-- |
-- Module      : Data.Git.Monad
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Nicolas DI PRIMA <nicolas@di-prima.fr>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unix
-- Simplifies the Git operation presents in this package.
-- You can easily access to the usual Git general informations:
-- * access to Head, Branches or Tags
-- * direct access to a Commit
-- This module also defines a convenient Monad to access the whole information
-- from a Commit: see 'CommitAccessMonad' and 'withCommit'.
-- You can also easily create a new commit: see 'CommitM' and 'withNewCommit'

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

module Data.Git.Monad
    ( -- * GitMonad
    , GitM
    , withRepo
    , withCurrentRepo
      -- ** Operations
    , Resolvable(..)
    , branchList
    , branchWrite
    , tagList
    , tagWrite
    , headGet
    , headResolv
    , headSet
    , getCommit

      -- * Read a commit
    , CommitAccessM
    , withCommit
      -- ** Operations
    , getAuthor
    , getCommitter
    , getParents
    , getExtras
    , getEncoding
    , getMessage
    , getFile
    , getDir
      -- * Create a new Commit
    , CommitM
    , withNewCommit
    , withBranch
      -- ** Operations
    , setAuthor
    , setCommitter
    , setParents
    , setExtras
    , setEncoding
    , setMessage
    , setFile
    , deleteFile

      -- * convenients re-exports
    , Git.Git
    , Git.Ref
    , Git.RefName(..)
    , Git.Commit(..)
    , Git.Person(..)
    ) where

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Git as Git
import qualified Data.Git.Revision as Git
import qualified Data.Git.Repository as Git
import qualified Data.Git.Storage.Object as Git
import           Data.Git.Imports
import           Data.Git.OS

--import qualified Filesystem.Path as FP

import Data.Set (Set)

--                              Revision helper                              --

revisionFromString :: String -> Git.Revision
revisionFromString = Git.fromString

-- | this is a convenient class to allow a common interface for what user may
-- need to optain a Ref from a given Resolvable object.
-- each of this instances is a convenient implementation of what a user would
-- have to do in order to resolve a branch, a tag or a String.
-- > resolve (Ref "2ad98b90...2ca") === Ref "2ad98b90...2ca"
-- > resolve "master"
-- > resolve "HEAD^^^"
class Resolvable rev where
    resolve :: GitMonad m => rev -> m (Maybe Git.Ref)
instance Resolvable Git.Ref where
    resolve = return . Just
instance Resolvable Git.Revision where
    resolve rev = do
        git <- getGit
        liftGit $ Git.resolveRevision git rev
instance Resolvable String where
    resolve = resolve . revisionFromString
instance Resolvable Git.RefName where
    resolve = resolve . Git.refNameRaw

--                              GitMonad                                     --

-- | Basic operations common between the different Monads defined in this
-- package.
class (Functor m, Applicative m, Monad m) => GitMonad m where
    -- | the current Monad must allow access to the current Git
    getGit :: m Git.Git
    liftGit :: IO a -> m a

branchList :: GitMonad git => git (Set Git.RefName)
branchList = getGit >>= liftGit . Git.branchList

branchWrite :: GitMonad git => Git.RefName -> Git.Ref -> git ()
branchWrite rn ref = do
    git <- getGit
    liftGit $ Git.branchWrite git rn ref

tagList :: GitMonad git => git (Set Git.RefName)
tagList = getGit >>= liftGit . Git.tagList

tagWrite :: GitMonad git => Git.RefName -> Git.Ref -> git ()
tagWrite rn ref = do
    git <- getGit
    liftGit $ Git.tagWrite git rn ref

headGet :: GitMonad git => git (Either Git.Ref Git.RefName)
headGet = getGit >>= liftGit . Git.headGet

headResolv :: GitMonad git => git (Maybe Git.Ref)
headResolv = do
    e <- headGet
    case e of
        Left ref -> resolve ref
        Right v  -> resolve v

headSet :: GitMonad git => Either Git.Ref Git.RefName -> git ()
headSet e = do
    git <- getGit
    liftGit $ Git.headSet git e

