{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-} module Filter( Filter, BasicFilter(..), parseFilter, showFilter, filterAp ) where import Atom import Boolean.Algebra import Boolean.Boolean import Data.Char import PackedString import Prelude hiding((&&),(||),not,and,or,any,all) import Gale.Puff import Regex import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec ------------------------ -- Filter implementation ------------------------ type Filter = Boolean BasicFilter data BasicFilter = FilterAuthor String | FilterCategory Category | FilterRegex Atom Rx | FilterSearchAll Rx | FilterFlag Atom | FilterMark {-# UNPACK #-} !Char | FilterAlias Atom parseFlag :: Parser BasicFilter parseFlag = do char '?' n <- many1 (satisfy isAlpha) spaces return $ FilterFlag (toAtom n) parseTrue = try $ do FilterFlag n <- parseFlag if n == toAtom "true" then return () else fail "true" parseFalse = try $ do FilterFlag n <- parseFlag if n == toAtom "false" then return () else fail "false" parseBasic = parseMark <|> parseFlag <|> parseSlash <|> parseTwiddle <|> parseAlias where parseSlash = do char '/' s <- string spaces s <- compileRx s return $ FilterSearchAll s parseTwiddle = do char '~' f <- satisfy isAlpha option ':' (char ':') s <- string spaces z f s parseMark = do char '"' c <- satisfy isAlphaNum spaces return $ FilterMark c z 'a' s = return $ FilterAuthor s z 'c' s = return $ FilterCategory (catParseNew s) z 't' s = return $ FilterCategory (catParseNew s) -- TODO z 's' s = compileRx s >>= return . FilterRegex f_messageSender z 'k' s = compileRx s >>= return . FilterRegex f_messageKeyword z 'b' s = compileRx s >>= return . (FilterRegex f_messageBody) z x _ = fail $ "unknown filter type: ~" ++ [x] parseAlias = do n <- many1 (satisfy isAlphaNum) return $ FilterAlias (toAtom n) string = qstring <|> many1 (noneOf " \t\n':;|") qstring = between (char '\'') (char '\'') $ many ((char '\'' >> char '\'' >> return '\'') <|> noneOf "'") parseFilter :: String -> Either String Filter parseFilter s = case parse (between spaces eof pb) "" s of Left e -> Left (show e) Right x -> return x where pb = parseBoolean' spaces parseTrue parseFalse parseBasic {- parseFilter :: Monad m => String -> m Filter parseFilter = parser (between spaces eof rmp) where rmp = do fa <- mp r <- rmp' case r of [] -> return fa _ -> return $ FilterOr (fa:r) rmp' = (do char ';' spaces v <- mp r <- rmp' return (v:r)) <|> return [] mp = many1 fp >>= \v -> case v of [x] -> return x xs -> return $ FilterAnd xs fp = nf <|> flt <|> pr <|> bool <|> do s <- (token string); liftM (FilterRegex f_messageBody) (compileRx s) pr = do char '(' spaces v <- rmp char ')' spaces return v nf = char '!' >> liftM FilterNot fp string = qstring <|> many1 (noneOf " \t\n~'!();%") qstring = between (char '\'') (char '\'') $ many ((char '\'' >> char '\'' >> return '\'') <|> noneOf "'") bool = do char '%' c <- sat isAlpha spaces return $ b c flt = do char '~' c <- sat isAlpha option ':' (char ':') s <- string spaces z c s z 'a' s = return $ FilterAuthor s z 'c' s = return $ FilterCategory (catParseNew s) z 't' s = return $ FilterCategory (catParseNew s) -- TODO z 's' s = compileRx s >>= return . FilterRegex f_messageSender z 'k' s = compileRx s >>= return . FilterRegex f_messageKeyword z _ s = compileRx s >>= return . (FilterRegex f_messageBody) b 'p' = FilterPrivate b 'P' = FilterNot FilterPrivate b _ = FilterTrue -} showFilter f = showBoolean showBasicFilter f showBasicFilter :: BasicFilter -> String showBasicFilter (FilterAuthor a) = "~a:" ++ a showBasicFilter (FilterCategory c) = "~c:" ++ catShowNew c showBasicFilter (FilterRegex fn s) | fn == f_messageKeyword = "~k:" ++ show s | fn == f_messageSender = "~s:" ++ show s | fn == f_messageBody = "~b:" ++ show s | otherwise = "~UNKNOWN" showBasicFilter (FilterSearchAll s) = "/" ++ show s showBasicFilter (FilterFlag s) = "?" ++ fromAtom s showBasicFilter (FilterAlias x) = fromAtom x showBasicFilter (FilterMark m) = '"':m:"" --showBasicFilter (FilterAny fn r) = "~A:" ++ toString fn ++ ":" ++ show r --showBasicFilter (FilterRegex fn r) = "~R:" ++ toString fn ++ ":" ++ show r --showBasicFilter (FilterNot f) = "!" ++ showFilter f --showBasicFilter (FilterAnd fs) = concat (intersperse " " (map showFilter fs)) --showBasicFilter (FilterOr fs) = "(" ++ (concat $ intersperse " ; " (map showFilter fs)) ++ ")" --showBasicFilter FilterPrivate = "%p" --showBasicFilter (FilterNot FilterPrivate) = "%P" --showBasicFilter FilterTrue = "%t" --showBasicFilter (FilterNot FilterTrue) = "%f" {- applyFilterStack :: [Filter] -> [(Int, Puff)] -> [(Int, Puff)] applyFilterStack fs = concatMap f where f a@(_,p) | all (flip (evaluate filterAp) p) fs = [a] f _ = [] -} siglookup c (Unverifyable (Key n _):_) | c == n = True siglookup c (Signed (Key n _):_) | c == n = True siglookup c (_:xs) = siglookup c xs siglookup _ [] = False isSigned Signed {} = True isSigned Unverifyable {} = True isSigned _ = False isEncrypted Encrypted {} = True isEncrypted _ = False {- data FilterEnv = FilterEnv { feMarkLookup :: Char -> Filter, feAliasLookup :: Atom -> Filter, feIsPrivate :: Category -> Bool, feIsPublic :: Category -> Bool } -} data FilterEnv filterAp :: Filter -> Puff -> Bool filterAp f p = evaluate (filterAp' undefined p) f filterAp' :: FilterEnv -> Puff -> BasicFilter -> Bool filterAp' _ p (FilterAuthor c) = siglookup c (signature p) filterAp' _ p (FilterCategory c) = any (`subCategory` c) (cats p) filterAp' _ p (FilterRegex fn re) = any (matchRx re) (getFragmentStrings p fn) filterAp' _ p (FilterSearchAll re) = any (matchRx re) (concatMap (getFragmentForceStrings p) [f_messageBody, f_messageKeyword, f_messageSender, f_idTime] ++ cs ++ a) where cs = map (packString . catShowNew) (cats p) a = [packString $ getAuthor p] filterAp' _ p (FilterFlag f) | f == toAtom "signed" = any isSigned (signature p) | f == toAtom "encrypted" = any isEncrypted (signature p) | f == toAtom "true" = true | f == toAtom "false" = false | otherwise = false filterAp' _ _ (FilterMark _) = False filterAp' _ _ (FilterAlias _) = False --filterAp (FilterAnd fs) p = all (`filterAp` p) fs --filterAp (FilterOr fs) p = any (`filterAp` p) fs --filterAp (FilterAny fn re) p = any (matchRx re) (getFragmentForceStrings p fn) --filterAp (FilterNot f) p = not $ filterAp f p --filterAp FilterTrue _ = True --filterAp FilterPrivate _ = False --showFilter _ = ""