{-# OPtIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-| Module : GVTI Description : GraphViz Tabular Interface main conversion functionality. Copyright : (c) Oleksandr Zhabenko, 2017-2023 License : MIT Maintainer : oleksandr.zhabenko@yahoo.com Stability : Experimental A program @gvti@ converts a specially formated @.csv@ file with a colon as a field separator obtained from the electronic table into a visualized by GraphViz graph in the one of the supported by GraphViz graphics format. The proper GraphViz installation is required. This is the main functionality module. -} module GVTI (getFormat,process2) where import GHC.Base import GHC.List import GHC.Num import System.IO import Text.Show (show) import Data.List (nub) import System.Info (os) import System.CPUTime (getCPUTime) import System.Process (callCommand) import GHC.Arr import EndOfExe (showE) import Data.Maybe (isJust,fromJust,isNothing) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import qualified Data.Foldable as F (foldr) isSep :: Char -> Bool isSep = (== ':') isSepG :: String -> Char -> Bool isSepG delims c = c `elem` delims -- | Returns @True@ if OS is Windows. isWindows :: Bool isWindows = take 5 os == "mingw" {-# INLINE isWindows #-} divideString :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> [String] divideString p xs | null xs = [] | otherwise = let (zs,ys) = break p xs in zs:(if null ys then [""] else divideString p (drop 1 ys)) isEscapeChar :: Char -> Bool isEscapeChar x = x == '\n' || x == '\r' dropEmptyLines :: String -> [String] -> [String] dropEmptyLines _ [] = [] dropEmptyLines delims (ys:yss) | let ts = dropWhile (isSepG delims) ys in all isEscapeChar ts || null ts = dropEmptyLines delims yss | otherwise = ys:dropEmptyLines delims yss cells :: String -- ^ The list of 'Char' delimiters to be used. -> String -> Array Int [String] cells delims xs = amap (divideString (isSepG delims)) . listArray (0,l) . dropEmptyLines delims . map (\rs -> if drop (length rs - 1) rs == "\r" then init rs else rs) $ yss where (yss,l) = linesL1 xs {-# INLINE cells #-} -- | Inspired by: linesL :: ([String],Int) -> String -> ([String],Int) linesL (xs,y) "" = (xs,y) linesL (xs,y) s = linesL (l:xs,y + 1) (case s' of { [] -> [] ; _:s'' -> s'' }) where (l, s') = break (== '\n') s -- | Inspired by: linesL1 :: String -> ([String],Int) linesL1 = linesL ([],-1) processCells :: String -> Maybe (Double, Double) -> String -> Array Int [String] -> String processCells xs size ratio arr = makeRecordGv xs size ratio . convertElemsToStringGv . filterNeeded . changeNeededCells $ arr {-# INLINE processCells #-} processCellsG :: String -> String -> Maybe (Double, Double) -> String -> String -> String processCellsG delims xs size ratio = processCells xs size ratio . cells delims {-# INLINE processCellsG #-} -- | Do not change the lengths of element lists changeNeededCells :: Array Int [String] -> Array Int [String] changeNeededCells arr = listArray (bounds arr) . map (\(i, e) -> changeLine i e arr) . assocs $ arr {-# INLINE changeNeededCells #-} -- | Changes every line by changing (if needed) one empty String to the needed one non-empty. It is necessary for this to find the parent cell for the -- line in the previous elements of the 'Array'. The contents of the cell (if exist) are substituted instead of the empty 'String' in the line being -- processed. Afterwards, drops all the preceding empty strings in the line. The length of the line now is not constant. changeLine :: Int -> [String] -> Array Int [String] -> [String] changeLine i yss arr = let !n = length . takeWhile null $ yss !xs = parentCellContents n i arr in if null xs then drop n yss else xs:(drop n yss) {-# NOINLINE changeLine #-} parentCellContents :: Int -> Int -> Array Int [String] -> String parentCellContents n i arr | n == 0 = [] | ll == 0 = [] | otherwise = (\(x, _, _) -> x) . F.foldr f ([], 