-- This file is part of Goatee. -- -- Copyright 2014-2017 Bryan Gardiner -- -- Goatee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- Goatee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU Affero General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License -- along with Goatee. If not, see . {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- | The main module for the GTK+ UI, used by clients of the UI. Also -- implements the UI controller. module Game.Goatee.Ui.Gtk ( StdUiCtrlImpl, startBoard, startNewBoard, startFile, ) where #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Control.Applicative ((<$>), Applicative) #endif import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newMVar, takeMVar, readMVar, putMVar, modifyMVar, modifyMVar_) import Control.Exception (IOException, catch, finally) import Control.Monad (forM_, join, liftM, unless, void, when) import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, State, runState, get, put, modify) import Data.Char (isSpace) import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable import Data.Foldable (foldl') import Data.IORef (IORef, modifyIORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef) import Data.List (intercalate) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Unique (Unique, newUnique) import Game.Goatee.App import Game.Goatee.Common import Game.Goatee.Lib.Board import Game.Goatee.Lib.Parser import Game.Goatee.Lib.Renderer import Game.Goatee.Lib.Renderer.Tree import Game.Goatee.Lib.Tree import qualified Game.Goatee.Lib.Monad as Monad import Game.Goatee.Lib.Monad ( GoT, MonadGo, runGoT, AnyEvent (..), on0, childAddedEvent, childDeletedEvent, propertiesModifiedEvent, ) import Game.Goatee.Ui.Gtk.Common import qualified Game.Goatee.Ui.Gtk.MainWindow as MainWindow import Game.Goatee.Ui.Gtk.MainWindow (MainWindow) import Game.Goatee.Ui.Gtk.Tool import Graphics.UI.Gtk ( AttrOp ((:=)), ButtonsType (ButtonsNone, ButtonsOk, ButtonsYesNo), Clipboard, DialogFlags (DialogDestroyWithParent, DialogModal), FileChooserAction (FileChooserActionOpen, FileChooserActionSave), MessageType (MessageError, MessageInfo, MessageQuestion), ResponseId (ResponseCancel, ResponseNo, ResponseOk, ResponseYes), aboutDialogAuthors, aboutDialogCopyright, aboutDialogLicense, aboutDialogNew, aboutDialogProgramName, aboutDialogWebsite, clipboardGet, clipboardRequestText, clipboardSetText, dialogAddButton, dialogRun, fileChooserAddFilter, fileChooserDialogNew, fileChooserGetFilename, mainQuit, messageDialogNew, messageDialogNewWithMarkup, selectionClipboard, stockCancel, stockOpen, stockSave, stockSaveAs, widgetDestroy, widgetHide, set, ) import qualified Paths_goatee_gtk as Paths import System.Directory (doesFileExist) import System.Glib (glibToString) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" #-} -- | A structure for holding global application information about all open -- boards. data AppState = AppState { appControllers :: MVar (Map CtrlId AnyUiCtrl) -- ^ Maps all of the open boards' controllers by their IDs. } -- | Creates an 'AppState' that is holding no controllers. newAppState :: IO AppState newAppState = do controllers <- newMVar Map.empty return AppState { appControllers = controllers } -- | Registers a 'UiCtrlImpl' with an 'AppState'. appStateRegister :: MonadUiGo go => AppState -> UiCtrlImpl go -> IO () appStateRegister appState ui = modifyMVar_ (appControllers appState) $ return . Map.insert (uiCtrlId ui) (AnyUiCtrl ui) -- | Unregisters a 'UiCtrlImpl' from an 'AppState'. If the 'AppState' is left -- with no controllers, then the GTK+ main loop is shut down and the application -- exits. appStateUnregister :: AppState -> UiCtrlImpl go -> IO () appStateUnregister appState ui = do ctrls' <- modifyMVar (appControllers appState) $ \ctrls -> let ctrls' = Map.delete (uiCtrlId ui) ctrls in return (ctrls', ctrls') when (Map.null ctrls') mainQuit data DirtyChangedHandlerRecord = DirtyChangedHandlerRecord { dirtyChangedHandlerOwner :: String , dirtyChangedHandlerFn :: DirtyChangedHandler } data FilePathChangedHandlerRecord = FilePathChangedHandlerRecord { filePathChangedHandlerOwner :: String , filePathChangedHandlerFn :: FilePathChangedHandler } data ModesChangedHandlerRecord = ModesChangedHandlerRecord { modesChangedHandlerOwner :: String , modesChangedHandlerFn :: ModesChangedHandler } -- | A unique ID that identifies a 'UiCtrlImpl'. newtype CtrlId = CtrlId Unique deriving (Eq, Ord) -- | The standard instance of 'MonadUiGo', with no frills. newtype UiGoM a = UiGoM (GoT (State UiGoState) a) deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadGo, MonadState UiGoState) instance MonadUiGo UiGoM where runUiGo cursor (UiGoM go) = let ((value, cursor'), state) = flip runState initialUiGoState $ runGoT go cursor in (value, cursor', state) uiGoGetState = get uiGoPutState = put uiGoModifyState = modify -- | The standard instance of 'UiCtrl'. See 'StdUiCtrlImpl'. data UiCtrlImpl go = UiCtrlImpl { uiCtrlId :: CtrlId , uiAppState :: AppState , uiDirty :: IORef Bool , uiFilePath :: IORef (Maybe FilePath) , uiTools :: IORef (Map ToolType (AnyTool go (UiCtrlImpl go))) , uiModes :: IORef UiModes , uiCursor :: MVar Cursor , uiMainWindow :: IORef (Maybe (MainWindow (UiCtrlImpl go))) , uiViews :: IORef (Map ViewId AnyView) -- Go monad action-related properties: , uiGoRegistrationsByView :: IORef (Map AnyView (Set (AnyEvent go))) , uiGoRegistrationsByEvent :: IORef (Map (AnyEvent go) (Set AnyView)) , uiGoRegistrationsAction :: IORef (go ()) -- Ui action-related properties: , uiDirtyChangedHandlers :: IORef (Map Registration DirtyChangedHandlerRecord) , uiFilePathChangedHandlers :: IORef (Map Registration FilePathChangedHandlerRecord) , uiModesChangedHandlers :: IORef (Map Registration ModesChangedHandlerRecord) } -- | The standard concrete controller type. Use this type with 'startBoard', -- etc. type StdUiCtrlImpl = UiCtrlImpl UiGoM instance MonadUiGo go => UiCtrl go (UiCtrlImpl go) where readModes = readIORef . uiModes modifyModes ui f = do oldModes <- readModes ui newModes <- f oldModes when (newModes /= oldModes) $ do writeIORef (uiModes ui) newModes let oldToolType = uiToolType oldModes newToolType = uiToolType newModes toolChanged = newToolType /= oldToolType -- If the tool has changed, then follow the order: -- 1) Tell the new tool that it is about to become active, so that it can -- update the state of its widgets if necessary. -- 2) Fire modes changed handlers (causing the old tool's widget to hide -- and the new tool's widget, now up-to-date, to become visible). -- 3) Tell the old tool that is was deactivated. when toolChanged $ do AnyTool newTool <- findTool ui newToolType toolOnActivating newTool fireModesChangedHandlers ui oldModes newModes when toolChanged $ do AnyTool oldTool <- findTool ui oldToolType toolOnDeactivated oldTool findTool ui toolType = fromMaybe (error $ "UiCtrlImpl.findTool: Couldn't find " ++ show toolType ++ ".") . Map.lookup toolType <$> readIORef (uiTools ui) doUiGo ui go = do cursor <- takeMVar (uiCursor ui) doUiGo' ui go cursor readCursor = readMVar . uiCursor isValidMove ui coord = do cursor <- readMVar $ uiCursor ui return $ isCurrentValidMove (cursorBoard cursor) coord playAt ui move = do cursor <- takeMVar $ uiCursor ui let valid = case move of Nothing -> True Just coord -> isCurrentValidMove (cursorBoard cursor) coord if not valid then do putMVar (uiCursor ui) cursor mainWindow <- getMainWindow