Name: gtk2hs-buildtools Version: 0.11.2 License: GPL-2 License-file: COPYING Copyright: (c) 2001-2010 The Gtk2Hs Team Author: Axel Simon, Duncan Coutts, Manuel Chakravaty Maintainer: Build-Type: Simple Cabal-Version: >= 1.6.0 Stability: stable homepage: bug-reports: Synopsis: Tools to build the Gtk2Hs suite of User Interface libraries. Description: This package provides a set of helper programs necessary to build the Gtk2Hs suite of libraries. These tools include a modified c2hs binding tool that is used to generate FFI declarations, a tool to build a type hierarchy that mirrors the C type hierarchy of GObjects found in glib, and a generator for signal declarations that are used to call back from C to Haskell. These tools are not needed to actually run Gtk2Hs programs. Category: Development Tested-With: GHC == 6.10.4 Data-Files: callbackGen/Signal.chs.template hierarchyGen/hierarchy.list hierarchyGen/Hierarchy.chs.template Extra-Source-Files: c2hs/toplevel/c2hs_config.h Source-Repository head type: darcs location: subdir: tools Flag ClosureSignals Description: Use the the GClosure-based signals implementation. -- if ! (arch(sparc) || arch(x86_64) || impl(ghc >= 6.4.1)) -- Default: False Executable gtk2hsTypeGen main-is: TypeGen.hs hs-source-dirs: hierarchyGen other-modules: Paths_gtk2hs_buildtools Executable gtk2hsHookGenerator main-is: HookGenerator.hs hs-source-dirs: callbackGen if flag(ClosureSignals) cpp-options: -DUSE_GCLOSURE_SIGNALS_IMPL other-modules: Paths_gtk2hs_buildtools Executable gtk2hsC2hs main-is: Main.hs build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, process, directory, array, containers, pretty, haskell98, filepath build-tools: alex, happy other-modules: BaseVersion Config Errors Binary DLists FastMutInt FileOps FNameOps Map Position Set UNames CIO State StateBase StateTrans Attributes Idents NameSpaces Lexers C CAST CAttrs CBuiltin CLexer CNames CParser CParserMonad CPretty CTokens CTrav CHS CHSLexer CInfo GBMonad GenBind GenHeader C2HSState Switches C2HSConfig Version hs-source-dirs: c2hs/toplevel c2hs/state c2hs/gen c2hs/chs c2hs/c c2hs/base/admin c2hs/base/general c2hs/base/state c2hs/base/errors c2hs/base/syms c2hs/base/syntax c-sources: c2hs/toplevel/c2hs_config.c if os(darwin) cpp-options: -D_C2HS_CPP_IS_GCC else cpp-options: -D_C2HS_CPP_LANG_SINGLE extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface