{-# OPTIONS -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Graphics.Gloss.Internals.Render.Picture
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Picture
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Color
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.ViewPort
import Graphics.Gloss.Internals.Render.State
import Graphics.Gloss.Internals.Render.Common
import Graphics.Gloss.Internals.Render.Circle
import Graphics.Gloss.Internals.Render.Bitmap
import System.Mem.StableName
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL	               	(($=), get)
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL	        as GL
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GLU.Errors   as GLU
import qualified Graphics.UI.GLUT		        as GLUT

-- | Render a picture using the given render state and viewport.
	:: State		-- ^ Current rendering state.
	-> ViewPort		-- ^ Current viewport.
	-> Picture 		-- ^ Picture to render.
	-> IO ()

 = do
	-- This GL state doesn't change during rendering, 
	--	so we can just read it once here
	(matProj_  :: GL.GLmatrix GL.GLdouble)	
			<- get $ GL.matrix (Just GL.Projection)
	viewport_  	<- get $ GL.viewport

	let ?modeWireframe	= stateWireframe renderS
	    ?modeColor		= stateColor     renderS
	    ?refTextures        = stateTextures  renderS
	    ?matProj		= matProj_
	    ?viewport		= viewport_
	-- setup render state for world
	setLineSmooth	(stateLineSmooth renderS)
	setBlendAlpha	(stateBlendAlpha renderS)
	-- Adjust the picture
	let picture'		= applyViewPortToPicture viewPort picture
        checkErrors "before drawPicture."
        drawPicture (viewPortScale viewPort) picture'
        checkErrors "after drawPicture."

	:: ( ?modeWireframe     :: Bool
	   , ?modeColor         :: Bool
	   , ?refTextures       :: IORef [Texture])
	=> Float -> Picture -> IO ()	  

drawPicture circScale picture
 = {-# SCC "drawComponent" #-}
   case picture of

	-- nothin'
	 -> 	return ()

	-- line
 	Line path	
	 -> GL.renderPrimitive GL.LineStrip 
		$ vertexPFs path

	-- polygon (where?)
	Polygon path
	 | ?modeWireframe
	 -> GL.renderPrimitive GL.LineLoop
	 	$ vertexPFs path
	 | otherwise
	 -> GL.renderPrimitive GL.Polygon
	 	$ vertexPFs path

	-- circle
	Circle radius
	 ->  renderCircle 0 0 circScale radius 0
	ThickCircle radius thickness
	 ->  renderCircle 0 0 circScale radius thickness
        -- arc
        Arc a1 a2 radius
         ->  renderArc 0 0 circScale radius a1 a2 0
        ThickArc a1 a2 radius thickness
         ->  renderArc 0 0 circScale radius a1 a2 thickness
	-- stroke text
	-- 	text looks weird when we've got blend on,
	--	so disable it during the renderString call.
	Text str 
	 -> do
	 	GL.blend	$= GL.Disabled
                GL.preservingMatrix $ GLUT.renderString GLUT.Roman str
		GL.blend	$= GL.Enabled

	-- colors with float components.
	Color col p
	 |  ?modeColor
	 ->  do	oldColor 	 <- get GL.currentColor

		let (r, g, b, a) = rgbaOfColor col

		GL.currentColor	 $= GL.Color4 (gf r) (gf g) (gf b) (gf a)
		drawPicture circScale p
		GL.currentColor	$= oldColor		

	 |  otherwise
	 -> 	drawPicture circScale p

        -- Translation --------------------------
        -- Easy translations are done directly to avoid calling GL.perserveMatrix.
	Translate posX posY (Circle radius)
	 -> renderCircle posX posY circScale radius 0

	Translate posX posY (ThickCircle radius thickness)
	 -> renderCircle posX posY circScale radius thickness

	Translate posX posY (Arc a1 a2 radius)
	 -> renderArc posX posY circScale radius a1 a2 0