ui dialog <- messageDialogNew (Just mainWindow) [DialogModal, DialogDestroyWithParent] MessageError ButtonsOk "Illegal move." dialogRun dialog widgetDestroy dialog else case cursorChildPlayingAt move cursor of Just child -> do ok <- doUiGo' ui (Monad.goDown $ cursorChildIndex child) cursor unless ok $ fail "UiCtrlImpl.playAt: Failed to move to existing child." Nothing -> do let board = cursorBoard cursor player = boardPlayerTurn board index = length $ cursorChildren cursor child = emptyNode { nodeProperties = [moveToProperty player move] } ok <- doUiGo' ui (Monad.addChildAt index child >> Monad.goDown index) cursor unless ok $ fail "UiCtrlImpl.playAt: Failed to move to new child." register view events = do let ui = viewCtrl view view' = AnyView view -- Ensure that the view is in the controller's id -> view map. modifyIORef (uiViews ui) $ \views -> if Map.member (viewId view) views then views else Map.insert (viewId view) view' views -- Go ahead and connect the event to the view. byView <- readIORef $ uiGoRegistrationsByView ui byEvent <- readIORef $ uiGoRegistrationsByEvent ui let duplicates = Map.member view' byView when duplicates $ uiLogWarning $ "UiCtrlImpl.register: A " ++ viewName view ++ " view registered multiple times. Overwriting previous registration(s)." writeIORef (uiGoRegistrationsByView ui) $ Map.alter (Just . (flip .) foldr Set.insert events . fromMaybe Set.empty) view' byView writeIORef (uiGoRegistrationsByEvent ui) $ foldr (Map.alter $ Just . maybe (Set.singleton view') (Set.insert view')) byEvent events -- TODO Don't need to fully rebuild the action. We can append to it. rebuildGoRegistrationsAction ui unregister view event = do let ui = viewCtrl view view' = AnyView view byView <- readIORef $ uiGoRegistrationsByView ui byEvent <- readIORef $ uiGoRegistrationsByEvent ui let byView' = Map.update (\events -> let events' = Set.delete event events in if Set.null events' then Nothing else Just events') view' byView byEvent' = Map.update (\views -> let views' = Set.delete view' views in if Set.null views' then Nothing else Just views') event byEvent writeIORef (uiGoRegistrationsByView ui) byView' writeIORef (uiGoRegistrationsByEvent ui) byEvent' -- If there are no more events registered for the view, then remove it from -- the list of known views. when (isNothing $ Map.lookup view' byView') $ modifyIORef (uiViews ui) $ Map.delete $ viewId view rebuildGoRegistrationsAction ui return $ maybe False (Set.member event) (Map.lookup view' byView) || maybe False (Set.member view') (Map.lookup event byEvent) unregisterAll view = let ui = viewCtrl view in readIORef (uiGoRegistrationsByView ui) >>= Foldable.mapM_ (mapM_ (unregister view) . Set.elems) . Map.lookup (AnyView view) registeredHandlers = fmap (concatMap (\(view, events) -> let viewStr = show view in for (Set.elems events) $ \event -> (viewStr, show event)) . Map.assocs) . readIORef . uiGoRegistrationsByView registerModesChangedHandler ui owner handler = do unique <- newUnique modifyIORef (uiModesChangedHandlers ui) $ Map.insert unique ModesChangedHandlerRecord { modesChangedHandlerOwner = owner , modesChangedHandlerFn = handler } return unique unregisterModesChangedHandler ui unique = do handlers <- readIORef $ uiModesChangedHandlers ui let (handlers', found) = if Map.member unique handlers then (Map.delete unique handlers, True) else (handlers, False) when found $ writeIORef (uiModesChangedHandlers ui) handlers' return found registeredModesChangedHandlers = liftM (map modesChangedHandlerOwner . Map.elems) . readIORef . uiModesChangedHandlers getMainWindow = fmap MainWindow.myWindow . getMainWindow' openBoard maybeUi maybePath rootNode = do ctrlId <- fmap CtrlId newUnique appState <- maybe