getCommit :: (GitMonad git, Resolvable ref) => ref -> git (Maybe Git.Commit)
getCommit r = do
    mRef <- resolve r
    case mRef of
        Nothing  -> return Nothing
        Just ref -> do
            git <- getGit
            liftGit $ Git.getCommitMaybe git ref

setObject :: (GitMonad git, Git.Objectable obj) => obj -> git Git.Ref
setObject obj = do
    git <- getGit
    liftGit $ Git.setObject git $ Git.toObject obj

getObject :: (GitMonad git, Resolvable ref)
          => ref
          -> Bool
          -> git (Maybe Git.Object)
getObject rev resolvDelta = do
    git <- getGit
    mRef <- resolve rev
    case mRef of
        Nothing  -> return Nothing
        Just ref -> liftGit $ Git.getObject git ref resolvDelta

workTreeNew :: GitMonad git => git Git.WorkTree
workTreeNew = liftGit Git.workTreeNew

workTreeFrom :: GitMonad git => Git.Ref -> git Git.WorkTree
workTreeFrom ref = liftGit $ Git.workTreeFrom ref

workTreeFlush :: GitMonad git => Git.WorkTree -> git Git.Ref
workTreeFlush tree = do
    git <- getGit
    liftGit $ Git.workTreeFlush git tree

resolvPath :: (GitMonad git, Resolvable ref)
           => ref -- ^ the commit Ref, Revision ("master", "HEAD^^" or a ref...)
           -> Git.EntPath
           -> git (Maybe Git.Ref)
resolvPath commitRev entPath = do
    git <- getGit
    mRef <- resolve commitRev
    case mRef of
        Nothing  -> return Nothing
        Just ref -> liftGit $ Git.resolvePath git ref entPath

--                                                                           --

data Result ctx a
    = ResultSuccess !ctx !a
    | ResultFailure !String

--                                 GitM                                      --

data GitContext = GitContext
    { gitContextGit  :: !Git.Git

newtype GitM a = GitM
    { runGitM :: GitContext -> IO (Result GitContext a)

instance Functor GitM where
    fmap = fmapGitM

instance Applicative GitM where
    pure  = returnGitM
    (<*>) = appendGitM

instance Monad GitM where
    return = returnGitM
    (>>=)  = bindGitM
    fail   = failGitM

instance GitMonad GitM where
    getGit  = getGitM
    liftGit = liftGitM

fmapGitM :: (a -> b) -> GitM a -> GitM b
fmapGitM f m = GitM $ \ctx -> do
    r <- runGitM m ctx
    return $ case r of
        ResultSuccess ctx' v -> ResultSuccess ctx' (f v)
        ResultFailure err    -> ResultFailure err

returnGitM :: a -> GitM a
returnGitM v = GitM $ \ctx -> return (ResultSuccess ctx v)

appendGitM :: GitM (a -> b) -> GitM a -> GitM b
appendGitM m1f m2 = m1f >>= \f -> m2 >>= \v -> return (f v)

bindGitM :: GitM a -> (a -> GitM b) -> GitM b
bindGitM m fm = GitM $ \ctx -> do
    r <- runGitM m ctx
    case r of
        ResultSuccess ctx' v -> runGitM (fm v) ctx'
        ResultFailure err    -> return (ResultFailure err)

failGitM :: String -> GitM a
failGitM msg = GitM $ \_ -> return (ResultFailure msg)

getGitM :: GitM Git.Git
getGitM = GitM $ \ctx -> return (ResultSuccess ctx (gitContextGit ctx))

liftGitM :: IO a -> GitM a
liftGitM f = GitM $ \ctx -> ResultSuccess ctx <$> f

executeGitM :: Git.Git -> GitM a -> IO (Either String a)
executeGitM git m = do
    r <- runGitM m $ GitContext git
    return $ case r of
        ResultSuccess _   v -> Right v
        ResultFailure err   -> Left err

withRepo :: LocalPath -> GitM a -> IO (Either String a)
withRepo repoPath m = Git.withRepo repoPath (\git -> executeGitM git m)

withCurrentRepo :: GitM a -> IO (Either String a)
withCurrentRepo m = Git.withCurrentRepo (\git -> executeGitM git m)

