{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances, PatternGuards, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts #-} module Main(main) where import Data.Char import System.Directory import Data.List hiding(or,and,any,all) import Data.Maybe import System.Cmd import System.Time import System.Random import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import Data.Array.IO import Data.IORef import Data.Unique import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as Hash import qualified System.Posix as Posix import qualified System.Posix.IO as PosixIO import System.IO import Atom import Boolean.Algebra import Boolean.Boolean import CacheIO import Charset import ConfigFile import Control.Monad.Error import Curses import Doc.Chars(rTee,hLine,lTee) import Doc.DocLike hiding(space) import EIO import ErrorLog import Filter import Gale.Gale import Gale.KeyCache(numberKeys) import Gale.Puff import GenUtil import GinsuConfig import Help import KeyName import MyLocale import qualified OldHash import Options import PackedString import Prelude hiding((&&),(||),not,and,or,any,all) import Regex import RSA import Screen import Status import System.Locale import Version import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS idleThreshold = 240 pufflog = "ginsu.5.pufflog" helpText = "Need help? Press F1 or ?" getTmpFile = do pid <- Posix.getProcessID u <- newUnique return ("/tmp/ginsu.puff." ++ show pid ++ "." ++ show (hashUnique u)) data MainEvent = MainEventKey Curses.Key | MainEventPuff Puff | MainEventComposed (Maybe Puff) (IO ()) insertKeys ic s = mapM_ (\c -> writeChan ic (MainEventKey c)) (stringToKeys s) {-# NOTINLINE main #-} main = do setupLocale configureGinsu (flags, acats) <- ginsuOpts checkConfigIsGood withErrorMessage bugMsg $ do logname <- case envErrorLog flags of Just x -> return x Nothing -> galeFile "ginsu.errorlog" withErrorLog logname $ withStartEndEntrys "Ginsu" $ do case (envVerbose flags) of 1 -> do setLogLevel LogInfo putLog LogNotice $ "Verbosity level: Info" n | n > 1 -> do setLogLevel LogDebug putLog LogNotice $ "Verbosity level: Debug" _ -> return () cs <- configLookup "CHARSET" charsetSetup cs setErrorLogPutStr $ \h s -> do Status.log s Charset.csHPutStr h s galeDir <- getGaleDir gp <- getGaleProxy gid <- getGaleId galeDomain <- getGaleDomain galeAliases <- getGaleAliases Status.set "Ginsu.Version" Version.fullName Status.set "Ginsu.Errorlog" logname Status.setF "Ginsu.Charset" MyLocale.getCharset Status.setF "Gale.Config.Domain" getGaleDomain Status.setF "Gale.Config.Id" getGaleId Status.setF "Gale.Config.Proxy" (fmap simpleQuote getGaleProxy) Status.setF "Gale.Config.Dir" getGaleDir putLog LogInfo $ "GALE_DIR " ++ galeDir putLog LogInfo $ "GALE_DOMAIN " ++ galeDomain putLog LogInfo $ "GALE_ID " ++ gid putLog LogInfo $ "GALE_PROXY " ++ simpleQuote gp putLog LogInfo $ "GALE_ALIASES \n" ++ unlines ( map (\(l,cat) -> " " ++ l ++ " -> " ++ show cat) galeAliases) Control.Exception.bracket_ initCurses endWin $ do b <- configLookupBool "USE_DEFAULT_COLORS" when b useDefaultColors withCursor CursorInvisible $ do ic <- newChan b <- configLookupBool "DISABLE_SIGWINCH" redraw_r <- newRenderContext Posix.installHandler Posix.sigINT Posix.Ignore Nothing Posix.installHandler Posix.sigPIPE Posix.Ignore Nothing case (b,cursesSigWinch) of (False,Just s) -> Posix.installHandler s (Posix.Catch (resizeRenderContext redraw_r (writeChan ic (MainEventKey KeyResize)))) Nothing >> return () _ -> return () gs <- fmap (concat . map words) $ configLookupList "GALE_SUBSCRIBE" gps <- getGaleProxy let c = if envJustArgs flags then acats else gs ++ acats nc = map ("_gale.notice@" ++) $ snub (map categoryCell (map catParseNew c)) --let c = gs ++ acats -- nc = map ("_gale.notice@" ++) $ snub (snds (map catParseNew c)) withGale gps $ \gc -> do Status.setF "Gale.Server" (fmap fromEither $ readMVar $ connectionStatus gc ) Status.setF "Gale.Categories" (fmap (unwords . map catShowNew ) $ readMVar $ gCategory gc ) Status.setFS "Gale.Keys.Cached" (numberKeys $ keyCache gc) galeAddCategories gc $ map catParseNew (snub $ c ++ nc) Category (name,domain) <- fmap catParseNew getGaleId galeAddCategories gc $ [Category ("_gale.rr." ++ name ,domain)] doRender widgetEmpty pl <- forkIO $ puffLoop ic gc gl <- forkIO $ getchLoop ic yo <- newIORef (0::Int) plog <- galeFile pufflog ops <- if envNoPufflog flags then return [] else doRender (widgetCenter $ widgetText "Reading pufflog...") >> readPuffs plog ps <- newMVar ((reverse $ zip [1..] (reverse ops))) next_r <- newIORef (length ops + 1) pcount_r <- newIORef 0 unless (envNoWritePufflog flags || envNoPufflog flags) $ (forkIO $ pufflogLoop ps pcount_r 0) >> return () (Just s) <- configLookup "ON_STARTUP" insertKeys ic s doRender (widgetCenter $ widgetText "Entering main loop...") mainLoop gc ic yo ps next_r pcount_r redraw_r