include "GLFW/glfw3native.h" // Required for: glfwGetCocoaWindow() #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Defines and Macros //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: HACK: Added flag if not provided by GLFW when using external library // Latest GLFW release (GLFW 3.3.8) does not implement this flag, it was added for 3.4.0-dev #if !defined(GLFW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH) #define GLFW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH 0x0002000D #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Types and Structures Definition //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { GLFWwindow *handle; // GLFW window handle (graphic device) } PlatformData; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global Variables Definition //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern CoreData CORE; // Global CORE state context static PlatformData platform = { 0 }; // Platform specific data //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Module Internal Functions Declaration //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int InitPlatform(void); // Initialize platform (graphics, inputs and more) void ClosePlatform(void); // Close platform // Error callback event static void ErrorCallback(int error, const char *description); // GLFW3 Error Callback, runs on GLFW3 error // Window callbacks events static void WindowSizeCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int width, int height); // GLFW3 WindowSize Callback, runs when window is resized static void WindowIconifyCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int iconified); // GLFW3 WindowIconify Callback, runs when window is minimized/restored static void WindowMaximizeCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int maximized); // GLFW3 Window Maximize Callback, runs when window is maximized static void WindowFocusCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int focused); // GLFW3 WindowFocus Callback, runs when window get/lose focus static void WindowDropCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int count, const char **paths); // GLFW3 Window Drop Callback, runs when drop files into window static void WindowContentScaleCallback(GLFWwindow *window, float scalex, float scaley); // GLFW3 Window Content Scale Callback, runs when window changes scale // Input callbacks events static void KeyCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods); // GLFW3 Keyboard Callback, runs on key pressed static void CharCallback(GLFWwindow *window, unsigned int codepoint); // GLFW3 Char Callback, runs on key pressed (get codepoint value) static void MouseButtonCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int button, int action, int mods); // GLFW3 Mouse Button Callback, runs on mouse button pressed static void MouseCursorPosCallback(GLFWwindow *window, double x, double y); // GLFW3 Cursor Position Callback, runs on mouse move static void MouseScrollCallback(GLFWwindow *window, double xoffset, double yoffset); // GLFW3 Scrolling Callback, runs on mouse wheel static void CursorEnterCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int enter); // GLFW3 Cursor Enter Callback, cursor enters client area static void JoystickCallback(int jid, int event); // GLFW3 Joystick Connected/Disconnected Callback //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Module Functions Declaration //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTE: Functions declaration is provided by raylib.h //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Module Functions Definition: Window and Graphics Device //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check if application should close // NOTE: By default, if KEY_ESCAPE pressed or window close icon clicked bool WindowShouldClose(void) { if (CORE.Window.ready) return CORE.Window.shouldClose; else return true; } // Toggle fullscreen mode void ToggleFullscreen(void) { if (!CORE.Window.fullscreen) { // Store previous window position (in case we exit fullscreen) glfwGetWindowPos(platform.handle, &CORE.Window.position.x, &CORE.Window.position.y); int monitorCount = 0; int monitorIndex = GetCurrentMonitor(); GLFWmonitor **monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&monitorCount); // Use current monitor, so we correctly get the display the window is on GLFWmonitor *monitor = (monitorIndex < monitorCount)? monitors[monitorIndex] : NULL; if (monitor == NULL) { TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Failed to get monitor"); CORE.Window.fullscreen = false; CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_FULLSCREEN_MODE; glfwSetWindowMonitor(platform.handle, NULL, 0, 0, CORE.Window.screen.width, CORE.Window.screen.height, GLFW_DONT_CARE); } else { CORE.Window.fullscreen = true; CORE.Window.flags |= FLAG_FULLSCREEN_MODE; glfwSetWindowMonitor(platform.handle, monitor, 0, 0, CORE.Window.screen.width, CORE.Window.screen.height, GLFW_DONT_CARE); } } else { CORE.Window.fullscreen = false; CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_FULLSCREEN_MODE; glfwSetWindowMonitor(platform.handle, NULL, CORE.Window.position.x, CORE.Window.position.y, CORE.Window.screen.width, CORE.Window.screen.height, GLFW_DONT_CARE); } // Try to enable GPU V-Sync, so frames are limited to screen refresh rate (60Hz -> 60 FPS) // NOTE: V-Sync can be enabled by graphic driver configuration if (CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_VSYNC_HINT) glfwSwapInterval(1); } // Toggle borderless windowed mode void ToggleBorderlessWindowed(void) { // Leave fullscreen before attempting to set borderless windowed mode and get screen position from it bool wasOnFullscreen = false; if (CORE.Window.fullscreen) { CORE.Window.previousPosition = CORE.Window.position; ToggleFullscreen(); wasOnFullscreen = true; } const int monitor = GetCurrentMonitor(); int monitorCount; GLFWmonitor **monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&monitorCount); if ((monitor >= 0) && (monitor < monitorCount)) { const GLFWvidmode *mode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitors[monitor]); if (mode) { if (!IsWindowState(FLAG_BORDERLESS_WINDOWED_MODE)) { // Store screen position and size // NOTE: If it was on fullscreen, screen position was already stored, so skip setting it here if (!wasOnFullscreen) glfwGetWindowPos(platform.handle, &CORE.Window.previousPosition.x, &CORE.Window.previousPosition.y); CORE.Window.previousScreen = CORE.Window.screen; // Set undecorated and topmost modes and flags glfwSetWindowAttrib(platform.handle, GLFW_DECORATED, GLFW_FALSE); CORE.Window.flags |= FLAG_WINDOW_UNDECORATED; glfwSetWindowAttrib(platform.handle, GLFW_FLOATING, GLFW_TRUE); CORE.Window.flags |= FLAG_WINDOW_TOPMOST; // Get monitor position and size int monitorPosX = 0; int monitorPosY = 0; glfwGetMonitorPos(monitors[monitor], &monitorPosX, &monitorPosY); const int monitorWidth = mode->width; const int monitorHeight = mode->height; // Set screen position and size glfwSetWindowPos(platform.handle, monitorPosX, monitorPosY); glfwSetWindowSize(platform.handle, monitorWidth, monitorHeight); // Refocus window glfwFocusWindow(platform.handle); CORE.Window.flags |= FLAG_BORDERLESS_WINDOWED_MODE; } else { // Remove topmost and undecorated modes and flags glfwSetWindowAttrib(platform.handle, GLFW_FLOATING, GLFW_FALSE); CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_WINDOW_TOPMOST; glfwSetWindowAttrib(platform.handle, GLFW_DECORATED, GLFW_TRUE); CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_WINDOW_UNDECORATED; // Return previous screen size and position // NOTE: The order matters here, it must set size first, then set position, otherwise the screen will be positioned incorrectly glfwSetWindowSize(platform.handle, CORE.Window.previousScreen.width, CORE.Window.previousScreen.height); glfwSetWindowPos(platform.handle, CORE.Window.previousPosition.x, CORE.Window.previousPosition.y); // Refocus window glfwFocusWindow(platform.handle); CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_BORDERLESS_WINDOWED_MODE; } } else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Failed to find video mode for selected monitor"); } else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Failed to find selected monitor"); } // Set window state: maximized, if resizable void MaximizeWindow(void) { if (glfwGetWindowAttrib(platform.handle, GLFW_RESIZABLE) == GLFW_TRUE) { glfwMaximizeWindow(platform.handle); CORE.Window.flags |= FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED; } } // Set window state: minimized void MinimizeWindow(void) { // NOTE: Following function launches callback that sets appropriate flag! glfwIconifyWindow(platform.handle); } // Set window