Grammatical Parsers =================== Behold, yet another parser combinator library in Haskell. Except this one is capable of working with grammars rather than mere parsers. A more in-depth description is available in the [paper](../Grampa.lhs.pdf) from Haskell Symposium 2017, what follows is a short tutorial. You can apply the usual [Applicative](, [Alternative](, and [Monad]( operators to combine primitive parsers into larger ones. The combinators from the [parsers]( library type classes are also available. Here are some typical imports you may need: ~~~ {.haskell} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables, TemplateHaskell #-} module README where import Control.Applicative import Data.Char (isDigit) import Data.Functor.Classes (Show1, showsPrec1) import Text.Grampa import Text.Grampa.ContextFree.LeftRecursive (Parser) import qualified Rank2.TH ~~~ What puts this library apart from most is that these parsers are *grammatical*, just as the library name says. Instead of writing the parser definitions as top-level bindings, you can and should group them into a grammar record definition, like this: ~~~ {.haskell} arithmetic :: GrammarBuilder Arithmetic g Parser String arithmetic Arithmetic{..} = Arithmetic{ sum= product <|> string "-" *> (negate <$> product) <|> (+) <$> sum <* string "+" <*> product <|> (-) <$> sum <* string "-" <*> product, product= factor <|> (*) <$> product <* string "*" <*> factor <|> div <$> product <* string "/" <*> factor, factor= read <$> number <|> string "(" *> sum <* string ")", number= takeCharsWhile1 isDigit "number"} ~~~ What on Earth for? One good reason is that these parser definitions can then be left-recursive, which is normally a death knell for parser libraries. There are other benefits like memoization and grammar composability, and the main downside is the obligation to declare the grammar record: ~~~ {.haskell} data Arithmetic f = Arithmetic{sum :: f Int, product :: f Int, factor :: f Int, number :: f String} ~~~ and to make it an instance of several rank 2 type classes: ~~~ {.haskell} $(Rank2.TH.deriveAll ''Arithmetic) ~~~ Optionally, you may also be inclined to declare a proper ``Show`` instance, as it's often handy: ~~~ {.haskell} instance Show1 f => Show (Arithmetic f) where show Arithmetic{..} = "Arithmetic{\n sum=" ++ showsPrec1 0 sum (",\n product=" ++ showsPrec1 0 factor (",\n factor=" ++ showsPrec1 0 factor (",\n number=" ++ showsPrec1 0 number "}"))) ~~~ Once that's done, use [fixGrammar]( to, well, fix the grammar ~~~ {.haskell} grammar = fixGrammar arithmetic ~~~ and then [parseComplete]( or [parsePrefix]( to parse some input. ~~~ {.haskell} -- | -- >>> parseComplete grammar "42" -- Arithmetic{ -- sum=Compose (Right [42]), -- product=Compose (Right [42]), -- factor=Compose (Right [42]), -- number=Compose (Right ["42"])} -- >>> parseComplete grammar "1+2*3" -- Arithmetic{ -- sum=Compose (Right [7]), -- product=Compose (Left (ParseFailure 1 ["endOfInput"])), -- factor=Compose (Left (ParseFailure 1 ["endOfInput"])), -- number=Compose (Left (ParseFailure 1 ["endOfInput"]))} -- >>> parsePrefix grammar "1+2*3 apples" -- Arithmetic{ -- sum=Compose (Compose (Right [("+2*3 apples",1),("*3 apples",3),(" apples",7)])), -- product=Compose (Compose (Right [("+2*3 apples",1)])), -- factor=Compose (Compose (Right [("+2*3 apples",1)])), -- number=Compose (Compose (Right [("+2*3 apples","1")]))} ~~~ To see more grammar examples, go straight to the [examples]( directory that builds up several smaller grammars and combines them all together in the [Combined]( module. For more conventional tastes there are monolithic examples of [Lua]( and [Oberon]( grammars as well.