--                             CommitAccessM                                 --

data CommitAccessContext = CommitAccessContext
    { commitAccessContextCommit :: !Git.Commit
    , commitAccessContextRef    :: !Git.Ref

-- | ReadOnly operations on a given commit
newtype CommitAccessM  a = CommitAccessM
    { runCommitAccessM :: forall git . GitMonad git => CommitAccessContext -> git (Result CommitAccessContext a)

instance Functor CommitAccessM where
    fmap = fmapCommitAccessM

instance Applicative CommitAccessM where
    pure  = returnCommitAccessM
    (<*>) = appendCommitAccessM

instance Monad CommitAccessM where
    return = returnCommitAccessM
    (>>=)  = bindCommitAccessM
    fail   = failCommitAccessM

instance GitMonad CommitAccessM where
    getGit  = getCommitAccessM
    liftGit = liftCommitAccessM

fmapCommitAccessM :: (a -> b) -> CommitAccessM a -> CommitAccessM b
fmapCommitAccessM f m = CommitAccessM $ \ctx -> do
    r <- runCommitAccessM m ctx
    return $ case r of
        ResultSuccess ctx' v -> ResultSuccess ctx' (f v)
        ResultFailure err    -> ResultFailure err

returnCommitAccessM :: a -> CommitAccessM a
returnCommitAccessM v = CommitAccessM $ \ctx -> return (ResultSuccess ctx v)

appendCommitAccessM :: CommitAccessM (a -> b) -> CommitAccessM a -> CommitAccessM b
appendCommitAccessM m1f m2 = m1f >>= \f -> m2 >>= \v -> return (f v)

bindCommitAccessM :: CommitAccessM a -> (a -> CommitAccessM b) -> CommitAccessM b
bindCommitAccessM m fm = CommitAccessM $ \ctx -> do
    r <- runCommitAccessM m ctx
    case r of
        ResultSuccess ctx' v -> runCommitAccessM (fm v) ctx'
        ResultFailure err    -> return (ResultFailure err)

failCommitAccessM :: String -> CommitAccessM a
failCommitAccessM msg = CommitAccessM $ \_ -> return (ResultFailure msg)

getCommitAccessM :: CommitAccessM Git.Git
getCommitAccessM = CommitAccessM $ \ctx -> ResultSuccess ctx <$> getGit

liftCommitAccessM :: IO a -> CommitAccessM a
liftCommitAccessM f = CommitAccessM $ \ctx -> ResultSuccess ctx <$> (liftGit f)

-- Operations -----------------------------------------------------------------

withCommitAccessContext :: (CommitAccessContext -> a) -> CommitAccessM a
withCommitAccessContext operation = CommitAccessM $ \ctx ->
    return $ ResultSuccess ctx $ operation ctx

getAuthor :: CommitAccessM Git.Person
getAuthor = withCommitAccessContext (Git.commitAuthor . commitAccessContextCommit)

getCommitter :: CommitAccessM Git.Person
getCommitter = withCommitAccessContext (Git.commitCommitter . commitAccessContextCommit)

getParents :: CommitAccessM [Git.Ref]
getParents = withCommitAccessContext (Git.commitParents . commitAccessContextCommit)

getExtras :: CommitAccessM [Git.CommitExtra]
getExtras = withCommitAccessContext (Git.commitExtras . commitAccessContextCommit)

getEncoding :: CommitAccessM (Maybe ByteString)
getEncoding = withCommitAccessContext (Git.commitEncoding . commitAccessContextCommit)

getMessage :: CommitAccessM ByteString
getMessage = withCommitAccessContext (Git.commitMessage . commitAccessContextCommit)

getContextRef_ :: CommitAccessM Git.Ref
getContextRef_ = withCommitAccessContext commitAccessContextRef

getContextObject_ :: Git.EntPath -> CommitAccessM (Maybe Git.Object)
getContextObject_ fp = do
    commitRef <- getContextRef_
    mRef <- resolvPath commitRef fp
    case mRef of
        Nothing  -> return Nothing
        Just ref -> getObject ref True

