module Test.GitHUD.Terminal.Prompt ( terminalPromptTests ) where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Control.Monad.Reader (runReader) import Control.Monad.Writer (runWriterT) import GitHUD.Config.Types import GitHUD.Git.Types import GitHUD.Terminal.Prompt import GitHUD.Terminal.Types import GitHUD.Types terminalPromptTests :: TestTree terminalPromptTests = testGroup "Terminal Prompt Test" [ testAddGitRepoIndicator , testAddUpstreamIndicator , testAddRemoteCommits , testAddLocalBranchName , testAddLocalCommits , testAddRepoState , testAddStashes ] testAddGitRepoIndicator :: TestTree testAddGitRepoIndicator = testGroup "#addGitRepoIndicator" [ testGroup "Default Config" [ testCase "ZSH: default config: hardcoded character" $ testWriterWithConfig (zeroOutputConfig ZSH) addGitRepoIndicator @?= "\57504 " , testCase "Other: default config: hardcoded character" $ testWriterWithConfig (zeroOutputConfig Other) addGitRepoIndicator @?= "\57504 " ] , testGroup "Custom Config" [ testCase "ZSH: custom config: hardcoded character" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig ZSH zeroGitRepoState $ defaultConfig { confRepoIndicator = "indic" }) addGitRepoIndicator @?= "indic " , testCase "Other: custom config: hardcoded character" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig ZSH zeroGitRepoState $ defaultConfig { confRepoIndicator = "indic" }) addGitRepoIndicator @?= "indic " ] ] customConfigUpstreamIndicator :: Config customConfigUpstreamIndicator = defaultConfig { confNoUpstreamString = "foo" , confNoUpstreamStringColor = Cyan , confNoUpstreamStringIntensity = Dull , confNoUpstreamIndicator = "bar" , confNoUpstreamIndicatorColor = Green , confNoUpstreamIndicatorIntensity = Dull } testAddUpstreamIndicator :: TestTree testAddUpstreamIndicator = testGroup "#addUpstreamIndicator" [ testGroup "Default Config" [ testCase "ZSH: with an upstream" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig ZSH (zeroGitRepoState { gitRemoteTrackingBranch = "foo" }) defaultConfig) addUpstreamIndicator @?= "" , testCase "Other: with an upstream" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig Other (zeroGitRepoState { gitRemoteTrackingBranch = "foo" }) defaultConfig) addUpstreamIndicator @?= "" , testCase "ZSH: with no upstream" $ testWriterWithConfig (zeroOutputConfig ZSH) addUpstreamIndicator @?= "%{\x1b[1;31m%}upstream%{\x1b[0m%} %{\x1b[1;31m%}\9889%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "Other: with no upstream" $ testWriterWithConfig (zeroOutputConfig Other) addUpstreamIndicator @?= "\x1b[1;31mupstream\x1b[0m \x1b[1;31m\9889\x1b[0m " ] , testGroup "Custom Config" [ testCase "ZSH: with an upstream" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig ZSH (zeroGitRepoState { gitRemoteTrackingBranch = "foo" }) customConfigUpstreamIndicator) addUpstreamIndicator @?= "" , testCase "Other: with an upstream" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig Other (zeroGitRepoState { gitRemoteTrackingBranch = "foo" }) customConfigUpstreamIndicator) addUpstreamIndicator @?= "" , testCase "ZSH: with no upstream" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig ZSH (zeroGitRepoState) customConfigUpstreamIndicator) addUpstreamIndicator @?= "%{\x1b[36m%}foo%{\x1b[0m%} %{\x1b[32m%}bar%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "Other: with no upstream" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig Other (zeroGitRepoState) customConfigUpstreamIndicator) addUpstreamIndicator @?