0, ll) . amap (!! (n - 1)) $ arr where ll = numElements arr - i - 1 f e (e0, m, k) | m < k && not (null e) = (e, m + 1, k) | otherwise = (e0, m + 1, k) -- | Change the lengths of element lists by dropping the last empty strings in every element. filterNeeded :: Array Int [String] -> Array Int [String] filterNeeded = amap (takeWhile (not . null)) {-# INLINE filterNeeded #-} -- | Makes conversion for every line convertElemsToStringGv :: Array Int [String] -> (Array Int String, String) convertElemsToStringGv arr = (amap convertLineToStrGv arr, findAndMakeFilledWithClr arr) convertLineToStrGv :: [String] -> String convertLineToStrGv xss = "\"" `mappend` (let ys = concatMap (`mappend`"\"->\"") xss in take (length ys - 3) ys) `mappend` endOfLineGv {-# INLINE convertLineToStrGv #-} endOfLineGv :: String endOfLineGv | isWindows = "\r\n" | otherwise = "\n" {-# INLINE endOfLineGv #-} findAndMakeFilledWithClr :: Array Int [String] -> String findAndMakeFilledWithClr = concatMap (('\"':) . (++ "\" [style=filled, fillcolor=\"#ffffba\"];" ++ endOfLineGv)) . nub . mconcat . elems . amap lineWithAtSign {-# INLINE findAndMakeFilledWithClr #-} -- | In every list (representing a line) returns only those strings that begin with at-sign. lineWithAtSign :: [String] -> [String] lineWithAtSign = filter beginsWithAtSign {-# INLINE lineWithAtSign #-} beginsWithAtSign :: String -> Bool beginsWithAtSign xs | take 1 xs == "@" = True | otherwise = take 2 xs == "\"@" {-# INLINE beginsWithAtSign #-} -- | Makes all needed additions and synthesizes into a single 'String' ready to be recorded to the .gv file. makeRecordGv :: String -> Maybe (Double, Double) -> String -> (Array Int String, String) -> String makeRecordGv xs size ratio (arr1,str2) = mconcat ["strict digraph 1 {", endOfLineGv, sizeF size endOfLineGv, ratioF ratio endOfLineGv, "overlap=false", endOfLineGv, "splines=", case xs of { "0" -> "false" ; "1" -> "true" ; "2" -> "ortho" ; "3" -> "polyline" ; ~vvv -> "true" }, endOfLineGv, mconcat (elems arr1 `mappend` [str2]), "}", endOfLineGv] where sizeF si@(Just (x,y)) ks = "size=\"" `mappend` show x `mappend` "," `mappend` show y `mappend` "\"" `mappend` ks sizeF _ _ = "" ratioF ks js | isNothing rRat = if ks `elem` ["fill","compress","auto"] then "ratio=" `mappend` ks `mappend` js else "" | otherwise = "ratio=" `mappend` show (fromJust rRat) `mappend` js where rRat = readMaybe ratio::Maybe Double {-# INLINE makeRecordGv #-} -- | Processes the given text (the first 'String' argument). The second one is used to get a name of the command to be -- executed to obtain a visualization file. The third argument is used for the 'getFormat'. The fourth argument is the -- basic name for the created files (without prefixes and extensions), the fifth one is an option for GraphVize splines -- functionality. The sixth argument is used to specify whether to remove at-signs from the created files. process2 :: String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> Maybe (Double, Double) -> String -> String -> IO () process2 delims xxs yys bnames splines remAts sizes ratio text | null text = error "GVTI.process2: Empty text to be processed! " | otherwise = do ts <- getCPUTime [bnames1,splines1] <- proc2Params2 bnames splines let ys = g (remAts == "y") . processCellsG delims splines1 sizes ratio $ text in writeFile (f (remAts == "y") (show ts `mappend` "." `mappend` bnames1 `mappend` ".gv")) ys putStrLn $ "The visualization will be created with" `mappend` (if remAts == "y" then "out" else "") `mappend` " the at-sign." processFile (if remAts == "y" then 'n' else 'a') ts bnames1 xxs yys where f bool ys | bool = ys | otherwise = "at." `mappend` ys g bool | bool = filter (/='@') | otherwise = id procCtrl :: Int -> IO String procCtrl 1 = putStrLn "Please, input the basic name of the visualization file!" >> getLine procCtrl 2 = do putStrLn "Please, specify the