{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  $Header$
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2015 Adam C. Foltzer
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  acfoltzer@galois.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- Some handy Template Haskell splices for including the current git
-- hash and branch in the code of your project. Useful for including
-- in panic messages, @--version@ output, or diagnostic info for more
-- informative bug reports.
-- > {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- > import Development.GitRev
-- >
-- > panic :: String -> a
-- > panic msg = error panicMsg
-- >   where panicMsg =
-- >           concat [ "[panic ", $(gitBranch), "@", $(gitHash)
-- >                  , " (", $(gitCommitDate), ")"
-- >                  , " (", $(gitCommitCount), " commits in HEAD)"
-- >                  , dirty, "] ", msg ]
-- >         dirty | $(gitDirty) = " (uncommitted files present)"
-- >               | otherwise   = ""
-- >
-- > main = panic "oh no!"
-- > % cabal exec runhaskell Example.hs
-- > Example.hs: [panic master@2ae047ba5e4a6f0f3e705a43615363ac006099c1 (Mon Jan 11 11:50:59 2016 -0800) (14 commits in HEAD) (uncommitted files present)] oh no!

module Development.GitRev (gitHash, gitBranch, gitDirty, gitCommitCount, gitCommitDate) where

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.Process

import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat

-- | Run git with the given arguments and no stdin, returning the
-- stdout output. If git isn't available or something goes wrong,
-- return the second argument.
runGit :: [String] -> String -> IndexUsed -> Q String
runGit args def useIdx = do
  let oops :: SomeException -> IO (ExitCode, String, String)
      oops _e = return (ExitFailure 1, def, "")
  gitFound <- runIO $ isJust <$> findExecutable "git"
  if gitFound
    then do
      -- a lot of bookkeeping to record the right dependencies
      pwd <- runIO getGitDirectory
      let hd         = pwd </> ".git" </> "HEAD"
          index      = pwd </> ".git" </> "index"
          packedRefs = pwd </> ".git" </> "packed-refs"
      hdExists  <- runIO $ doesFileExist hd
      when hdExists $ do
        -- the HEAD file either contains the hash of a detached head
        -- or a pointer to the file that contains the hash of the head
        splitAt 5 `fmap` runIO (readFile hd) >>= \case
          -- pointer to ref
          ("ref: ", relRef) -> do
            let ref = pwd </> ".git" </> relRef
            refExists <- runIO $ doesFileExist ref
            when refExists $ addDependentFile ref
          -- detached head
          _hash -> addDependentFile hd
      -- add the index if it exists to set the dirty flag
      indexExists <- runIO $ doesFileExist index
      when (indexExists && useIdx == IdxUsed) $ addDependentFile index
      -- if the refs have been packed, the info we're looking for
      -- might be in that file rather than the one-file-per-ref case
      -- handled above
      packedExists <- runIO $ doesFileExist packedRefs
      when packedExists $ addDependentFile packedRefs
      runIO $ do
        (code, out, _err) <- readProcessWithExitCode "git" args "" `catch` oops
        case code of
          ExitSuccess   -> return (takeWhile (/= '\n') out)
          ExitFailure _ -> return def
    else return def

-- | Determine where our git directory is, in case we're in a
-- submodule.
getGitDirectory :: IO FilePath
getGitDirectory = do
  pwd <- getCurrentDirectory
  let dotGit = pwd </> ".git"
      oops = return dotGit -- it's gonna fail, that's fine
  isDir <- doesDirectoryExist dotGit
  isFile <- doesFileExist dotGit
  if | isDir -> return dotGit
     | not isFile -> oops
     | isFile ->
         splitAt 8 `fmap` readFile dotGit >>= \case
           ("gitdir: ", relDir) -> do
             isRelDir <- doesDirectoryExist relDir
             if isRelDir
               then return relDir
               else oops
           _ -> oops

-- | Type to flag if the git index is used or not in a call to runGit
data IndexUsed = IdxUsed -- ^ The git index is used
               | IdxNotUsed -- ^ The git index is /not/ used
    deriving (Eq)

-- | Return the hash of the current git commit, or @UNKNOWN@ if not in
-- a git repository
gitHash :: ExpQ
gitHash =
  stringE =<< runGit ["rev-parse", "HEAD"] "UNKNOWN" IdxNotUsed

-- | Return the branch (or tag) name of the current git commit, or @UNKNOWN@
-- if not in a git repository. For detached heads, this will just be
-- "HEAD"
gitBranch :: ExpQ
gitBranch =
  stringE =<< runGit ["rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"] "UNKNOWN" IdxNotUsed

-- | Return @True@ if there are non-committed files present in the
-- repository
gitDirty :: ExpQ
gitDirty = do
  output <- runGit ["status", "--porcelain"] "" IdxUsed
  case output of
    "" -> conE falseName
    _  -> conE trueName

-- | Return the number of commits in the current head
gitCommitCount :: ExpQ
gitCommitCount =
  stringE =<< runGit ["rev-list", "HEAD", "--count"] "UNKNOWN" IdxNotUsed

-- | Return the commit date of the current head
gitCommitDate :: ExpQ
gitCommitDate =
  stringE =<< runGit ["log", "HEAD", "-1", "--format=%cd"] "UNKNOWN" IdxNotUsed