= "\x1b[36mfoo\x1b[0m \x1b[32mbar\x1b[0m " ] ] customConfigRemoteCommits :: Config customConfigRemoteCommits = defaultConfig { confRemoteCommitsIndicator = "foo" , confRemoteCommitsOnlyPull = "pull" , confRemoteCommitsOnlyPush = "push" , confRemoteCommitsBothPullPush = "pull-push" } testAddRemoteCommits :: TestTree testAddRemoteCommits = testGroup "#addRemoteCommits" [ testGroup "Default Config" [ testCase "ZSH: commits to pull" $ testRemoteCommitsToPull ZSH defaultConfig @?= "\120366 %{\x1b[1;32m%}\8594%{\x1b[0m%} 2 " , testCase "ZSH: commits to push" $ testRemoteCommitsToPush ZSH defaultConfig @?= "\120366 %{\x1b[1;32m%}\8592%{\x1b[0m%} 2 " , testCase "ZSH: commits to pull and to push" $ testRemoteCommitsToPushAndPull ZSH defaultConfig @?= "\120366 4%{\x1b[1;32m%}\8644%{\x1b[0m%}4 " , testCase "Other: commits to pull" $ testRemoteCommitsToPull Other defaultConfig @?= "\120366 \x1b[1;32m\8594\x1b[0m 2 " , testCase "Other: commits to push" $ testRemoteCommitsToPush Other defaultConfig @?= "\120366 \x1b[1;32m\8592\x1b[0m 2 " , testCase "Other: commits to pull and to push" $ testRemoteCommitsToPushAndPull Other defaultConfig @?= "\120366 4\x1b[1;32m\8644\x1b[0m4 " ] , testGroup "Custom Config" [ testCase "ZSH: commits to pull" $ testRemoteCommitsToPull ZSH customConfigRemoteCommits @?= "foo %{\x1b[1;32m%}pull%{\x1b[0m%} 2 " , testCase "ZSH: commits to push" $ testRemoteCommitsToPush ZSH customConfigRemoteCommits @?= "foo %{\x1b[1;32m%}push%{\x1b[0m%} 2 " , testCase "ZSH: commits to pull and to push" $ testRemoteCommitsToPushAndPull ZSH customConfigRemoteCommits @?= "foo 4%{\x1b[1;32m%}pull-push%{\x1b[0m%}4 " , testCase "Other: commits to pull" $ testRemoteCommitsToPull Other customConfigRemoteCommits @?= "foo \x1b[1;32mpull\x1b[0m 2 " , testCase "Other: commits to push" $ testRemoteCommitsToPush Other customConfigRemoteCommits @?= "foo \x1b[1;32mpush\x1b[0m 2 " , testCase "Other: commits to pull and to push" $ testRemoteCommitsToPushAndPull Other customConfigRemoteCommits @?= "foo 4\x1b[1;32mpull-push\x1b[0m4 " ] ] customConfigLocalBranchName :: Config customConfigLocalBranchName = defaultConfig { confLocalBranchColor = Cyan , confLocalDetachedColor = Magenta , confLocalBranchIntensity = Dull , confLocalDetachedIntensity = Dull , confLocalBranchNamePrefix = "{" , confLocalBranchNameSuffix = "}" , confLocalDetachedPrefix = "det#!" } testAddLocalBranchName :: TestTree testAddLocalBranchName = testGroup "#addLocalBranchName" [ testGroup "Default Config" [ testCase "ZSH: should display the name of the current branch if we are at the HEAD of any" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig ZSH (zeroGitRepoState { gitLocalBranch = "foo" }) defaultConfig) addLocalBranchName @?= "[%{\x1b[1;34m%}foo%{\x1b[0m%}] " , testCase "Other: should display the name of the current branch if we are at the HEAD of any" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig Other (zeroGitRepoState { gitLocalBranch = "foo" }) defaultConfig) addLocalBranchName @?= "[\x1b[1;34mfoo\x1b[0m] " , testCase "ZSH: should display the current commit SHA if we are not on a branch's HEAD" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig ZSH (zeroGitRepoState { gitCommitShortSHA = "3d25ef" }) defaultConfig) addLocalBranchName @?= "[%{\x1b[1;33m%}detached@3d25ef%{\x1b[0m%}] " , testCase "Other: should display the current commit SHA if we are not on a branch's HEAD" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig Other (zeroGitRepoState { gitCommitShortSHA = "3d25ef" }) defaultConfig) addLocalBranchName @?= "[\x1b[1;33mdetached@3d25ef\x1b[0m] " ] , testGroup "Custom Config" [ testCase "ZSH: should display the name of the current branch if we are at the HEAD of any" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig ZSH (zeroGitRepoState { gitLocalBranch = "foo" }) customConfigLocalBranchName) addLocalBranchName @?