killThread pl killThread gl ps <- liftM (map snd) $ readVal ps unless (envNoPufflog flags || envNoWritePufflog flags) $ doRender (widgetCenter $ widgetText "Writing pufflog...") >> writePufflog ps pufflogLoop ps_r pcount_r n = do rnd <- randomIO threadDelay (30000000 + (rnd `mod` 10000000)) n' <- readVal pcount_r if n' /= n then do ps <- liftM (map snd) $ readVal ps_r writePufflog ps pufflogLoop ps_r pcount_r n' else pufflogLoop ps_r pcount_r n writePufflog ps = do plog <- galeFile pufflog plsize <- fmap (read . fromJust) $ configLookup "PUFFLOG_SIZE" withPrivateFiles $ writePuffs plog (if (plsize > 0) then (take plsize ps) else ps) puffLoop ic gc = repeatM_ $ galeNextPuff gc >>= \p -> (writeChan ic $ MainEventPuff p) getchLoop ic = repeatM_ (getCh >>= \x -> writeChan ic (MainEventKey x)) apHead f (x:xs) = f x:xs apHead _ [] = [] expandAliases :: [Category] -> IO [Category] expandAliases cats = do as <- getGaleAliases gd <- getGaleDomain let ec x@(Category (c,"")) = de $ head $ [Category (tc ++ drop (length f) c,td) | (f,Category (tc,td)) <- as, f `isPrefixOf` c] ++ [x] ec x = x de (Category (c,"")) = Category (c,gd) de x = x return $ map ec cats {- statusBarWidget :: SVar String -> SVar Int -> SVar Int -> Widget statusBarWidget svm svs svpc = widgetHorizontalBox False [(NoExpand,m), (Expand, widgetEmpty), (NoExpand,s), (NoExpand,widgetText "/"), (NoExpand, pc), (NoExpand,widgetText " ") ] where m = newSVarWidget svm widgetText s = newSVarWidget svs (widgetText . show) pc = newSVarWidget svpc (widgetText . show) -} type PresenceData = [(String,(String,String))] presenceString (_,(_,n)) = n --presenceView :: PresenceData -> Widget presenceView idleHash pl = dynamicWidget $ do itl <- Hash.toList idleHash (TOD ct _) <- getClockTime let pt = unlines $ "Online:": buildTableLL (concatMap rt (gf plon)) ++ ["", "Offline:"] ++ buildTableLL (concatMap rt (gf ploff)) gf ts = map (\ts -> (fst (head ts), snds ts)) (groupBy (\(a,_) (b,_) -> a == b) (sort ts)) (ploff,plon) = partition (\p -> "out" `isPrefixOf` presenceString p ) pl rt (a,bs) = [(a,it a ++ concatInter ", " (snub (snds bs)))] it a = case lookup a itl of Just n | n == epoch -> "[not idle]" Just (TOD nct _) -> if (ct - nct) < idleThreshold then "[not idle] " else "[" ++ showDuration (ct - nct) ++ "] " Nothing -> "" return $ widgetText pt presenceViewUser :: String -> PresenceData -> Widget presenceViewUser user pl = widgetText pt where pt = user ++ ":\n" ++ indentLines 2 (unlines $ buildTableLL ([b | (a,b) <- pl, a == user])) dialog "" = widgetEmpty dialog s = widgetCenter $ widgetAttr [AttrBold] $ widgetSimpleFrame wb where wb = widgetText $ unlines ([les] ++ map f es ++ [les]) m = (maximum (map length es)) f es = es ++ replicate (m - length es) ' ' les = replicate m ' ' es = map (\s -> " " ++ s ++ " " ) (lines s) generateIdInstance = do pid <- Posix.getProcessID n <- liftM Posix.nodeName Posix.getSystemID return $ n ++ "/" ++ show pid puffTemplate :: IO Puff puffTemplate = do idText <- generateIdInstance gi <- getGaleId t <- getClockTime u <- newUnique gn <- configLookup "GALE_NAME" n <- case gn of Just n -> return ((f_messageSender,FragmentText (packString n)):) Nothing -> return id let mid = sha1 . LBS.pack $ map (fromIntegral . ord) (show t ++ " " ++ idText ++ " " ++ show (hashUnique u)) let sig = [Signed (Key gi [])] let ef = n [ (f_messageId, FragmentText $ packString $ bsToHex mid), (fromString "id/class",FragmentText $ packString (package ++ "/" ++ version) ), (fromString "id/instance", FragmentText $ packString idText), (f_idTime,FragmentTime t)] return emptyPuff {fragments = ef, signature = sig} type Position = Int data Marks = Marks !(IOArray Char (Maybe [Filter])) !(IOArray Char (Maybe Position)) newMarks = go where go = do a1 <- newArray ('0', 'z') Nothing a2 <- newArray ('0', 'z') Nothing mapM_ (checkMark a1) ['1' .. '9'] return (Marks a1 a2) checkMark ma n = do let name = ("MARK_" ++ [n]) v <- configLookup name case v of Nothing -> return () Just z -> case parseFilter z of Left err -> putLog LogError ("Could not parse mark:" <+> name <+> z <+> err) >> return () Right y -> writeArray ma n (Just [y]) mark_set_filter :: Marks -> Char -> [Filter] -> IO () mark_set_filter (Marks arr _) c f = writeArray arr c (Just f) mark_set_pos (Marks _ arr) c p = writeArray arr c (Just p) mark_get_value (Marks a b) c = do f <- readArray a c p <- readArray b c return (f,p) {- mark_set_value m c (f,p) = do mark_set_filter m c f mark_set_pos m c p -} mark_valid :: Char -> Bool mark_valid ch = ch >= '0' && ch <= 'z' data GinsuState = GinsuState { gsMarks :: !Marks , gsWorkspace :: !