-- -- Copyright © 2013-2015 Anchor Systems, Pty Ltd and Others -- -- The code in this file, and the program it is a part of, is -- made available to you by its authors as open source software: -- you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of -- the 3-clause BSD licence. -- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | Description: Test git repository setup. module Main where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.Foldable (traverse_) import Data.Map (fromList) import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.IO.Temp import System.Process import Test.Hspec import Git.Vogue.PluginCommon import Git.Vogue.PluginDiscoverer.Libexec import Git.Vogue.Types import Git.Vogue.VCS.Git main :: IO () main = do abs_fixtures <- canonicalizePath "fixtures" hspec $ do describe "Git VCS implementation" $ testGitVCS gitVCS describe "Libexec plugin discovery" $ testLEDiscovery abs_fixtures (libExecDiscoverer "./plugins") describe "Plugin helpers" . it "finds hs projects" $ do hsProjects ["a.hs"] ["a.cabal", "a.hs"] `shouldBe` fromList [("", ["a.hs"])] let nested = ["a.cabal", "a.hs", "b/b.cabal", "b/b.hs"] join hsProjects nested `shouldBe` fromList [ ("",["a.cabal","a.hs"]) , ("b/",["b.cabal", "b.hs"]) ] testLEDiscovery :: FilePath -> PluginDiscoverer IO -> Spec testLEDiscovery fixtures PluginDiscoverer{..} = do it "discovers plugins in the libexec dir" . withSetup $ do ps <- discoverPlugins fmap pluginName ps `shouldBe` ["(non-executable) ./plugins/git-vogue/non-executable" ,"exploding" ,"failing" ,"succeeding" ] fmap enabled ps `shouldBe` [False, True, True, True] it "disables and re-enables plugins" . withSetup $ do disablePlugin "exploding" ps <- filter enabled <$> discoverPlugins fmap pluginName ps `shouldBe` ["failing", "succeeding"] enablePlugin "exploding" ps' <- filter enabled <$> discoverPlugins fmap pluginName ps' `shouldBe` ["exploding", "failing", "succeeding"] it "provides check methods that do the expected things" . withSetup $ do ps <- filter enabled <$> discoverPlugins rs <- sequence $ fmap (\Plugin{..} -> runCheck ["a"] ["a"]) ps rs `shouldBe` [ Catastrophe 3 "something broke\n" , Failure "ohnoes\n" , Success "yay\n"] it "provides fix methods that do the expected things" . withSetup $ do ps <- filter enabled <$> discoverPlugins rs <- sequence $ fmap (\Plugin{..} -> runFix ["a"] ["a"]) ps rs `shouldBe` [ Catastrophe 3 "something broke\n" , Failure "ohnoes\n" , Success "yay\n"] where withSetup = withGitRepo . withCopy (fixtures "plugins") ("plugins" "git-vogue") testGitVCS :: VCS IO -> Spec testGitVCS VCS{..} = do it "should install and remove a pre-commit hook" . withGitRepo $ do checkHook >>= (`shouldBe` False) installHook checkHook >>= (`shouldBe` True) removeHook checkHook >>= (`shouldBe` False) it "should list files correctly" . withGitRepo $ do getFiles FindChanged >>= (`shouldBe` []) getFiles FindAll >>= (`shouldBe` []) writeFile "hi" "there" getFiles FindChanged >>= (`shouldBe` []) getFiles FindAll >>= (`shouldBe` []) void $ git ["add", "hi"] getFiles FindChanged >>= (`shouldBe` ["hi"]) getFiles FindAll >>= (`shouldBe` ["hi"]) void $ git ["commit", "-m", "add hi", "hi"] getFiles FindChanged >>= (`shouldBe` []) getFiles FindAll >>= (`shouldBe` ["hi"]) it "should list root dir correctly" . withGitRepo' $ \dir -> getTopLevel >>= (`shouldBe` dir) -- | Copy a dir and continue along withCopy :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () -> IO () withCopy src dst f = do void $ rawSystem "mkdir" ["plugins"] void $ rawSystem "cp" ["-r", src, dst] f withGitRepo :: IO () -> IO () withGitRepo = withGitRepo' . const -- | Create a git repository and run an action with it, after changing to that -- directory. -- -- Restores current dir on completion withGitRepo' :: (String -> IO ()) -> IO () withGitRepo' f = withSystemTempDirectory "git-setup-test." $ \temp_dir -> do -- For some unknown reason, setting the current directory appears to do -- strange things with a bracket, so we don't bracket. canonical_dir <- canonicalizePath temp_dir before_dir <- getCurrentDirectory let setup = [ ["init", canonical_dir] , ["config", "--local", "user.email", "test"] , ["config", "--local", "user.name", "test2"] ] :: [[String]] setCurrentDirectory canonical_dir traverse_ git setup f canonical_dir setCurrentDirectory before_dir