module Crypto.Gpgme.Crypto (

    , encryptSign
    , encrypt'
    , encryptSign'
    , decrypt
    , decrypt'
    , decryptVerify
    , decryptVerify'
    , verifyDetached
    , verifyDetached'
    , verifyPlain
    , verifyPlain'

) where

import Bindings.Gpgme
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import Foreign
import Foreign.ForeignPtr.Unsafe (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr)
import GHC.Ptr

import Crypto.Gpgme.Ctx
import Crypto.Gpgme.Internal
import Crypto.Gpgme.Key
import Crypto.Gpgme.Types

locale :: String
locale = "C"

-- | Convenience wrapper around 'withCtx' and 'withKey' to
--   encrypt a single plaintext for a single recipient with
--   its homedirectory.
encrypt' :: String -> Fpr -> Plain -> IO (Either String Encrypted)
encrypt' = encryptIntern' encrypt

-- | Convenience wrapper around 'withCtx' and 'withKey' to
--   encrypt and sign a single plaintext for a single recipient
--   with its homedirectory.
encryptSign' :: String -> Fpr -> Plain -> IO (Either String Encrypted)
encryptSign' = encryptIntern' encryptSign

orElse :: Monad m => m (Maybe a) -> e -> EitherT e m a
orElse action err = EitherT $ maybe (Left err) return `liftM` action

encryptIntern' :: (Ctx -> [Key] -> Flag -> Plain
                        -> IO (Either [InvalidKey] Encrypted)
                    ) -> String -> Fpr -> Plain -> IO (Either String Encrypted)
encryptIntern' encrFun gpgDir recFpr plain =
    withCtx gpgDir locale OpenPGP $ \ctx -> runEitherT $
        do pubKey <- getKey ctx recFpr NoSecret `orElse` ("no such key: " ++ show recFpr)
           bimapEitherT show id $ EitherT $ encrFun ctx [pubKey] NoFlag plain

-- | encrypt for a list of recipients
encrypt :: Ctx -> [Key] -> Flag -> Plain -> IO (Either [InvalidKey] Encrypted)
encrypt = encryptIntern c'gpgme_op_encrypt

-- | encrypt and sign for a list of recipients
encryptSign :: Ctx -> [Key] -> Flag -> Plain -> IO (Either [InvalidKey] Encrypted) 
encryptSign = encryptIntern c'gpgme_op_encrypt_sign

encryptIntern :: (C'gpgme_ctx_t
                    -> GHC.Ptr.Ptr C'gpgme_key_t
                    -> C'gpgme_encrypt_flags_t
                    -> C'gpgme_data_t
                    -> C'gpgme_data_t
                    -> IO C'gpgme_error_t
                  -> Ctx
                  -> [Key]
                  -> Flag
                  -> Plain
                  -> IO (Either [InvalidKey] Encrypted) 
encryptIntern enc_op (Ctx {_ctx=ctxPtr}) recPtrs flag plain = do
    -- init buffer with plaintext
    plainBufPtr <- malloc
    BS.useAsCString plain $ \bs -> do
        let copyData = 1 -- gpgme shall copy data, as bytestring will free it
        let plainlen = fromIntegral (BS.length plain)
        ret <- c'gpgme_data_new_from_mem plainBufPtr bs plainlen copyData
        checkError "data_new_from_mem" ret
    plainBuf <- peek plainBufPtr

    -- init buffer for result
    resultBufPtr <- newDataBuffer
    resultBuf <- peek resultBufPtr

    ctx <- peek ctxPtr

    -- encrypt
    withKeyPtrArray recPtrs $ \recArray -> 
        checkError "op_encrypt" =<< enc_op ctx recArray (fromFlag flag)
                                        plainBuf resultBuf
    free plainBufPtr

    -- check whether all keys could be used for encryption
    encResPtr <- c'gpgme_op_encrypt_result ctx
    encRes <- peek encResPtr
    let recPtr = c'_gpgme_op_encrypt_result'invalid_recipients encRes

    let res = if recPtr /= nullPtr
                then Left (collectFprs recPtr)
                else Right (collectResult resultBuf)

    free resultBufPtr

    return res

-- | Build a null-terminated array of pointers from a list of 'Key's
withKeyPtrArray :: [Key] -> (Ptr C'gpgme_key_t -> IO a) -> IO a
withKeyPtrArray [] f   = f nullPtr
withKeyPtrArray keys f = do
    arr <- newArray0 nullPtr =<< mapM (peek . unsafeForeignPtrToPtr . unKey) keys
    f arr

-- | Convenience wrapper around 'withCtx' and 'withKey' to
--   decrypt a single ciphertext with its homedirectory.
decrypt' :: String -> Encrypted -> IO (Either DecryptError Plain)
decrypt' = decryptInternal' decrypt

-- | Convenience wrapper around 'withCtx' and 'withKey' to
--   decrypt and verify a single ciphertext with its homedirectory.
decryptVerify' :: String -> Encrypted -> IO (Either DecryptError Plain)
decryptVerify' = decryptInternal' decryptVerify

decryptInternal' :: (Ctx -> Encrypted -> IO (Either DecryptError Plain))
                  -> String
                  -> Encrypted
                  -> IO (Either DecryptError Plain)
decryptInternal' decrFun gpgDir cipher =
    withCtx gpgDir locale OpenPGP $ \ctx ->
        decrFun ctx cipher