(MVar Char) } newGinsuState = do marks <- newMarks workspace_r <- newMVar '1' return GinsuState { gsMarks = marks, gsWorkspace = workspace_r } messageBox :: RenderContext -> Widget -> String -> IO Bool messageBox rc fw s = setRenderWidget rc (stackedWidgets [keyCatcherWidget pk (dialog s), fw]) >> return True where pk _ = setRenderWidget rc fw >> return True askBox rc fw s pk = setRenderWidget rc (stackedWidgets [keyCatcherWidget pk (dialog s), fw]) >> return True markBox rc fw s action = askBox rc fw s pk where pk (KeyChar n) | mark_valid n = do action n setRenderWidget rc fw return True pk key = messageBox rc fw ("Invalid mark: " ++ keysToString [key]) mainLoop gc ic yor psr next_r pcount_r rc = do gs <- newGinsuState -- mark_set_r <- newIORef (listArray (0,9) (replicate 10 [])) hw <- helpWidget statusWidget <- statusWidget selected_r <- newMVar 0 let puffcount_r = readVal psr >>= return . length filter_r <- newMVar [] presence_r <- newMVar [] rot13_r <- newMVar False editing_r <- newMVar False presence <- configLookupElse "GALE_PRESENCE" "in.perhaps" myPresence <- newJVar presence Status.setF "Gale.Presence" (readVal myPresence) idleHash <- Hash.new :: IO (Hash.CuckooHashTable String ClockTime) -- (==) OldHash.hashString puffRRHash <- Hash.new :: IO (Hash.CuckooHashTable String [String]) -- (==) OldHash.hashString presenceWidget <- widgetScroll (newSVarWidget presence_r (presenceView idleHash)) ct <- getClockTime userActionTime <- newJVar ct keyTable <- buildKeyTable matchTable <- buildMatchTable icmain <- newChan let fsw = newSVarWidget filter_r $ \fs -> widgetHorizontalBox False (intersperse (NoExpand, widgetText " ") $ map (\w -> (NoExpand,widgetAttr [AttrReverse] (widgetText w))) (map showFilter fs)) selPuff <- newCacheIO $ do ps <- readVal psr selected <- cacheIO $ readVal selected_r return $ lookup selected ps getFilteredPuffs <- newCacheIO $ do (_,xs) <- cacheIOeq scrSize ps <- cacheIO $ readVal psr fs <- cacheIO $ readVal filter_r let f p = all (`filterAp` p) fs return [(x,puffHeight p xs)| x@(_,p) <- ps, f p] buf_size <- newCacheIO $ cacheIO getFilteredPuffs >>= \ps -> return $ sum [x | (_,x) <- ps] let statusHeight = do fs <- readVal filter_r return $ if length fs == 0 then 1 else 2 let sb = dynamicWidget $ do let m = widgetText helpText s <- fmap (widgetText . show) $ readVal selected_r nf <- fmap (widgetText . show) $ fmap length getFilteredPuffs pc <- fmap (widgetText . show) $ puffcount_r ws <- fmap (widgetText . show) $ readVal (gsWorkspace gs) st <- readVal $ connectionStatus gc let wt s = (NoExpand,widgetText s) ne w = (NoExpand,w) let f = case st of Right _ -> id Left s -> \w -> widgetVerticalBox False [ne w, (NoExpand,widgetAttr [AttrReverse] (widgetText $ "*** " ++ s ++ " ***"))] return $ f $ widgetHorizontalBox False [ne m, (Expand, widgetEmpty), wt "Workspace:", ne ws ,wt " ", ne s, wt " (", ne nf , wt "/", ne pc , wt ") " ] let keyError s k = messageBox rc fw (s ++ ": " ++ keysToString [k] ++ " -- " ++ helpText) >> return () setMessage m = messageBox rc fw m >> return () scrollPuffs x = mapVal yor (+ x) autoSaveMark = do n <- readVal (gsWorkspace gs) s <- readVal selected_r mark_set_pos (gsMarks gs) n s fs <- readVal filter_r mark_set_filter (gsMarks gs) n fs setWorkspace n = do autoSaveMark writeVal (gsWorkspace gs) n (f,s) <- mark_get_value (gsMarks gs) n modifyFilter $ maybe id const f maybe (return ()) (writeVal selected_r) s select_perhaps select_next center_puff filter_thread = do p <- selPuff case p of Just (Puff {cats = [c]}) -> modifyFilter (BoolJust (FilterCategory c):) Just (Puff {cats = cs}) -> modifyFilter (or (map (BoolJust . FilterCategory) cs):) _ -> return () addPuff p = do let author = getAuthor p Category (name,domain) <- fmap catParseNew getGaleId case getFragmentString p (f_noticePresence') of Nothing -> return () Just pn -> do let np@(a',(b',_)) = (author, (maybe "unknown" unpackPS (getFragmentString p (fromString "id/instance")), unpackPS pn)) mapVal presence_r (\xs -> (np:[x | x@(a,(b,_)) <- xs, a /= a' || b /= b'])) case getFragmentTime p (fromString "status.idle") of Nothing -> return () Just pn | pn == epoch -> Hash.delete idleHash author >> getClockTime >>= Hash.insert idleHash author Just pn -> do mt <- Hash.lookup idleHash author Hash.delete idleHash author Hash.insert idleHash author $ fromJust $ max mt (Just pn) case getFragmentString p (fromString "answer.receipt") of Just n | [Category (cat,dom)] <- cats p, dom == domain, ("_gale.rr." ++ name) `isPrefixOf` cat -> do mv <- Hash.lookup puffRRHash (drop (10 + length name) cat) Hash.delete puffRRHash (drop (10 + length name) cat) Hash.insert puffRRHash (drop (10 + length name) cat) (unpackPS n:concat (maybeToMonad mv :: [[String]])) _ -> return () case getFragmentString p (f_questionReceipt) of Nothing -> return () Just _ -> buildReciept p >>= \p -> forkIO (galeSendPuff gc p) >> return () case fmap unpackPS $ getFragmentString p f_messageBody of Nothing -> return () Just n -> when (not $ (all isSpace n) && (all (("_gale" `isPrefixOf`) . categoryHead) (cats p))) $ do mt <- Hash.lookup idleHash author pn <- getClockTime Hash.insert idleHash author $ fromJust $ max mt (Just pn) v <- configLookupList "BEEP" let f = or (rights (map parseFilter v)) when (filterAp f p) Curses.beep n <- readVal next_r mapVal next_r (+1) mapVal pcount_r (+1) mapVal psr (\ps -> ((n,p):ps)) sbsize <- fmap (read . fromJust) $ configLookup "SCROLLBACK_SIZE" case sbsize of 0 -> return () _ -> do let keep = min n sbsize mapVal psr (\ps -> zip [keep, (keep - 1) .. 