state: not minimized/maximized void RestoreWindow(void) { if (glfwGetWindowAttrib(platform.handle, GLFW_RESIZABLE) == GLFW_TRUE) { // Restores the specified window if it was previously iconified (minimized) or maximized glfwRestoreWindow(platform.handle); CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED; CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED; } } // Set window configuration state using flags void SetWindowState(unsigned int flags) { // Check previous state and requested state to apply required changes // NOTE: In most cases the functions already change the flags internally // State change: FLAG_VSYNC_HINT if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_VSYNC_HINT) != (flags & FLAG_VSYNC_HINT)) && ((flags & FLAG_VSYNC_HINT) > 0)) { glfwSwapInterval(1); CORE.Window.flags |= FLAG_VSYNC_HINT; } // State change: FLAG_BORDERLESS_WINDOWED_MODE // NOTE: This must be handled before FLAG_FULLSCREEN_MODE because ToggleBorderlessWindowed() needs to get some fullscreen values if fullscreen is running if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_BORDERLESS_WINDOWED_MODE) != (flags & FLAG_BORDERLESS_WINDOWED_MODE)) && ((flags & FLAG_BORDERLESS_WINDOWED_MODE) > 0)) { ToggleBorderlessWindowed(); // NOTE: Window state flag updated inside function } // State change: FLAG_FULLSCREEN_MODE if ((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_FULLSCREEN_MODE) != (flags & FLAG_FULLSCREEN_MODE)) { ToggleFullscreen(); // NOTE: Window state flag updated inside function } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE) != (flags & FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE)) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE) > 0)) { glfwSetWindowAttrib(platform.handle, GLFW_RESIZABLE, GLFW_TRUE); CORE.Window.flags |= FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE; } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_UNDECORATED if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_UNDECORATED) != (flags & FLAG_WINDOW_UNDECORATED)) && (flags & FLAG_WINDOW_UNDECORATED)) { glfwSetWindowAttrib(platform.handle, GLFW_DECORATED, GLFW_FALSE); CORE.Window.flags |= FLAG_WINDOW_UNDECORATED; } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_HIDDEN if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_HIDDEN) != (flags & FLAG_WINDOW_HIDDEN)) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_HIDDEN) > 0)) { glfwHideWindow(platform.handle); CORE.Window.flags |= FLAG_WINDOW_HIDDEN; } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) != (flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED)) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) > 0)) { //GLFW_ICONIFIED MinimizeWindow(); // NOTE: Window state flag updated inside function } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED) != (flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED)) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED) > 0)) { //GLFW_MAXIMIZED MaximizeWindow(); // NOTE: Window state flag updated inside function } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_UNFOCUSED if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_UNFOCUSED) != (flags & FLAG_WINDOW_UNFOCUSED)) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_UNFOCUSED) > 0)) { glfwSetWindowAttrib(platform.handle, GLFW_FOCUS_ON_SHOW, GLFW_FALSE); CORE.Window.flags |= FLAG_WINDOW_UNFOCUSED; } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_TOPMOST if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_TOPMOST) != (flags & FLAG_WINDOW_TOPMOST)) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_TOPMOST) > 0)) { glfwSetWindowAttrib(platform.handle, GLFW_FLOATING, GLFW_TRUE); CORE.Window.flags |= FLAG_WINDOW_TOPMOST; } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_RUN if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_RUN) != (flags & FLAG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_RUN)) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_RUN) > 0)) { CORE.Window.flags |= FLAG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_RUN; } // The following states can not be changed after window creation // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_TRANSPARENT if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_TRANSPARENT) != (flags & FLAG_WINDOW_TRANSPARENT)) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_TRANSPARENT) > 0)) { TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "WINDOW: Framebuffer transparency can only be configured before window initialization"); } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_HIGHDPI if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_HIGHDPI) != (flags & FLAG_WINDOW_HIGHDPI)) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_HIGHDPI) > 0)) { TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "WINDOW: High DPI can only be configured before window initialization"); } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH) != (flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH)) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH) > 0)) { glfwSetWindowAttrib(platform.handle, GLFW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH, GLFW_TRUE); CORE.Window.flags |= FLAG_WINDOW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH; } // State change: FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT) != (flags & FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT)) && ((flags & FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT) > 0)) { TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "WINDOW: MSAA can only be configured before window initialization"); } // State change: FLAG_INTERLACED_HINT if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_INTERLACED_HINT) != (flags & FLAG_INTERLACED_HINT)) && ((flags & FLAG_INTERLACED_HINT) > 0)) { TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "RPI: Interlaced mode can only be configured before window initialization"); } } // Clear window configuration state flags void ClearWindowState(unsigned int flags) { // Check previous state and requested state to apply required changes // NOTE: In most cases the functions already change the flags internally // State change: FLAG_VSYNC_HINT if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_VSYNC_HINT) > 0) && ((flags & FLAG_VSYNC_HINT) > 0)) { glfwSwapInterval(0); CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_VSYNC_HINT; } // State change: FLAG_BORDERLESS_WINDOWED_MODE // NOTE: This must be handled before FLAG_FULLSCREEN_MODE because ToggleBorderlessWindowed() needs to get some fullscreen values if fullscreen is running if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_BORDERLESS_WINDOWED_MODE) > 0) && ((flags & FLAG_BORDERLESS_WINDOWED_MODE) > 0)) { ToggleBorderlessWindowed(); // NOTE: Window state flag updated inside function } // State change: FLAG_FULLSCREEN_MODE if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_FULLSCREEN_MODE) > 0) && ((flags & FLAG_FULLSCREEN_MODE) > 0)) { ToggleFullscreen(); // NOTE: Window state flag updated inside function } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE) > 0) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE) > 0)) { glfwSetWindowAttrib(platform.handle, GLFW_RESIZABLE, GLFW_FALSE); CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE; } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_HIDDEN if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_HIDDEN) > 0) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_HIDDEN) > 0)) { glfwShowWindow(platform.handle); CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_WINDOW_HIDDEN; } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) > 0) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) > 0)) { RestoreWindow(); // NOTE: Window state flag updated inside function } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED) > 0) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED) > 0)) { RestoreWindow(); // NOTE: Window state flag updated inside function } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_UNDECORATED if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_UNDECORATED) > 0) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_UNDECORATED) > 0)) { glfwSetWindowAttrib(platform.handle, GLFW_DECORATED, GLFW_TRUE); CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_WINDOW_UNDECORATED; } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_UNFOCUSED if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_UNFOCUSED) > 0) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_UNFOCUSED) > 0)) { glfwSetWindowAttrib(platform.handle, GLFW_FOCUS_ON_SHOW, GLFW_TRUE); CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_WINDOW_UNFOCUSED; } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_TOPMOST