newAppState (return . uiAppState) maybeUi dirty <- newIORef False filePath <- newIORef maybePath toolsRef <- newIORef Map.empty modesVar <- newIORef defaultUiModes cursorVar <- newMVar $ rootCursor rootNode mainWindowRef <- newIORef Nothing views <- newIORef Map.empty goRegistrationsByView <- newIORef Map.empty goRegistrationsByEvent <- newIORef Map.empty goRegistrationsAction <- newIORef $ return () dirtyChangedHandlers <- newIORef Map.empty filePathChangedHandlers <- newIORef Map.empty modesChangedHandlers <- newIORef Map.empty let ui = UiCtrlImpl { uiCtrlId = ctrlId , uiAppState = appState , uiDirty = dirty , uiFilePath = filePath , uiTools = toolsRef , uiModes = modesVar , uiCursor = cursorVar , uiMainWindow = mainWindowRef , uiViews = views , uiGoRegistrationsByView = goRegistrationsByView , uiGoRegistrationsByEvent = goRegistrationsByEvent , uiGoRegistrationsAction = goRegistrationsAction , uiDirtyChangedHandlers = dirtyChangedHandlers , uiFilePathChangedHandlers = filePathChangedHandlers , uiModesChangedHandlers = modesChangedHandlers } appStateRegister appState ui rebuildGoRegistrationsAction ui createTools ui >>= writeIORef toolsRef readTool ui >>= \(AnyTool tool) -> toolOnActivating tool mainWindow <- MainWindow.create ui writeIORef mainWindowRef $ Just mainWindow MainWindow.display mainWindow return ui fileOpen ui = do dialog <- fileChooserDialogNew (Just "Open a file") Nothing FileChooserActionOpen [(glibToString stockCancel, ResponseCancel), (glibToString stockOpen, ResponseOk)] mapM_ (fileChooserAddFilter dialog) =<< fileFiltersForSgf response <- dialogRun dialog widgetHide dialog finally (when (response == ResponseOk) $ do maybePath <- fileChooserGetFilename dialog when (isJust maybePath) $ do let path = fromJust maybePath loadResult <- openFile (Just ui) path case loadResult of Left parseError -> do errorDialog <- messageDialogNew Nothing [] MessageError ButtonsOk ("Error loading " ++ path ++ ".\n\n" ++ show parseError) dialogRun errorDialog widgetDestroy errorDialog Right _ -> return ()) (widgetDestroy dialog) fileSave ui = do cursor <- readCursor ui maybePath <- getFilePath ui case maybePath of Nothing -> fileSaveAs ui Just path -> -- TODO Exception handling when the write fails. -- TODO Don't just write a single tree. -- TODO Only save when dirty? (Be careful not to break Save As on a non-dirty game.) case runRender $ renderCollection Collection { collectionTrees = [cursorNode $ cursorRoot cursor] } of Left message -> do dialog <- messageDialogNew Nothing [DialogModal, DialogDestroyWithParent] MessageError ButtonsOk ("Error serializing game tree:\n\n" ++ message) dialogRun dialog widgetDestroy dialog return False Right sgf -> do writeFile path sgf setDirty ui False return True fileSaveAs ui = do dialog <- fileChooserDialogNew (Just "Save file as") Nothing FileChooserActionSave [(glibToString stockCancel, ResponseCancel), (glibToString stockSave, ResponseOk)] mapM_ (fileChooserAddFilter dialog) =<< fileFiltersForSgf response <- dialogRun dialog finally (case response of ResponseOk -> do maybePath <- fileChooserGetFilename dialog case maybePath of Just path -> do confirm <- confirmSaveIfAlreadyExists path if confirm then do setFilePath ui $ Just path fileSave ui else return False _ -> return False _ -> return False) (widgetDestroy dialog) fileClose ui = do close <- confirmFileClose ui when close $ fileCloseSilently ui return close fileCloseSilently ui = do MainWindow.destroy =<< getMainWindow' ui fmap Map.elems (readIORef $ uiTools ui) >>= mapM_ (\(AnyTool tool) -> toolDestroy tool) writeIORef (uiTools ui) Map.empty -- There should be no more handlers registered now. let assertNoHandlers label handlers = unless (null