1] (snds $ take keep ps)) mapVal selected_r (\s -> s - (n - keep)) mapVal next_r (\s -> s - (n - keep)) select_perhaps select_next --touchRenderContext rc composePuff :: IO () -> [Category] -> [PackedString] -> IO () composePuff done cs kwds = do p <- puffTemplate editPuff (p {cats = cs, fragments = fragments p ++ [ (f_messageKeyword,FragmentText k) | k <- kwds]}) ic done getPresenceFrags = do mp <- readVal myPresence (TOD ct _) <- getClockTime uaT@(TOD uat _) <- readVal userActionTime (it,is,notIdle) <- return $ case ct - uat of n | n < idleThreshold -> (epoch," (not idle)",True) n -> (uaT," (" ++ (showDuration n) ++ " idle)",False) return ([ (f_noticePresence',FragmentText (packString (mp ++ is))), (fromString "status.presence", FragmentText $ packString mp), (fromString "status.idle", FragmentTime it)],notIdle) buildReciept p = do np <- puffTemplate r <- getFragmentString p (fromString "question.receipt") gid <- getGaleId let rid = maybe [] (\x -> [(fromString "receipt.id",FragmentText x)]) $ getFragmentString p (f_messageId) (pf,_) <- getPresenceFrags return $ np { cats = [catParseNew (unpackPS r)], fragments = fragments np ++ pf ++ rid ++ [(fromString "answer.receipt",FragmentText $ packString gid)]} presenceLoop = do let loopIsIdle ct = do ct' <- waitJVarEq userActionTime ct notIdle <- sendPresence True if notIdle then loopNotIdle else loopIsIdle ct' loopNotIdle = do notIdle <- sendPresence False threadDelay $ (fromIntegral idleThreshold) * 1000000 if notIdle then loopNotIdle else readVal userActionTime >>= loopIsIdle sendPresence True loopNotIdle sendPresence sendIfNotIdle = do notifyCategory <- getMyNotifyCategory (pf,notIdle) <- getPresenceFrags when (sendIfNotIdle || not notIdle) $ do p <- puffTemplate galeSendPuff gc $ p {cats = [notifyCategory], fragments = fragments p ++ pf} return notIdle gonePresencePuff = do notifyCategory <- getMyNotifyCategory p <- puffTemplate let ef = [(f_noticePresence' ,FragmentText (toPackedString f_outGone)), (f_noticePresence, FragmentText (toPackedString f_outGone))] return $ p {cats = [notifyCategory], fragments = fragments p ++ ef } modifyFilter f = do mapVal filter_r f select_perhaps select_next >> select_perhaps select_prev center_puff center_puff = do (ys,_) <- scrSize selected <- readVal selected_r ps <- liftM reverse getFilteredPuffs let f t (((n,_),h):_) | n == selected = (t,t+h) f t ((_,h):rest) = f (t + h) rest f _ [] = (1000000,0) let (mn,mx) = (f 0) ps mapVal yor (min mn) sh <- statusHeight mapVal yor (max (mx - (ys - sh) )) is_at_end = do (ys,_) <- scrSize bs <- buf_size sh <- statusHeight fmap ((max (bs - (ys - sh)) 0) ==) $ readVal yor scroll_end = do (ys,_) <- scrSize bs <- buf_size sh <- statusHeight writeVal yor (max (bs - (ys - sh)) 0) doRedraw _ (xs,ys) = do bs <- buf_size sh <- statusHeight mapVal yor (min (max 0 (bs - (ys - sh)))) selected <- readVal selected_r ps <- getFilteredPuffs yo <- readVal yor isRot13 <- readVal rot13_r let rp _ [] = return () rp y (((i,p),n):rest) = do when ((0,ys) `overlaps` (y - yo, y - yo + n)) $ renderPuff p xs stdScr (y - yo) (xs,ys) (i == selected) (if isRot13 then rot13 else id) rp (y + n) rest attemptIO (rp 0 (reverse ps)) select_perhaps a = do ps <- getFilteredPuffs n <- readVal selected_r unless (maybe False (const True) $ lookup n (fsts ps)) a select_prev = do ps <- liftM fsts getFilteredPuffs let f sel ((n,_):_) | n < sel = n f sel (_:ps) = f sel ps f sel [] = sel mapVal selected_r (\s ->(f s ps)) select_next = do ps <- liftM fsts getFilteredPuffs let f sel _ ((n,_):ps) | n > sel = f sel n ps f sel bg ((n,_):ps) | n > sel = f sel bg ps f _ bg _ = bg mapVal selected_r (\s ->(f s s ps)) fw = widgetVerticalBox False [(ExpandFill, mwidget), (NoExpand, widgetAttr [AttrBold] sb), (NoExpand, fsw)] mwidget = widgetEmpty { render = rnd, processKey = pk} rnd canvas = doRedraw (origin canvas) (bounds canvas) continue = return True keyTable' = (map (\(a,b) -> (a, perform_action b)) keyTable) pk x = case lookup x keyTable' of Nothing -> case x of (KeyChar n) | n `elem` "123456789" -> setWorkspace n >> continue key -> keyError "Invalid key" key >> continue Just x -> x withEditing f = do lv <- readVal editing_r if lv then continue else writeVal editing_r True >> f perform_action x = case x of "reconnect_to_servers" -> reloadConfigFiles >> getGaleProxy >>= \gp -> galeSetProxys gc gp >> reconnectGaleContext gc >> continue "ask_quit" -> let pk x = case x of (KeyChar 'y') -> return