if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_TOPMOST) > 0) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_TOPMOST) > 0)) { glfwSetWindowAttrib(platform.handle, GLFW_FLOATING, GLFW_FALSE); CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_WINDOW_TOPMOST; } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_RUN if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_RUN) > 0) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_RUN) > 0)) { CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_RUN; } // The following states can not be changed after window creation // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_TRANSPARENT if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_TRANSPARENT) > 0) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_TRANSPARENT) > 0)) { TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "WINDOW: Framebuffer transparency can only be configured before window initialization"); } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_HIGHDPI if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_HIGHDPI) > 0) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_HIGHDPI) > 0)) { TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "WINDOW: High DPI can only be configured before window initialization"); } // State change: FLAG_WINDOW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH) > 0) && ((flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH) > 0)) { glfwSetWindowAttrib(platform.handle, GLFW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH, GLFW_FALSE); CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_WINDOW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH; } // State change: FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT) > 0) && ((flags & FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT) > 0)) { TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "WINDOW: MSAA can only be configured before window initialization"); } // State change: FLAG_INTERLACED_HINT if (((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_INTERLACED_HINT) > 0) && ((flags & FLAG_INTERLACED_HINT) > 0)) { TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "RPI: Interlaced mode can only be configured before window initialization"); } } // Set icon for window // NOTE 1: Image must be in RGBA format, 8bit per channel // NOTE 2: Image is scaled by the OS for all required sizes void SetWindowIcon(Image image) { if (image.data == NULL) { // Revert to the default window icon, pass in an empty image array glfwSetWindowIcon(platform.handle, 0, NULL); } else { if (image.format == PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8) { GLFWimage icon[1] = { 0 }; icon[0].width = image.width; icon[0].height = image.height; icon[0].pixels = (unsigned char *)image.data; // NOTE 1: We only support one image icon // NOTE 2: The specified image data is copied before this function returns glfwSetWindowIcon(platform.handle, 1, icon); } else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Window icon image must be in R8G8B8A8 pixel format"); } } // Set icon for window, multiple images // NOTE 1: Images must be in RGBA format, 8bit per channel // NOTE 2: The multiple images are used depending on provided sizes // Standard Windows icon sizes: 256, 128, 96, 64, 48, 32, 24, 16 void SetWindowIcons(Image *images, int count) { if ((images == NULL) || (count <= 0)) { // Revert to the default window icon, pass in an empty image array glfwSetWindowIcon(platform.handle, 0, NULL); } else { int valid = 0; GLFWimage *icons = RL_CALLOC(count, sizeof(GLFWimage)); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (images[i].format == PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8) { icons[valid].width = images[i].width; icons[valid].height = images[i].height; icons[valid].pixels = (unsigned char *)images[i].data; valid++; } else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Window icon image must be in R8G8B8A8 pixel format"); } // NOTE: Images data is copied internally before this function returns glfwSetWindowIcon(platform.handle, valid, icons); RL_FREE(icons); } } // Set title for window void SetWindowTitle(const char *title) { CORE.Window.title = title; glfwSetWindowTitle(platform.handle, title); } // Set window position on screen (windowed mode) void SetWindowPosition(int x, int y) { glfwSetWindowPos(platform.handle, x, y); } // Set monitor for the current window void SetWindowMonitor(int monitor) { int monitorCount = 0; GLFWmonitor **monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&monitorCount); if ((monitor >= 0) && (monitor < monitorCount)) { if (CORE.Window.fullscreen) { TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "GLFW: Selected fullscreen monitor: [%i] %s", monitor, glfwGetMonitorName(monitors[monitor])); const GLFWvidmode *mode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitors[monitor]); glfwSetWindowMonitor(platform.handle, monitors[monitor], 0, 0, mode->width, mode->height, mode->refreshRate); } else { TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "GLFW: Selected monitor: [%i] %s", monitor, glfwGetMonitorName(monitors[monitor])); const int screenWidth = CORE.Window.screen.width; const int screenHeight = CORE.Window.screen.height; int monitorWorkareaX = 0; int monitorWorkareaY = 0; int monitorWorkareaWidth = 0; int monitorWorkareaHeight = 0; glfwGetMonitorWorkarea(monitors[monitor], &monitorWorkareaX, &monitorWorkareaY, &monitorWorkareaWidth, &monitorWorkareaHeight); // If the screen size is larger than the monitor workarea, anchor it on the top left corner, otherwise, center it if ((screenWidth >= monitorWorkareaWidth) || (screenHeight >= monitorWorkareaHeight)) glfwSetWindowPos(platform.handle, monitorWorkareaX, monitorWorkareaY); else { const int x = monitorWorkareaX + (monitorWorkareaWidth/2) - (screenWidth/2); const int y = monitorWorkareaY + (monitorWorkareaHeight/2) - (screenHeight/2); glfwSetWindowPos(platform.handle, x, y); } } } else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Failed to find selected monitor"); } // Set window minimum dimensions (FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE) void SetWindowMinSize(int width, int height) { CORE.Window.screenMin.width = width; CORE.Window.screenMin.height = height; int minWidth = (CORE.Window.screenMin.width == 0)? GLFW_DONT_CARE : (int)CORE.Window.screenMin.width; int minHeight = (CORE.Window.screenMin.height == 0)? GLFW_DONT_CARE : (int)CORE.Window.screenMin.height; int maxWidth = (CORE.Window.screenMax.width == 0)? GLFW_DONT_CARE : (int)CORE.Window.screenMax.width; int maxHeight = (CORE.Window.screenMax.height == 0)? GLFW_DONT_CARE : (int)CORE.Window.screenMax.height; glfwSetWindowSizeLimits(platform.handle, minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight); } // Set window maximum dimensions (FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE) void SetWindowMaxSize(int width, int height) { CORE.Window.screenMax.width = width; CORE.Window.screenMax.height = height; int minWidth = (CORE.Window.screenMin.width == 0)? GLFW_DONT_CARE : (int)CORE.Window.screenMin.width; int minHeight = (CORE.Window.screenMin.height == 0)? GLFW_DONT_CARE : (int)CORE.Window.screenMin.height; int maxWidth = (CORE.Window.screenMax.width == 0)? GLFW_DONT_CARE : (int)CORE.Window.screenMax.width; int maxHeight = (CORE.Window.screenMax.height == 0)? GLFW_DONT_CARE : (int)CORE.Window.screenMax.height; glfwSetWindowSizeLimits(platform.handle, minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight); } // Set window dimensions void SetWindowSize(int width, int height) { glfwSetWindowSize(platform.handle, width, height); } // Set window opacity, value opacity is between 0.0 and 1.0 void SetWindowOpacity(float opacity) { if (opacity >= 1.0f) opacity = 1.0f; else if (opacity <= 0.0f) opacity = 0.0f; glfwSetWindowOpacity(platform.handle, opacity); } // Set window focused void SetWindowFocused(void) { glfwFocusWindow(platform.handle); } // Get native window handle void *GetWindowHandle(void) { #if defined(_WIN32) // NOTE: Returned handle is: void *HWND (windows.h) return glfwGetWin32Window(platform.handle); #endif #if defined(__linux__) // NOTE: Returned handle is: unsigned long Window (X.h) // typedef unsigned long XID; // typedef XID Window; //unsigned long id = (unsigned long)glfwGetX11Window(platform.handle); //return NULL; // TODO: Find a way to return value... cast to void *? return (void *)platform.handle; #endif #if defined(__APPLE__) // NOTE: Returned handle is: (objc_object *) return (void *)glfwGetCocoaWindow(platform.handle); #endif return NULL; } // Get number of monitors int GetMonitorCount(void) { int monitorCount = 0; glfwGetMonitors(&monitorCount); return monitorCount; } // Get