handlers) $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "UiCtrlImpl.fileCloseSilently: Warning, there are still" ++ maybe "" (' ':) label ++ " handler(s) registered:" ++ concatMap (\handler -> "\n- " ++ show handler) handlers registeredHandlers ui >>= assertNoHandlers Nothing registeredDirtyChangedHandlers ui >>= assertNoHandlers (Just "dirty changed") registeredFilePathChangedHandlers ui >>= assertNoHandlers (Just "file path changed") registeredModesChangedHandlers ui >>= assertNoHandlers (Just "modes changed") appStateUnregister (uiAppState ui) ui fileQuit ui = do ctrls <- fmap Map.elems $ readMVar $ appControllers $ uiAppState ui okayToClose <- andM $ for ctrls $ \(AnyUiCtrl ctrl) -> confirmFileClose ctrl when okayToClose $ forM_ ctrls $ \(AnyUiCtrl ctrl) -> fileCloseSilently ctrl return okayToClose editCutNode ui = do initialCursor <- readCursor ui case cursorParent initialCursor of Nothing -> uiLogWarning "UiCtrlImpl.editCutNode: Can't cut the root node." Just _ -> do success <- editCopyNode' ui when success $ doUiGo ui $ do cursor <- Monad.getCursor when (isJust $ cursorParent cursor) $ do let index = cursorChildIndex cursor Monad.goUp Monad.deleteChildAt index return () editCopyNode = void . editCopyNode' editPasteNode ui = do clipboard <- getClipboard clipboardRequestText clipboard $ \maybeText -> case maybeText of Nothing -> return () Just text -> unless (null text || all isSpace text) $ do rootInfo <- gameInfoRootInfo . boardGameInfo . cursorBoard <$> readCursor ui case parseSubtree rootInfo text of Left error -> do let (textBeginning, textRest) = splitAt 500 text mainWindow <- getMainWindow ui dialog <- messageDialogNew (Just mainWindow) [DialogModal, DialogDestroyWithParent] MessageError ButtonsOk ("Unable to parse the clipboard as an SGF game tree.\n\nError: " ++ error ++ "\n\nInput:\n" ++ textBeginning ++ if not $ null textRest then "\n(truncated)" else "") dialogRun dialog widgetDestroy dialog Right node -> doUiGo ui $ Monad.addChild node helpKeyBindings ui = do let message = intercalate "\n" [ "Pressing Esc focuses the board. When the board is focused, the following " ++ "keys are available:" , "" , "Left: Go up the tree one step." , "Right: Go down the tree one step." , "Up: Go to the previous variation." , "Down: Go to the next variation." , "Home: Go to the start of the game." , "End: Go to the end of the current variation." , "Page Up: Go up the tree 10 steps." , "Page Down: Go down the tree 10 steps." ] mainWindow <- getMainWindow ui dialog <- messageDialogNewWithMarkup (Just mainWindow) [DialogModal, DialogDestroyWithParent] MessageInfo ButtonsOk message dialogRun dialog widgetDestroy dialog helpAbout _ = do about <- aboutDialogNew license <- fmap (fromMaybe fallbackLicense) readLicense set about [ aboutDialogProgramName := applicationName , aboutDialogCopyright := applicationCopyright , aboutDialogLicense := Just license , aboutDialogWebsite := applicationWebsite , aboutDialogAuthors := applicationAuthors ] dialogRun about widgetDestroy about return () getFilePath = readIORef . uiFilePath setFilePath ui path = do oldPath <- readIORef $ uiFilePath ui writeIORef (uiFilePath ui) path handlers <- readIORef $ uiFilePathChangedHandlers ui forM_ (Map.elems handlers) $ \record -> filePathChangedHandlerFn record oldPath path registerFilePathChangedHandler ui owner fireImmediately handler = do unique <- newUnique modifyIORef (uiFilePathChangedHandlers ui) $ Map.insert unique FilePathChangedHandlerRecord { filePathChangedHandlerOwner = owner , filePathChangedHandlerFn = handler } when fireImmediately $ do path <- getFilePath ui handler path path return unique unregisterFilePathChangedHandler ui unique = do handlers <- readIORef $ uiFilePathChangedHandlers ui