= "{%{\x1b[36m%}foo%{\x1b[0m%}} " , testCase "Other: should display the name of the current branch if we are at the HEAD of any" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig Other (zeroGitRepoState { gitLocalBranch = "foo" }) customConfigLocalBranchName) addLocalBranchName @?= "{\x1b[36mfoo\x1b[0m} " , testCase "ZSH: should display the current commit SHA if we are not on a branch's HEAD" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig ZSH (zeroGitRepoState { gitCommitShortSHA = "3d25ef" }) customConfigLocalBranchName) addLocalBranchName @?= "{%{\x1b[35m%}det#!3d25ef%{\x1b[0m%}} " , testCase "Other: should display the current commit SHA if we are not on a branch's HEAD" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig Other (zeroGitRepoState { gitCommitShortSHA = "3d25ef" }) customConfigLocalBranchName) addLocalBranchName @?= "{\x1b[35mdet#!3d25ef\x1b[0m} " ] ] customConfigLocalCommits :: Config customConfigLocalCommits = defaultConfig { confLocalCommitsPushSuffix = "push" , confLocalCommitsPushSuffixColor = Cyan , confLocalCommitsPushSuffixIntensity = Dull , confLocalCommitsPullSuffix = "pull" , confLocalCommitsPullSuffixColor = Magenta , confLocalCommitsPullSuffixIntensity = Dull , confLocalCommitsPushPullInfix = "push-pull" , confLocalCommitsPushPullInfixColor = White , confLocalCommitsPushPullInfixIntensity = Dull } testAddLocalCommits :: TestTree testAddLocalCommits = testGroup "#addLocalCommits" [ testGroup "Default Config" [ testCase "ZSH: commits to pull" $ testCommitsToPull ZSH defaultConfig @?= "2%{\x1b[1;31m%}\8595%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "ZSH: commits to push" $ testCommitsToPush ZSH defaultConfig @?= "2%{\x1b[1;32m%}\8593%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "ZSH: commits to pull and to push" $ testCommitsToPushAndPull ZSH defaultConfig @?= "4%{\x1b[1;32m%}\8645%{\x1b[0m%}4 " , testCase "Other: commits to pull" $ testCommitsToPull Other defaultConfig @?= "2\x1b[1;31m\8595\x1b[0m " , testCase "Other: commits to push" $ testCommitsToPush Other defaultConfig @?= "2\x1b[1;32m\8593\x1b[0m " , testCase "Other: commits to pull and to push" $ testCommitsToPushAndPull Other defaultConfig @?= "4\x1b[1;32m\8645\x1b[0m4 " ] , testGroup "Custom Config" [ testCase "ZSH: commits to pull" $ testCommitsToPull ZSH customConfigLocalCommits @?= "2%{\x1b[35m%}pull%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "ZSH: commits to push" $ testCommitsToPush ZSH customConfigLocalCommits @?= "2%{\x1b[36m%}push%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "ZSH: commits to pull and to push" $ testCommitsToPushAndPull ZSH customConfigLocalCommits @?= "4%{\x1b[37m%}push-pull%{\x1b[0m%}4 " , testCase "Other: commits to pull" $ testCommitsToPull Other customConfigLocalCommits @?= "2\x1b[35mpull\x1b[0m " , testCase "Other: commits to push" $ testCommitsToPush Other customConfigLocalCommits @?= "2\x1b[36mpush\x1b[0m " , testCase "Other: commits to pull and to push" $ testCommitsToPushAndPull Other customConfigLocalCommits @?= "4\x1b[37mpush-pull\x1b[0m4 " ] ] customChangeConfig :: Config customChangeConfig = defaultConfig { confChangeIndexAddSuffix = "B" , confChangeIndexAddSuffixColor = Cyan , confChangeIndexAddSuffixIntensity = Dull , confChangeIndexModSuffix = "N" , confChangeIndexModSuffixColor = Cyan , confChangeIndexModSuffixIntensity = Dull , confChangeIndexDelSuffix = "E" , confChangeIndexDelSuffixColor = Cyan , confChangeIndexDelSuffixIntensity = Dull , confChangeLocalAddSuffix = "B" , confChangeLocalAddSuffixColor = Magenta , confChangeLocalAddSuffixIntensity = Dull , confChangeLocalModSuffix = "N" , confChangeLocalModSuffixColor = Blue , confChangeLocalModSuffixIntensity = Dull , confChangeLocalDelSuffix = "E" , confChangeLocalDelSuffixColor = Blue , confChangeLocalDelSuffixIntensity = Dull , confChangeRenamedSuffix = "S" , confChangeRenamedSuffixColor = Cyan , confChangeRenamedSuffixIntensity = Dull , confChangeConflictedSuffix = "D" , confChangeConflictedSuffixColor = Cyan , confChangeConflictedSuffixIntensity = Dull } testAddRepoState :: TestTree testAddRepoState = testGroup "#addRepoState" [ testGroup "Default Config" [ testCase "ZSH: with Local Add Changes" $ testLocalAddChange ZSH defaultConfig @?