{-| Module : GoPro.Plus.Upload Description : Functionality for uploading media to GoPro Plus. Copyright : (c) Dustin Sallings, 2020 License : BSD3 Maintainer : dustin@spy.net Stability : experimental GoPro Plus media upload client. -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module GoPro.Plus.Upload ( -- * High level upload all-in-one convenience. uploadMedium, -- * Low-level upload parts. runUpload, resumeUpload, createMedium, createSource, createDerivative, createUpload, completeUpload, getUpload, uploadChunk, markAvailable, -- * Data Types UploadID, DerivativeID, UploadPart(..), uploadLength, uploadPart, uploadURL, Upload(..), uploadID, uploadParts, -- * Uploader monad. Uploader, setMediumType, setLogAction, setChunkSize, -- * For your convenience. listUploading ) where import Control.Applicative (liftA3) import Control.Lens import Control.Monad (void, when, zipWithM_) import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask (..)) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..)) import Control.Monad.State (StateT (..), evalStateT, get, gets, lift, modify) import Control.Retry (RetryStatus (..), exponentialBackoff, limitRetries, recoverAll) import qualified Data.Aeson as J import Data.Aeson.Lens import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Data.Char (toUpper) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getCurrentTime) import qualified Data.Vector as V import Network.Wreq (Options, header, params, putWith) import System.FilePath.Posix (takeExtension, takeFileName) import System.IO (IOMode (..), SeekMode (..), hSeek, withFile) import System.Posix.Files (fileSize, getFileStatus) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import UnliftIO (MonadUnliftIO (..)) import GoPro.Plus.Auth (AuthInfo (..), HasGoProAuth (..)) import GoPro.Plus.Internal.AuthHTTP import GoPro.Plus.Internal.HTTP import GoPro.Plus.Media (Medium (..), MediumID, MediumType (..), ReadyToViewType (..), list, putMedium) type UploadID = T.Text type DerivativeID = T.Text -- | GoPro Plus uploader monad. type Uploader m = StateT (Env m) m -- This is typically a bad idea, but we assume we only mutate state -- before we'd ever need an unlift. instance MonadUnliftIO m => MonadUnliftIO (StateT (Env m) m) where withRunInIO inner = get >>= \st -> StateT $ \_ -> withRunInIO $ \run -> (,st) <$> inner (run . flip evalStateT st) instance HasGoProAuth m => HasGoProAuth (Uploader m) where goproAuth = lift goproAuth data Env m = Env { fileList :: NonEmpty FilePath, mediumType :: MediumType, extension :: T.Text, filename :: String, mediumID :: MediumID, chunkSize :: Integer, logAction :: (MonadMask m, Monad m) => String -> m () } -- | List all media in uploading state. listUploading :: (HasGoProAuth m, MonadIO m) => m [Medium] listUploading = filter (\Medium{..} -> _medium_ready_to_view == ViewUploading) . fst <$> list 30 1 -- | Run an Uploader monad to create a single medium and upload the content for it. runUpload :: (HasGoProAuth m, MonadIO m) => NonEmpty FilePath -- ^ The list of files to include in the medium. -> Uploader m a -- ^ The action to perform. -> m a -- ^ The result of the inner action. runUpload fileList = resumeUpload fileList "" defaultChunkSize :: Integer defaultChunkSize = 6*1024*1024 -- | Run an Uploader monad for which we already know the MediumID -- (i.e., we're resuming an upload we previously began). resumeUpload :: (HasGoProAuth m, MonadIO m) => NonEmpty FilePath -> MediumID -> Uploader m a -> m a resumeUpload fileList@(fp :| _) mediumID a = evalStateT a Env{..