number of monitors int GetCurrentMonitor(void) { int index = 0; int monitorCount = 0; GLFWmonitor **monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&monitorCount); GLFWmonitor *monitor = NULL; if (monitorCount >= 1) { if (IsWindowFullscreen()) { // Get the handle of the monitor that the specified window is in full screen on monitor = glfwGetWindowMonitor(platform.handle); for (int i = 0; i < monitorCount; i++) { if (monitors[i] == monitor) { index = i; break; } } } else { // In case the window is between two monitors, we use below logic // to try to detect the "current monitor" for that window, note that // this is probably an overengineered solution for a very side case // trying to match SDL behaviour int closestDist = 0x7FFFFFFF; // Window center position int wcx = 0; int wcy = 0; glfwGetWindowPos(platform.handle, &wcx, &wcy); wcx += (int)CORE.Window.screen.width/2; wcy += (int)CORE.Window.screen.height/2; for (int i = 0; i < monitorCount; i++) { // Monitor top-left position int mx = 0; int my = 0; monitor = monitors[i]; glfwGetMonitorPos(monitor, &mx, &my); const GLFWvidmode *mode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitor); if (mode) { const int right = mx + mode->width - 1; const int bottom = my + mode->height - 1; if ((wcx >= mx) && (wcx <= right) && (wcy >= my) && (wcy <= bottom)) { index = i; break; } int xclosest = wcx; if (wcx < mx) xclosest = mx; else if (wcx > right) xclosest = right; int yclosest = wcy; if (wcy < my) yclosest = my; else if (wcy > bottom) yclosest = bottom; int dx = wcx - xclosest; int dy = wcy - yclosest; int dist = (dx*dx) + (dy*dy); if (dist < closestDist) { index = i; closestDist = dist; } } else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Failed to find video mode for selected monitor"); } } } return index; } // Get selected monitor position Vector2 GetMonitorPosition(int monitor) { int monitorCount = 0; GLFWmonitor **monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&monitorCount); if ((monitor >= 0) && (monitor < monitorCount)) { int x, y; glfwGetMonitorPos(monitors[monitor], &x, &y); return (Vector2){ (float)x, (float)y }; } else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Failed to find selected monitor"); return (Vector2){ 0, 0 }; } // Get selected monitor width (currently used by monitor) int GetMonitorWidth(int monitor) { int width = 0; int monitorCount = 0; GLFWmonitor **monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&monitorCount); if ((monitor >= 0) && (monitor < monitorCount)) { const GLFWvidmode *mode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitors[monitor]); if (mode) width = mode->width; else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Failed to find video mode for selected monitor"); } else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Failed to find selected monitor"); return width; } // Get selected monitor height (currently used by monitor) int GetMonitorHeight(int monitor) { int height = 0; int monitorCount = 0; GLFWmonitor **monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&monitorCount); if ((monitor >= 0) && (monitor < monitorCount)) { const GLFWvidmode *mode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitors[monitor]); if (mode) height = mode->height; else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Failed to find video mode for selected monitor"); } else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Failed to find selected monitor"); return height; } // Get selected monitor physical width in millimetres int GetMonitorPhysicalWidth(int monitor) { int width = 0; int monitorCount = 0; GLFWmonitor **monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&monitorCount); if ((monitor >= 0) && (monitor < monitorCount)) glfwGetMonitorPhysicalSize(monitors[monitor], &width, NULL); else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Failed to find selected monitor"); return width; } // Get selected monitor physical height in millimetres int GetMonitorPhysicalHeight(int monitor) { int height = 0; int monitorCount = 0; GLFWmonitor **monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&monitorCount); if ((monitor >= 0) && (monitor < monitorCount)) glfwGetMonitorPhysicalSize(monitors[monitor], NULL, &height); else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Failed to find selected monitor"); return height; } // Get selected monitor refresh rate int GetMonitorRefreshRate(int monitor) { int refresh = 0; int monitorCount = 0; GLFWmonitor **monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&monitorCount); if ((monitor >= 0) && (monitor < monitorCount)) { const GLFWvidmode *vidmode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitors[monitor]); refresh = vidmode->refreshRate; } else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Failed to find selected monitor"); return refresh; } // Get the human-readable, UTF-8 encoded name of the selected monitor const char *GetMonitorName(int monitor) { int monitorCount = 0; GLFWmonitor **monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&monitorCount); if ((monitor >= 0) && (monitor < monitorCount)) { return glfwGetMonitorName(monitors[monitor]); } else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Failed to find selected monitor"); return ""; } // Get window position XY on monitor Vector2 GetWindowPosition(void) { int x = 0; int y = 0; glfwGetWindowPos(platform.handle, &x, &y); return (Vector2){ (float)x, (float)y }; } // Get window scale DPI factor for current monitor Vector2 GetWindowScaleDPI(void) { Vector2 scale = {0}; glfwGetWindowContentScale(platform.handle, &scale.x, &scale.y); return scale; } // Set clipboard text content void SetClipboardText(const char *text) { glfwSetClipboardString(platform.handle, text); } // Get clipboard text content // NOTE: returned string is allocated and freed by GLFW const char *GetClipboardText(void) { return glfwGetClipboardString(platform.handle); } // Show mouse cursor void ShowCursor(void) { glfwSetInputMode(platform.handle, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL); CORE.Input.Mouse.cursorHidden = false; } // Hides mouse cursor void HideCursor(void) { glfwSetInputMode(platform.handle, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_HIDDEN); CORE.Input.Mouse.cursorHidden = true; } // Enables cursor (unlock cursor) void EnableCursor(void) { glfwSetInputMode(platform.handle, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL); // Set cursor position in the middle SetMousePosition(CORE.Window.screen.width/2, CORE.Window.screen.height/2); CORE.Input.Mouse.cursorHidden = false; } // Disables cursor (lock cursor) void DisableCursor(void) { glfwSetInputMode(platform.handle, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_DISABLED); // Set cursor position in the middle SetMousePosition(CORE.Window.screen.width/2, CORE.Window.screen.height/2); CORE.Input.Mouse.cursorHidden = true; } // Swap back buffer with front buffer (screen drawing) void SwapScreenBuffer(void) { glfwSwapBuffers(platform.handle); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Module Functions Definition: Misc //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get elapsed time measure in seconds since InitTimer() double GetTime(void) { double time = glfwGetTime(); // Elapsed time since glfwInit() return time; } // Open URL with default system browser (if available) // NOTE: This function is only safe to use if you control the URL given. // A user could craft a malicious string performing another action. // Only call this function yourself not with user input or make sure to check the string yourself. // Ref: https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/issues/686 void OpenURL(const char *url) { // Security check to (partially) avoid malicious code if (strchr(url, '\'') != NULL) TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "SYSTEM: Provided URL could be potentially malicious, avoid [\'] character"); else { char *cmd = (char *)RL_CALLOC(strlen(url) + 32, sizeof(char)); #if defined(_WIN32) sprintf(cmd, "explorer \"%s\"", url); #endif #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) sprintf(cmd, "xdg-open '%s'", url); // Alternatives: firefox, x-www-browser #endif #if defined(__APPLE__) sprintf(cmd, "open '%s'", url); #endif int result = system(cmd); if (result == -1) TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "OpenURL() child process could not be created"); RL_FREE(cmd); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Module Functions Definition: Inputs //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set internal gamepad mappings int SetGamepadMappings(const char *mappings) { return glfwUpdateGamepadMappings(mappings); } // Set mouse position XY void