-- | Decrypts a ciphertext
decrypt :: Ctx -> Encrypted -> IO (Either DecryptError Plain)
decrypt = decryptIntern c'gpgme_op_decrypt

-- | Decrypts and verifies a ciphertext
decryptVerify :: Ctx -> Encrypted -> IO (Either DecryptError Plain)
decryptVerify = decryptIntern c'gpgme_op_decrypt_verify

decryptIntern :: (C'gpgme_ctx_t
                    -> C'gpgme_data_t
                    -> C'gpgme_data_t
                    -> IO C'gpgme_error_t
                  -> Ctx
                  -> Encrypted
                  -> IO (Either DecryptError Plain)
decryptIntern dec_op (Ctx {_ctx=ctxPtr}) cipher = do
    -- init buffer with cipher
    cipherBufPtr <- malloc
    BS.useAsCString cipher $ \bs -> do
        let copyData = 1 -- gpgme shall copy data, as bytestring will free it
        let cipherlen = fromIntegral (BS.length cipher)
        ret <- c'gpgme_data_new_from_mem cipherBufPtr bs cipherlen copyData
        checkError "data_new_from_mem" ret
    cipherBuf <- peek cipherBufPtr

    -- init buffer for result
    resultBufPtr <- newDataBuffer
    resultBuf <- peek resultBufPtr

    ctx <- peek ctxPtr

    -- decrypt
    errcode <- dec_op ctx cipherBuf resultBuf

    let res = if errcode /= noError
                then Left  (toDecryptError errcode)
                else Right (collectResult resultBuf)

    free cipherBufPtr
    free resultBufPtr

    return res

-- | Verify a payload with a detached signature
verifyDetached :: Ctx -> Signature -> BS.ByteString -> IO (Either GpgmeError VerificationResult)
verifyDetached ctx sig dat = do
    res <- verifyInternal go ctx sig dat
    return $ fmap fst res
        go ctx' sig' dat' = do
            errcode <- c'gpgme_op_verify ctx' sig' dat' 0
            return (errcode, ())

-- | Convenience wrapper around 'withCtx' to
--   verify a single detached signature with its homedirectory.
verifyDetached' :: String -> Signature -> BS.ByteString -> IO (Either GpgmeError VerificationResult)
verifyDetached' gpgDir sig dat =
    withCtx gpgDir locale OpenPGP $ \ctx ->
        verifyDetached ctx sig dat

-- | Verify a payload with a plain signature
verifyPlain :: Ctx -> Signature -> BS.ByteString -> IO (Either GpgmeError (VerificationResult, BS.ByteString))
verifyPlain = verifyInternal go
        go ctx sig dat = do
            -- init buffer for result
            resultBufPtr <- newDataBuffer
            resultBuf <- peek resultBufPtr

            errcode <- c'gpgme_op_verify ctx sig dat resultBuf

            let res = if errcode /= noError
                        then mempty
                        else collectResult resultBuf

            free resultBufPtr

            return (errcode, res)

-- | Convenience wrapper around 'withCtx' to
--   verify a single plain signature with its homedirectory.
verifyPlain' :: String -> Signature -> BS.ByteString -> IO (Either GpgmeError (VerificationResult, BS.ByteString))
verifyPlain' gpgDir sig dat =
    withCtx gpgDir locale OpenPGP $ \ctx ->
        verifyPlain ctx sig dat

verifyInternal :: (C'gpgme_ctx_t -> C'gpgme_data_t -> C'gpgme_data_t -> IO (C'gpgme_error_t, a))-> Ctx -> Signature -> BS.ByteString -> IO (Either GpgmeError (VerificationResult, a))
verifyInternal ver_op (Ctx {_ctx=ctxPtr}) sig dat = do
    -- init buffer with signature
    sigBufPtr <- malloc
    BS.useAsCString sig $ \bs -> do
        let copyData = 1 -- gpgme shall copy data, as bytestring will free it
        let siglen = fromIntegral (BS.length sig)
        ret <- c'gpgme_data_new_from_mem sigBufPtr bs siglen copyData
        checkError "data_new_from_mem" ret
    sigBuf <- peek sigBufPtr

    -- init buffer with data
    datBufPtr <- malloc
    BS.useAsCString dat $ \bs -> do
        let copyData = 1 -- gpgme shall copy data, as bytestring will free it
        let datlen = fromIntegral (BS.length dat)
        ret <- c'gpgme_data_new_from_mem datBufPtr bs datlen copyData
        checkError "data_new_from_mem" ret
    datBuf <- peek datBufPtr

    ctx <- peek ctxPtr

    -- verify
    (errcode, res) <- ver_op ctx sigBuf datBuf

    let res' = if errcode /= noError
                then Left  (GpgmeError errcode)
                else Right (collectSignatures ctx, res)

    free sigBufPtr
    free datBufPtr

    return res'

newDataBuffer :: IO (Ptr C'gpgme_data_t)
newDataBuffer = do
    resultBufPtr <- malloc
    checkError "data_new" =<< c'gpgme_data_new resultBufPtr
    return resultBufPtr