splines mode for GraphViz (see the documentation for GraphViz)" putStrLn "0 -- for \"splines=false\"" putStrLn "1 -- for \"splines=true\"" putStrLn "2 -- for \"splines=ortho\"" putStrLn "3 -- for \"splines=polyline\"" putStrLn "The default one is \"splines=true\"" getLine procCtrl _ = putStrLn "Would you like to remove all \'@\' signs from the visualization file?" >> getLine processFile :: Char -> Integer -> String -> String -> String -> IO () processFile w t zs xxs yys = do if all (isJust . showE) ["fdp","twopi","circo","neato","sfdp","dot","patchwork","osage"] then processFile1 w t zs xxs yys else error "GVTI.processFile: Please, install the GraphViz so that its executables are in the directories mentioned in the variable PATH!" {-# INLINE processFile #-} processFile1 :: Char -> Integer -> String -> String -> String -> IO () processFile1 w t zs xxs yys = do [vs,spec] <- proc2Params xxs yys let u = take 1 vs if null u || u == "\n" || u == "\x0000" then error "GVTI.processFile1: Please, specify the needed character." else do let temp = fromJust . showE . (\x -> case x of { "c" -> "circo" ; "d" -> "dot" ; "f" -> "fdp" ; "n" -> "neato" ; "o" ->"osage" ; "p" -> "patchwork" ; "s" -> "sfdp" ; "t" -> "twopi" ; ~vv -> "sfdp" }) q = getFormat spec callCommand $ temp u `mappend` (if w == 'n' then " -T" `mappend` q `mappend` " " else " -T" `mappend` q `mappend` " at.") `mappend` show t `mappend` "." `mappend` zs `mappend` ".gv -O " proc2Params :: String -> String -> IO [String] proc2Params xxs yys | null xxs = if null yys then mapM getFormat1 [1,2] else do { vs <- getFormat1 1 ; return [vs,yys] } | null yys = do { spec <- getFormat1 2 ; return [xxs,spec] } | otherwise = return [xxs,yys] {-# INLINE proc2Params #-} specFormatFile :: IO String specFormatFile = do putStrLn "Please, specify the GraphViz output format for the file: " mapM printFormF ["do", "xd", "ps", "pd", "sv", "sz", "fi", "pn", "gi", "jp", "je", "js", "im", "cm"] >> putStrLn "otherwise there will be used the default -Tsvg" >> getLine {-# INLINE specFormatFile #-} proc2Params2 :: String -> String -> IO [String] proc2Params2 bnames splines | null bnames = if null splines then mapM procCtrl [1,2] else do { bnames1 <- procCtrl 1 ; return [bnames1,splines] } | null splines = do { splines1 <- procCtrl 2 ; return [bnames,splines1] } | otherwise = return [bnames,splines] {-# INLINE proc2Params2 #-} getFormat1 :: Int -> IO String getFormat1 1 = do putStrLn "Please, specify the GraphViz command: " mapM printGraphFilter ["d","f","t","c","n","s","p","o"] >> putStrLn "otherwise there will be used the default sfdp" >> getLine getFormat1 _ = specFormatFile {-# INLINE getFormat1 #-} -- | For the given argument (usually of two characters) return the full form of the file format to be generated by GraphViz and @mmsyn4@. The default one -- is \"svg\". getFormat :: String -> String getFormat xs = case xs of { "cm" -> "cmapx" ; "do" -> "dot" ; "fi" -> "fig" ; "gi" -> "gif" ; "im" -> "imap" ; "je" -> "jpeg" ; "jp" -> "jpg" ; "js" -> "json" ; "pd" -> "pdf" ; "pn" -> "png" ; "ps" -> "ps" ; "sv" -> "svg" ; "sz" -> "svgz" ; "xd" -> "xdot" ; ~vvv -> "svg" } {-# INLINE getFormat #-} printFormF :: String -> IO () printFormF xs = putStrLn $ show xs `mappend` " -- for -T" `mappend` case xs of { "cm" -> "cmapx" ; "do" -> "dot" ; "fi" -> "fig" ; "gi" -> "gif" ; "im" -> "imap" ; "je" -> "jpeg" ; "jp" -> "jpg" ; "js" -> "json" ; "pd" -> "pdf" ; "pn" -> "png" ; "ps" -> "ps" ; "sv" -> "svg" ; "sz" -> "svgz" ; "xd" -> "xdot" ; ~vvv -> "svg" } `mappend` "\"" {-# INLINE printFormF #-} printGraphFilter :: String -> IO () printGraphFilter xs = putStrLn $ show (take 1 xs) `mappend` " -- for " `mappend` case take 1 xs of { "c" -> "circo" ; "d" -> "dot" ; "f" -> "fdp" ; "n" -> "neato" ; "o" -> "osage" ; "p" -> "patchwork" ; "s" -> "sfdp" ; "t" -> "twopi" ; ~vvv -> "sfdp" } {-# INLINE printGraphFilter #-}