# A Haskell library for the GitLab web API This library lifts the GitLab REST API into Haskell. It supports queries about and updates to: * Branches * Commits * Groups * Issues * Jobs * Members * Merge requests * Pipelines * Projects * Repositories * Repository files * Users * Discussions * Tags * Todos * Version * Notes * Boards The library parses JSON results into Haskell data types in the `GitLab.Types` module, allowing you to work with statically typed GitLab data with data types and functions that the library provides. E.g. searchUser :: Text -> GitLab (Maybe User) userProjects :: User -> GitLab (Maybe [Project]) ## Example Run all GitLab actions with `runGitLab`: runGitLab :: => GitLabServerConfig -> GitLab a -> IO a For example the following project finds all GitLab projects for the user "joe". myProjects <- runGitLab (defaultGitLabServer { url = "https://gitlab.example.com" , token="my_token"} ) (searchUser "joe" >>= userProjects . fromJust) This library can also be used to implement rule based GitLab file system hooks that, when deployed a GitLab server, react in real time to GitLab events like project creation, new users, merge requests etc. The rule based API for implementing file hooks is: receive :: [Rule] -> GitLab () class (FromJSON a) => SystemHook a where match :: String -> (a -> GitLab ()) -> Rule matchIf :: String -> (a -> GitLab Bool) -> (a -> GitLab ()) -> Rule For more details about the file system hooks support, see post: [GitLab automation with file hook rules](https://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~rs46/posts/2020-06-06-gitlab-system-hooks.html). For the complete `gitlab-haskell` API, see the [hackage documentation](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/gitlab-haskell). An example of an application using this library is `gitlab-tools`, which is a command line tool for bulk GitLab transactions [link](https://gitlab.com/robstewart57/gitlab-tools).