= "2%{\x1b[1;37m%}A%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "ZSH: with Local Mod Changes" $ testLocalModChange ZSH defaultConfig @?= "2%{\x1b[1;31m%}M%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "ZSH: with Local Del Changes" $ testLocalDelChange ZSH defaultConfig @?= "2%{\x1b[1;31m%}D%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "ZSH: with Index Add Changes" $ testIndexAddChange ZSH defaultConfig @?= "2%{\x1b[1;32m%}A%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "ZSH: with Index Mod Changes" $ testIndexModChange ZSH defaultConfig @?= "2%{\x1b[1;32m%}M%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "ZSH: with Index Del Changes" $ testIndexDelChange ZSH defaultConfig @?= "2%{\x1b[1;32m%}D%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "ZSH: with Conflicted Changes" $ testConflictedChange ZSH defaultConfig @?= "2%{\x1b[1;32m%}C%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "ZSH: with Renamed Changes" $ testRenamedChange ZSH defaultConfig @?= "2%{\x1b[1;32m%}R%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "Other: with Local Add Changes" $ testLocalAddChange Other defaultConfig @?= "2\x1b[1;37mA\x1b[0m " , testCase "Other: with Local Mod Changes" $ testLocalModChange Other defaultConfig @?= "2\x1b[1;31mM\x1b[0m " , testCase "Other: with Local Del Changes" $ testLocalDelChange Other defaultConfig @?= "2\x1b[1;31mD\x1b[0m " , testCase "Other: with Index Add Changes" $ testIndexAddChange Other defaultConfig @?= "2\x1b[1;32mA\x1b[0m " , testCase "Other: with Index Mod Changes" $ testIndexModChange Other defaultConfig @?= "2\x1b[1;32mM\x1b[0m " , testCase "Other: with Index Del Changes" $ testIndexDelChange Other defaultConfig @?= "2\x1b[1;32mD\x1b[0m " , testCase "Other: with Conflicted Changes" $ testConflictedChange Other defaultConfig @?= "2\x1b[1;32mC\x1b[0m " , testCase "Other: with Renamed Changes" $ testRenamedChange Other defaultConfig @?= "2\x1b[1;32mR\x1b[0m " , testCase "ZSH: with every kind of Changes" $ testEveryRepoChange ZSH defaultConfig @?= "6%{\x1b[1;32m%}A%{\x1b[0m%}8%{\x1b[1;32m%}D%{\x1b[0m%}7%{\x1b[1;32m%}M%{\x1b[0m%}1%{\x1b[1;32m%}R%{\x1b[0m%} 5%{\x1b[1;31m%}D%{\x1b[0m%}4%{\x1b[1;31m%}M%{\x1b[0m%} 3%{\x1b[1;37m%}A%{\x1b[0m%} 2%{\x1b[1;32m%}C%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "Other: with every kind of Changes" $ testEveryRepoChange Other defaultConfig @?= "6\x1b[1;32mA\x1b[0m8\x1b[1;32mD\x1b[0m7\x1b[1;32mM\x1b[0m1\x1b[1;32mR\x1b[0m 5\x1b[1;31mD\x1b[0m4\x1b[1;31mM\x1b[0m 3\x1b[1;37mA\x1b[0m 2\x1b[1;32mC\x1b[0m " ] , testGroup "Custom Config" [ testCase "ZSH: with Local Add Changes" $ testLocalAddChange ZSH customChangeConfig @?= "2%{\x1b[35m%}B%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "ZSH: with Local Mod Changes" $ testLocalModChange ZSH customChangeConfig @?= "2%{\x1b[34m%}N%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "ZSH: with Local Del Changes" $ testLocalDelChange ZSH customChangeConfig @?= "2%{\x1b[34m%}E%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "ZSH: with Index Add Changes" $ testIndexAddChange ZSH customChangeConfig @?= "2%{\x1b[36m%}B%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "ZSH: with Index Mod Changes" $ testIndexModChange ZSH customChangeConfig @?