-- | get the content of the file at the given Path
-- if the given Path is not a file or does not exist,
-- the function returns Nothing.
getFile :: Git.EntPath -> CommitAccessM (Maybe BL.ByteString)
getFile fp = do
    mObj <- getContextObject_ fp
    return $ case mObj of
        Nothing  -> Nothing
        Just obj -> case Git.objectToBlob obj of
            Nothing -> Nothing
            Just b  -> Just $ Git.blobGetContent b

-- | list the element present in the Given Directory Path
-- if the given Path is not a directory or does not exist,
-- the function returns Nothing.
getDir :: Git.EntPath -> CommitAccessM (Maybe [Git.EntName])
getDir fp = do
    mObj <- getContextObject_ fp
    return $ case mObj of
        Nothing  -> Nothing
        Just obj -> case Git.objectToTree obj of
            Nothing   -> Nothing
            Just tree -> Just $ map (\(_, n, _) -> n) $ Git.treeGetEnts tree

-- | open a commit in the current GitMonad
-- Read commit's info (Author, Committer, message...) or Commit's Tree.
-- > withCurrentRepo $
-- >    withCommit "master" $ do
-- >        -- print the commit's author information
-- >        author <- getAuthor
-- >        liftGit $ print author
-- >
-- >        -- print the list of files|dirs in the root directory
-- >        l <- getDir []
-- >        liftGit $ print l
withCommit :: (Resolvable ref, GitMonad git)
           => ref
                -- ^ the commit revision or reference to open
           -> CommitAccessM a
           -> git a
withCommit rev m = do
    mRef <- resolve rev
    case mRef of
        Nothing -> fail "revision does not exist"
        Just ref -> do
            mCommit <- getCommit ref
            case mCommit of
                Nothing -> fail $ "the given ref does not exist or is not a commit"
                Just commit -> do
                    let ctx = CommitAccessContext
                                { commitAccessContextCommit = commit
                                , commitAccessContextRef    = ref
                    r <- runCommitAccessM m ctx
                    case r of
                        ResultFailure err   -> fail err
                        ResultSuccess _   a -> return a

--                                 CommitM                                      --

data CommitContext = CommitContext
    { commitContextAuthor    :: !Git.Person
    , commitContextCommitter :: !Git.Person
    , commitContextParents   :: ![Git.Ref]
    , commitContextExtras    :: ![Git.CommitExtra]
    , commitContextEncoding  :: !(Maybe ByteString)
    , commitContextMessage   :: !ByteString
    , commitContextTree      :: !Git.WorkTree

newtype CommitM  a = CommitM
    { runCommitM :: forall git . GitMonad git => CommitContext -> git (Result CommitContext a)

instance Functor CommitM where
    fmap = fmapCommitM

instance Applicative CommitM where
    pure  = returnCommitM
    (<*>) = appendCommitM

instance Monad CommitM where
    return = returnCommitM
    (>>=)  = bindCommitM
    fail   = failCommitM

instance GitMonad CommitM where
    getGit  = getCommitM
    liftGit = liftCommitM

fmapCommitM :: (a -> b) -> CommitM a -> CommitM b
fmapCommitM f m = CommitM $ \ctx -> do
    r <- runCommitM m ctx
    return $ case r of
        ResultSuccess ctx' v -> ResultSuccess ctx' (f v)
        ResultFailure err    -> ResultFailure err

returnCommitM :: a -> CommitM a
returnCommitM v = CommitM $ \ctx -> return (ResultSuccess ctx v)

appendCommitM :: CommitM (a -> b) -> CommitM a -> CommitM b
appendCommitM m1f m2 = m1f >>= \f -> m2 >>= \v -> return (f v)

bindCommitM :: CommitM a -> (a -> CommitM b) -> CommitM b
bindCommitM m fm = CommitM $ \ctx -> do
    r <- runCommitM m ctx
    case r of
        ResultSuccess ctx' v -> runCommitM (fm v) ctx'
        ResultFailure err    -> return (ResultFailure err)

failCommitM :: String -> CommitM a
failCommitM msg = CommitM $ \_ -> return (ResultFailure msg)

getCommitM :: CommitM Git.Git
getCommitM = CommitM $ \ctx -> ResultSuccess ctx <$> getGit

liftCommitM :: IO a -> CommitM a
liftCommitM f = CommitM $ \ctx -> ResultSuccess ctx <$> (liftGit f)