	Translate posX posY (ThickArc a1 a2 radius thickness)
	 -> renderArc posX posY circScale radius a1 a2 thickness
	Translate tx ty (Rotate deg p)
	 -> GL.preservingMatrix
	  $ do	GL.translate (GL.Vector3 (gf tx) (gf ty) 0)
		GL.rotate    (gf deg) (GL.Vector3 0 0 (-1))
		drawPicture circScale p

	Translate tx ty	p
	 -> GL.preservingMatrix
	  $ do	GL.translate (GL.Vector3 (gf tx) (gf ty) 0)
		drawPicture circScale p

        -- Rotation -----------------------------
        -- Easy rotations are done directly to avoid calling GL.perserveMatrix.
        Rotate _   (Circle radius)
         -> renderCircle   0 0 circScale radius 0

        Rotate _   (ThickCircle radius thickness)
         -> renderCircle   0 0 circScale radius thickness

        Rotate deg (Arc a1 a2 radius)
         -> renderArc      0 0 circScale radius (a1-deg) (a2-deg) 0

        Rotate deg (ThickArc a1 a2 radius thickness)
         -> renderArc      0 0 circScale radius (a1-deg) (a2-deg) thickness

	Rotate deg p
	 -> GL.preservingMatrix
	  $ do	GL.rotate (gf deg) (GL.Vector3 0 0 (-1))
		drawPicture circScale p

        -- Scale --------------------------------
	Scale sx sy p
	 -> GL.preservingMatrix
	  $ do	GL.scale (gf sx) (gf sy) 1
		let mscale	= max sx sy
		drawPicture (circScale * mscale) p
	-- Bitmap -------------------------------
	Bitmap width height imgData cacheMe
	 -> do	
                -- Load the image data into a texture,
                -- or grab it from the cache if we've already done that before.
	        tex     <- loadTexture ?refTextures width height imgData cacheMe
		-- Set up wrap and filtering mode
		GL.textureWrapMode GL.Texture2D GL.S $= (GL.Repeated, GL.Repeat)
		GL.textureWrapMode GL.Texture2D GL.T $= (GL.Repeated, GL.Repeat)
		GL.textureFilter   GL.Texture2D      $= ((GL.Nearest, Nothing), GL.Nearest)
		-- Enable texturing
		GL.texture GL.Texture2D $= GL.Enabled
		GL.textureFunction      $= GL.Combine
		-- Set current texture
		GL.textureBinding GL.Texture2D $= Just (texObject tex)
		-- Set to opaque
		GL.currentColor $= GL.Color4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
		-- Draw textured polygon
		GL.renderPrimitive GL.Polygon
		 $ zipWithM_
		        (\(pX, pY) (tX, tY)
			  -> do GL.texCoord $ GL.TexCoord2 (gf tX) (gf tY)
		           	GL.vertex   $ GL.Vertex2   (gf pX) (gf pY))

			(bitmapPath (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height))
			        [(0,0), (1.0,0), (1.0,1.0), (0,1.0)]

		-- Disable texturing
		GL.texture GL.Texture2D $= GL.Disabled

                -- Free uncachable texture objects.
                freeTexture tex

	Pictures ps
	 -> mapM_ (drawPicture circScale) ps
-- Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------------
checkErrors :: String -> IO ()
checkErrors place
 = do   errors          <- get $ GLU.errors
        when (not $ null errors)
         $ mapM_ (handleError place) errors

handleError :: String -> GLU.Error -> IO ()
handleError place err
 = case err of
    GLU.Error GLU.StackOverflow _
     -> error $ unlines 
      [ "Gloss / OpenGL Stack Overflow " ++ show place
      , "  This program uses the Gloss vector graphics library, which tried to"
      , "  draw a picture using more nested transforms (Translate/Rotate/Scale)"
      , "  than your OpenGL implementation supports. The OpenGL spec requires"
      , "  all implementations to have a transform stack depth of at least 32,"
      , "  and Gloss tries not to push the stack when it doesn't have to, but"
      , "  that still wasn't enough."
      , ""
      , "  You should complain to your harware vendor that they don't provide"
      , "  a better way to handle this situation at the OpenGL API level."
      , ""
      , "  To make this program work you'll need to reduce the number of nested"
      , "  transforms used when defining the Picture given to Gloss. Sorry." ]

