# NAME git-annex mirror - mirror content of files to/from another repository # SYNOPSIS git annex mirror `[path ...] [--to=remote|--from=remote]` # DESCRIPTION This causes a destination repository to mirror a source repository. Each specified file in the source repository is mirrored to the destination repository. If a file's content is present in the source repository, it is copied to the destination repository. If a file's content is not present in the source repository, it will be dropped from the destination repository when the numcopies setting allows. Note that mirror does not sync the git repository, but only the file contents. Use [[git-annex-sync]](1) for that. # OPTIONS * `--to=remote` Use the local repository as the source repository, and mirror its contents to the remote. * `--from=remote` Use the remote as the source repository, and mirror its contents to the local repository. * `--jobs=N` `-JN` Enables parallel transfers with up to the specified number of jobs running at once. For example: `-J10` Setting this to "cpus" will run one job per CPU core. * `--all` `-A` Mirror all objects stored in the git annex, not only objects used by currently existing files. However, this bypasses checking the .gitattributes annex.numcopies setting when dropping files. This is the default behavior when running git-annex in a bare repository. * `--branch=ref` Operate on files in the specified branch or treeish. Like --all, this bypasses checking the .gitattributes annex.numcopies setting when dropping files. * `--unused` Operate on files found by last run of git-annex unused. * `--failed` Operate on files that have recently failed to be transferred. * file matching options The [[git-annex-matching-options]](1) can be used to specify files to mirror. * `--json` Enable JSON output. This is intended to be parsed by programs that use git-annex. Each line of output is a JSON object. * `--json-progress` Include progress objects in JSON output. * `--json-error-messages` Messages that would normally be output to standard error are included in the json instead. * Also the [[git-annex-common-options]](1) can be used. # SEE ALSO [[git-annex]](1) [[git-annex-sync]](1) # AUTHOR Joey Hess Warning: Automatically converted into a man page by mdwn2man. Edit with care.