{-| Module : Main Description : The "glue" between spreadsheets and GraphViz Copyright : (c) OleksandrZhabenko, 2017-2022 License : MIT Maintainer : olexandr543@yahoo.com Stability : Experimental A program @mmsyn4@ converts a specially formated @.csv@ file with a colon as a field separator obtained from the electronic table into a visualized by GraphViz graph in the one of the supported by GraphViz format. The proper GraphViz installation is required. -} module Main where import GVTI (process2) import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Directory import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Data.Char (isLetter, isDigit) import Formatting (formatLines) main :: IO () main = do args00 <- getArgs let args = filter (/= "-g") args00 arg0 = concat . take 1 $ args arggs = drop 1 args xxs = take 1 . drop 2 . concat . filter ("-c" `isPrefixOf`) $ arggs yys = take 2 . drop 2 . concat . filter ("-f" `isPrefixOf`) $ arggs bnames = drop 2 . concat . filter ("-b" `isPrefixOf`) $ arggs splines = take 1 . drop 2 . concat . filter ("-s" `isPrefixOf`) $ arggs remAts = take 1 . drop 1 . concat . filter ("-y" `isPrefixOf`) $ arggs gvti = any (== "-g") args00 delims | any ("-d" `isPrefixOf`) arggs = drop 2 . concat . filter ("-d" `isPrefixOf`) $ arggs | otherwise = ":" exI <- doesFileExist arg0 if exI then do text2 <- readFile arg0 -- well, in the future this can be extended to also stdin. let txt | gvti = unlines . formatLines ':' . filter (any (\x -> isLetter x || isDigit x)) . lines $ text2 | otherwise = unlines . filter (any (\x -> isLetter x || isDigit x)) . lines $ text2 process2 delims xxs yys bnames splines remAts txt else putStrLn "No file specified exists in the current directory! "