graph-generators- Functions for generating structured or random FGL graphs

Safe HaskellSafe



Generators for classic non-parametric graphs.

Built using NetworkX 1.8.1, see NetworkX Generators

graph-generators copyright: Copyright (C) 2014 Uli Köhler Apache License v2.0

NetworkX copyright: Copyright (C) 2004-2010 by Aric Hagberg Dan Schult Pieter Swart All rights reserved. BSD license.



trivialGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generates the trivial graph, containing only one node and no edges

bullGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generates the Bull graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected

    0       1

chvatalGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the Chvatal graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected.

cubicalGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the cubical graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected.

desarguesGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the Desargues graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected.

diamondGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the Diamond Graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected.

dodecahedralGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the dodecahedral Graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected.

fruchtGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the Frucht Graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected


heawoodGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the Heawood Graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected.

houseGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the house graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected

  |   |

houseXGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the house X graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected

  | X |

icosahedralGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the icosahedral Graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected.

krackhardtKiteGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the Krackhardt-Kite Graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected.

moebiusKantorGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the Möbius-Kantor Graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected.

octahedralGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the octahedral graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected.

pappusGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the Pappus Graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected.

Nodes are labelled [0..17]

petersenGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the Petersen Graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected.

sedgewickMazeGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the Sedgewick Maze Graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected.

tetrahedralGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the tetrahedral graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected.

truncatedCubeGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the truncated cube graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected.

truncatedTetrahedronGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the truncated tetrahedron graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected.

tutteGraph :: GraphInfo Source

Generate the Tutte graph.

Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use undir to make it quasi-undirected.

nullGraph :: GraphInfo Source

The null graph with no nodes and edges