{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module GitHub.WebHook.Handler ( Handler(..) , Error(..) , runHandler ) where import Crypto.Hash import Data.Aeson (eitherDecodeStrict') import Data.Aeson.Types (parseEither) import Data.Monoid import Data.Text hiding (any) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Encoding import Data.ByteString hiding (any) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC8 import Data.UUID import GitHub.Types data Handler m = Handler { hSecretKeys :: [String] -- ^ Secret keys which are used to authenticate the incoming request. -- If the list is empty then no authentication is required. The handler -- tries each key until it finds one which works. This makes it easier -- to rotate keys because you can have multiple ones active at any given -- point in time. , hBody :: m ByteString -- ^ Action which is used to read the request body. , hHeader :: ByteString -> m (Maybe ByteString) -- ^ Action which is used to retrieve a particular header from the -- request. , hAction :: Either Error (UUID, Payload) -> m () -- ^ Action which is executed once we've processed all the information -- in the request. GitHub includes a unique UUID in each request. } data Error = InvalidRequest -- ^ The incoming request is not well-formed. If that happens it means -- GitHub screwed something up, or changed the format of the request. | ParseError !Text -- ^ The request looks valid but we failed to parse the payload. This -- could be because our parsing code is wrong, or because GitHub added -- a new event type which we don't handle yet. | UnsignedRequest -- ^ We were expecting a signed request but no signature was included. -- Such requests are rejected beause we don't want to accept requests from -- untrusted sources. | InvalidSignature -- ^ A signature was included in the request but it did not match the -- secret key which was providid to the handler. Usually points to -- a configuration error on either end. toParseError :: String -> Either Error Payload toParseError = Left . ParseError . T.pack verifySecretKey :: ByteString -> ByteString -> String -> Bool verifySecretKey rawBody sig key = sig == ("sha1=" <> digestToHexByteString (hmacGetDigest (hmac (BC8.pack key) rawBody :: HMAC SHA1))) runHandler :: Monad m => Handler m -> m () runHandler h = do mbDelivery <- return . (fromASCIIBytes =<<) =<< hHeader h "X-GitHub-Delivery" res <- do rawBody <- hBody h mbSignature <- hHeader h "X-Hub-Signature" authenticatedBody <- return $ case (hSecretKeys h, mbSignature) of -- No secret key and no signature. Pass along the body unverified. ([], Nothing) -> Right rawBody -- Signature is available but no secret keys to verify it. This is -- not a fatal error, we can still process the event. ([], Just _) -> Right rawBody -- Secret keys are available but the request is not signed. Reject -- the request. (_, Nothing) -> Left UnsignedRequest -- Both the signature and secret keys are available. Verify the -- signature with the first key which works, otherwise reject the -- request. (secretKeys, Just sig) -> do if any (verifySecretKey rawBody sig) secretKeys then Right rawBody else Left InvalidSignature mbEventName <- hHeader h "X-GitHub-Event" return $ do eventName <- maybe (Left InvalidRequest) Right mbEventName body <- authenticatedBody case eitherDecodeStrict' body of Left e -> toParseError e Right value -> either toParseError Right $ parseEither (webhookPayloadParser $ decodeUtf8 eventName) value hAction h $ case mbDelivery of Nothing -> Left InvalidRequest Just uuid -> fmap ((,) uuid) res