-- Operations -----------------------------------------------------------------

commitUpdateContext :: (CommitContext -> IO (CommitContext, a)) -> CommitM a
commitUpdateContext operation = CommitM $ \ctx -> do
    (ctx', r) <- liftGit $ operation ctx
    return (ResultSuccess ctx' r)

-- | replace the Commit's Author
setAuthor :: Git.Person -> CommitM ()
setAuthor p = commitUpdateContext $ \ctx -> return (ctx { commitContextCommitter = p }, ())

-- | replace the Commit's Committer
setCommitter :: Git.Person -> CommitM ()
setCommitter p = commitUpdateContext $ \ctx -> return (ctx { commitContextCommitter = p }, ())

-- | replace the Commit's Parents
setParents :: [Git.Ref] -> CommitM ()
setParents l = commitUpdateContext $ \ctx -> return (ctx { commitContextParents = l }, ())

-- | replace the Commit's Extras
setExtras :: [Git.CommitExtra] -> CommitM ()
setExtras l = commitUpdateContext $ \ctx -> return (ctx { commitContextExtras = l }, ())

-- | replace the Commit's encoding
setEncoding :: Maybe ByteString -> CommitM ()
setEncoding e = commitUpdateContext $ \ctx -> return (ctx { commitContextEncoding = e }, ())

-- | replace the Commit's message with the new given message.
setMessage :: ByteString -> CommitM ()
setMessage msg = commitUpdateContext $ \ctx -> return (ctx { commitContextMessage = msg }, ())

setContextObject_ :: Git.Objectable object
                  => Git.EntPath
                  -> (Git.EntType, object)
                  -> CommitM ()
setContextObject_ path (t, obj) = do
    ref <- setObject obj
    git <- getGit
    commitUpdateContext $ \ctx -> do
        Git.workTreeSet git (commitContextTree ctx) path (t, ref)
        return (ctx, ())

-- | add a new file in in the Commit's Working Tree
setFile :: Git.EntPath
        -> BL.ByteString
        -> CommitM ()
setFile path bl = setContextObject_ path (Git.EntFile , Git.Blob bl)

-- | delete a file from the Commit's Working Tree.
deleteFile :: Git.EntPath -> CommitM ()
deleteFile path = do
    git <- getGit
    commitUpdateContext $ \ctx -> do
        Git.workTreeDelete git (commitContextTree ctx) path
        return (ctx, ())