False (KeyChar 'Y') -> return False _ -> setRenderWidget rc fw >> return True in setRenderWidget rc (stackedWidgets [keyCatcherWidget pk (dialog "Really quit (y/n)?"), fw]) >> return True "fast_quit" -> return False "next_line" -> scrollPuffs 1 >> continue "previous_line" -> scrollPuffs (-1) >> continue "forward_half_page" -> scrSize >>= \(ys,_) -> scrollPuffs (ys - 2 `div` 2) >> continue "backward_half_page" -> scrSize >>= \(ys,_) -> scrollPuffs (- (ys - 2 `div` 2)) >> continue "next_page" -> scrSize >>= \(ys,_) -> scrollPuffs (ys - 2) >> continue "previous_page" -> scrSize >>= \(ys,_) -> scrollPuffs (-ys - 2) >> continue "edit_config_file" -> do gc <- galeFile "ginsu.config" e <- getEditor --mySystem (e ++ " " ++ gc) myRawSystem e [gc] reloadConfigFiles --touchRenderContext rc return True "first_puff" -> writeVal selected_r 0 >> select_perhaps select_next >> writeVal yor 0 >> continue "last_puff" -> do ps <- readVal psr case ps of ((n,_):_) -> writeVal selected_r n >> select_perhaps select_prev >> scroll_end >> continue _ -> continue "next_puff" -> select_next >> center_puff >> continue "previous_puff" -> select_prev >> center_puff >> continue "pop_one_filter" -> modifyFilter (drop 1) >> continue "pop_all_filters" -> modifyFilter (const []) >> continue "invert_filter" -> modifyFilter (apHead f) >> continue where f (BoolNot x) = x f x = not x "swap_filters" -> modifyFilter f >> continue where f (x:y:r) = y:x:r f x = x "filter_current_thread" -> filter_thread >> continue "recall_combine_mark" -> markBox rc fw "Combine which filter mark?" fn where fn n = do (f,_) <- mark_get_value (gsMarks gs) n modifyFilter $ maybe id (++) f "recall_filter_mark" -> markBox rc fw "Recall which filter mark?" fn where fn n = do (f,_) <- mark_get_value (gsMarks gs) n modifyFilter $ maybe id const f "set_filter_mark" -> markBox rc fw "Set which mark?" fn where fn n = do fs <- readVal filter_r mark_set_filter (gsMarks gs) n fs "set_mark" -> markBox rc fw "Set which mark?" fn where fn n = do s <- readVal selected_r mark_set_pos (gsMarks gs) n s "recall_mark" -> markBox rc fw "Recall which mark?" fn where fn n = do (_,s) <- mark_get_value (gsMarks gs) n maybe (return ()) (writeVal selected_r) s select_perhaps select_next center_puff "filter_current_author" -> do p <- readVal selPuff case p of Nothing -> continue Just p -> case getSigner p of Just a -> do modifyFilter (BoolJust (FilterAuthor a):) continue Nothing -> setMessage "No signed puff to get author from" >> continue "prompt_new_filter" -> do (ys,_) <- scrSize v <- commandRead justGetKey stdScr (ys - 1) "Filter: " "" case v >>= parseFilter >>= \x -> return (modifyFilter (x:)) of Right a -> a Left "" -> return () Left err -> setMessage $ "Invalid filter:" <+> err continue "prompt_new_filter_slash" -> do (ys,_) <- scrSize v <- commandRead justGetKey stdScr (ys - 1) "Filter: " "/" case v >>= parseFilter >>= \x -> return (modifyFilter (x:)) of Right a -> a Left "" -> return () Left err -> setMessage $ "Invalid filter:" <+> err continue "prompt_new_filter_twiddle" -> do (ys,_) <- scrSize v <- commandRead justGetKey stdScr (ys - 1) "Filter: " "~" case v >>= parseFilter >>= \x -> return (modifyFilter (x:)) of Right a -> a Left "" -> return () Left err -> setMessage $ "Invalid filter:" <+> err continue "toggle_rot13" -> mapVal rot13_r not >> continue "show_puff_details" -> do p <- readVal selPuff case p of Nothing -> setMessage "No puff selected" >> continue Just p -> do pdw <- puffDetailsWidget p setRenderWidget rc (keyCatcherWidget (\_ -> setRenderWidget rc fw >> return True) pdw) >> continue "new_puff" -> withEditing $ composePuff (setRenderWidget rc fw)[] [] >> continue "modify_presence_string" -> do p <- readVal myPresence (ys,_) <- scrSize v <- commandRead justGetKey stdScr (ys - 1) "Presence: " p case v of Just v -> writeVal myPresence v >> setMessage ("Presence updated: " ++ v) Nothing -> setMessage "Presence unchanged" continue "reply_to_author" -> withEditing $ do p <- readVal selPuff case p of Nothing -> return () Just p -> do pkw <- fmap (concat . (map words)) $ configLookupList "PRESERVED_KEYWORDS" let kws = filter (`elem` (map packString pkw)) (getFragmentStrings p f_messageKeyword) composePuff(setRenderWidget rc fw) [catParseNew (getAuthor p)] kws continue "goto_match" -> do p <- readVal selPuff case p of Just p | Just b <- getFragmentString p f_messageBody -> let v = if null mw then continue else setRenderWidget rc (stackedWidgets [keyCatcherWidget pk (dialog tw), fw]) >> return True cs = ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] mw = zip cs $ matchWords matchTable (unpackPS b) tw = unlines (map (\(a,(_,b)) -> a :' ':b) mw) --pk x = do -- setRenderWidget rc fw -- return True pk x = case x of (KeyChar n) | Just (a,_) <- lookup n mw -> do --rawSystem a [] mySystem a return () key -> keyError "Unknown match" key >> do setRenderWidget