let (handlers', found) = if Map.member unique handlers then (Map.delete unique handlers, True) else (handlers, False) when found $ writeIORef (uiFilePathChangedHandlers ui) handlers' return found registeredFilePathChangedHandlers = liftM (map filePathChangedHandlerOwner . Map.elems) . readIORef . uiFilePathChangedHandlers getDirty = readIORef . uiDirty setDirty ui newDirty = do oldDirty <- readIORef $ uiDirty ui when (newDirty /= oldDirty) $ do writeIORef (uiDirty ui) newDirty handlers <- readIORef $ uiDirtyChangedHandlers ui forM_ (map dirtyChangedHandlerFn $ Map.elems handlers) ($ newDirty) registerDirtyChangedHandler ui owner fireImmediately handler = do unique <- newUnique modifyIORef (uiDirtyChangedHandlers ui) $ Map.insert unique DirtyChangedHandlerRecord { dirtyChangedHandlerOwner = owner , dirtyChangedHandlerFn = handler } when fireImmediately $ do dirty <- readIORef $ uiDirty ui handler dirty return unique unregisterDirtyChangedHandler ui unique = do handlers <- readIORef $ uiDirtyChangedHandlers ui let (handlers', found) = if Map.member unique handlers then (Map.delete unique handlers, True) else (handlers, False) when found $ writeIORef (uiDirtyChangedHandlers ui) handlers' return found registeredDirtyChangedHandlers = liftM (map dirtyChangedHandlerOwner . Map.elems) . readIORef . uiDirtyChangedHandlers -- | 'doUiGo' for 'UiCtrlImpl' is implemented by taking the cursor MVar, running -- a Go action, putting the MVar, then running follow-up tasks. Many types of -- actions the UI wants to perform need to be able to take the cursor -- themselves, do some logic, then pass it off to run a Go action, re-put, and -- perform subsequent UI tasks. This function is a helper for such UI code. doUiGo' :: MonadUiGo go => UiCtrlImpl go -> go a -> Cursor -> IO a doUiGo' ui go cursor = do goRegistrationsAction <- readIORef $ uiGoRegistrationsAction ui let (value, cursor', state) = runUiGo cursor (goRegistrationsAction >> go) staleViews = uiGoViewsToUpdate state putMVar (uiCursor ui) cursor' when (uiGoMakesDirty state) $ setDirty ui True unless (Set.null staleViews) $ do viewMap <- readIORef $ uiViews ui forM_ (Set.elems staleViews) $ \viewId -> case Map.lookup viewId viewMap of Just (AnyView view) -> viewUpdate view Nothing -> uiLogWarning "doUiGo': Asked to update an unknown view." return value startBoard :: MonadUiGo go => Node -> IO (UiCtrlImpl go) startBoard = openBoard Nothing Nothing startNewBoard :: MonadUiGo go => Maybe (Int, Int) -> IO (UiCtrlImpl go) startNewBoard = openNewBoard Nothing startFile :: MonadUiGo go => FilePath -> IO (Either String (UiCtrlImpl go)) startFile = openFile Nothing rebuildGoRegistrationsAction :: MonadUiGo go => UiCtrlImpl go -> IO () rebuildGoRegistrationsAction ui = readIORef (uiGoRegistrationsByEvent ui) >>= writeIORef (uiGoRegistrationsAction ui) . buildAction where buildAction = foldl' (\m (AnyEvent event, views) -> m >> on0 event (forM_ (Set.elems views) $ \(AnyView view) -> uiGoUpdateView $ viewId view)) commonAction . Map.assocs commonAction = do -- TODO This really calls for some sort of event hierarchy, so -- that we can listen for all mutating events here, rather than -- making it easy to forget to add new events here. on0 childAddedEvent uiGoMakeDirty on0 childDeletedEvent uiGoMakeDirty on0 propertiesModifiedEvent uiGoMakeDirty fireModesChangedHandlers :: UiCtrlImpl go -> UiModes -> UiModes -> IO () fireModesChangedHandlers ui oldModes newModes = do handlers <- readIORef $ uiModesChangedHandlers ui forM_ (Map.elems handlers) $ \handler -> modesChangedHandlerFn handler oldModes newModes -- | Retrieves the 'MainWindow' owned by the controller. It is an error to call -- this before the main window has been set