-- | create a new commit in the current GitMonad
-- The commit is pre-filled with the following default values:
-- * author and committer are the same
-- * the commit's parents is an empty list
-- * there is no commit encoding
-- * the commit's extras is an empty list
-- * the commit message is an empty ByteString
-- * the working tree is a new empty Tree or the Tree associated to the
--   given Revision or Ref.
-- You can update these values with the commit setters (setFile, setAuthor...)
-- Example:
-- > withCurrentRepo $
-- >    (r, ()) <- withNewCommit person Nothing $ do
-- >        setMessage "inital commit"
-- >        setFile ["README.md"] "# My awesome project\n\nthis is a new project\n"
-- >    branchWrite "master" r
-- >
-- you can also continue the work on a same branch. In this case the commit's
-- parent is already set to the Reference associated to the revision.
-- You can, change the parents if you wish to erase, or replace, this value.
-- > withCurrentRepo $
-- >    readmeContent <- withCommit (Just "master") $ getFile ["README.md"]
-- >    (r, ()) <- withNewCommit person (Just "master") $ do
-- >        setMessage "update the README"
-- >        setFile ["README.md"] $ readmeContent <> "just add some more description\n"
-- >    branchWrite "master" r
withNewCommit :: (GitMonad git, Resolvable rev)
              => Git.Person
                -- ^ by default a commit must have an Author and a Committer.
                -- The given value will be given to both Author and Committer.
              -> Maybe rev
                -- ^ it is possible to prepopulate the Working Tree with a
                -- given Ref's Tree.
              -> CommitM a
                -- ^ the action to perform in the new commit (set files,
                -- Person, encoding or extras)
              -> git (Git.Ref, a)
withNewCommit p mPrec m = do
    workTree <- case mPrec of
                    Nothing -> workTreeNew
                    Just r -> do
                        mc <- getCommit r
                        case mc of
                            Nothing -> fail "the given revision does not exist or is not a commit"
                            Just c  -> workTreeFrom (Git.commitTreeish c)
    parents <- case mPrec of
                    Nothing -> return []
                    Just r  -> do
                        mr <- resolve r
                        return $ case mr of
                            Nothing -> []
                            Just ref -> [ref]
    let ctx = CommitContext
                { commitContextAuthor    = p
                , commitContextCommitter = p
                , commitContextParents   = parents
                , commitContextExtras    = []
                , commitContextEncoding  = Nothing
                , commitContextMessage   = B.empty
                , commitContextTree      = workTree
    r <- runCommitM m ctx
    case r of
        ResultFailure err    -> fail err
        ResultSuccess ctx' a -> do
            treeRef <- workTreeFlush (commitContextTree ctx')
            let commit = Git.Commit
                            { Git.commitTreeish   = treeRef
                            , Git.commitParents   = commitContextParents ctx'
                            , Git.commitAuthor    = commitContextAuthor ctx'
                            , Git.commitCommitter = commitContextCommitter ctx'
                            , Git.commitEncoding  = commitContextEncoding ctx'
                            , Git.commitExtras    = commitContextExtras ctx'
                            , Git.commitMessage   = commitContextMessage ctx'
            ref <- setObject commit
            return (ref, a)

-- | create or continue to work on a branch
-- This is a convenient function to create or to linearily work  on a branch.
-- This function applies a first Collect of information on the parent commit
-- (the actual branch's commit). Then it creates a new commit and update
-- the branch to point to this commit.
-- for example:
-- @
-- withCurrentRepo $
--     withBranch person "master" True
--         (getAuthor)
--         (maybe (setMessage "initial commit on this branch")
--                (\author -> setMessage $ "continue the great work of " ++ show (personName author))
--         )
-- @
withBranch :: GitMonad git
           => Git.Person
                -- ^ the default Author and Committer (see 'withNewCommit')
           -> Git.RefName
                -- ^ the branch to work on
           -> Bool
                -- ^ propopulate the parent's tree (if it exists) in the
                -- new created commit.
                -- In any cases, if the branch already exists, the new commit
                -- parent will be filled with the result of ('resolv' "branchName")
           -> (CommitAccessM a)
                -- ^ the action to performs in the parent's new commit if it exists.
           -> (Maybe a -> CommitM b)
                -- ^ the action to performs in the new commit
                -- the argument is the result of the action on the parent commit.
                -- Nothing if the parent does not exist.
           -> git (Git.Ref, b)
withBranch p branchName keepTree actionParent actionNew = do
    -- attempt to resolve the branch
    mRefParent <- resolve branchName

    -- configure the precedency of the tree and the action in the new commit
    (mRefTree, actionInCommit) <- case mRefParent of
        -- in the case the branch does not exist already: there is not precedency
        Nothing -> return (Nothing, actionNew Nothing)
        -- if the branch exists
        Just refParent -> do
            -- performs the action in the parent commit
            a <- withCommit refParent actionParent
            return $ if keepTree
                -- if user has choosen to prepopulate the Tree with the
                -- parent's tree we prepopulate the tree.
                then (Just refParent, actionNew $ Just a)
                -- else, we make sure the parent is at least setted
                else (Nothing, setParents [refParent] >> actionNew (Just a))
    -- create the new commit
    (ref, b) <- withNewCommit p (mRefTree) actionInCommit
    -- write the branch
    branchWrite branchName ref
    return (ref, b)