rc fw return True in v _ -> continue "follow_up" -> withEditing $ do p <- readVal selPuff case p of Nothing -> setMessage "No puff selected" Just p -> do pkw <- fmap (concat . (map words)) $ configLookupList "PRESERVED_KEYWORDS" let kws = filter (`elem` (map packString pkw)) (getFragmentStrings p f_messageKeyword) composePuff (setRenderWidget rc fw) (cats p) kws continue "group_reply" -> withEditing $ do p <- readVal selPuff case p of Nothing -> setMessage "No puff selected" Just p -> do pkw <- fmap (concat . (map words)) $ configLookupList "PRESERVED_KEYWORDS" let kws = filter (`elem` (map packString pkw)) (getFragmentStrings p f_messageKeyword) composePuff (setRenderWidget rc fw) (nub $ catParseNew (getAuthor p):cats p) kws continue "resend_puff" -> withEditing $ do p <- readVal selPuff case p of Nothing -> setMessage "No puff selected" Just p -> do pcw <- puffConfirm gc (setRenderWidget rc fw) p ic setRenderWidget rc pcw continue "redraw_screen" -> attemptIO (touchWin stdScr) >> resizeRenderContext rc (return ()) >> continue "show_help_screen" -> setRenderWidget rc (keyCatcherWidget (\_ -> setRenderWidget rc fw >> return True) hw) >> continue "show_status_screen" -> setRenderWidget rc (keyCatcherWidget (\_ -> setRenderWidget rc fw >> return True) statusWidget) >> continue "show_presence_status" -> setRenderWidget rc (keyCatcherWidget (\_ -> setRenderWidget rc fw >> return True) presenceWidget) >> continue act -> setMessage ("Unknown action: " ++ act ++ " -- " ++ helpText) >> continue puffDetailsWidget p = do (_,xs) <- scrSize let pv = newSVarWidget presence_r (presenceViewUser (getAuthor p)) wr <- case fmap unpackPS (getFragmentString p (f_messageId)) of Nothing -> return "" Just mid -> Hash.lookup puffRRHash mid >>= \ml -> case ml of Nothing -> return "" Just ml -> return $ "\nReceieved by:\n" ++ unlines (snub ml) v <- widgetScroll (widgetVerticalBox False [(NoExpand,widgetText $ chunkText (xs - 1) ((showPuff p) ++ wr)), (NoExpand, widgetText "\n\n\n"), (NoExpand, pv)]) return v justGetKey = readChan ic >>= \v -> case v of (MainEventPuff p) -> addPuff p >> justGetKey (MainEventKey k) -> do getClockTime >>= writeVal userActionTime return $ keyCanon k _ -> writeChan icmain v >> justGetKey nextKey = do ce <- isEmptyChan ic when ce $ tryDrawRenderContext rc cemain <- isEmptyChan icmain v <- if cemain then readChan ic else readChan icmain case v of (MainEventPuff p) -> do v <- is_at_end addPuff p when v scroll_end s <- configLookupElse "ON_INCOMING_PUFF" "" mapM_ (processKey mwidget) (stringToKeys s) nextKey (MainEventKey KeyResize) -> nextKey (MainEventKey k) -> do getClockTime >>= writeVal userActionTime b <- keyRenderContext rc $ keyCanon k if b then nextKey else return () (MainEventComposed ep done) -> do case ep of Nothing -> setMessage "Puff cancelled" Just p -> do pcw <- puffConfirm gc done p ic setRenderWidget rc pcw writeVal editing_r False nextKey np <- configLookupBool "NO_PRESENCE_NOTIFY" done <- if np then return (return ()) else do gonePresencePuff >>= galeWillPuff gc ploopID <- forkIO presenceLoop return $ killThread ploopID forkIO $ let f n = waitJVar myPresence n >>= \n' -> sendPresence True >> f n' in f presence setRenderWidget rc fw nextKey done getMyNotifyCategory = do Category (n,d) <- fmap catParseNew getGaleId return $ Category (("_gale.notice." ++ n),d) -- makeURLRegex :: IO Regex -- makeURLRegex = regcomp "^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?" regExtended -- rendered puffs height puffHeight :: Puff -> Int -- ^ Width of screen in characters -> Int -- ^ height of puff when rendered puffHeight (Puff {fragments = frags}) mw = n + 2 where body' = maybe [] (lines . paragraphBreak mw . expandTabs ) $ fmap unpackPS (getFragmentString frags f_messageBody) n = length body' renderPuff :: Puff -> Int -- ^ width of screen in characters -> Window -- ^ where to draw puff -> Int -> (Int,Int) -> Bool -> (String -> String) -> IO () renderPuff p@(Puff {cats =cats, fragments = frags}) mw w y (_,ys) selected textFilter = doit where sender = maybe "" unpackPS $ getFragmentString p f_messageSender body' = maybe [] (lines . paragraphBreak mw . expandTabs . textFilter) $ fmap unpackPS (getFragmentString frags f_messageBody) Just time = getFragmentTime frags f_idTime `mplus` getFragmentTime frags (fromString "_ginsu.timestamp") kwds = getFragmentStrings p f_messageKeyword n = length body' addCat w (Category (x,y)) = withColorId w c $ Curses.withAttr w attrBold (waddstr w x) >> waddstr w ('@':y) where c = fromIntegral $ hashPS (packString (x ++ "@" ++ y)) doit = do let ac = fromIntegral $ hashPS $ packString (getAuthor p) when (y >= 0 && y < ys) $ do wmove w y 0 when selected $ standout >> return () sequence (intersperse (space w) $ map (addCat w) cats) when selected $ standend >> return () space w >> space w when selected $ standout >> return () waddstr