up. getMainWindow' :: UiCtrlImpl go -> IO (MainWindow (UiCtrlImpl go)) getMainWindow' ui = join $ fmap (maybe (fail "getMainWindow: No window available.") return) $ readIORef $ uiMainWindow ui -- | If the given file already exists, then the user is shown a dialog box -- asking whether the file should be overwritten. Returns true if the user says -- yes, or if the file doesn't exist. confirmSaveIfAlreadyExists :: FilePath -> IO Bool confirmSaveIfAlreadyExists path = do exists <- doesFileExist path if exists then do dialog <- messageDialogNew Nothing [] MessageQuestion ButtonsYesNo (path ++ " already exists. Overwrite?") response <- dialogRun dialog widgetDestroy dialog return $ response == ResponseYes else return True -- | Should be called before destroying the main window. Checks the dirty -- state of UI; if dirty, then a dialog prompts the user whether the game -- should be saved before closing, and giving the option to cancel closing. -- Returns true if the window should be closed. confirmFileClose :: UiCtrl go ui => ui -> IO Bool confirmFileClose ui = do dirty <- getDirty ui if dirty then do filePath <- getFilePath ui fileName <- getFileName ui window <- getMainWindow ui dialog <- messageDialogNew (Just window) [DialogModal, DialogDestroyWithParent] MessageQuestion ButtonsNone (fileName ++ " has unsaved changes. Save before closing?") dialogAddButton dialog "Close without saving" ResponseNo dialogAddButton dialog stockCancel ResponseCancel dialogAddButton dialog (maybe stockSaveAs (const stockSave) filePath) ResponseYes result <- dialogRun dialog widgetDestroy dialog case result of ResponseYes -> fileSave ui ResponseNo -> return True _ -> return False else return True -- | Attempts to copy the current node to the clipboard. Returns true if -- successful. If not, this presents a model dialog describing the error, waits -- for the user to click through, then returns false. editCopyNode' :: MonadUiGo go => UiCtrlImpl go -> IO Bool editCopyNode' ui = do clipboard <- getClipboard cursor <- readCursor ui case runRender $ renderGameTree $ cursorNode cursor of Right sgf -> do clipboardSetText clipboard sgf return True Left error -> do mainWindow <- getMainWindow ui dialog <- messageDialogNew (Just mainWindow) [DialogModal, DialogDestroyWithParent] MessageError ButtonsOk ("Error rendering node for copy:\n\n" ++ error) dialogRun dialog widgetDestroy dialog return False -- | Returns the clipboard we'll use for explicit cut/copy/paste actions. getClipboard :: IO Clipboard getClipboard = clipboardGet selectionClipboard -- | Attempts to read the project's license file. If successful, the license is -- returend, otherwise a fallback message is returned instead. readLicense :: IO (Maybe String) readLicense = do path <- Paths.getDataFileName "LICENSE" fmap Just (readFile path) `Control.Exception.catch` \(_ :: IOException) -> return Nothing fallbackLicense :: String fallbackLicense = "Could not read the license file." ++ "\n" ++ "\nGoatee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify" ++ "\nit under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by" ++ "\nthe Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or" ++ "\n(at your option) any later version." ++ "\n" ++ "\nGoatee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful," ++ "\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of" ++ "\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the" ++ "\nGNU Affero General Public License for more details." ++ "\n" ++ "\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License" ++ "\nalong with Goatee. If not, see ." -- | Logs a warning to stderr. uiLogWarning :: String -> IO () uiLogWarning msg = hPutStrLn stderr $ applicationName ++ " WARNING: " ++ msg