{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} module Main where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Logging import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Control.Monad.Logger import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import qualified Data.ByteString as B (readFile) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8 import Data.Function (fix) import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import Data.Maybe import Data.Tagged import Data.Text (pack) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Data.Time import Git hiding (Options) import Git.Tree.Working import Git.Libgit2 (MonadLg, LgRepo, lgFactoryLogger) import Options.Applicative import Prelude hiding (log) import Shelly (silently, shelly, run) import System.Directory import System.FilePath.Posix import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale) data Options = Options { optQuiet :: Bool , optVerbose :: Bool , optDebug :: Bool , optGitDir :: FilePath , optWorkingDir :: FilePath , optInterval :: Int , optResume :: Bool } options :: Parser Options options = Options <$> switch (short 'q' <> long "quiet" <> help "Do not display progress") <*> switch (short 'v' <> long "verbose" <> help "Display more info") <*> switch (short 'D' <> long "debug" <> help "Display debug") <*> strOption (long "git-dir" <> value ".git" <> help "Git repository to store snapshots in (def: \".git\")") <*> strOption (short 'd' <> long "work-dir" <> value "" <> help "The working tree to snapshot (def: \".\")") <*> option (short 'i' <> long "interval" <> value 60 <> help "Snapshot each N seconds") <*> switch (short 'r' <> long "resume" <> help "Resumes using last set of snapshots") main :: IO () main = execParser opts >>= withStdoutLogging . doMain where opts = info (helper <*> options) (fullDesc <> progDesc desc <> header hdr) hdr = "git-monitor 3.1.0 - quickly snapshot working tree changes" desc = "\nPassively snapshot working tree changes efficiently.\n\nThe intended usage is to run \"git monitor &\" in your project\ndirectory before you begin a hacking session.\n\nSnapshots are kept in refs/snapshots/refs/heads/$BRANCH" doMain :: Options -> IO () doMain opts = do -- Setup logging service if --verbose is used setLogTimeFormat "%H:%M:%S" setLogLevel $ if optQuiet opts then LevelError else if optDebug opts then LevelDebug else LevelInfo -- Ask Git for the user name and email in this repository (userName,userEmail) <- shelly $ silently $ (,) <$> (T.init <$> run "git" ["config", "user.name"]) <*> (T.init <$> run "git" ["config", "user.email"]) let gDir = optGitDir opts isDir <- doesDirectoryExist gDir gd <- if isDir then return gDir else shelly $ silently $ T.unpack . T.init <$> run "git" ["rev-parse", "--git-dir"] let wDir = optWorkingDir opts wd = if null wDir then takeDirectory gd else wDir -- Make sure we're in a known branch, and if so, let it begin forever $ withRepository lgFactoryLogger gd $ do log' $ pack $ "Saving snapshots under " ++ gd log' $ pack $ "Working tree: " ++ wd ref <- lookupReference "HEAD" case ref of Just (RefSymbolic name) -> do log' $ "Tracking branch " <> name void $ start wd userName userEmail name _ -> do log' "Cannot use git-monitor if no branch is checked out" liftIO $ threadDelay (optInterval opts * 1000000) where start wd userName userEmail ref = do let sref = "refs/snapshots/" <> ref -- Usually we ignore any snapshot history from a prior invocation of -- git-monitor, leaving those objects for git gc to cleanup; however, -- if --resume, continue the snapshot history from where we last left -- off. Note that if --resume is always used, this can end up -- consuming a lot of disk space over time. -- -- Also, it is useful to root the snapshot history at the current HEAD -- commit. Note that it must be a Just value at this point, see -- above. scr <- if optResume opts then resolveReference sref else return Nothing scr' <- maybe (resolveReference "HEAD") (return . Just) scr case scr' of Nothing -> errorL "Failed to lookup reference" Just r -> do sc <- lookupCommit (Tagged r) let toid = commitTree sc tree <- lookupTree toid ft <- readFileTree' tree wd (isNothing scr) -- Begin the snapshotting process, which continues -- indefinitely until the process is stopped. It is safe to -- cancel this process at any time, typically using SIGINT -- (C-c) or even SIGKILL. mutateTreeOid toid $ snapshotTree opts wd userName userEmail ref sref sc toid ft -- | 'snapshotTree' is the core workhorse of this utility. It periodically -- checks the filesystem for changes to Git-tracked files, and snapshots any -- changes that have occurred in them. snapshotTree :: (MonadGit LgRepo m, MonadLg m) => Options -> FilePath -> CommitAuthor -> CommitEmail -> RefName -> RefName -> Commit LgRepo -> TreeOid LgRepo -> HashMap TreeFilePath (FileEntry LgRepo) -> TreeT LgRepo m () snapshotTree opts wd name email ref sref = fix $ \loop sc toid ft -> do -- Read the current working tree's state on disk ft' <- lift $ readFileTree ref wd False -- Prune files which have been removed since the last interval, and find -- files which have been added or changed Map.foldlWithKey' (\a p e -> a >> scanOldEntry ft' p e) (return ()) ft Map.foldlWithKey' (\a p e -> a >> scanNewEntry ft p e) (return ()) ft' toid' <- currentTreeOid -- If the snapshot tree changed, create a new commit to reflect it sc' <- if toid /= toid' then do now <- liftIO getZonedTime let sig = Signature { signatureName = name , signatureEmail = email , signatureWhen = now } msg = "Snapshot at " ++ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %T %Z" now c <- lift $ createCommit [commitOid sc] toid' sig sig (T.pack msg) (Just sref) lift $ log' $ "Commit " <> (renderObjOid . commitOid $ c) return c else return sc -- Wait a given number of seconds liftIO $ threadDelay (optInterval opts * 1000000) -- Rinse, wash, repeat. ref' <- lift $ lookupReference "HEAD" let curRef = case ref' of Just (RefSymbolic ref'') -> ref''; _ -> "" if ref /= curRef then lift $ log' $ "Branch changed to " <> curRef <> ", restarting" else loop sc' toid' ft' where scanOldEntry :: (MonadGit LgRepo m, MonadLg m) => HashMap TreeFilePath (FileEntry LgRepo) -> TreeFilePath -> FileEntry LgRepo -> TreeT LgRepo m () scanOldEntry ft fp _ = case Map.lookup fp ft of Nothing -> do log' $ "Removed: " <> T.decodeUtf8 fp dropEntry fp _ -> return () scanNewEntry :: (MonadGit LgRepo m, MonadLg m) => HashMap TreeFilePath (FileEntry LgRepo) -> TreeFilePath -> FileEntry LgRepo -> TreeT LgRepo m () scanNewEntry ft fp (FileEntry mt oid kind _) = case Map.lookup fp ft of Nothing -> do log' $ "Added to snapshot: " <> T.decodeUtf8 fp putBlob' fp oid kind Just (FileEntry oldMt oldOid oldKind fileOid) | oid /= oldOid || kind /= oldKind -> do log' $ "Changed: " <> T.decodeUtf8 fp putBlob' fp oid kind | mt /= oldMt || oid /= fileOid -> do log' $ "Changed: " <> T.decodeUtf8 fp path <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath (wd B8.unpack fp) contents <- liftIO $ B.readFile path newOid <- lift $ createBlob (BlobString contents) putBlob' fp newOid kind | otherwise -> return () -- Main.hs (git-monitor) ends here