{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Grisette.Backend.SBV.Data.SMT.TermRewritingGen ( TermRewritingSpec (..), GeneralSpec (..), DifferentSizeBVSpec (..), FixedSizedBVWithBoolSpec (..), BoolWithLIASpec (..), LIAWithBoolSpec (..), BoolOnlySpec (..), constructUnarySpec', constructBinarySpec', constructTernarySpec', divIntegralSpec, modIntegralSpec, quotIntegralSpec, remIntegralSpec, divBoundedIntegralSpec, modBoundedIntegralSpec, quotBoundedIntegralSpec, remBoundedIntegralSpec, uminusNumSpec, timesNumSpec, addNumSpec, iteSpec, eqvSpec, notSpec, andSpec, orSpec, ) where import Data.Bits (Bits) import Data.Data (Proxy (Proxy), Typeable) import Data.Kind (Type) import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat, Nat, type (+), type (<=)) import Grisette.Core.Data.Class.BitVector (SizedBV) import Grisette.IR.SymPrim.Data.Prim.InternedTerm.InternedCtors ( absNumTerm, addNumTerm, andBitsTerm, andTerm, bvconcatTerm, bvextendTerm, bvselectTerm, complementBitsTerm, conTerm, constructBinary, constructTernary, constructUnary, divBoundedIntegralTerm, divIntegralTerm, eqvTerm, iteTerm, leNumTerm, ltNumTerm, modBoundedIntegralTerm, modIntegralTerm, notTerm, orBitsTerm, orTerm, quotBoundedIntegralTerm, quotIntegralTerm, remBoundedIntegralTerm, remIntegralTerm, rotateBitsTerm, shiftBitsTerm, signumNumTerm, ssymTerm, timesNumTerm, uminusNumTerm, xorBitsTerm, ) import Grisette.IR.SymPrim.Data.Prim.InternedTerm.Term ( BinaryOp (partialEvalBinary), SupportedPrim, Term, TernaryOp (partialEvalTernary), UnaryOp (partialEvalUnary), ) import Grisette.IR.SymPrim.Data.Prim.InternedTerm.TermUtils ( pformat, ) import Grisette.IR.SymPrim.Data.Prim.PartialEval.BV ( pevalBVConcatTerm, pevalBVExtendTerm, pevalBVSelectTerm, ) import Grisette.IR.SymPrim.Data.Prim.PartialEval.Bits ( pevalAndBitsTerm, pevalComplementBitsTerm, pevalOrBitsTerm, pevalRotateBitsTerm, pevalShiftBitsTerm, pevalXorBitsTerm, ) import Grisette.IR.SymPrim.Data.Prim.PartialEval.Bool ( pevalAndTerm, pevalEqvTerm, pevalITETerm, pevalNotTerm, pevalOrTerm, ) import Grisette.IR.SymPrim.Data.Prim.PartialEval.Integral ( pevalDivBoundedIntegralTerm, pevalDivIntegralTerm, pevalModBoundedIntegralTerm, pevalModIntegralTerm, pevalQuotBoundedIntegralTerm, pevalQuotIntegralTerm, pevalRemBoundedIntegralTerm, pevalRemIntegralTerm, ) import Grisette.IR.SymPrim.Data.Prim.PartialEval.Num ( pevalAbsNumTerm, pevalAddNumTerm, pevalLeNumTerm, pevalLtNumTerm, pevalSignumNumTerm, pevalTimesNumTerm, pevalUMinusNumTerm, ) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (arbitrary), Gen, frequency, oneof, sized) class (SupportedPrim b) => TermRewritingSpec a b | a -> b where norewriteVer :: a -> Term b rewriteVer :: a -> Term b wrap :: Term b -> Term b -> a same :: a -> Term Bool counterExample :: a -> Term Bool counterExample = notTerm . same symSpec :: String -> a symSpec s = wrap (ssymTerm s) (ssymTerm s) conSpec :: b -> a conSpec v = wrap (conTerm v) (conTerm v) constructUnarySpec :: forall a av b bv. ( TermRewritingSpec a av, TermRewritingSpec b bv ) => (Term av -> Term bv) -> (Term av -> Term bv) -> a -> b constructUnarySpec construct partial a = wrap (construct $ norewriteVer a) (partial $ rewriteVer a) constructUnarySpec' :: forall a av b bv tag. ( TermRewritingSpec a av, TermRewritingSpec b bv, UnaryOp tag av bv ) => tag -> a -> b constructUnarySpec' tag = constructUnarySpec @a @av @b @bv (constructUnary tag) (partialEvalUnary tag) constructBinarySpec :: forall a av b bv c cv. ( TermRewritingSpec a av, TermRewritingSpec b bv, TermRewritingSpec c cv ) => (Term av -> Term bv -> Term cv) -> (Term av -> Term bv -> Term cv) -> a -> b -> c constructBinarySpec construct partial a b = wrap (construct (norewriteVer a) (norewriteVer b)) (partial (rewriteVer a) (rewriteVer b)) constructBinarySpec' :: forall a av b bv c cv tag. ( TermRewritingSpec a av, TermRewritingSpec b bv, TermRewritingSpec c cv, BinaryOp tag av bv cv ) => tag -> a -> b -> c constructBinarySpec' tag = constructBinarySpec @a @av @b @bv @c @cv (constructBinary tag) (partialEvalBinary tag) constructTernarySpec :: forall a av b bv c cv d dv. ( TermRewritingSpec a av, TermRewritingSpec b bv, TermRewritingSpec c cv, TermRewritingSpec d dv ) => (Term av -> Term bv -> Term cv -> Term dv) -> (Term av -> Term bv -> Term cv -> Term dv) -> a -> b -> c -> d constructTernarySpec construct partial a b c = wrap (construct (norewriteVer a) (norewriteVer b) (norewriteVer c)) (partial (rewriteVer a) (rewriteVer b) (rewriteVer c)) constructTernarySpec' :: forall a av b bv c cv d dv tag. ( TermRewritingSpec a av, TermRewritingSpec b bv, TermRewritingSpec c cv, TermRewritingSpec d dv, TernaryOp tag av bv cv dv ) => tag -> a -> b -> c -> d constructTernarySpec' tag = constructTernarySpec @a @av @b @bv @c @cv @d @dv (constructTernary tag) (partialEvalTernary tag) notSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a Bool) => a -> a notSpec = constructUnarySpec notTerm pevalNotTerm andSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a Bool) => a -> a -> a andSpec = constructBinarySpec andTerm pevalAndTerm orSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a Bool) => a -> a -> a orSpec = constructBinarySpec orTerm pevalOrTerm eqvSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a av, TermRewritingSpec b Bool) => a -> a -> b eqvSpec = constructBinarySpec eqvTerm pevalEqvTerm iteSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a Bool, TermRewritingSpec b bv) => a -> b -> b -> b iteSpec = constructTernarySpec iteTerm pevalITETerm addNumSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a av, Num av) => a -> a -> a addNumSpec = constructBinarySpec addNumTerm pevalAddNumTerm uminusNumSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a av, Num av) => a -> a uminusNumSpec = constructUnarySpec uminusNumTerm pevalUMinusNumTerm timesNumSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a av, Num av) => a -> a -> a timesNumSpec = constructBinarySpec timesNumTerm pevalTimesNumTerm absNumSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a av, Num av) => a -> a absNumSpec = constructUnarySpec absNumTerm pevalAbsNumTerm signumNumSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a av, Num av) => a -> a signumNumSpec = constructUnarySpec signumNumTerm pevalSignumNumTerm ltNumSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a av, Num av, Ord av, TermRewritingSpec b Bool) => a -> a -> b ltNumSpec = constructBinarySpec ltNumTerm pevalLtNumTerm leNumSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a av, Num av, Ord av, TermRewritingSpec b Bool) => a -> a -> b leNumSpec = constructBinarySpec leNumTerm pevalLeNumTerm andBitsSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a av, Bits av) => a -> a -> a andBitsSpec = constructBinarySpec andBitsTerm pevalAndBitsTerm orBitsSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a av, Bits av) => a -> a -> a orBitsSpec = constructBinarySpec orBitsTerm pevalOrBitsTerm xorBitsSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a av, Bits av) => a -> a -> a xorBitsSpec = constructBinarySpec xorBitsTerm pevalXorBitsTerm complementBitsSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a av, Bits av) => a -> a complementBitsSpec = constructUnarySpec complementBitsTerm pevalComplementBitsTerm shiftBitsSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a av, Bits av) => a -> Int -> a shiftBitsSpec a n = constructUnarySpec (`shiftBitsTerm` n) (`pevalShiftBitsTerm` n) a rotateBitsSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a av, Bits av) => a -> Int -> a rotateBitsSpec a n = constructUnarySpec (`rotateBitsTerm` n) (`pevalRotateBitsTerm` n) a bvconcatSpec :: ( TermRewritingSpec a (bv an), TermRewritingSpec b (bv bn), TermRewritingSpec c (bv (an + bn)), forall n. (KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => SupportedPrim (bv n), Typeable bv, KnownNat an, KnownNat bn, KnownNat (an + bn), 1 <= an, 1 <= bn, 1 <= an + bn, SizedBV bv ) => a -> b -> c bvconcatSpec = constructBinarySpec bvconcatTerm pevalBVConcatTerm bvselectSpec :: ( TermRewritingSpec a (bv an), TermRewritingSpec b (bv bn), forall n. (KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => SupportedPrim (bv n), Typeable bv, KnownNat an, KnownNat ix, KnownNat bn, 1 <= an, 1 <= bn, 0 <= ix, ix + bn <= an, SizedBV bv ) => proxy ix -> proxy bn -> a -> b bvselectSpec p1 p2 = constructUnarySpec (bvselectTerm p1 p2) (pevalBVSelectTerm p1 p2) bvextendSpec :: ( TermRewritingSpec a (bv an), TermRewritingSpec b (bv bn), forall n. (KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => SupportedPrim (bv n), Typeable bv, KnownNat an, KnownNat bn, 1 <= an, 1 <= bn, an <= bn, SizedBV bv ) => Bool -> proxy bn -> a -> b bvextendSpec signed p = constructUnarySpec (bvextendTerm signed p) (pevalBVExtendTerm signed p) divIntegralSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a b, Integral b) => a -> a -> a divIntegralSpec = constructBinarySpec divIntegralTerm pevalDivIntegralTerm modIntegralSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a b, Integral b) => a -> a -> a modIntegralSpec = constructBinarySpec modIntegralTerm pevalModIntegralTerm quotIntegralSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a b, Integral b) => a -> a -> a quotIntegralSpec = constructBinarySpec quotIntegralTerm pevalQuotIntegralTerm remIntegralSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a b, Integral b) => a -> a -> a remIntegralSpec = constructBinarySpec remIntegralTerm pevalRemIntegralTerm divBoundedIntegralSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a b, Bounded b, Integral b) => a -> a -> a divBoundedIntegralSpec = constructBinarySpec divBoundedIntegralTerm pevalDivBoundedIntegralTerm modBoundedIntegralSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a b, Bounded b, Integral b) => a -> a -> a modBoundedIntegralSpec = constructBinarySpec modBoundedIntegralTerm pevalModBoundedIntegralTerm quotBoundedIntegralSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a b, Bounded b, Integral b) => a -> a -> a quotBoundedIntegralSpec = constructBinarySpec quotBoundedIntegralTerm pevalQuotBoundedIntegralTerm remBoundedIntegralSpec :: (TermRewritingSpec a b, Bounded b, Integral b) => a -> a -> a remBoundedIntegralSpec = constructBinarySpec remBoundedIntegralTerm pevalRemBoundedIntegralTerm data BoolOnlySpec = BoolOnlySpec (Term Bool) (Term Bool) instance Show BoolOnlySpec where show (BoolOnlySpec n r) = "BoolOnlySpec { no: " ++ pformat n ++ ", re: " ++ pformat r ++ " }" instance TermRewritingSpec BoolOnlySpec Bool where norewriteVer (BoolOnlySpec n _) = n rewriteVer (BoolOnlySpec _ r) = r wrap = BoolOnlySpec same s = eqvTerm (norewriteVer s) (rewriteVer s) boolonly :: Int -> Gen BoolOnlySpec boolonly 0 = let s = oneof $ return . symSpec . (++ "bool") <$> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"] r = oneof $ return . conSpec <$> [True, False] in oneof [r, s] boolonly n | n > 0 = do v1 <- boolonly (n - 1) v2 <- boolonly (n - 1) v3 <- boolonly (n - 1) oneof [ return $ notSpec v1, return $ andSpec v1 v2, return $ orSpec v1 v2, return $ eqvSpec v1 v2, return $ iteSpec v1 v2 v3 ] boolonly _ = error "Should never be called" instance Arbitrary BoolOnlySpec where arbitrary = sized boolonly data BoolWithLIASpec = BoolWithLIASpec (Term Bool) (Term Bool) instance Show BoolWithLIASpec where show (BoolWithLIASpec n r) = "BoolWithLIASpec { no: " ++ pformat n ++ ", re: " ++ pformat r ++ " }" instance TermRewritingSpec BoolWithLIASpec Bool where norewriteVer (BoolWithLIASpec n _) = n rewriteVer (BoolWithLIASpec _ r) = r wrap = BoolWithLIASpec same s = eqvTerm (norewriteVer s) (rewriteVer s) data LIAWithBoolSpec = LIAWithBoolSpec (Term Integer) (Term Integer) instance Show LIAWithBoolSpec where show (LIAWithBoolSpec n r) = "LIAWithBoolSpec { no: " ++ pformat n ++ ", re: " ++ pformat r ++ " }" instance TermRewritingSpec LIAWithBoolSpec Integer where norewriteVer (LIAWithBoolSpec n _) = n rewriteVer (LIAWithBoolSpec _ r) = r wrap = LIAWithBoolSpec same s = eqvTerm (norewriteVer s) (rewriteVer s) boolWithLIA :: Int -> Gen BoolWithLIASpec boolWithLIA 0 = let s = oneof $ return . symSpec . (++ "bool") <$> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"] r = oneof $ return . conSpec <$> [True, False] in oneof [r, s] boolWithLIA n | n > 0 = do v1 <- boolWithLIA (n - 1) v2 <- boolWithLIA (n - 1) v3 <- boolWithLIA (n - 1) v1i <- liaWithBool (n - 1) v2i <- liaWithBool (n - 1) frequency [ (1, return $ notSpec v1), (1, return $ andSpec v1 v2), (1, return $ orSpec v1 v2), (1, return $ eqvSpec v1 v2), (5, return $ eqvSpec v1i v2i), (5, return $ ltNumSpec v1i v2i), (5, return $ leNumSpec v1i v2i), (1, return $ iteSpec v1 v2 v3) ] boolWithLIA _ = error "Should never be called" liaWithBool :: Int -> Gen LIAWithBoolSpec liaWithBool 0 = let s = oneof $ return . symSpec . (++ "int") <$> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"] r = conSpec <$> arbitrary in oneof [r, s] liaWithBool n | n > 0 = do v1b <- boolWithLIA (n - 1) v1i <- liaWithBool (n - 1) v2i <- liaWithBool (n - 1) oneof [ return $ uminusNumSpec v1i, return $ absNumSpec v1i, return $ signumNumSpec v1i, return $ addNumSpec v1i v2i, return $ iteSpec v1b v1i v2i ] liaWithBool _ = error "Should never be called" instance Arbitrary BoolWithLIASpec where arbitrary = sized boolWithLIA instance Arbitrary LIAWithBoolSpec where arbitrary = sized liaWithBool data FixedSizedBVWithBoolSpec bv = FixedSizedBVWithBoolSpec (Term (bv 4)) (Term (bv 4)) instance (SupportedPrim (bv 4)) => Show (FixedSizedBVWithBoolSpec bv) where show (FixedSizedBVWithBoolSpec n r) = "FixedSizedBVWithBoolSpec { no: " ++ pformat n ++ ", re: " ++ pformat r ++ " }" instance (SupportedPrim (bv 4)) => TermRewritingSpec (FixedSizedBVWithBoolSpec bv) (bv 4) where norewriteVer (FixedSizedBVWithBoolSpec n _) = n rewriteVer (FixedSizedBVWithBoolSpec _ r) = r wrap = FixedSizedBVWithBoolSpec same s = eqvTerm (norewriteVer s) (rewriteVer s) data BoolWithFixedSizedBVSpec (bv :: Nat -> Type) = BoolWithFixedSizedBVSpec (Term Bool) (Term Bool) instance Show (BoolWithFixedSizedBVSpec bv) where show (BoolWithFixedSizedBVSpec n r) = "BoolWithFixedSizedBVSpec { no: " ++ pformat n ++ ", re: " ++ pformat r ++ " }" instance TermRewritingSpec (BoolWithFixedSizedBVSpec bv) Bool where norewriteVer (BoolWithFixedSizedBVSpec n _) = n rewriteVer (BoolWithFixedSizedBVSpec _ r) = r wrap = BoolWithFixedSizedBVSpec same s = eqvTerm (norewriteVer s) (rewriteVer s) boolWithFSBV :: forall proxy bv. (SupportedPrim (bv 4), Ord (bv 4), Num (bv 4), Bits (bv 4)) => proxy bv -> Int -> Gen (BoolWithFixedSizedBVSpec bv) boolWithFSBV _ 0 = let s = oneof $ return . symSpec . (++ "bool") <$> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"] r = oneof $ return . conSpec <$> [True, False] in oneof [r, s] boolWithFSBV p n | n > 0 = do v1 <- boolWithFSBV p (n - 1) v2 <- boolWithFSBV p (n - 1) v3 <- boolWithFSBV p (n - 1) v1i <- fsbvWithBool p (n - 1) v2i <- fsbvWithBool p (n - 1) frequency [ (1, return $ notSpec v1), (1, return $ andSpec v1 v2), (1, return $ orSpec v1 v2), (1, return $ eqvSpec v1 v2), (5, return $ eqvSpec v1i v2i), (5, return $ ltNumSpec v1i v2i), (5, return $ leNumSpec v1i v2i), (1, return $ iteSpec v1 v2 v3) ] boolWithFSBV _ _ = error "Should never be called" fsbvWithBool :: forall proxy bv. (SupportedPrim (bv 4), Ord (bv 4), Num (bv 4), Bits (bv 4)) => proxy bv -> Int -> Gen (FixedSizedBVWithBoolSpec bv) fsbvWithBool _ 0 = let s = oneof $ return . symSpec . (++ "int") <$> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"] r = conSpec . fromInteger <$> arbitrary in oneof [r, s] fsbvWithBool p n | n > 0 = do v1b <- boolWithFSBV p (n - 1) v1i <- fsbvWithBool p (n - 1) v2i <- fsbvWithBool p (n - 1) i <- arbitrary oneof [ return $ uminusNumSpec v1i, return $ absNumSpec v1i, return $ signumNumSpec v1i, return $ addNumSpec v1i v2i, return $ timesNumSpec v1i v2i, return $ andBitsSpec v1i v2i, return $ orBitsSpec v1i v2i, return $ xorBitsSpec v1i v2i, return $ complementBitsSpec v1i, return $ shiftBitsSpec v1i i, return $ rotateBitsSpec v1i i, return $ iteSpec v1b v1i v2i ] fsbvWithBool _ _ = error "Should never be called" instance (SupportedPrim (bv 4), Ord (bv 4), Num (bv 4), Bits (bv 4)) => Arbitrary (BoolWithFixedSizedBVSpec bv) where arbitrary = sized (boolWithFSBV (Proxy @bv)) instance (SupportedPrim (bv 4), Ord (bv 4), Num (bv 4), Bits (bv 4)) => Arbitrary (FixedSizedBVWithBoolSpec bv) where arbitrary = sized (fsbvWithBool Proxy) data DifferentSizeBVSpec bv (n :: Nat) = DifferentSizeBVSpec (Term (bv n)) (Term (bv n)) instance (SupportedPrim (bv n)) => Show (DifferentSizeBVSpec bv n) where show (DifferentSizeBVSpec n r) = "DSizeBVSpec { no: " ++ pformat n ++ ", re: " ++ pformat r ++ " }" instance (SupportedPrim (bv n)) => TermRewritingSpec (DifferentSizeBVSpec bv n) (bv n) where norewriteVer (DifferentSizeBVSpec n _) = n rewriteVer (DifferentSizeBVSpec _ r) = r wrap = DifferentSizeBVSpec same s = eqvTerm (norewriteVer s) (rewriteVer s) type SupportedBV bv (n :: Nat) = (SupportedPrim (bv n), Ord (bv n), Num (bv n), Bits (bv n)) dsbv1 :: forall proxy bv. ( forall n. (KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => SupportedPrim (bv n), SupportedBV bv 1, SupportedBV bv 2, SupportedBV bv 3, SupportedBV bv 4, Typeable bv, SizedBV bv ) => proxy bv -> Int -> Gen (DifferentSizeBVSpec bv 1) dsbv1 _ 0 = let s = oneof $ return . symSpec . (++ "bv1") <$> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"] r = conSpec . fromInteger <$> arbitrary in oneof [r, s] dsbv1 p depth | depth > 0 = do v1 <- dsbv1 p (depth - 1) v1' <- dsbv1 p (depth - 1) v2 <- dsbv2 p (depth - 1) v3 <- dsbv3 p (depth - 1) v4 <- dsbv4 p (depth - 1) i <- arbitrary oneof [ return $ uminusNumSpec v1, return $ absNumSpec v1, return $ signumNumSpec v1, return $ addNumSpec v1 v1', return $ timesNumSpec v1 v1', return $ andBitsSpec v1 v1', return $ orBitsSpec v1 v1', return $ xorBitsSpec v1 v1', return $ complementBitsSpec v1, return $ shiftBitsSpec v1 i, return $ rotateBitsSpec v1 i, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @0) (Proxy @1) v4, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @1) (Proxy @1) v4, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @2) (Proxy @1) v4, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @3) (Proxy @1) v4, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @0) (Proxy @1) v3, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @1) (Proxy @1) v3, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @2) (Proxy @1) v3, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @0) (Proxy @1) v2, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @1) (Proxy @1) v2, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @0) (Proxy @1) v1 ] dsbv1 _ _ = error "Should never be called" dsbv2 :: forall proxy bv. ( forall n. (KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => SupportedPrim (bv n), SupportedBV bv 1, SupportedBV bv 2, SupportedBV bv 3, SupportedBV bv 4, Typeable bv, SizedBV bv ) => proxy bv -> Int -> Gen (DifferentSizeBVSpec bv 2) dsbv2 _ 0 = let s = oneof $ return . symSpec . (++ "bv2") <$> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"] r = conSpec . fromInteger <$> arbitrary in oneof [r, s] dsbv2 p depth | depth > 0 = do v1 <- dsbv1 p (depth - 1) v1' <- dsbv1 p (depth - 1) v2 <- dsbv2 p (depth - 1) v2' <- dsbv2 p (depth - 1) v3 <- dsbv3 p (depth - 1) v4 <- dsbv4 p (depth - 1) i <- arbitrary oneof [ return $ uminusNumSpec v2, return $ absNumSpec v2, return $ signumNumSpec v2, return $ addNumSpec v2 v2', return $ timesNumSpec v2 v2', return $ andBitsSpec v2 v2', return $ orBitsSpec v2 v2', return $ xorBitsSpec v2 v2', return $ complementBitsSpec v2, return $ shiftBitsSpec v2 i, return $ rotateBitsSpec v2 i, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @0) (Proxy @2) v4, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @1) (Proxy @2) v4, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @2) (Proxy @2) v4, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @0) (Proxy @2) v3, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @1) (Proxy @2) v3, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @0) (Proxy @2) v2, return $ bvconcatSpec v1 v1', return $ bvextendSpec False (Proxy @2) v1, return $ bvextendSpec True (Proxy @2) v1 ] dsbv2 _ _ = error "Should never be called" dsbv3 :: forall proxy bv. ( forall n. (KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => SupportedPrim (bv n), SupportedBV bv 1, SupportedBV bv 2, SupportedBV bv 3, SupportedBV bv 4, Typeable bv, SizedBV bv ) => proxy bv -> Int -> Gen (DifferentSizeBVSpec bv 3) dsbv3 _ 0 = let s = oneof $ return . symSpec . (++ "bv3") <$> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"] r = conSpec . fromInteger <$> arbitrary in oneof [r, s] dsbv3 p depth | depth > 0 = do v1 <- dsbv1 p (depth - 1) v2 <- dsbv2 p (depth - 1) v3 <- dsbv3 p (depth - 1) v3' <- dsbv3 p (depth - 1) v4 <- dsbv4 p (depth - 1) i <- arbitrary oneof [ return $ uminusNumSpec v3, return $ absNumSpec v3, return $ signumNumSpec v3, return $ addNumSpec v3 v3', return $ timesNumSpec v3 v3', return $ andBitsSpec v3 v3', return $ orBitsSpec v3 v3', return $ xorBitsSpec v3 v3', return $ complementBitsSpec v3, return $ shiftBitsSpec v3 i, return $ rotateBitsSpec v3 i, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @0) (Proxy @3) v4, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @1) (Proxy @3) v4, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @0) (Proxy @3) v3, return $ bvconcatSpec v1 v2, return $ bvconcatSpec v2 v1, return $ bvextendSpec False (Proxy @3) v1, return $ bvextendSpec True (Proxy @3) v1, return $ bvextendSpec False (Proxy @3) v2, return $ bvextendSpec True (Proxy @3) v2 ] dsbv3 _ _ = error "Should never be called" dsbv4 :: forall proxy bv. ( forall n. (KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => SupportedPrim (bv n), SupportedBV bv 1, SupportedBV bv 2, SupportedBV bv 3, SupportedBV bv 4, Typeable bv, SizedBV bv ) => proxy bv -> Int -> Gen (DifferentSizeBVSpec bv 4) dsbv4 _ 0 = let s = oneof $ return . symSpec . (++ "bv4") <$> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"] r = conSpec . fromInteger <$> arbitrary in oneof [r, s] dsbv4 p depth | depth > 0 = do v1 <- dsbv1 p (depth - 1) v2 <- dsbv2 p (depth - 1) v2' <- dsbv2 p (depth - 1) v3 <- dsbv3 p (depth - 1) v4 <- dsbv4 p (depth - 1) v4' <- dsbv4 p (depth - 1) i <- arbitrary oneof [ return $ uminusNumSpec v4, return $ absNumSpec v4, return $ signumNumSpec v4, return $ addNumSpec v4 v4', return $ timesNumSpec v4 v4', return $ andBitsSpec v4 v4', return $ orBitsSpec v4 v4', return $ xorBitsSpec v4 v4', return $ complementBitsSpec v4, return $ shiftBitsSpec v4 i, return $ rotateBitsSpec v4 i, return $ bvselectSpec (Proxy @0) (Proxy @4) v4, return $ bvconcatSpec v1 v3, return $ bvconcatSpec v2 v2', return $ bvconcatSpec v3 v1, return $ bvextendSpec False (Proxy @4) v1, return $ bvextendSpec True (Proxy @4) v1, return $ bvextendSpec False (Proxy @4) v2, return $ bvextendSpec True (Proxy @4) v2, return $ bvextendSpec False (Proxy @4) v3, return $ bvextendSpec True (Proxy @4) v3 ] dsbv4 _ _ = error "Should never be called" instance ( forall n. (KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => SupportedPrim (bv n), SupportedBV bv 1, SupportedBV bv 2, SupportedBV bv 3, SupportedBV bv 4, Typeable bv, SizedBV bv ) => Arbitrary (DifferentSizeBVSpec bv 4) where arbitrary = sized (dsbv4 Proxy) data GeneralSpec s = GeneralSpec (Term s) (Term s) instance (SupportedPrim s) => Show (GeneralSpec s) where show (GeneralSpec n r) = "GeneralSpec { no: " ++ pformat n ++ ", re: " ++ pformat r ++ " }" instance (SupportedPrim s) => TermRewritingSpec (GeneralSpec s) s where norewriteVer (GeneralSpec n _) = n rewriteVer (GeneralSpec _ r) = r wrap = GeneralSpec same s = eqvTerm (norewriteVer s) (rewriteVer s)