w (unwords (map (('/':) . unpackPS) kwds)) Just fmt <- configLookup "PUFF_DATE_FORMAT" st <- fmap (formatCalendarTime defaultTimeLocale fmt) $ toCalendarTime time let lst = length st wAttrOn w attrBold withColorId w ac $ mvwaddstr w y (mw - length sender - lst - 1) sender wAttrOff w attrBold mvwaddstr w y (mw - lst) st when selected $ standend >> return () mapM_ (\(p,s) -> when (y + p < ys) (mvwaddstr stdScr (y + p) 0 s)) (zip [1..] $ body') --let bs = (if selected then "======" ++ [rTee] else replicate 6 hLine ++ [rTee]) let bs = (if selected then "======" ++ [rTee] else replicate 6 hLine ++ [rTee]) ++ getAuthor p ++ [lTee] ++ cycle (if selected then "=" else [hLine]) --let es = [lTee] ++ cycle (if selected then "=" else [hLine]) --when (y + 1 + n < ys) $ mvwaddstr w (y + 1 + n) 0 (take mw $ cycle $ if selected then "=" else "-") when selected $ wAttrOn w attrBold when (y + 1 + n < ys) $ do mvwaddstr w (y + 1 + n) 0 (take mw bs) --mvwaddstr w (y + 1 + n) 0 (bs) --withColorId w ac $ mvwaddstr w (y + 1 + n) (length bs) (getAuthor p) --mvwaddstr w (y + 1 + n) (length bs + length (getAuthor p)) (take mw es) when selected $ wAttrOff w attrBold return () ------------------ -- Curses routines ------------------ waddstr w s = tryIO (wAddStr w s) >> return () mvwaddstr w y x s = tryIO (mvWAddStr w y x s) >> return () wmove w y x = tryIO (wMove w y x) >> return () space w = waddstr w " " -------------- -- help screen -------------- helpWidget = do helpTable <- getHelpTable let w = widgetText helpTable s = "Help Screen" v = "* scroll with direction keys - any other key to return to main screen *" sw <- widgetScroll w return $ widgetVerticalBox False [(NoExpand,widgetAttr [AttrBold] (widgetText s)),(NoExpand,widgetText v),(ExpandFill, widgetSimpleFrame sw)] statusWidget = do let gs = do st <- Status.getStatus ls <- Status.getLog return $ concat ([st, "\n--- Log ---\n"] ++ ls) let w = dynamicWidget $ fmap widgetText gs s = "Status Screen" v = "* scroll with direction keys - any other key to return to main screen *" sw <- widgetScroll w return $ widgetVerticalBox False [(NoExpand,widgetAttr [AttrBold] (widgetText s)),(NoExpand,widgetText v),(ExpandFill, widgetSimpleFrame sw)] ------------------- -- Puff composition ------------------- withPrivateFiles action = do om <- Posix.setFileCreationMask (Posix.groupModes `Posix.unionFileModes` Posix.otherModes) v <- action Posix.setFileCreationMask om return v noBodyWords fl = [x |x@(n,_) <- fl, n /= f_messageBody, n /= f_messageKeyword] withNBRWorkaround f = do System.IO.stdin `seq` return () PosixIO.setFdOption 0 PosixIO.NonBlockingRead False f PosixIO.setFdOption 0 PosixIO.NonBlockingRead False mySystem s = do putLog LogInfo $ "system " ++ show s withNBRWorkaround $ withProgram $ System.Cmd.system s myRawSystem e s = do withNBRWorkaround $ withProgram $ System.Cmd.rawSystem e s editPuff :: Puff -> Chan MainEvent -> IO () -> IO () editPuff puff ic done = do e <- getEditor fn <- getTmpFile eob <- configLookupList "EDITOR_OPTION" eonew <- configLookupList "EDITOR_NEWPUFF_OPTION" let eo = if null (cats puff) then eonew else eob let it = ["To: " ++ simpleQuote (showDestination (cats puff) (map unpackPS $ getFragmentStrings puff f_messageKeyword)) , "--------"] let mb = case fmap unpackPS (getFragmentString puff f_messageBody) of Just mb -> mb Nothing -> "\n" withPrivateFiles $ writeRawFile fn (stringToBytes $ unlines it ++ mb) putLog LogInfo $ "system: " ++ (e ++ " " ++ unwords eo ++ " " ++ shellQuote [fn]) bgedit <- configLookupBool "BACKGROUND_EDIT" bgcmd <- if bgedit then configLookupList "BACKGROUND_COMMAND" else return [] let (cmd:args) = (concatMap words bgcmd) ++ [e] ++ (concatMap words eo) ++ [fn] let after = editPuffDone fn ic done it puff let handle = do st <- tryIO $ Posix.getAnyProcessStatus False False case st of Right (Just _) -> handle _ -> after if bgedit then do Posix.installHandler Posix.sigCHLD (Posix.CatchOnce handle) Nothing >> return () Posix.forkProcess (Posix.executeFile cmd True args Nothing) >> return () else do myRawSystem cmd args after editPuffDone :: String -> Chan MainEvent -> IO () -> [String] -> Puff -> IO () editPuffDone fn ic done it puff = do pn <- fmap (lines . bytesToString)$ readRawFile fn handle (\(_ :: IOException) -> return ()) (removeFile fn) ep <- if not (length pn > 1 && pn /= it) then return Nothing else do let (cs',kwds') = readDestination (drop 4 (head pn)) ncats <- expandAliases (cs') tw <- configLookupBool "TRIM_BLANKLINES" body <- return $ if not tw then (unlines $ (drop 2 pn)) else trimBlankLines (unlines $ (drop 2 pn)) return $ if body == "" then Nothing else Just puff { cats = ncats, fragments = noBodyWords (fragments puff) ++ [(f_messageBody,FragmentText (packString body))] ++ [ (f_messageKeyword,FragmentText (packString k)) | k <- kwds']} writeChan ic $ MainEventComposed ep done showDestination