SetMousePosition(int x, int y) { CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition = (Vector2){ (float)x, (float)y }; CORE.Input.Mouse.previousPosition = CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition; // NOTE: emscripten not implemented glfwSetCursorPos(platform.handle, CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.x, CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.y); } // Set mouse cursor void SetMouseCursor(int cursor) { CORE.Input.Mouse.cursor = cursor; if (cursor == MOUSE_CURSOR_DEFAULT) glfwSetCursor(platform.handle, NULL); else { // NOTE: We are relating internal GLFW enum values to our MouseCursor enum values glfwSetCursor(platform.handle, glfwCreateStandardCursor(0x00036000 + cursor)); } } // Register all input events void PollInputEvents(void) { #if defined(SUPPORT_GESTURES_SYSTEM) // NOTE: Gestures update must be called every frame to reset gestures correctly // because ProcessGestureEvent() is just called on an event, not every frame UpdateGestures(); #endif // Reset keys/chars pressed registered CORE.Input.Keyboard.keyPressedQueueCount = 0; CORE.Input.Keyboard.charPressedQueueCount = 0; // Reset last gamepad button/axis registered state CORE.Input.Gamepad.lastButtonPressed = 0; // GAMEPAD_BUTTON_UNKNOWN //CORE.Input.Gamepad.axisCount = 0; // Keyboard/Mouse input polling (automatically managed by GLFW3 through callback) // Register previous keys states for (int i = 0; i < MAX_KEYBOARD_KEYS; i++) { CORE.Input.Keyboard.previousKeyState[i] = CORE.Input.Keyboard.currentKeyState[i]; CORE.Input.Keyboard.keyRepeatInFrame[i] = 0; } // Register previous mouse states for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MOUSE_BUTTONS; i++) CORE.Input.Mouse.previousButtonState[i] = CORE.Input.Mouse.currentButtonState[i]; // Register previous mouse wheel state CORE.Input.Mouse.previousWheelMove = CORE.Input.Mouse.currentWheelMove; CORE.Input.Mouse.currentWheelMove = (Vector2){ 0.0f, 0.0f }; // Register previous mouse position CORE.Input.Mouse.previousPosition = CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition; // Register previous touch states for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TOUCH_POINTS; i++) CORE.Input.Touch.previousTouchState[i] = CORE.Input.Touch.currentTouchState[i]; // Reset touch positions //for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TOUCH_POINTS; i++) CORE.Input.Touch.position[i] = (Vector2){ 0, 0 }; // Map touch position to mouse position for convenience // WARNING: If the target desktop device supports touch screen, this behaviour should be reviewed! // TODO: GLFW does not support multi-touch input just yet // https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/668404/Programming-for-Multi-Touch // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wintouch/getting-started-with-multi-touch-messages CORE.Input.Touch.position[0] = CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition; // Check if gamepads are ready // NOTE: We do it here in case of disconnection for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; i++) { if (glfwJoystickPresent(i)) CORE.Input.Gamepad.ready[i] = true; else CORE.Input.Gamepad.ready[i] = false; } // Register gamepads buttons events for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; i++) { if (CORE.Input.Gamepad.ready[i]) // Check if gamepad is available { // Register previous gamepad states for (int k = 0; k < MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS; k++) CORE.Input.Gamepad.previousButtonState[i][k] = CORE.Input.Gamepad.currentButtonState[i][k]; // Get current gamepad state // NOTE: There is no callback available, so we get it manually GLFWgamepadstate state = { 0 }; glfwGetGamepadState(i, &state); // This remapps all gamepads so they have their buttons mapped like an xbox controller const unsigned char *buttons = state.buttons; for (int k = 0; (buttons != NULL) && (k < GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT + 1) && (k < MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS); k++) { int button = -1; // GamepadButton enum values assigned switch (k) { case GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_Y: button = GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_FACE_UP; break; case GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_B: button = GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_FACE_RIGHT; break; case GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_A: button = GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_FACE_DOWN; break; case GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_X: button = GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_FACE_LEFT; break; case GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_BUMPER: button = GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_TRIGGER_1; break; case GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_BUMPER: button = GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_TRIGGER_1; break; case GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_BACK: button = GAMEPAD_BUTTON_MIDDLE_LEFT; break; case GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_GUIDE: button = GAMEPAD_BUTTON_MIDDLE; break; case GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_START: button = GAMEPAD_BUTTON_MIDDLE_RIGHT; break; case GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_UP: button = GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_FACE_UP; break; case GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT: button = GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_FACE_RIGHT; break; case GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN: button = GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_FACE_DOWN; break; case GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT: button = GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_FACE_LEFT; break; case GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_THUMB: button = GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_THUMB; break; case GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_THUMB: button = GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_THUMB; break; default: break; } if (button != -1) // Check for valid button { if (buttons[k] == GLFW_PRESS) { CORE.Input.Gamepad.currentButtonState[i][button] = 1; CORE.Input.Gamepad.lastButtonPressed = button; } else CORE.Input.Gamepad.currentButtonState[i][button] = 0; } } // Get current axis state const float *axes = state.axes; for (int k = 0; (axes != NULL) && (k < GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LAST + 1) && (k < MAX_GAMEPAD_AXIS); k++) { CORE.Input.Gamepad.axisState[i][k] = axes[k]; } // Register buttons for 2nd triggers (because GLFW doesn't count these as buttons but rather axis) CORE.Input.Gamepad.currentButtonState[i][GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_TRIGGER_2] = (char)(CORE.Input.Gamepad.axisState[i][GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER] > 0.1f); CORE.Input.Gamepad.currentButtonState[i][GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_TRIGGER_2] = (char)(CORE.Input.Gamepad.axisState[i][GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER] > 0.1f); CORE.Input.Gamepad.axisCount[i] = GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LAST + 1; } } CORE.Window.resizedLastFrame = false; if (CORE.Window.eventWaiting) glfwWaitEvents(); // Wait for in input events before continue (drawing is paused) else glfwPollEvents(); // Poll input events: keyboard/mouse/window events (callbacks) -> Update keys state // While window minimized, stop loop execution while (IsWindowState(FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) && !IsWindowState(FLAG_WINDOW_ALWAYS_RUN)) glfwWaitEvents(); CORE.Window.shouldClose = glfwWindowShouldClose(platform.handle); // Reset close status for next frame glfwSetWindowShouldClose(platform.handle, GLFW_FALSE); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Module Internal Functions Definition //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize platform: graphics, inputs and more int InitPlatform(void) { glfwSetErrorCallback(ErrorCallback); /* // TODO: Setup GLFW custom allocators to match raylib ones const GLFWallocator allocator = { .allocate = MemAlloc, .deallocate = MemFree, .reallocate = MemRealloc, .user = NULL }; glfwInitAllocator(&allocator); */ #if defined(__APPLE__) glfwInitHint(GLFW_COCOA_CHDIR_RESOURCES, GLFW_FALSE); #endif // Initialize GLFW internal global state int result = glfwInit(); if (result == GLFW_FALSE) { TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Failed to initialize GLFW"); return -1; } // Initialize graphic device: display/window and graphic context //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- glfwDefaultWindowHints(); // Set default windows hints //glfwWindowHint(GLFW_RED_BITS, 8); // Framebuffer red color component bits //glfwWindowHint(GLFW_GREEN_BITS, 8); // Framebuffer green color component bits //glfwWindowHint(GLFW_BLUE_BITS, 8); // Framebuffer blue color component bits //glfwWindowHint(GLFW_ALPHA_BITS, 8); // Framebuffer alpha color component bits //glfwWindowHint(GLFW_DEPTH_BITS, 24); // Depthbuffer bits //glfwWindowHint(GLFW_REFRESH_RATE, 0); // Refresh rate for fullscreen window //glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CLIENT_API, GLFW_OPENGL_API); // OpenGL API to use. Alternative: GLFW_OPENGL_ES_API //glfwWindowHint(GLFW_AUX_BUFFERS, 0); // Number of auxiliar buffers // Check window creation flags if ((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_FULLSCREEN_MODE) > 0) CORE.Window.fullscreen = true; if ((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_HIDDEN) > 0) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_VISIBLE, GLFW_FALSE); // Visible window else glfwWindowHint(GLFW_VISIBLE, GLFW_TRUE); // Window initially hidden if ((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_UNDECORATED) > 0) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_DECORATED, GLFW_FALSE); // Border and buttons on Window else glfwWindowHint(GLFW_DECORATED, GLFW_TRUE); // Decorated window if ((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE) > 0) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_RESIZABLE, GLFW_TRUE); // Resizable window else glfwWindowHint(GLFW_RESIZABLE, GLFW_FALSE); // Avoid window being resizable // Disable FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED, not supported on initialization if ((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) > 0) CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED; // Disable FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED, not supported on initialization if ((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED) > 0) CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED; if ((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_UNFOCUSED) > 0) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_FOCUSED, GLFW_FALSE); else glfwWindowHint(GLFW_FOCUSED, GLFW_TRUE); if ((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_TOPMOST) > 0) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_FLOATING, GLFW_TRUE); else glfwWindowHint(GLFW_FLOATING, GLFW_FALSE); // NOTE: Some GLFW flags are not supported on HTML5 if ((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_TRANSPARENT) > 0) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_TRANSPARENT_FRAMEBUFFER, GLFW_TRUE); // Transparent framebuffer else glfwWindowHint(GLFW_TRANSPARENT_FRAMEBUFFER, GLFW_FALSE); // Opaque framebuffer if ((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_HIGHDPI) > 0) { // Resize window content area based on the monitor content scale. // NOTE: This hint only has an effect on platforms where screen coordinates and pixels always map 1:1 such as Windows and X11. // On platforms like macOS the resolution of the framebuffer is changed independently of the window size. glfwWindowHint(GLFW_SCALE_TO_MONITOR, GLFW_TRUE); // Scale content area based on the monitor content scale where window is placed on #if defined(__APPLE__) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_COCOA_RETINA_FRAMEBUFFER, GLFW_TRUE); #endif } else glfwWindowHint(GLFW_SCALE_TO_MONITOR, GLFW_FALSE); // Mouse passthrough if ((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH) > 0) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH, GLFW_TRUE); else glfwWindowHint(GLFW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH, GLFW_FALSE); if (CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT) { // NOTE: MSAA is only enabled for main framebuffer, not user-created FBOs TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "DISPLAY: Trying to enable MSAA x4"); glfwWindowHint(GLFW_SAMPLES, 4); // Tries to enable multisampling x4 (MSAA), default is 0 } // NOTE: When asking for an OpenGL context version, most drivers provide the highest supported version // with backward compatibility to older OpenGL versions. // For example, if using OpenGL 1.1, driver can provide a 4.3 backwards compatible context. // Check selection OpenGL version if (rlGetVersion() == RL_OPENGL_21) { glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 2); // Choose OpenGL major version (just hint) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 1); // Choose OpenGL minor version (just hint) } else if (rlGetVersion() == RL_OPENGL_33) { glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 3); // Choose OpenGL major version (just hint) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 3); // Choose OpenGL minor version (just hint) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE, GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE); // Profiles Hint: Only 3.3 and above! // Values: GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE, GLFW_OPENGL_ANY_PROFILE, GLFW_OPENGL_COMPAT_PROFILE #if defined(__APPLE__) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT, GLFW_TRUE); // OSX Requires forward compatibility #else glfwWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT, GLFW_FALSE); // Forward Compatibility Hint: Only 3.3 and above! #endif //glfwWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_DEBUG_CONTEXT, GLFW_TRUE); // Request OpenGL DEBUG context } else if (rlGetVersion() == RL_OPENGL_43) { glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 4); // Choose OpenGL major version (just hint) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 3); // Choose OpenGL minor version (just hint) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE, GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE); glfwWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT, GLFW_FALSE); #if defined(RLGL_ENABLE_OPENGL_DEBUG_CONTEXT) glfwWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_DEBUG_CONTEXT, GLFW_TRUE); // Enable OpenGL Debug Context #endif } else if (rlGetVersion() == RL_OPENGL_ES_20) // Request OpenGL ES 2.0 context { glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 2); glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 0); glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CLIENT_API, GLFW_OPENGL_ES_API); glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_CREATION_API, GLFW_EGL_CONTEXT_API); } else if (rlGetVersion() == RL_OPENGL_ES_30) // Request OpenGL ES 3.0 context { glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 3); glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 0); glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CLIENT_API, GLFW_OPENGL_ES_API); glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_CREATION_API, GLFW_EGL_CONTEXT_API); } // NOTE: GLFW 3.4+ defers initialization of the Joystick subsystem on the first call to any Joystick related functions. // Forcing this initialization here avoids doing it on PollInputEvents() called by EndDrawing() after first frame has been just drawn. // The initialization will still happen and possible delays still occur, but before the window is shown, which is a nicer experience. // REF: https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/issues/1554 glfwSetJoystickCallback(NULL); // Find monitor resolution GLFWmonitor *monitor = glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(); if (!monitor) { TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Failed to get primary monitor"); return -1; } const GLFWvidmode *mode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitor); CORE.Window.display.width = mode->width; CORE.Window.display.height = mode->height; // Set screen width/height to the display width/height if they are 0 if (CORE.Window.screen.width == 0) CORE.Window.screen.width = CORE.Window.display.width; if (CORE.Window.screen.height == 0) CORE.Window.screen.height = CORE.Window.display.height; if (CORE.Window.fullscreen) { // remember center for switchinging from fullscreen to window if ((CORE.Window.screen.height == CORE.Window.display.height) && (CORE.Window.screen.width == CORE.Window.display.width)) { // If screen width/height equal to the display, we can't calculate the window pos for toggling full-screened/windowed. // Toggling full-screened/windowed with pos(0, 0) can cause problems in some platforms, such as X11. CORE.Window.position.x = CORE.Window.display.width/4; CORE.Window.position.y = CORE.Window.display.height/4; } else { CORE.Window.position.x = CORE.Window.display.width/2 - CORE.Window.screen.width/2; CORE.Window.position.y = CORE.Window.display.height/2 - CORE.Window.screen.height/2; } if (CORE.Window.position.x < 0) CORE.Window.position.x = 0; if (CORE.Window.position.y < 0) CORE.Window.position.y = 0; // Obtain recommended CORE.Window.display.width/CORE.Window.display.height from a valid videomode for the monitor int count = 0; const GLFWvidmode *modes = glfwGetVideoModes(glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(), &count); // Get closest video mode to desired CORE.Window.screen.width/CORE.Window.screen.height for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if ((unsigned int)modes[i].width >= CORE.Window.screen.width) { if ((unsigned int)modes[i].height >= CORE.Window.screen.height) { CORE.Window.display.width = modes[i].width; CORE.Window.display.height = modes[i].height; break; } } } TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "SYSTEM: Closest fullscreen videomode: %i x %i", CORE.Window.display.width, CORE.Window.display.height); // NOTE: ISSUE: Closest videomode could not match monitor aspect-ratio, for example, // for a desired screen size of 800x450 (16:9), closest supported videomode is 800x600 (4:3), // framebuffer is rendered correctly but once displayed on a 16:9 monitor, it gets stretched // by the sides to fit all monitor space... // Try to setup the most appropriate fullscreen framebuffer for the requested screenWidth/screenHeight // It considers device display resolution mode and setups a framebuffer with black bars if required (render size/offset) // Modified global variables: CORE.Window.screen.width/CORE.Window.screen.height - CORE.Window.render.width/CORE.Window.render.height - CORE.Window.renderOffset.x/CORE.Window.renderOffset.y - CORE.Window.screenScale // TODO: It is a quite cumbersome solution to display size vs requested size, it should be reviewed or removed... // HighDPI monitors are properly considered in a following similar function: SetupViewport() SetupFramebuffer(CORE.Window.display.width, CORE.Window.display.height); platform.handle = glfwCreateWindow(CORE.Window.display.width, CORE.Window.display.height, (CORE.Window.title != 0)? CORE.Window.title : " ", glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(), NULL); // NOTE: Full-screen change, not working properly... //glfwSetWindowMonitor(platform.handle, glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(), 0, 0, CORE.Window.screen.width, CORE.Window.screen.height, GLFW_DONT_CARE); } else { // If we are windowed fullscreen, ensures that window does not minimize when focus is lost if ((CORE.Window.screen.height == CORE.Window.display.height) && (CORE.Window.screen.width == CORE.Window.display.width)) { glfwWindowHint(GLFW_AUTO_ICONIFY, 0); } // No-fullscreen window creation platform.handle = glfwCreateWindow(CORE.Window.screen.width, CORE.Window.screen.height, (CORE.Window.title != 0)? CORE.Window.title : " ", NULL, NULL); if (platform.handle) { CORE.Window.render.width = CORE.Window.screen.width; CORE.Window.render.height = CORE.Window.screen.height; } } if (!platform.handle) { glfwTerminate(); TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Failed to initialize Window"); return -1; } glfwMakeContextCurrent(platform.handle); result = glfwGetError(NULL); // Check context activation if ((result != GLFW_NO_WINDOW_CONTEXT) && (result != GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR)) { CORE.Window.ready = true; glfwSwapInterval(0); // No V-Sync by default // Try to enable GPU V-Sync, so frames are limited to screen refresh rate (60Hz -> 60 FPS) // NOTE: V-Sync can be enabled by graphic driver configuration, it doesn't need // to be activated on web platforms since VSync is enforced there. if (CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_VSYNC_HINT) { // WARNING: It seems to hit a critical render path in Intel HD Graphics glfwSwapInterval(1); TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "DISPLAY: Trying to enable VSYNC"); } int fbWidth = CORE.Window.screen.width; int fbHeight = CORE.Window.screen.height; if ((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_HIGHDPI) > 0) { // NOTE: On APPLE platforms system should manage window/input scaling and also framebuffer scaling. // Framebuffer scaling should be activated with: glfwWindowHint(GLFW_COCOA_RETINA_FRAMEBUFFER, GLFW_TRUE); #if !defined(__APPLE__) glfwGetFramebufferSize(platform.handle, &fbWidth, &fbHeight); // Screen scaling matrix is required in case desired screen area is different from display area CORE.Window.screenScale = MatrixScale((float)fbWidth/CORE.Window.screen.width, (float)fbHeight/CORE.Window.screen.height, 1.0f); // Mouse input scaling for the new screen size SetMouseScale((float)CORE.Window.screen.width/fbWidth, (float)CORE.Window.screen.height/fbHeight); #endif } CORE.Window.render.width = fbWidth; CORE.Window.render.height = fbHeight; CORE.Window.currentFbo.width = fbWidth; CORE.Window.currentFbo.height = fbHeight; TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "DISPLAY: Device initialized successfully"); TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, " > Display size: %i x %i", CORE.Window.display.width, CORE.Window.display.height); TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, " > Screen size: %i x %i", CORE.Window.screen.width, CORE.Window.screen.height); TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, " > Render size: %i x %i", CORE.Window.render.width, CORE.Window.render.height); TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, " > Viewport offsets: %i, %i", CORE.Window.renderOffset.x, CORE.Window.renderOffset.y); } else { TRACELOG(LOG_FATAL, "PLATFORM: Failed to initialize graphics device"); return -1; } if ((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) > 0) MinimizeWindow(); // If graphic device is no properly initialized, we end program if (!CORE.Window.ready) { TRACELOG(LOG_FATAL, "PLATFORM: Failed to initialize graphic device"); return -1; } else SetWindowPosition(GetMonitorWidth(GetCurrentMonitor())/2 - CORE.Window.screen.width/2, GetMonitorHeight(GetCurrentMonitor())/2 - CORE.Window.screen.height/2); // Load OpenGL extensions // NOTE: GL procedures address loader is required to load extensions rlLoadExtensions(glfwGetProcAddress); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize input events callbacks //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set window callback events glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(platform.handle, WindowSizeCallback); // NOTE: Resizing not allowed by default! glfwSetWindowMaximizeCallback(platform.handle, WindowMaximizeCallback); glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(platform.handle, WindowIconifyCallback); glfwSetWindowFocusCallback(platform.handle, WindowFocusCallback); glfwSetDropCallback(platform.handle, WindowDropCallback); if ((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_HIGHDPI) > 0) { glfwSetWindowContentScaleCallback(platform.handle, WindowContentScaleCallback); } // Set input callback events glfwSetKeyCallback(platform.handle, KeyCallback); glfwSetCharCallback(platform.handle, CharCallback); glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(platform.handle, MouseButtonCallback); glfwSetCursorPosCallback(platform.handle, MouseCursorPosCallback); // Track mouse position changes glfwSetScrollCallback(platform.handle, MouseScrollCallback); glfwSetCursorEnterCallback(platform.handle, CursorEnterCallback); glfwSetJoystickCallback(JoystickCallback); glfwSetInputMode(platform.handle, GLFW_LOCK_KEY_MODS, GLFW_TRUE); // Enable lock keys modifiers (CAPS, NUM) // Retrieve gamepad names for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; i++) { if (glfwJoystickPresent(i)) strcpy(CORE.Input.Gamepad.name[i], glfwGetJoystickName(i)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize timming system //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- InitTimer(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize storage system //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORE.Storage.basePath = GetWorkingDirectory(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "PLATFORM: DESKTOP (GLFW): Initialized successfully"); return 0; } // Close platform void ClosePlatform(void) { glfwDestroyWindow(platform.handle); glfwTerminate(); #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(SUPPORT_WINMM_HIGHRES_TIMER) && !defined(SUPPORT_BUSY_WAIT_LOOP) timeEndPeriod(1); // Restore time period #endif } // GLFW3 Error Callback, runs on GLFW3 error static void ErrorCallback(int error, const char *description) { TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "GLFW: Error: %i Description: %s", error, description); } // GLFW3 WindowSize Callback, runs when window is resizedLastFrame // NOTE: Window resizing not allowed by default static void WindowSizeCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int width, int height) { // Reset viewport and projection matrix for new size SetupViewport(width, height); CORE.Window.currentFbo.width = width; CORE.Window.currentFbo.height = height; CORE.Window.resizedLastFrame = true; if (IsWindowFullscreen()) return; // Set current screen size #if defined(__APPLE__) CORE.Window.screen.width = width; CORE.Window.screen.height = height; #else if ((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_HIGHDPI) > 0) { Vector2 windowScaleDPI = GetWindowScaleDPI(); CORE.Window.screen.width = (unsigned int)(width/windowScaleDPI.x); CORE.Window.screen.height = (unsigned int)(height/windowScaleDPI.y); } else { CORE.Window.screen.width = width; CORE.Window.screen.height = height; } #endif // NOTE: Postprocessing texture is not scaled to new size } static void WindowContentScaleCallback(GLFWwindow *window, float scalex, float scaley) { CORE.Window.screenScale = MatrixScale(scalex, scaley, 1.0f); } // GLFW3 WindowIconify Callback, runs when window is minimized/restored static void WindowIconifyCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int iconified) { if (iconified) CORE.Window.flags |= FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED; // The window was iconified else CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED; // The window was restored } // GLFW3 WindowMaximize Callback, runs when window is maximized/restored static void WindowMaximizeCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int maximized) { if (maximized) CORE.Window.flags |= FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED; // The window was maximized else CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED; // The window was restored } // GLFW3 WindowFocus Callback, runs when window get/lose focus static void WindowFocusCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int focused) { if (focused) CORE.Window.flags &= ~FLAG_WINDOW_UNFOCUSED; // The window was focused else CORE.Window.flags |= FLAG_WINDOW_UNFOCUSED; // The window lost focus } // GLFW3 Window Drop Callback, runs when drop files into window static void WindowDropCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int count, const char **paths) { if (count > 0) { // In case previous dropped filepaths have not been freed, we free them if (CORE.Window.dropFileCount > 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < CORE.Window.dropFileCount; i++) RL_FREE(CORE.Window.dropFilepaths[i]); RL_FREE(CORE.Window.dropFilepaths); CORE.Window.dropFileCount = 0; CORE.Window.dropFilepaths = NULL; } // WARNING: Paths are freed by GLFW when the callback returns, we must keep an internal copy CORE.Window.dropFileCount = count; CORE.Window.dropFilepaths = (char **)RL_CALLOC(CORE.Window.dropFileCount, sizeof(char *)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < CORE.Window.dropFileCount; i++) { CORE.Window.dropFilepaths[i] = (char *)RL_CALLOC(MAX_FILEPATH_LENGTH, sizeof(char)); strcpy(CORE.Window.dropFilepaths[i], paths[i]); } } } // GLFW3 Keyboard Callback, runs on key pressed static void KeyCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods) { if (key < 0) return; // Security check, macOS fn key generates -1 // WARNING: GLFW could return GLFW_REPEAT, we need to consider it as 1 // to work properly with our implementation (IsKeyDown/IsKeyUp checks) if (action == GLFW_RELEASE) CORE.Input.Keyboard.currentKeyState[key] = 0; else if(action == GLFW_PRESS) CORE.Input.Keyboard.currentKeyState[key] = 1; else if(action == GLFW_REPEAT) CORE.Input.Keyboard.keyRepeatInFrame[key] = 1; // WARNING: Check if CAPS/NUM key modifiers are enabled and force down state for those keys if (((key == KEY_CAPS_LOCK) && ((mods & GLFW_MOD_CAPS_LOCK) > 0)) || ((key == KEY_NUM_LOCK) && ((mods & GLFW_MOD_NUM_LOCK) > 0))) CORE.Input.Keyboard.currentKeyState[key] = 1; // Check if there is space available in the key queue if ((CORE.Input.Keyboard.keyPressedQueueCount < MAX_KEY_PRESSED_QUEUE) && (action == GLFW_PRESS)) { // Add character to the queue CORE.Input.Keyboard.keyPressedQueue[CORE.Input.Keyboard.keyPressedQueueCount] = key; CORE.Input.Keyboard.keyPressedQueueCount++; } // Check the exit key to set close window if ((key == CORE.Input.Keyboard.exitKey) && (action == GLFW_PRESS)) glfwSetWindowShouldClose(platform.handle, GLFW_TRUE); } // GLFW3 Char Callback, get unicode codepoint value static void CharCallback(GLFWwindow *window, unsigned int codepoint) { //TRACELOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Char Callback: Codepoint: %i", codepoint); // NOTE: Registers any key down considering OS keyboard layout but // does not detect action events, those should be managed by user... // Ref: https://github.com/glfw/glfw/issues/668#issuecomment-166794907 // Ref: https://www.glfw.org/docs/latest/input_guide.html#input_char // Check if there is space available in the queue if (CORE.Input.Keyboard.charPressedQueueCount < MAX_CHAR_PRESSED_QUEUE) { // Add character to the queue CORE.Input.Keyboard.charPressedQueue[CORE.Input.Keyboard.charPressedQueueCount] = codepoint; CORE.Input.Keyboard.charPressedQueueCount++; } } // GLFW3 Mouse Button Callback, runs on mouse button pressed static void MouseButtonCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int button, int action, int mods) { // WARNING: GLFW could only return GLFW_PRESS (1) or GLFW_RELEASE (0) for now, // but future releases may add more actions (i.e. GLFW_REPEAT) CORE.Input.Mouse.currentButtonState[button] = action; CORE.Input.Touch.currentTouchState[button] = action; #if defined(SUPPORT_GESTURES_SYSTEM) && defined(SUPPORT_MOUSE_GESTURES) // Process mouse events as touches to be able to use mouse-gestures GestureEvent gestureEvent = { 0 }; // Register touch actions if ((CORE.Input.Mouse.currentButtonState[button] == 1) && (CORE.Input.Mouse.previousButtonState[button] == 0)) gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_ACTION_DOWN; else if ((CORE.Input.Mouse.currentButtonState[button] == 0) && (CORE.Input.Mouse.previousButtonState[button] == 1)) gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_ACTION_UP; // NOTE: TOUCH_ACTION_MOVE event is registered in MouseCursorPosCallback() // Assign a pointer ID gestureEvent.pointId[0] = 0; // Register touch points count gestureEvent.pointCount = 1; // Register touch points position, only one point registered gestureEvent.position[0] = GetMousePosition(); // Normalize gestureEvent.position[0] for CORE.Window.screen.width and CORE.Window.screen.height gestureEvent.position[0].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth(); gestureEvent.position[0].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight(); // Gesture data is sent to gestures-system for processing ProcessGestureEvent(gestureEvent); #endif } // GLFW3 Cursor Position Callback, runs on mouse move static void MouseCursorPosCallback(GLFWwindow *window, double x, double y) { CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.x = (float)x; CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.y = (float)y; CORE.Input.Touch.position[0] = CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition; #if defined(SUPPORT_GESTURES_SYSTEM) && defined(SUPPORT_MOUSE_GESTURES) // Process mouse events as touches to be able to use mouse-gestures GestureEvent gestureEvent = { 0 }; gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_ACTION_MOVE; // Assign a pointer ID gestureEvent.pointId[0] = 0; // Register touch points count gestureEvent.pointCount = 1; // Register touch points position, only one point registered gestureEvent.position[0] = CORE.Input.Touch.position[0]; // Normalize gestureEvent.position[0] for CORE.Window.screen.width and CORE.Window.screen.height gestureEvent.position[0].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth(); gestureEvent.position[0].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight(); // Gesture data is sent to gestures-system for processing ProcessGestureEvent(gestureEvent); #endif } // GLFW3 Scrolling Callback, runs on mouse wheel static void MouseScrollCallback(GLFWwindow *window, double xoffset, double yoffset) { CORE.Input.Mouse.currentWheelMove = (Vector2){ (float)xoffset, (float)yoffset }; } // GLFW3 CursorEnter Callback, when cursor enters the window static void CursorEnterCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int enter) { if (enter) CORE.Input.Mouse.cursorOnScreen = true; else CORE.Input.Mouse.cursorOnScreen = false; } // GLFW3 Joystick Connected/Disconnected Callback static void JoystickCallback(int jid, int event) { if (event == GLFW_CONNECTED) { strcpy(CORE.Input.Gamepad.name[jid], glfwGetJoystickName(jid)); } else if (event == GLFW_DISCONNECTED) { memset(CORE.Input.Gamepad.name[jid], 0, 64); } } // EOF