git-annex 5.20151019 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * Fix a longstanding, but unlikely to occur bug, where dropping a file from a remote could race with other drops of the same file, and result in all copies of its content being lost. * git-annex-shell: Added lockcontent command, to prevent dropping of a key's content. This is necessary due to the above bugfix. * In some cases, the above bugfix changes what git-annex allows you to drop: - When a file is present in several special remotes, but not in any accessible git repositories, dropping it from one of the special remotes will now fail. Instead, the file has to be moved from one of the special remotes to the git repository, and can then safely be dropped from the git repository. - If a git remote has too old a version of git-annex-shell installed, git-annex won't trust it to hold onto a copy of a file when dropping that file from the local git repository. * Changed drop ordering when using git annex sync --content or the assistant, to drop from remotes first and from the local repo last. This works better with the behavior changes to drop in many cases. * Do verification of checksums of annex objects downloaded from remotes. * When annex objects are received into git repositories from other git repos, their checksums are verified then too. * To get the old, faster, behavior of not verifying checksums, set annex.verify=false, or remote.<name>.annex-verify=false. * setkey, rekey: These commands also now verify that the provided file matches the expected checksum of the key, unless annex.verify=false. * reinject: Already verified content; this can now be disabled by setting annex.verify=false. * sync, merge, assistant: When git merge failed for a reason other than a conflicted merge, such as a crippled filesystem not allowing particular characters in filenames, git-annex would make a merge commit that could omit such files or otherwise be bad. Fixed by aborting the whole merge process when git merge fails for any reason other than a merge conflict. * Allow building with S3 disabled again. * Ported disk free space checking code to work on Solaris. * Windows webapp: Fix support for entering password when setting up a ssh remote. * copy --auto was checking the wrong repo's preferred content. (--from was checking what --to should, and vice-versa.) Fixed this bug, which was introduced in version 5.20150727. * Avoid unncessary write to the location log when a file is unlocked and then added back with unchanged content. * S3: Fix support for using https. * Avoid displaying network transport warning when a ssh remote does not yet have an annex.uuid set. * Debian: Add torrent library to build-depends as it's packaged now, and stop recommending bittornado | bittorrent. * Debian: Remove build dependency on transformers library, as it is now included in ghc. * Debian: Remote menu file, since a desktop file is provided and lintian says there can be only one."""]]