{-| == /Dependencies/ The examples require the following declarations (which in turn mean that the @req@ and @bytestring@ libraries are imported by the user's project). You will also need the @OverloadedStrings@ language extension : > import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB > import Network.HTTP.Req (responseBody) > import Network.Goggles == /Examples/ This first example, @listBucket@, reads content from a cloud storage bucket: 1. it loads the GCP credentials (username and RSA key), 2. retrieves a token via OAuth2, 3. performs a single call to the Cloud Storage API endpoint that lists the metadata related to the contents of a storage bucket, and 4. returns the raw API data to the user as a lazy ByteString. > listBucket :: IO LB.ByteString > listBucket = do > let usr = "...iam.gserviceaccount.com" > bucket = "" > key = "" > pvtkey <- parseRSAPrivateKey key > let creds = GCPServiceAccount pvtkey usr Nothing "" > hdl <- createHandle creds scopesDefault > responseBody <$> evalWebApiIO hdl (listObjects bucket) -} module Network.Goggles.GCS ( GCP(..), scopesDefault, getObject, getObjectMetadata, listObjects, putObject ) where import Network.Goggles.Auth.GCP