} where extension = T.pack . fmap toUpper . drop 1 . takeExtension $ filename filename = takeFileName fp mediumType = fileType extension logAction _ = pure () chunkSize = defaultChunkSize fileType "JPG" = Photo fileType "GPR" = Photo fileType _ = Video -- | Override the detected medium type. setMediumType :: Monad m => MediumType -> Uploader m () setMediumType t = modify (\m -> m{mediumType=t}) -- | Set the logging action to report retries (or whatever other -- interesting things might happen). setLogAction :: (Monad m, MonadMask m) => (String -> m ()) -> Uploader m () setLogAction t = modify (\m -> m{logAction=t}) -- | Set the individual chunk size for uploading parts of media. setChunkSize :: (Monad m, MonadMask m) => Integer -> Uploader m () setChunkSize t = modify (\m -> m{chunkSize=t}) jpostVal :: (HasGoProAuth m, MonadIO m) => Options -> String -> J.Value -> m J.Value jpostVal opts u v = liftIO $ jpostWith opts u v jpostAuthVal :: (HasGoProAuth m, MonadIO m) => String -> J.Value -> m J.Value jpostAuthVal = jpostAuth -- | Create a new medium (e.g., video, photo, etc...) and return its ID. createMedium :: (HasGoProAuth m, MonadIO m) => Uploader m MediumID createMedium = do Env{..} <- get AuthInfo{..} <- goproAuth let m1 = J.Object (mempty & at "file_extension" ?~ J.String extension & at "filename" ?~ J.String (T.pack filename) & at "type" ?~ J.toJSON mediumType & at "on_public_profile" ?~ J.Bool False & at "content_title" ?~ J.String (T.pack filename) & at "content_source" ?~ J.String "web_media_library" & at "access_token" ?~ J.String _access_token & at "gopro_user_id" ?~ J.String _resource_owner_id) m <- fromJust . preview (key "id" . _String) <$> jpostAuthVal "https://api.gopro.com/media" m1 modify (\s -> s{mediumID=m}) pure m -- | Convenient action for creating a Source derivative. createSource :: (HasGoProAuth m, MonadIO m) => Int -> Uploader m DerivativeID createSource nparts = createDerivative nparts "Source" "Source" -- | Create a new derivative of the current medium containing the given number of parts. createDerivative :: (HasGoProAuth m, MonadIO m) => Int -- ^ The number of parts this derivative contains. -> T.Text -- ^ The "type" of this derivative. -> T.Text -- ^ The label of this derivative. -> Uploader m DerivativeID createDerivative nparts typ lbl = do Env{..} <- get AuthInfo{..} <- goproAuth let d1 = J.Object (mempty & at "medium_id" ?~ J.String mediumID & at "file_extension" ?~ J.String extension & at "type" ?~ J.String typ & at "label" ?~ J.String lbl & at "available" ?~ J.Bool False & at "item_count" ?~ J.Number (fromIntegral nparts) & at "camera_positions" ?~ J.String "default" & at "on_public_profile" ?~ J.Bool False & at "access_token" ?~ J.String _access_token & at "gopro_user_id" ?~ J.String _resource_owner_id) fromJust . preview (key "id" . _String) <$> jpostAuthVal "https://api.gopro.com/derivatives" d1 data UploadPart = UploadPart { _uploadLength :: Integer, _uploadPart :: Integer, _uploadURL :: String } deriving Show makeLenses ''UploadPart data Upload = Upload { _uploadID :: UploadID, _uploadParts :: [UploadPart] } deriving Show makeLenses ''Upload -- | Create a new upload for a derivative. createUpload :: (HasGoProAuth m, MonadIO m) => DerivativeID -- ^ The derivative into which we're uploading. -> Int -- ^ The part number (1-based) being uploaded. -> Int -- ^ The size of the file being uploaded in this part. -> Uploader m Upload createUpload did part fsize = do AuthInfo{..} <- goproAuth let u1 = J.Object (mempty & at "derivative_id" ?~ J.String did & at "camera_position" ?~ J.String "default" & at "item_number" ?~ J.Number (fromIntegral part) & at "access_token" ?~ J.String _access_token & at "gopro_user_id" ?~ J.String _resource_owner_id) ur <- jpost "https://api.gopro.com/user-uploads" u1 let Just upid = ur ^? key "id" . _String getUpload upid did part fsize where popts tok = authOpts tok & header "Accept" .~ ["application/vnd.gopro.jk.user-uploads+json; version=2.0.0"] jpost :: (HasGoProAuth m, MonadIO m) => String -> J.Value -> m J.Value jpost u p = (_access_token <$> goproAuth) >>= \tok -> jpostVal (popts tok) u p -- | Retreive an Upload with the given upload and derivative ID. getUpload :: (HasGoProAuth m, MonadIO m) => UploadID -- ^ ID of the upload to retrieve -> DerivativeID -- ^ ID of the derivative to which the upload belongs -> Int -- ^ Part number within the derivative. -> Int -- ^ Size of this part. -> Uploader m Upload getUpload upid did part fsize = do AuthInfo{..} <- goproAuth csize <- gets chunkSize let pages = ceiling ((fromIntegral fsize :: Double) / fromIntegral csize) :: Int upopts = authOpts _access_token & params .