cs kwds = (map catShowNew cs ++ map ('/':) kwds) readDestination :: String -> ([Category],[String]) readDestination s = splitEither (map pi (simpleUnquote s)) where pi ('/':s) = Right s pi x = Left (catParseNew x) -------------------- -- Puff confirmation -------------------- anonymousFragments = map (liftT2 (fromString,\x -> FragmentText (packString x))) [("id/class", "anonymous"), ("id/instance", "anonymous"), ("message/sender", "Anonymous")] minusFrag fl s = [x |x@(n,_) <- fl, n /= s] prettyPuff puff = unlines xs ++ body where to = ["To: " ++ simpleQuote (showDestination (cats puff) (map unpackPS $ getFragmentStrings puff f_messageKeyword)) ] from = ["From: " ++ unpackPS t| (n,FragmentText t) <- fragments puff, n == f_messageSender] body = case [ unpackPS t | (n,FragmentText t) <- fragments puff, n == f_messageBody] of (t:_) -> t [] -> "" rr = if hasFragment puff (f_questionReceipt) then ["Return receipt: Yes"] else [] xs = to ++ from ++ rr ++ ["-------"] puffConfirm :: GaleContext -> IO () -> Puff -> Chan MainEvent -> IO Widget puffConfirm gc done puff ic = do (_,xs) <- scrSize gid <- getGaleId ncats <- expandAliases (cats puff) puff <- return $ puff {cats = ncats} psv <- newMVar puff let Category (n,d) = catParseNew gid let rr_cat = case getFragmentString puff (f_messageId) of Just mid -> "_gale.rr." ++ n ++ "." ++ unpackPS mid ++ "@" ++ d Nothing -> gid gs <- fmap (concat . map words) $ configLookupList "GALE_SUBSCRIBE" when (not (or [c `subCategory` catParseNew g | c <- cats puff, g <- gs] ) || packString "ping" `elem` getFragmentStrings puff f_messageKeyword) $ writeVal psv (puff {fragments = (f_questionReceipt, FragmentText (packString rr_cat)) : fragments puff}) sbsv <- newMVar "" psvs <- newMVar (prettyPuff, showPuff) csv <- combineVal psv psvs let pw = newSVarWidget csv (\(p,(f,_)) -> dynamicWidget (verifyDestinations gc (cats p) >>= \text -> return $ widgetText $ text ++ "--\n" ++ (chunkText (xs - 4) (f p)))) let w = (widgetCenter $ widgetText "Send puff?") h = (widgetCenter $ widgetText (paragraph xs $ "y:send q:cancel e:edit r:returnReceipt h:allHeaders A:anonymize :rot13" )) pk (KeyChar 'q') = done >> return True pk (KeyChar 'n') = done >> return True pk (KeyChar 'r') = do p <- readVal psv if hasFragment p (f_questionReceipt) then writeVal psv (p {fragments = [x | x@(n,_) <- fragments p , n /= f_questionReceipt]}) else writeVal psv (p {fragments = (f_questionReceipt, FragmentText (packString rr_cat)) : fragments p}) return True pk (KeyChar 'h') = do mapVal psvs (\(x,y) -> (y,x)) return True pk (KeyChar 'A') = do p <- readVal psv if hasFragment p (f_messageId) then do writeVal psv (p {signature = [], fragments = anonymousFragments `mergeFrags` (fragments p `minusFrag` f_messageId)}) else do pt <- puffTemplate writeVal psv (p {signature = signature pt, fragments = (fragments pt `minusFrag` f_idTime) `mergeFrags` fragments p}) return True pk (KeyChar 'y') = do puff <- readVal psv galeSendPuff gc puff done return True pk (KeyChar 'e') = do puff <- readVal psv done editPuff puff ic done return True pk (KeyChar '\x0F') = do p <- readVal psv case fmap unpackPS (getFragmentString p f_messageBody) of Just mb -> writeVal psv (p {fragments = [(f_messageBody, FragmentText(packString $ rot13 mb))] `mergeFrags` (fragments p `minusFrag` f_messageBody)}) Nothing -> return () return True pk key = do writeVal sbsv $ "Invalid keystroke: " ++ keysToString [key] return True pb <- widgetScroll $ pw return $ keyCatcherWidget pk $ widgetVerticalBox False [(NoExpand, w), (NoExpand, widgetAttr [AttrBold] h), (ExpandFill, widgetSimpleFrame pb),(NoExpand, simpleStatusBarWidget sbsv)] simpleStatusBarWidget svm = widgetAttr [AttrBold] $ newSVarWidget svm widgetText commandRead :: Monad m => IO Curses.Key -> Window -> Int -> String -> String -> IO (m String) commandRead ic win yloc prompt init = withCursor CursorVisible $ cr (length init) (reverse init) where l n v = min (max n 0) (length v) cr cloc v = pc cloc v >> ic >>= \x -> case x of (KeyChar '\n') -> return $ return (reverse v) (KeyChar '\r') -> return $ return (reverse v) (KeyEnter) -> return $ return (reverse v) (KeyChar '\b') -> let z = (let (a,b) = splitAt (length v - cloc) v in a ++ drop 1 b) in cr (l (cloc - 1) z) z (KeyBackspace) -> let z = (let (a,b) = splitAt (length v - cloc) v in a ++ drop 1 b) in cr (l (cloc - 1) z) z (KeyHome) -> cr 0 v (KeyEnd) -> cr (length v) v (KeyLeft) -> cr (l (cloc - 1) v) v (KeyRight) -> cr (l (cloc + 1) v) v (KeyChar '\x0B') -> cr cloc (drop (length v - cloc) v) (KeyChar '\BEL') -> return (fail "") (KeyChar c) -> cr (cloc + 1) (let (a,b) = splitAt (length v - cloc) v in a ++ [c] ++ b) _ -> return (fail "unknown key") pc cloc v = do wmove win yloc 0 wClrToEol win wAttrOn win attrBold waddstr win prompt wAttrOff win attrBold waddstr win (reverse v) wmove win yloc (cloc + length prompt) refresh