= "2%{\x1b[36m%}N%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "ZSH: with Index Del Changes" $ testIndexDelChange ZSH customChangeConfig @?= "2%{\x1b[36m%}E%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "ZSH: with Conflicted Changes" $ testConflictedChange ZSH customChangeConfig @?= "2%{\x1b[36m%}D%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "ZSH: with Renamed Changes" $ testRenamedChange ZSH customChangeConfig @?= "2%{\x1b[36m%}S%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "Other: with Local Add Changes" $ testLocalAddChange Other customChangeConfig @?= "2\x1b[35mB\x1b[0m " , testCase "Other: with Local Mod Changes" $ testLocalModChange Other customChangeConfig @?= "2\x1b[34mN\x1b[0m " , testCase "Other: with Local Del Changes" $ testLocalDelChange Other customChangeConfig @?= "2\x1b[34mE\x1b[0m " , testCase "Other: with Index Add Changes" $ testIndexAddChange Other customChangeConfig @?= "2\x1b[36mB\x1b[0m " , testCase "Other: with Index Mod Changes" $ testIndexModChange Other customChangeConfig @?= "2\x1b[36mN\x1b[0m " , testCase "Other: with Index Del Changes" $ testIndexDelChange Other customChangeConfig @?= "2\x1b[36mE\x1b[0m " , testCase "Other: with Conflicted Changes" $ testConflictedChange Other customChangeConfig @?= "2\x1b[36mD\x1b[0m " , testCase "Other: with Renamed Changes" $ testRenamedChange Other customChangeConfig @?= "2\x1b[36mS\x1b[0m " , testCase "ZSH: with every kind of Changes" $ testEveryRepoChange ZSH customChangeConfig @?= "6%{\x1b[36m%}B%{\x1b[0m%}8%{\x1b[36m%}E%{\x1b[0m%}7%{\x1b[36m%}N%{\x1b[0m%}1%{\x1b[36m%}S%{\x1b[0m%} 5%{\x1b[34m%}E%{\x1b[0m%}4%{\x1b[34m%}N%{\x1b[0m%} 3%{\x1b[35m%}B%{\x1b[0m%} 2%{\x1b[36m%}D%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "Other: with every kind of Changes" $ testEveryRepoChange Other customChangeConfig @?= "6\x1b[36mB\x1b[0m8\x1b[36mE\x1b[0m7\x1b[36mN\x1b[0m1\x1b[36mS\x1b[0m 5\x1b[34mE\x1b[0m4\x1b[34mN\x1b[0m 3\x1b[35mB\x1b[0m 2\x1b[36mD\x1b[0m " ] ] customStashConfig :: Config customStashConfig = defaultConfig { confStashSuffix = "stash" , confStashSuffixColor = Cyan , confStashSuffixIntensity = Dull } testAddStashes :: TestTree testAddStashes = testGroup "#addStashes" [ testGroup "Default Config" [ testCase "ZSH: hardcoded character" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig ZSH (zeroGitRepoState { gitStashCount = 2 }) defaultConfig) addStashes @?= "2%{\x1b[1;32m%}\8801%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "Other: hardcoded character" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig Other (zeroGitRepoState { gitStashCount = 2 }) defaultConfig) addStashes @?= "2\x1b[1;32m\8801\x1b[0m " ] , testGroup "Custom Config" [ testCase "ZSH: hardcoded character" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig ZSH (zeroGitRepoState { gitStashCount = 2 }) customStashConfig) addStashes @?= "2%{\x1b[36m%}stash%{\x1b[0m%} " , testCase "Other: hardcoded character" $ testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig Other (zeroGitRepoState { gitStashCount = 2 }) customStashConfig) addStashes @?= "2\x1b[36mstash\x1b[0m " ] ] -- | Utility function to test a ShellOutput function and gets the prompt built testWriterWithConfig :: OutputConfig -- ^ Starting reader state -> ShellOutput -- ^ Function under test -> String -- ^ Output of the function for the given config testWriterWithConfig config functionUnderTest = runReader (runWriterT functionUnderTest >>= (\(_, out) -> return out)) config zeroOutputConfig :: Shell -> OutputConfig zeroOutputConfig shell = buildOutputConfig shell zeroGitRepoState defaultConfig testRemoteCommitsToPull :: Shell -> Config -> String testRemoteCommitsToPull shell config = testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig shell (zeroGitRepoState { gitRemoteCommitsToPull = 2 }) config) addRemoteCommits testRemoteCommitsToPush :: Shell -> Config -> String testRemoteCommitsToPush shell config = testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig shell (zeroGitRepoState { gitRemoteCommitsToPush = 2 }) config) addRemoteCommits testRemoteCommitsToPushAndPull :: Shell -> Config -> String testRemoteCommitsToPushAndPull shell config = testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig shell (zeroGitRepoState { gitRemoteCommitsToPull = 4, gitRemoteCommitsToPush = 4 }) config ) addRemoteCommits testCommitsToPull :: Shell -> Config -> String testCommitsToPull shell config = testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig shell (zeroGitRepoState { gitCommitsToPull = 2 }) config) addLocalCommits testCommitsToPush :: Shell -> Config -> String testCommitsToPush shell config = testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig shell (zeroGitRepoState { gitCommitsToPush = 2 }) config) addLocalCommits testCommitsToPushAndPull :: Shell -> Config -> String testCommitsToPushAndPull shell config = testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig shell (zeroGitRepoState { gitCommitsToPull = 4, gitCommitsToPush = 4 }) config ) addLocalCommits testLocalAddChange :: Shell -> Config -> String testLocalAddChange shell config = testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig shell (zeroGitRepoState { gitLocalRepoChanges = (zeroLocalRepoChanges { localAdd = 2 }) }) config ) addRepoState testLocalModChange :: Shell -> Config -> String testLocalModChange shell config = testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig shell (zeroGitRepoState { gitLocalRepoChanges = (zeroLocalRepoChanges { localMod = 2 }) }) config ) addRepoState testLocalDelChange :: Shell -> Config -> String testLocalDelChange shell config = testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig shell (zeroGitRepoState { gitLocalRepoChanges = (zeroLocalRepoChanges { localDel = 2 }) }) config ) addRepoState testIndexAddChange :: Shell -> Config -> String testIndexAddChange shell config = testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig shell (zeroGitRepoState { gitLocalRepoChanges = (zeroLocalRepoChanges { indexAdd = 2 }) }) config ) addRepoState testIndexModChange :: Shell -> Config -> String testIndexModChange shell config = testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig shell (zeroGitRepoState { gitLocalRepoChanges = (zeroLocalRepoChanges { indexMod = 2 }) }) config ) addRepoState testIndexDelChange :: Shell -> Config -> String testIndexDelChange shell config = testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig shell (zeroGitRepoState { gitLocalRepoChanges = (zeroLocalRepoChanges { indexDel = 2 }) }) config ) addRepoState testConflictedChange :: Shell -> Config -> String testConflictedChange shell config = testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig shell (zeroGitRepoState { gitLocalRepoChanges = (zeroLocalRepoChanges { conflict = 2 }) }) config ) addRepoState testRenamedChange :: Shell -> Config -> String testRenamedChange shell config = testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig shell (zeroGitRepoState { gitLocalRepoChanges = (zeroLocalRepoChanges { renamed = 2 }) }) config ) addRepoState testEveryRepoChange :: Shell -> Config -> String testEveryRepoChange shell config = testWriterWithConfig (buildOutputConfig shell (zeroGitRepoState { gitLocalRepoChanges = (zeroLocalRepoChanges { renamed = 1 , conflict = 2 , localAdd = 3 , localMod = 4 , localDel = 5 , indexAdd = 6 , indexMod = 7 , indexDel = 8 }) }) config ) addRepoState