~ [("id", upid), ("page", "1"), ("per_page", (T.pack . show) pages), ("item_number", (T.pack . show) part), ("camera_position", "default"), ("file_size", (T.pack . show) fsize), ("part_size", (T.pack . show) csize)] & header "Accept" .~ ["application/vnd.gopro.jk.user-uploads+json; version=2.0.0"] upaths <- jgetWith upopts (T.unpack ("https://api.gopro.com/user-uploads/" <> did)) let Just ups = (upaths :: J.Value) ^? key "_embedded" . key "authorizations" . _Array . to V.toList pure $ Upload upid (fromJust $ traverse aChunk ups) where tInt :: T.Text -> Integer tInt = fromMaybe 0 . readMaybe . T.unpack aChunk v = liftA3 UploadPart (v ^? key "Content-Length" . _String . to tInt) (v ^? key "part" . _Integer . to toInteger) (v ^? key "url" . _String . to T.unpack) -- | Upload a chunk of of the given file as specified by this UploadPart. uploadChunk :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -- ^ The path being uploaded. -> UploadPart -- ^ The UploadPart describing the chunk of upload being transferred -> Uploader m () uploadChunk fp UploadPart{..} = recoverAll policy $ \r -> do when (rsIterNumber r > 0) $ gets logAction >>= \f -> lift (f (retryMsg (rsIterNumber r))) csize <- gets chunkSize liftIO $ withFile fp ReadMode $ \fh -> do hSeek fh AbsoluteSeek ((_uploadPart - 1) * csize) bytes <- BL.hGet fh (fromIntegral _uploadLength) let opts = defOpts & header "Content-Length" .~ [BC.pack . show . BL.length $ bytes] void $ putWith opts _uploadURL bytes where policy = exponentialBackoff 2000000 <> limitRetries 9 retryMsg a = mconcat ["Retrying upload of ", show fp, " part ", show _uploadPart, " attempt ", show a] -- | Mark the given upload for the given derivative as complete. completeUpload :: (HasGoProAuth m, MonadIO m) => UploadID -- ^ The upload ID. -> DerivativeID -- ^ The derivative ID. -> Int -- ^ The part number within the derivative. -> Integer -- ^ The size of the file that was uploaded. -> Uploader m () completeUpload upid did part fsize = do AuthInfo{..} <- goproAuth csize <- gets chunkSize let u2 = J.Object (mempty & at "id" ?~ J.String upid & at "item_number" ?~ J.Number (fromIntegral part) & at "camera_position" ?~ J.String "default" & at "complete" ?~ J.Bool True & at "derivative_id" ?~ J.String did & at "file_size" ?~ J.String ((T.pack . show) fsize) & at "part_size" ?~ J.String ((T.pack . show) csize)) void . liftIO $ putWith (popts _access_token) (T.unpack ("https://api.gopro.com/user-uploads/" <> did)) u2 where popts tok = authOpts tok & header "Accept" .~ ["application/vnd.gopro.jk.user-uploads+json; version=2.0.0"] -- | Mark the given derivative as availble to use. This also updates -- the medium record marking it as having completed its upload. markAvailable :: (HasGoProAuth m, MonadIO m) => DerivativeID -> Uploader m () markAvailable did = do Env{..} <- get AuthInfo{..} <- goproAuth let d2 = J.Object (mempty & at "available" ?~ J.Bool True & at "access_token" ?~ J.String _access_token & at "gopro_user_id" ?~ J.String _resource_owner_id) _ <- liftIO $ putWith (popts _access_token) (T.unpack ("https://api.gopro.com/derivatives/" <> did)) d2 now <- liftIO getCurrentTime let done = J.Object (mempty & at "upload_completed_at" ?~ J.toJSON now & at "client_updated_at" ?~ J.toJSON now & at "revision_number" ?~ J.Number 0 & at "access_token" ?~ J.String _access_token & at "gopro_user_id" ?~ J.String _resource_owner_id) putMedium mediumID done where popts tok = authOpts tok & header "Accept" .~ ["application/vnd.gopro.jk.user-uploads+json; version=2.0.0"] -- | Convenience action to upload a single medium. uploadMedium :: (HasGoProAuth m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => NonEmpty FilePath -- ^ Parts of a single medium to upload (e.g., a video file). -> m MediumID uploadMedium fps = runUpload fps $ do mid <- createMedium did <- createSource (length fps) zipWithM_ (\fp n -> do fsize <- toInteger . fileSize <$> (liftIO . getFileStatus) fp Upload{..} <- createUpload did n (fromInteger fsize) mapM_ (uploadChunk fp) _uploadParts completeUpload _uploadID did n fsize ) (NE.toList fps) [1..] markAvailable did pure mid