    -- Issue #32: Spurious "Invalid Operation" errors under Windows 7 64-bit.
    --   When using GLUT under Windows 7 it complains about InvalidOperation, 
    --   but doesn't provide any other details. All the examples look ok, so 
    --   we're just ignoring the error for now.
    GLU.Error GLU.InvalidOperation _
     -> return ()
     -> error $ unlines 
     [  "Gloss / OpenGL Internal Error " ++ show place
     ,  "  Please report this on haskell-gloss@googlegroups.com."
     ,  show err ]

-- Textures -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Load a texture.
--   If we've seen it before then use the pre-installed one from the texture
--   cache, otherwise load it into OpenGL.
        :: IORef [Texture]
        -> Int -> Int -> BitmapData
        -> Bool
        -> IO Texture

loadTexture refTextures width height imgData cacheMe
 = do   textures        <- readIORef refTextures

        -- Try and find this same texture in the cache.
        name            <- makeStableName imgData
        let mTexCached      
                = find (\tex -> texName   tex == name
                             && texWidth  tex == width
                             && texHeight tex == height)
        case mTexCached of
         Just tex
          ->    return tex
          -> do tex     <- installTexture width height imgData cacheMe
                when cacheMe
                 $ writeIORef refTextures (tex : textures)
                return tex

-- | Install a texture into OpenGL.
        :: Int -> Int
        -> BitmapData
        -> Bool
        -> IO Texture

installTexture width height bitmapData@(BitmapData _ fptr) cacheMe
 = do   
	-- Allocate texture handle for texture
	[tex] <- GL.genObjectNames 1
	GL.textureBinding GL.Texture2D $= Just tex

	-- Sets the texture in imgData as the current texture
	-- This copies the data from the pointer into OpenGL texture memory, 
	-- so it's ok if the foreignptr gets garbage collected after this.
        withForeignPtr fptr
         $ \ptr ->
			(gsizei width)
			(gsizei height))
		(GL.PixelData GL.RGBA GL.UnsignedInt8888 ptr)

        -- Make a stable name that we can use to identify this data again.
        -- If the user gives us the same texture data at the same size then we
        -- can avoid loading it into texture memory again.
        name    <- makeStableName bitmapData

        return  Texture
                { texName       = name
                , texWidth      = width
                , texHeight     = height
                , texData       = fptr
                , texObject     = tex
                , texCacheMe    = cacheMe }

-- | If this texture does not have its `cacheMe` flag set then delete it from 
--   OpenGL and free the memory.
freeTexture :: Texture -> IO ()
freeTexture tex
 | texCacheMe tex       = return ()
 | otherwise            = GL.deleteObjectNames [texObject tex]

-- Utils ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Turn alpha blending on or off
setBlendAlpha :: Bool -> IO ()
setBlendAlpha state
 	| state	
 	= do	GL.blend	$= GL.Enabled
		GL.blendFunc	$= (GL.SrcAlpha, GL.OneMinusSrcAlpha)

	| otherwise
 	= do	GL.blend	$= GL.Disabled
		GL.blendFunc	$= (GL.One, GL.Zero) 	

-- | Turn line smoothing on or off
setLineSmooth :: Bool -> IO ()
setLineSmooth state
	| state		= GL.lineSmooth	$= GL.Enabled
	| otherwise	= GL.lineSmooth $= GL.Disabled

vertexPFs ::	[(Float, Float)] -> IO ()
{-# INLINE vertexPFs #-}
vertexPFs []	= return ()
vertexPFs ((x, y) : rest)
 = do	GL.vertex $ GL.Vertex2 (gf x) (gf y)
 	vertexPFs rest