h-raylib- Raylib bindings for Haskell
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




getCameraForward :: Camera -> Vector3 Source #

The camera's forward vector (normalized)

getCameraUp :: Camera -> Vector3 Source #

The camera's up vector (normalized)

getCameraRight :: Camera -> Vector3 Source #

The camera's right vector (normalized)

cameraMove :: Camera -> Vector3 -> Camera Source #

Move the camera by a specific vector

cameraMoveForward Source #


:: Camera 
-> Float

Distance to move

-> Bool

Move in world plane (i.e. no vertical movement if enabled)

-> Camera 

Move the camera in its forward direction

cameraMoveUp Source #


:: Camera 
-> Float

Distance to move

-> Camera 

Move the camera in its up direction

cameraMoveRight Source #


:: Camera 
-> Float

Distance to move

-> Bool

Move in world plane (i.e. no vertical movement if enabled)

-> Camera 

Move the camera in its right direction

cameraRotate Source #


:: Camera 
-> Vector3

Axis of rotation

-> Float

Angle to rotate by

-> Bool

Rotate around target (if false, the camera rotates around its position)

-> Camera 

Rotate the camera using an axis and angle

cameraYaw Source #


:: Camera 
-> Float

Angle in radians

-> Bool

Rotate around target (if false, the camera rotates around its position)

-> Camera 

Rotate the camera around its up vector. Yaw is "looking left and right".

cameraPitch Source #


:: Camera 
-> Float

Angle in radians

-> Bool

Lock view (prevents camera overrotation, aka "somersaults")

-> Bool

Rotate around target (if false, the camera rotates around its position)

-> Bool

Rotate the camera's up vector to match the new pitch

-> Camera 

Rotate the camera around its right vector. Pitch is "looking up and down".

cameraRoll Source #


:: Camera 
-> Float

Angle in radians

-> Camera 

Rotates the camera around its forward vector. Roll is "turning your head sideways to the left or right".

getCameraViewMatrix :: Camera -> Matrix Source #

View matrix from camera

getCameraProjectionMatrix Source #


:: Camera 
-> Float

Aspect ratio

-> Float

Near clipping plane distance (recommended: 0.01)

-> Float

Far clipping plane distance (recommended: 1000)

-> Matrix 

Projection matrix from camera