module Args where import Config import Data.Array.Repa as R import Data.Array.Repa.Algorithms.Pixel as R import Data.Array.Repa.IO.BMP as R import System.Console.GetOpt import Data.IORef import Prelude as P import Control.Monad -- | Command line options. loadConfig :: [String] -> IO Config loadConfig args = do batchModeArg <- newIORef False maxStepsArg <- newIORef 0 widthArg <- newIORef 100 scaleArg <- newIORef 5 rateArg <- newIORef 25 deltaArg <- newIORef 0.1 diffArg <- newIORef 0 viscArg <- newIORef 0 densArg <- newIORef 100 velArg <- newIORef (20, 20) densityBmpArg <- newIORef Nothing velocityBmpArg <- newIORef Nothing let setWidthArg arg = writeIORef widthArg (read arg) let setScaleArg arg = writeIORef scaleArg (read arg) let setDeltaArg arg = writeIORef deltaArg (read arg) let setDiffArg arg = writeIORef diffArg (read arg) let setViscArg arg = writeIORef viscArg (read arg) let setDensArg arg = writeIORef densArg (read arg) let setVelArg arg = let a = read arg in writeIORef velArg (a, a) let setRate arg = writeIORef rateArg (read arg) let setMaxSteps arg = writeIORef maxStepsArg (read arg) let setBatchArg = writeIORef batchModeArg True let setDensityBMP arg = writeIORef densityBmpArg (Just arg) let setVelocityBMP arg = writeIORef velocityBmpArg (Just arg) let options :: [OptDescr (IO ())] options = [Option [] ["batch"] (NoArg setBatchArg ) "Run a fixed number of steps instead of displaying in a window.", Option [] ["max"] (ReqArg setMaxSteps "INT") "Quit after this number of steps.", Option [] ["width"] (ReqArg setWidthArg "INT") "Size of simulation (100)", Option [] ["scale"] (ReqArg setScaleArg "INT") "Width of cell in window (4)", Option [] ["rate"] (ReqArg setRate "INT") "Frame rate of simulator (25)", Option [] ["delta"] (ReqArg setDeltaArg "FLOAT") "Length of time steps (0.1)", Option [] ["diffusion"] (ReqArg setDiffArg "FLOAT") "Diffusion rate for the density (0)", Option [] ["viscosity"] (ReqArg setViscArg "FLOAT") "Viscosity rate for the velocity (0)", Option [] ["user-density"] (ReqArg setDensArg "FLOAT") "Magnitude of a user inserted density (100)", Option [] ["user-velocity"] (ReqArg setVelArg "FLOAT") "Magnitude of a user inserted velocity (20)", Option [] ["bmp-density"] (ReqArg setDensityBMP "FILE.bmp") "File for initial fluid density", Option [] ["bmp-velocity"] (ReqArg setVelocityBMP "FILE.bmp") "File for initial fluid velocity" ] case getOpt RequireOrder options args of (actions, [], []) -> foldl (>>) (return ()) actions ( _, nonOpts, []) -> error $ "unrecognized arguments: " P.++ unwords nonOpts ( _, _, msgs) -> error $ concat msgs P.++ usageInfo "Usage: fluid [OPTION...]" options batchMode <- readIORef batchModeArg maxSteps <- readIORef maxStepsArg width <- readIORef widthArg let height = width scale <- readIORef scaleArg rate <- readIORef rateArg delta <- readIORef deltaArg diff <- readIORef diffArg visc <- readIORef viscArg dens <- readIORef densArg vel <- readIORef velArg densityBmp <- readIORef densityBmpArg velocityBmp <- readIORef velocityBmpArg -- Load the initial desity bmp if we were given one. initialDensity <- case densityBmp of -- No density file given, so just set the field to zero. Nothing -> return $ R.fromListUnboxed (Z :. height :. width) $ replicate (height * width) 0 -- Load density from a .bmp, using the luminance as -- the scalar density value. Just filePath -> do result <- readImageFromBMP filePath let arr = case result of Right arr' -> arr' Left err -> error $ show err let Z :. height' :. width' = extent arr when (height /= height' || width /= width') $ error "Fluid: bmp size does not match --width argument" density <- computeUnboxedP $ floatLuminanceOfRGB8 arr return density -- Load the initial velocity bmp if we were given one initialVelocity <- case velocityBmp of -- No velocity file given, so just set the field to zero. Nothing -> return $ R.fromListUnboxed (Z :. height :. width) $ replicate (height * width) (0, 0) -- Load Just filePath -> do result <- readImageFromBMP filePath let arr = case result of Right arr' -> arr' Left err -> error $ show err let Z :. height' :. width' = extent arr when (height /= height' || width /= width') $ error "Fluid: bmp size does not match --width argument" let {-# INLINE conv #-} conv (r, g, _b) = let r' = fromIntegral (-128 + fromIntegral r :: Int) g' = fromIntegral (-128 + fromIntegral g :: Int) in (r' * 0.0001, g' * 0.0001) velocity <- computeUnboxedP $ conv arr return velocity return Config { configRate = rate , configWindowSize = (scale * width, scale * width) , configMaxSteps = maxSteps , configBatchMode = batchMode , configModelSize = (width, width) , configDelta = delta , configDiffusion = diff , configViscosity = visc , configDensity = dens , configVelocity = vel , configInitialDensity = initialDensity , configInitialVelocity = initialVelocity }